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The δ18O data obtained from an 18.7 m ice core drilled in Chongce Ice Cap at an elevation of 6,530 m a.s.l. in the West Kunlun Mountains on the northern Tibetan Plateau show a strong correlation with the summer temperature of the middle to upper troposphere over the mid-high latitudes of Eurasia. Based on this, the δ18O record can be used as a proxy of the June–September mean temperature of the mid-upper troposphere (MUT) from 1903 to 1992. The time span of the ice core record is much longer than the meteorological data available only after 1948. Using the empirical mode decomposition method (EMD), the δ18O record is decomposed into various frequency components and compared with the solar irradiance variations of the same period. The results show that (1) The June–September mean temperature of the MUT over Eurasian mid-high latitudes is completely decomposed into four IMF (intrinsic mode function) components and an increasing trend. (2) Solar irradiance is decomposed into the Schwabe cycle, the Hale cycle, the Gleissberg cycle, and an increasing trend. (3) The correlation coefficients between the June and September mean temperatures of the MUT over Eurasian mid-high latitudes and solar irradiance on the longer timescales (at least more than 11-year) show the significant correlations; their phase changes are basically identical in general, and (4) the 11-year Schwabe cycle exists in the June–September mean temperature of the MUT over Eurasian mid-high latitudes during most of the time from 1903 to 1992, and only in the two high-temperature phases (1929–1944 and from 1975 to the present) may global warming disturb this relation. A full understanding of this phenomenon would shed insight into the potential consequence of global warming on the MUT.  相似文献   
内蒙古白音宝力道花岗斑岩位于内蒙古苏尼特左旗南部苏尼特左旗-贺根山缝合带北侧,为白音宝力道金矿的成矿主岩。其单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄为(439.8±4.3)Ma(MSWD=0.001),表明白音宝力道金矿花岗斑岩及金矿形成于早古生代中期。  相似文献   
在搜集广阔渠截潜引水工程研究区地下水资源勘察和评价成果的基础上,经现场调研后,采用三维数值模拟对该区枯水期浸没灾害做了预测,并据此采用类比法对汛期浸没灾害做了初步评价,研究了不同季节和不同截渗墙长度的相应浸没范围大小和受灾对象,提出了减少浸没灾害和增大自流引水流量措施的建议,不仅对该工程截潜方案设计具有重要指导意义,而且对其他冲积平原区截潜工程方案设计也有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   
本文利用美国NCEP/NCAR逐月的再分析资料、HadISST海温、中国160台站气温和反映渤海冰情轻重的渤海冰情等级资料,研究了前秋巴伦支海海温异常对后期渤海冰情和东亚冬季风的影响,并对相关的物理过程进行分析。结果表明,前秋巴伦支海关键区海温与该区域海冰密集度呈显著的负相关,且具有较好的持续性,通过调节随后冬季向大气释放的热通量,引起后期环流变化。偏高(偏低)年冬季亚洲纬向环流偏弱(偏强),东亚大槽加深(减弱),东亚冬季风加强(减弱),我国东北、华北及西北地区地区显著偏冷(偏暖),这与冬季渤海海冰异常的强度和范围都偏大(小)及与之相联系的环流异常相一致。进一步的分析揭示了联系上游关键区海温变化与后期东亚地区气候异常的重要途径,前秋巴伦支海海温偏高会导致200 hPa高度场形成一个自西向东的波列形式,在东亚局地Hadley环流异常的作用下,加强了我国北方地区地表的北风异常。因此,前秋巴伦支海海温异常可以作为冬季渤海冰情的预报因子。  相似文献   
Simulation of the ocean surface mixed layer under the wave breaking   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
A one-dimensional mixed-layer model, including a Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme, was implemented to investigate the dynamical and thermal structures of the ocean surface mixed layer in the northern South China Sea. The turbulent kinetic energy released through wave breaking was incorporated into the model as a source of energy at the ocean surface, and the influence of the breaking waves on the mixed layer was studied. The numerical simulations show that the simulated SST is overestimated in summer without the breaking waves. However, the cooler SST is simulated when the effect of the breaking waves is considered, the corresponding discrepancy with the observed data decreases up to 20% and the MLD calculated averagely deepens 3.8 m. Owing to the wave-enhanced turbulence mixing in the summertime, the stratification at the bottom of the mixed layer was modified and the temperature gradient spread throughout the whole thermocline compared with the concentrated distribution without wave breaking.  相似文献   
测定了2株球形棕囊藻Phaeocystis globosa P1、P2的psbA基因序列。发现得到的2个序列完全相同。以P2序列对比分析了P.globosa和P.antarctica的psbA基因在DNA序列、氮基酸序列和RNA二级结构上的差异性,发现2种棕囊藻psbA基因DNA序列和氨基酸序列非常保守,无插入/缺失,其核苷酸和氨基酸变异率分别为1.88%和1.13%。与核基因核苷酸的碱基替换不同,psbA基因核苷酸的碱基替换主要发生在密码子的第1位上。且不引起氨基酸的变化,引起氨基酸变化的碱基替换都发生在密码子的第2位和第3位上。在RNA二级结构上两序列的1~4茎环结构完全相同,表现出明显的棕囊藻属的特异性,其它结构区域差异较大。种间差异表现明显。由于psbA基因DNA序列和氨基酸序列非常保守,可能不适宜棕囊藻属的系统发育分析。但其RNA二级结构可能对于棕囊藻的分子分类有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
阵形估算是水听器阵列应用中的关键问题,基于时延的水下声基阵大地坐标标定方法利用声源发射和声阵接收的CW脉冲之间的时延获得空间中的三个声源发射点到阵元的距离,并以这三个声源发射点为圆心,以声源发射点到阵元的距离为半径做球面,得到的交点即为阵元的大地坐标.通过实验数据分析结果可以得出如下结论:基于时延的球面交汇法得到的阵形标定结果的绝对误差均值为0.13 m,可以把该方法运用于实际的工程测量当中.  相似文献   
山东夏季气温年际变化形成的气候特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为研究本地区短期气候预测方法,利用山东80个代表站夏季平均气温、降水量资料和NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料(1961~2001年),分析了夏季平均气温年际变化的气候特征、冷暖夏的环流形势及夏季风与气温的关系。结果表明:EOF第一模态几乎反映了整个温度场的时空变化特征;夏季气温标准化距平年际变化显著,有弱线性增温趋势;极端冷、暖夏大气环流形势差异明显,显著差异区在亚欧一北太平洋地区,冷夏年中高纬度欧亚大陆存在正欧亚一太平洋(EUP)型遥相关,东亚地区有负太平洋-日本(PJ)型波列,暖夏年反之。东亚夏季风强弱与山东夏季气温关系密切,强(弱)夏季风时,易造成山东暖(冷)夏;同期降水对气温有负反馈,对气温升高有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   
为了满足定量解释的需要,地震资料处理必须是高分辨率、振幅保持和相位控制的.面向海洋地震资料的相位控制处理技术包括利用远场信号进行确定性零相位化、Q补偿、预测反褶积及剩余相位校正等.利用模拟远场信号求取确定性去气泡及零相位化算子.此文基于相位控制处理,讨论了海洋地震资料的相位和极性判别方法,探讨了大于24 ms算子长度的预测反褶积对于保持信号形状的必要性,介绍了东海三维地震资料相位控制流程.  相似文献   
以国家"973"项目资料和历史资料为基础,研究了黄海南部水域渔业海洋学特征、蓝点马鲛洄游行为及与渔场形成、渔期更迭关系.侧重分析2006和2007年春季水温年际变化对蓝点马鲛渔场、渔期分布的影响.结果表明,相对于2006年冷春,2007年黄海南部水域升温较早,渔汛盛期出现于4月25日,较2006年的5月1日左右明显提前,10℃等温线分布是早春南黄海蓝点马鲛鱼群分布与形成渔场的重要因子,而密集中心渔场往往出现于5月初;文中还讨论了南黄海大沙和吕泗渔场的性质特征,以期为蓝点马鲛渔情预报提供基础资料.  相似文献   
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