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中山站-Dome A断面考察是国际横穿南极科学考察计划(ITASE)的核心考察路线之一,具有重要的科学意义,在国内外产生了广泛影响。中国第31次南极科学考察内陆冰盖考察期间,采集了中山站-Dome A断面上约10 km间隔的表层雪样品,通过离子色谱实验分析,得出了断面上含硫化合物(SO_4~(2-)与MSA)的含量。在整个断面上,nssSO_4~(2-)和MSA含量表现出微弱的递减变化趋势,呈现出区域性变化趋势。在内陆高原区域(Dome A区域),nssSO_4~(2-)与MSA存在较好的线性关系([MSA]=0.1158×[nssSO_4~(2-)]–1.1497,r~2=0.75)。MSA/nssSO_4~(2-)比值在断面上的变化范围为0.04—0.47,均值为0.14,比值表现为沿海区域高于内陆区域,与低温条件下MSA/nssSO_4~(2-)比值大相矛盾,原因是由于源区的不同或风场而造成的。通过对断面上含硫化合物的研究,为进一步利用冰芯SO_4~(2-)与MSA记录研究过去气候环境提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
川西微晶白云母的X射线粉晶衍射分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
邓苗  汪灵  林金辉 《矿物学报》2006,26(2):131-136
川西微晶白云母是一种新型的非金属矿物资源,采用X射线粉晶衍射分析对川西微晶白云母的进行了深入研究,发现该矿床存在白云母-多硅白云母矿物组合。该矿物组合中的微晶白云母和多硅白云母结晶度高,多型为2M1,其含量分别为80%和20%左右;二者都属二八面体型白云母类矿物,但d060和b值偏大,微晶白云母的d060=0.1502 nm,b=0.9012 nm,多硅白云母的d060=0.1505 nm,b=0.9030 nm;微晶白云母矿铝含量较低、铁镁含量较高,其原因是白云母晶体铝氧八面体中的Al离子被Fe、Mg等离子所取代,这一矿物组合是通过矿物类质同象作用所形成一种多硅白云母系列矿物。  相似文献   
利用青藏铁路沿线常规气象观测站自建站至2002年月平均地面气温和地表温度,通过插补建立了1960-2002年青藏铁路沿线各站各季及年平均温度资料完整的序列。分析表明,青藏铁路沿线温度近40年来的变化是明显的,升温最显著的是冬季、秋季,升温率分别达到0.41℃/10a和0.40℃/10a,春季升温率只有0.23℃/10a。年平均气温和地温的升温率分别为0.33℃/10a和0.37℃/10a,地温的升高比气温要快。升温率与海拔高度呈负相关,其相关系数为-0.807。升温率随海拔高度的升高而减小。盆地升温率比高山大。铁路沿线地温与气温变化间的相关系数达0.767。在相对冷期,气温的波动幅度大于地温;在相对暖期,地温的升高明显比气温快。  相似文献   
中国沿岸有居民海岛受台风影响极大,综合考虑台风对有居民海岛的各方面影响因素,基于自然灾害风险理论从致灾因素、承灾体脆弱性和防灾减灾能力3个方面选取29个指标,建立有居民海岛台风灾害评估指标体系框架,采用层次分析法确定各个指标的权重,并分析指标体系的特点和应用。通过指标权重的排序明确了影响有居民海岛台风灾害的关键因子,为有居民海岛台风灾害防御奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
2001年以前西藏冈底斯斑岩铜钼多金属成矿带未列入国家重要成矿区带,而随后的成矿、找矿理论认识和方法创新,致使该带找矿取得历史性重大突破,新发现与评价了驱龙、甲玛、朱诺、雄村、努日、冲江、邦浦、蒙亚啊、洞中松多、查个勒等一系列大型-超大型矿床,仅探明的铜资源量就超过5 600万吨,形成了我国规模最大的世界级铜多金属勘查开发基地;新发现的矿床主要分布在南部拉萨地体及弧背断隆带,空间上的分布表现出东西成带、北东成行、交汇成矿、近等间距分布的规律性;同位素资料展示5期斑岩成矿作用(213 Ma、173~165 Ma、~45 Ma、~30 Ma、17~13 Ma)、5期矽卡岩成矿作用(~112 Ma、~77 Ma、67~55 Ma、~41~37 Ma、~23~16 Ma)及2期浅成低温热液成矿作用(~126 Ma、~65~55 Ma);伴随着新特提斯洋的形成、俯冲、消减及印-亚陆陆碰撞,冈底斯带经历了增生造山、碰撞造山、陆内造山及均衡造山四大造山作用过程,揭示了含矿岩浆来源于不同时期俯冲的玄武质洋壳——以幔源物质为主、或以古老地壳为主、或以新生下地壳为主的部分熔融,形成了与不同造山作用相关的斑...  相似文献   
海洋表面温度SST(Sea Surface Temperature)是全球海洋和气候研究的重要参数之一,卫星被动微波遥感由于能够实现全天候观测而被越来越多的应用到SST研究中。中国的风云三号(FY 3)卫星搭载的微波成像仪(MWRI)缺少对SST更加敏感的7 GHz附近垂直极化通道,本研究将FY 3 MWRI与具有6.9 GHz通道的Aqua AMSR 2进行时空匹配,采用神经网络方法,利用匹配的FY 3 MWRI的通道亮温模拟仿真AMSR 2的69 GHz垂直极化通道亮温(6.9V),通过引入仿真的6.9V来提高FY 3 MWRI SST的反演精度。结果表明:引入仿真的6.9V可以改进FY 3 MWRI SST反演精度,对35°~90°S之间海域的SST改进更加显著,主要由于6.9V对低SST的探测灵敏度更高且在低SST反演时受风速的影响较小导致的。如果FY3后续卫星可以搭载6.9 GHz通道,将可进一步提升低SST特别是两极SST的反演精度。  相似文献   
A three-dimensional isopycnic-coordinate ocean model for the study of internal tides is presented. In this model, the ocean interior is viewed as a stack of isopycnic layers, each characterized by a constant density. The isopycnic coordinate performs well at tracking the depth variance of the thermocline, and is suitable for simulation of internal tides. This model consists of external and internal modes, and barotropic and baroclinic motions are calculated in the two modes, respectively. The capability of simulating internal tides was verified by comparing model results with an analytical solution. The model was then applied to the simulation of internal tides in the South China Sea (SCS) with the forcing of M2 and K1 tidal constituents. The results show that internal tides in the SCS are mainly generated in the Luzon Strait. The generated M2 internal tides propagate away in three different directions (branches). The branch with the widest tidal beam propagates eastward into the Pacific Ocean, the most energetic branch propagates westward toward Dongsha Island, and the least energetic branch propagates southwestward into the basin of the SCS. The generated K1 internal tides propagate in two different directions (branches). One branch propagates eastward into the Pacific Ocean, and the other branch propagates southwestward into the SCS basin. The steepening process of internal tides due to shoaling effects is described briefly. Meridionally integrated westward energy fluxes into the SCS are comparable to the meridionally integrated eastward energy fluxes into the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   
Massive geological landslides and unstable landslide areas were triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. These landslides caused deaths, damaged infrastructure and threatened endanger species. This study analyzed the impact of landslides on giant pandas and their habitats from the following aspects: threatening pandas‘ lives, damaging pandas‘ habitat, influencing giant panda behavior, increasing habitat fragmentation; the final aspect, and blocking gene flow by cutting off corridors. A habitat suitability map was created by integrating the landslide factors with other traditional factors based on a logistics regression method. According to the landslide inventory map, there are 1313 landslides, 818 rock debris flows, 117 rock avalanches and 43 mud flows occurred in the study area. A correlation analysis indicated that landslides caused the pandas to migrate, and the core landslides within 1 km2 had greater influence on panda migration. These core landslides primarily occurred in mid-altitude regionscharacterized by high slopes, old geological ages, large areas and large rock mass volumes. The habitat suitability assessment results for the Wolong Natural Reserve had better prediction performance(80.9%) and demonstrated that 14.5%, 15.9%, 20.5%, 47.6% and 1.5% of the study area can be classified as very high, high, moderate, low and very low giant panda suitability areas, respectively. This study can be used to inform panda and panda habitat research, management and protection during post-quake reconstruction and recovery periods in China.  相似文献   
以温州地区1991~2001年90个观测站的月平均降雨为例,在GIS支持下,对样条函数法、克立格内插法及距离平方反比法这3种插值方法进行了对比研究;并在90个观测站中筛选出最少量的、能达到稳定结果的站点数;还考虑了插值的空间分辨率对结果的影响。对上述3点进行大量的计算、统计分析的结果表明:①在选择距离平方反比法及样条函数法对月平均降雨量插值效果均较好;②利用这两种插值方法对不同站点密度选取不同空间分辨率插值后得出,选取50站误差趋于稳定,利用距离平方反比法插值结果误差较小,而空间分辨率对结果几乎没有影响。利用距离平方反比法,选择50个站得到了温州地区1km×1km面雨量空间扩展结果,为水文预报工作提供一种较精确的面雨量估算和输入方法。  相似文献   
Thick conglomerate and sandstone lithofacies of Yingcheng Formation in Changling Sag are tight gas reservoirs. The formation contains a fair amount of volcanic clasts and accumulated in a deltaic system that spans from delta plain to prodelta depositional setting. High-quality reservoirs are only a small fraction of these thick siliciclastic rocks. Petrographic analysis has been used to assess diagenetic processes, paragenetic sequence, and their effects on the reservoir qualities. The major loss of primary porosity is due to compaction along with grain-coating, pore-filling clay, and quartz cements. Alteration of volcanic rock fragments supplied alkali cations which favored formation of chlorite, smectite, and zeolite cements. The thickness of the chlorite coating decreases from the delta plain to the distal part of the delta front. On the contrary, the content of the zeolite cement increases toward the distal part of the delta front. Quartz and feldspar cements were ubiquitous due to high SiO2 concentration and alkali cations. Early dissolution of volcanic rock fragments and feldspars by freshwater increased porosity but did not contribute much to the permeability because pore-throats are predominantly occluded with clay and pseudomatrix. Late-stage dissolution of the zeolite cement was caused by organic acid expelled from maturation of organic matter. Although the reservoirs with chlorite coatings have moderate porosity, the permeability in situ is very low and pore-throat sizes are small. The high-quality reservoirs are medium- to fine-grained zeolite-dissolved sandstones developed in the distal part of the delta front and shallow lacustrine.  相似文献   
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