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京津高铁是中国第一条高速运行的城际铁路,其安全运行对轨道的平顺性有着严格的要求。地面沉降,尤其是不均匀地面沉降会引起部分路基和桥梁变形,威胁着高速铁路的运营安全。合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术可以大范围监测地表形变,对高速铁路沿线地面沉降具有较好的监测能力。本文以45景高分辨率TerraSAR-X 数据为基础,采用 PS-InSAR技术监测京津高铁北京段沿线地面沉降,获取京津高铁北京段沿线地面沉降的分布信息,从动静载荷视角结合北京地区地下水、断裂带、地质条件和含水层系统介质等数据,综合分析高铁沿线不均匀地面沉降的原因,为京津高铁的安全运营提供技术支撑。研究结果表明:京津高铁北京段沿线地面沉降发展在空间上存在一定差异性,北京南站至十里河区间,年沉降速率小于10 mm/a; 至十八里店区间,年沉降速率在10~40 mm/a范围内浮动;过亦庄站至东石村以东区间,最大年沉降速率达到90 mm/a;至永隆村以西,年沉降有所缓解,往东至坨堤村,沉降较为稳定,年沉降速率小于10 mm/a。地下水超采是沿线区域地面沉降的主要因素,动静载荷共同作用下对地面沉降产生一定的影响,沿线地面沉降一定程度上受到南苑—通县断裂带和旧宫断裂带构造控制,沉降量较大的路段位于粘土层较厚的大兴迭隆起。  相似文献   
实现区域旅游经济与生态环境协调发展是旅游业发展的重要目标,也是实现沙漠旅游主导型省区旅游产业可持续发展的关键.构建沙漠旅游主导型省区旅游经济与生态环境耦合协调评价指标体系,综合运用耦合协调度模型、剪刀差模型以及ArcGIS空间可视化表达方法对2009-2018年宁夏旅游经济与生态环境耦合协调过程与格局进行了分析研究.结...  相似文献   
作为外向型经济体系重要组成部分的入境旅游,其发展水平表征区域经济外向竞争力。浙江省入境旅游发展态势较好,但地域差异显著。运用区域差异相关测度方法研究2000—2012年浙江省11个地市入境旅游发展地带内、地带间差异与总差异演变,并尝试用波士顿矩阵测度入境旅游竞争态势。结果表明:1浙江省入境旅游相对差异不断缩小,绝对差异不断扩大;2伴随浙东北内部差异的不断减小,浙西南逐渐成为浙江省入境旅游总差异的主要贡献者;3浙江省入境旅游空间格局呈"双核模式"向"多核模式"演变;4浙江省市际入境旅游竞争力明星类、金牛类较少,入境旅游发展整体水平亟待区域优化。  相似文献   
中国电子信息产业创新网络与创新绩效研究   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
采用国家知识产权局1985~2013年中国电子信息产业联合申请发明专利信息数据,借助Ucinet、ArcGIS、Stata等分析工具,对中国电子信息产业创新网络特征、结构、演化、绩效进行了分析。研究发现:知名高校和大型企业是中国电子信息产业创新网络重要的科学知识源和技术知识源,也是创新合作优先连接主体,与美国跨国公司、西欧中小企业是创新网络科技知识源的特点不同;创新网络呈现“核心-边缘”模式,创新网络结构的“小世界网络”特征越来越明显;本市、境外是创新合作最重要的空间载体,地理邻近有助于隐性知识交流,在国内合作创新网络构建中发挥着重要作用,技术邻近是促成境外合作创新的重要基础,进一步验证了Bathelt等学者倡导的关系经济地理学假说;提高网络地位、占据结构洞位置能够提升主体创新绩效;创新网络内部作用机理的地域差异明显,网络结构根植性对发达地区创新一般有负面影响,地理邻近对发达地区创新主体的创新绩效影响不显著,但地理邻近却有利于欠发达中西部地区创新主体间的隐性知识交流,有助于创新绩效的提高。因而,应引入“网络资本”来分析网络主体的创新绩效,弥补中心地理论中基于规模等级分析主体创新能力的传统做法。  相似文献   
Based on the collation and statistical analysis of flood and drought information in Baoji area from 1368 to 1911, and in the context of climate change, we investigated the spatio-temporal evolution characteristics of drought and flood disaster chains in this area during the Ming and Qing dynasties using the methods of moving average, cumulative anomaly and wavelet analysis. The results are as follows: (1) We found a total of 297 drought and flood events from 1368 to 1911 in Baoji. Among these events, droughts and floods occurred separately 191 and 106 times, which accounted for 64.31% and 35.69% of the total events, respectively. (2) We observed distinct characteristics of flood and drought events in Baoji in different phases. The climate was relatively dry from 1368 to 1644. A fluctuant climate phase with both floods and droughts occurred from 1645 to 1804. The climate was relatively wet from 1805 to 1911. Moreover, we observed a pattern of alternating dry and wet periods from 1368 to 1911. In addition, 3 oscillation periods of drought and flood events occurred around 70 a, 110 a and 170 a, which corresponded to sunspot cycles. (3) We also observed an obvious spatial difference in drought and flood events in Baoji. The northern and eastern parts of Weihe River basin were regions with both frequent droughts and floods. (4) The sequential appearance of drought and flood disaster chains in Baoji from 1368 to 1911 was in response to global climate change. Since the 1760s, global climatic deterioration has frequently led to extreme drought and flood events.  相似文献   
本文探讨了盐湖副产氯化镁应用于炼钢冶金造渣的可行性。以盐湖水氯镁石和石灰为原料,通过化学合成制备了氧化镁,再将氧化镁与石灰、粘结剂混配成型制备炼钢用镁钙造渣剂,考察了粘结剂硼酸的不同用量时造渣剂形成的球团强度和抗压强度及微观结构变化;同时研究了不同煅烧温度、煅烧时间、氧化镁掺杂量的情况下,造渣剂的活性及杂质脱除率。实验结果表明,利用该方法制备的镁钙造渣剂应用于钢铁冶金造渣过程,可有效地脱除碳、磷、硫、硅等杂质成分,提高转炉冶炼的冶金效果的同时实现了盐湖资源再利用,具有较好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   
基于ERA5-HEAT再分析资料中的通用热气候指数(UTCI)数据,利用旋转经验正交函数(REOF)方法将我国划分为8个区,分别为长江、华南、华北、西北、东北、北疆、南疆和西部地区。分析了1980—2019年我国夏季不同地区人体舒适度的变化特征,并初步解释了UTCI变化的原因。主要结论如下:我国夏季UTCI呈不断增加趋势,其中西北地区增速最快(平均增率为0.053℃/a),且西部、西北和南疆地区夜间UTCI相较白天增加更明显,主要表现为这些地区的UTCI最小值增率分别较其最大值增率偏高了112%、34%和33%。随着UTCI的上升,我国大部分地区(西部除外)的热不舒适天数及发生热不舒适持续事件的频次都呈增加趋势,其中增率最大的区域是华北地区,分别为1.7 d/(10 a)和2.4次/(10 a)。从气候影响因子的分析发现,我国夏季UTCI增加的原因是气温、露点温度和平均辐射温度的增加以及风速的减少。其中,气温是UTCI增加的主要气候因子,平均贡献率为49%;辐射是大部分地区(西部和华南除外)的第二大因子,而其他因子对UTCI的贡献率主要与各地区的变率大小有关。  相似文献   
以中国强地震目录资料(中国地震局监测预报司预报管理处编,1999)为基础。统计研究了1300~1988年华北地区6级以上地震发生后,10年内再次发生5级以上地震的优势空间范围。根据这一统计特征。印证性地分析了10余年来华北的晋、冀、内蒙古交界地区至包头一带5级以上地震空间活动特点。另外还研究了1981年以来晋、冀、内蒙古交界地区与晋、冀、鲁、豫交界地区5级以上地震。以及1998年至2001年11月晋、冀、内蒙古交界地区与唐山地区地震活动的呼应关系。并对其成因作了初步讨论。  相似文献   
It is proposed that some possible macroseismic epicenters can be determined quickly from the relationship that the microseismic epicenters located by instruments bear with faults.Based on these so-called macroseismic epicenters,we can make fast seismic hazard estimation after a shock by use of the empirical distribution model of seismic intensity.In comparison with the method that uses the microseismic epicenters directly,this approach can increase the preccision of fast seismic hazard estimation.Statistical analysis of 133 main earthquakes in China was made.The result shows that the deviation distance between the microseismic epicenter and macroseismic epicenter falls within the range of 35km for 88% earthquakes of the total and within the range of 35to 75km for the remaining ones.Then,we can take the area that has the microseismic epicenter as its center and is 35km in radius as the area for emphatic analysis,and take the area within 75km around the microseismic epicenter as the area for general analysis.The relation between the 66 earthquake cases on the N-S Seismic Belt in China and the spatial distribution characteristics of faults and the results of focal mechanism solution were analyzed in detail.We know from the analysis that the error of instrumental epicenter determination is not the only factor that gives effects to the deviation of the macroseismic epicenter.In addiditon to it,the fault size,fault distribution,fault activity,fault intersection types,earthquake magnitude,etc,are also main affecting factors.By sorting out ,processing and analyzing these affecting factors,the principle and procedures for quickly determining the possible position of the macroseismic epicenter were set up.Taking these as a basis and establishing a nationwide database of faults that contains relevant factors,it is possible to apply this method in practical fast estimation of seismic hazard.  相似文献   
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