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Finite difference simulations of seismic wave propagation are performed in the Niigata area, Japan, for the 2007 Mw 6.6 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-Oki earthquake at low frequencies. We test three 3D structural models built independently in various studies. First aftershock simulations are carried out. The model based on 3D tomography yields correct body waves in the near field, but later phases are imperfectly reproduced due to the lack of shallow sediment layers; other models based on various 1D/2D profiles and geological interpretation provide good site responses but generate seismic phases that may be shifted from those actually observed. Next, for the mainshock simulations, we adopt two different finite source models that differ in the near-field ground motion, especially above the fault plane (but under the sea) and then along the coastline. Each model is found to be calibrated differently for the given stations. For engineering purposes, the variations observed in simulated ground motion are significant, but for seismological purposes, additional parameter calibrations would be possible for such a complex 3D case.  相似文献   
A pump-sampler was designed to study the distribution of marine plankton and its possible relationship with the temperature and salinity of the water. Sea water was pumped up through a 2 inch diameter hose and plankton contained in it was collected on a filter cup (2 inches in diameter, 139 meshes/inch) without being damaged. The filter cup, when clogged by plankton organisms, was washed by spraying with about 100 cu. cm of water. The differences between two continuous with an interval of more than 3–4 seconds could be detected.A preliminary operation along a 2.82 km course in Maizuru Bay was carried out simultaneously with temperature-salinity measurements at sampling intervals of 30 m. Temperature was measured by a thermistor resistance thermometer, and salinity was measured by a salinometer with a subsample of water which was collected from an additional opening of the pump-sampler. The temperature-salinity record showed that four zones of water were characterized.It was found that wide variation of plankton counts indicated dense concentrations of particular species or group of species, and on the mesoscale it was possible to examine the size of the aggregation.  相似文献   
Chla, protein, RNA and DNA were measured in 400 samples taken from the surface down to 5,000 m at 27 oceanographical stations in the North Pacific Ocean. Two section diagrams of these cellular constituents were given along 155°E and 155°W meridians, and several vertical profiles of the four constituents were also given at some stations near Japan. The average concentration ranges of Chla, protein, RNA and DNA obtained in this study area were 0.025–0.862, 11.4–88.1, 1.36–35.3 and 0.13–5.24g/l, respectively. Chla was distributed mostly in the photic zone as we would expect. However protein, RNA were in high concentrations within the photic zone and sometimes extremely high concentrations in the deep aphotic zone.  相似文献   
Continuous distribution of the subsurface chlorophyll maximum (SCM) was confirmed in the Kuroshio and neighbouring areas in observations at 15 to 40 km intervals. Chlorophyll amounts occurring in and immediately around the SCM constituted 60 to 80% of the total chlorophyll in the water column above the 1% light level. The SCM zone received 1 to 10% of the surface irradiance at its center and contained sufficient macronutrients to support approximately one doubling of the existing phytoplankton biomass at most stations. There were several stations where there were higher nutrient concentrations that would support more than one doubling of the existing biomass around the SCM zone, and this was interpreted as resulting from uplift of the SCM zone due to upwelling.  相似文献   
Methane (\(\mathrm {CH}_{4}\)) is known to be emitted from lakes to the atmosphere via processes such as diffusion and ebullition (i.e., bubble emission). We developed a practical method for partitioning eddy-covariance \(\mathrm {CH}_{4}\) fluxes from a shallow lake into diffusive and ebullitive fluxes using a wavelet analysis based on local scalar similarity between the \(\mathrm {CH}_{4}\) concentration and other reference scalars, such as the air temperature or water vapour concentration, in the wavelet time-scale domain, with the hypothesis that similar and dissimilar fluctuation components are related to diffusive and ebullitive \(\mathrm {CH}_{4}\) fluxes, respectively. Our method is applied to approximately two weeks of data obtained at a shallow mid-latitude lake. The partitioned diffusive flux has a physically sound relationship with wind speed, supporting the validity of the method. The ratio of the diffusive flux to the total flux is typically 0.11 with flow from an area of steady bubble emission, but otherwise 0.36. Further validation is required using a larger dataset and data from other lakes. The proposed method can be easily applied to historical data because it requires only 10-Hz data of \(\mathrm {CH}_{4}\) concentration and other reference scalars, along with an empirical parameter.  相似文献   
Forward modelling of the crustal structure of the eastern Honshu Island, Japan, was made based on the group velocities ofPL-waves in the period range of 20–30 s. The observed values of group velocity were obtained by appling the multiple filter technique to the seismograms for earthquakes with the epicentral distance ranging from 500 to 1000 km. The theoretical values were calculated using Oliver and Major's method to find the best fit dispersion curve in the least-squares sense. The obtained structural model has considerably high crustal velocities compared to other previous models. It was shown that thePL-wave group velocity in the period range of interest was most sensitive to seismic velocities of the center of the crust. Numerical experiments confirmed the applicability of the approximation methods employed to obtain both observed and theoretical group velocities.  相似文献   
Chlorophyll a concentrations of net (retained on 30 m mesh net) and total plankton in surface waters were determined along cruise tracks in an area of the northern North Pacific Ocean and the adjacent Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska from summer to autumn. Total chlorophyll a concentrations were high with a great areal and temporal variations in the western northern North Pacific compared to the eastern part. Chlorophyll a concentrations of netplankton varied from 0.001 to 0.230 g chl a l–1 (average, 0.029 ± 0.040 g chl a l–1), and showed a positive relation but a weak regression coefficient (r 2 = 0.551) against the "average total chlorophyll a" (average of total chlorophyll a at the beginning and at the end during sampling of netplankton). However there were several data points showing high "average total chlorophyll a" but low netplankton and vice versa. Average percentage share of netplankton in the total chlorophyll a was estimated to be as large as 4.26%.  相似文献   
Seasonal and spatial variations of particulate organic carbon (POC) flux were observed with sediment traps at three sites in the Japan Sea (western and eastern Japan Basin and Yamato Basin). In order to investigate the transport processes of POC, radiocarbon (14C) measurements were also carried out. Annual mean POC flux at 1 km depth was 30.7 mg m−2day−1 in the western Japan Basin, 12.0 mg m−2day−1 in the eastern Japan Basin and 23.8 mg m−2day−1 in the Yamato Basin. At all stations, notably higher POC flux was observed in spring (March–May), indicating biological production and rapid sinking of POC in this season. Sinking POC in the high flux season showed modern Δ14C values (>0‰) and aged POC (Δ14C < −40‰) was observed in winter (December–January). The Δ14C values in sinking POC were negatively correlated with aluminum concentration, indicating that Δ14C is strongly related to the lateral supply of lithogenic materials. The Δ14C values also showed correlations with excess manganese (Mnxs) concentrations in sinking particles. The Δ14C-Mnxs relationship suggested that (1) the majority of the aged POC was advected by bottom currents and incorporated into sinking particles, and (2) some of the aged POC might be supplied from the sea surface at the trap site as part of terrestrial POC. From the difference in the Δ14C-Mnxs relationships between the Japan Basin and the Yamato Basin, we consider that basin-scale transport processes of POC occur in the Japan Sea.  相似文献   
The Anyui Metamorphic Complex (AMC) of Cretaceous age is composed of metachert, schist, gneiss, migmatite and ultramafic rocks, and forms a dome structure within the northernmost part of the Jurassic accretionary complex of the Samarka terrane. The two adjacent geological units are bounded by a fault, but the gradual changes of grain size and crystallinity index of quartz in chert and metachert of the Samarka terrane and the AMC, together with the gradual lithological change, indicate that at least parts of the AMC are metamorphic equivalents of the Samarka rocks. Radiolarian fossils from siliceous mudstone of the Samarka terrane indicates Tithonian age (uppermost Jurassic), and hence, form a slightly later accretion. This signifies that the accretionary complex in the study area is one of the youngest tectonostratigraphic units of the Samarka terrane. The relationship between the Samarka terrane and AMC, as well as their ages and lithologies, are similar to those of the Tamba–Mino–Ashio terrane and Ryoke Metamorphic Complex in southwest Japan. In both areas the lower (younger) part of the Jurassic accretionary complexes were intruded and metamorphosed by Late Cretaceous granitic magma. Crustal development of the Pacific‐type orogen has been achieved by the cycle of: (i) accretion of oceanic materials and turbidites derived from the continent; and (ii) granitic intrusion by the next subduction and accretion events, accompanied by formation of high T/P metamorphic complexes.  相似文献   
Ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) granulite facies rocks from the Achankovil Shear Zone area and the southern domain of the Madurai Granulite Block in South India contain monazite useful for in situ microprobe U–Pb dating. The UHT rocks examined consist of garnet + cordierite (retrograde) + quartz + mesoperthite + biotite + plagioclase + Fe‐Ti oxides ± orthopyroxene ± sillimanite and accessory zircon and monazite. Sillimanite occurs only as inclusions in garnet. Microstructural observations suggest garnet, orthopyroxene, spinel and mesoperthite are products of peak metamorphism. Post‐peak formation of cordierite ± orthopyroxene ± quartz and cordierite + spinel + Fe‐Ti oxides assemblages is also observed. Geothermobarometry on orthopyroxene and garnet‐orthopyroxene bearing assemblages suggest peak UHT conditions of T = 940–1040°C and P = 8.5–9.5 kbar. This was followed by a retrograde stage of 3.5–4.5 kbar and 720 ± 60°C, estimated from garnet‐cordierite assemblages. A small population of rounded, probably detrital, monazites in these rocks yield ages from Meso‐ to Neoproterozoic indicating a heterogeneous source. The youngest associated spot ages are 660–600 Ma suggesting protolith deposition up to ca 600 Ma. In contrast, the vast majority of monazites that crystallized during the latest metamorphic event show late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian ages. Probability‐density plots of monazite age data show a ‘peak’ between 533 and 565 Ma, but this peak need not reflect a particular thermal event. Collating ages from homogenous metamorphic monazites associated with minerals stable at peak P‐T conditions suggests peak metamorphism in these rocks occurred at 580–600 Ma. Together with a re‐evaluation of available data from adjacent granulite blocks in southern India, these data suggest the main metamorphic event coinciding with the suturing of India with the Gondwana amalgam probably occurred 580–600 Ma. The 500–550 Ma ages commonly reported in previous studies might represent post‐peak thermal events.  相似文献   
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