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The two-step shape and timing of the last deglaciation in Antarctica   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The two-step character of the last deglaciation is well recognized in Western Europe, in Greenland and in the North Atlantic. For example, in Greenland, a gradual temperature decrease started at the Bölling (B) around 14.5 ky BP, spanned through the Alleröd (A) and was followed by the cold Younger Dryas (YD) event which terminated abruptly around 11.5 ky BP. Recent results suggest that this BA/YD sequence may have extended throughout all the Northern Hemisphere but the evidence of a late transition cooling is still poor for the Southern Hemisphere. Here we present a detailed isotopic record analyzed in a new ice core drilled at Dome B in East Antarctica that fully demonstrates the existence of an Antarctic cold reversal (ACR). These results suggest that the two-step shape of the last deglaciation has a worldwide character but they also point to noticeable interhemispheric differences. Thus, the coldest part of the ACR, which shows a temperature drop about three times weaker than that recorded during the YD in Greenland, may have preceded the YD. Antarctica did not experienced abrupt changes and the two warming periods started there before they started in Greenland. The links between Southern and Northern Hemisphere climates throughout this period are discussed in the light of additional information derived from the Antarctic dust record.  相似文献   
The structure and propagation of precipitation cores on a variety of cold fronts are described. The shapes of the cores, and their orientations with respect to the synoptic-scale front, are not always uniform either between fronts or within the same front. Interactions between cores depend on their proximity and relative strength. Large gaps between precipitation cores move along the cold front at a slower speed than the cores and affect the evolution of the precipitation cores. The spacing of precipitation cores, the height of the head of the density current associated with the cold front, and the strength of the cold front are positively correlated with precipitation strength. This suggests that interactions between cores are strongly influenced by precipitation.Current theories for precipitation cores on narrow cold-frontal rainbands cannot account for these observations. A new mechanism is proposed based on a positive feedback between the diabatic cooling produced by the melting and evaporation of precipitation, the head of the density current, and the strength of the front.  相似文献   
High resolution time series of lead and zinc in sediments of Lake Constance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sediments in Lake Constance have been dated by radiometric methods and lamination counting. Investigations into the concentrations of lead and zinc in the sediments were carried out to get detailed information about environmental history. Maximum concentrations were found at the beginning of the 1960's. The lead maximum contamination occurred 3 years before the zinc maximum and has an unidentified source. The use of coal, leaded gasoline or the remobilization within the sediment could be excluded to result in the lead maximum. The fluctuations in zinc contamination could be explained with increasing and decreasing pollution (industry, coal burning, building of sewage plants). The greatest fluctuations of both metals occur during periods of great change in the economic history of Germany.  相似文献   
The analysis of cave survey data is used to establish that cave length exhibits fractal (self-similar) behaviour, with dimensions in the range 1–1·5, over a range of measurement resolutions from 1 to 100 m. It is suggested that fractal dimensions, together with their range of applicability, will prove to be useful parameters for the study of caves.  相似文献   
Compositional and thermal convection in magma chambers   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
Magma chambers cool and crystallize at a rate determined by the heat flux from the chamber. The heat is lost predominantly through the roof, whereas crystallization takes place mainly at the floor. Both processes provide destabilizing buoyancy fluxes which drive highly unsteady, chaotic convection in the magma. Even at the lowest cooling rates the thermal Rayleigh number Ra is found to be extremely large for both mafic and granitic magmas. Since the compositional and thermal buoyancy fluxes are directly related it can be shown that the compositional Rayleigh number Rs (and therefore a total Rayleigh number) is very much greater than Ra. In the case of basaltic melt crystallizing olivine Rs is up to 106 times greater than Ra. However compositional and thermal buoyancy fluxes are roughly equal. Therefore thermal and compositional density gradients contribute equally to convection velocities in the interior of the magma. Effects of thermal buoyancy generated by latent heat release at the floor are included.The latent heat boundary layer at the floor of a basaltic chamber is shown to be of the order of 1 m thick with very low thermal gradients whereas the compositional boundary layer is about 1 cm thick with large compositional gradients. As a consequence, the variation in the degree of supercooling in front of the crystal-liquid interface is dominated by compositional effects. The habit and composition of the growing crystals is also controlled by the nature of the compositional boundary layer. Elongate crystals are predicted to form when the thickness of the compositional boundary layer is small compared with the crystal size (as in laboratory experiments with aqueous solutions). In contrast, equant crystals form when the boundary layer is thicker than the crystals (as in most magma chambers). Instability of the boundary layer in the latter case gives rise to zoning within crystals. Diffusion of compatible trace elements through the boundary layer can also explain an inverse correlation, observed in layered intrusions, between Ni concentration in olivine and the proportion of Ni-bearing phases in the crystallizing assemblage.  相似文献   
Basalts dredged from the Galapagos Rift Zone between 85°W and 100°W were analyzed by electron microprobe to determine the chemistry of the glass exteriors and included phenocrysts, microphenocrysts and quench minerals. The basalts come from both “normal” mid-ocean ridge segments and from ridge segments that cross the Galapagos Platform. The basalts fall into two chemical and geographical groups. Group A basalts come from outside the central region of the Galapagos Platform (i.e., outside 89–92.5°W) and are chemically similar to basalts from “normal” ocean ridge segments. Group B basalts come from the center of the Galapagos Platform (89–92.5°W) and are enriched in incompatible elements like “plume-influenced” basalts from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The spinel, olivine, plagioclase and clinopyroxene phenocrysts in both groups of basalts are low-pressure, equilibrium phases, but the chemical difference among basalts from within each group indicates high-pressure fractional crystallization is also responsible for the chemical evolution of some of these basalts. Presently, no crystallization or partial melting model can relate the chemistry of the two groups of basalts and the compositional influence of a large-ion-lithophile elements and water-rich mantle beneath the Galapagos Platform is a viable alternate hypothesis. The eruption temperature of magmas from the “normal” ridge segments, as determined by olivine-liquid thermometry is 1217±10°C, suggesting steady-state conditions but on the Galapagos Platform the eruption temperatures are lower and more variable than on the “normal” ridge (1186°C±30°C) suggesting a more complex plumbing system and the absence of a steady-state magma chamber beneath the platform.  相似文献   
In order to study the relationship between water composition and stream flow rate, it is desirable to sample at a frequency related to flow rate, especially during storm events. In a rural catchment of 18 ha near Oxford, the rate of rainfall was found to be linearly related to discharge on the rising limb of the stream hydrograph. A sampling system was therefore designed in which electrical pulses from a tipping-bucket raingauge were used to initiate and control the action of an automatic water sampler. A threshold rainfall intensity is set above which sampling commences. Sampling then continues at regular increments of rainfall until the intensity drops below the threshold, after which sampling occurs at regular intervals during the period that the stream flow reverts to normal. The CMOS electrical circuits which control the sampling also operate a cassette tape recorder which records the time of each tip of the raingauge and operation of the sampler. Since the sytem is designed to impose very little additional load on the battery which powers the water sampler, and can operate unattended for at least a fortnight, it is ideal for use in small, remote catchments. The system has been extended to include measurements of water temperature and could provide other measurements as well.  相似文献   
During the years 1979 and 1980, a preliminary program of uranium exploration in the Paleozoic of the Belgian Ardennes was carried out under the sponsorship of the Commission of European Communities. The Laboratory of Mineralogy of the Polytechnic Faculty of Mons was charged with the radiometric section of the program, the Geochemistry Laboratory of the Free University of Brussels with the hydrogeochemical exploration, and the Geochemistry Laboratory of the University of Louvain with the stream sediment exploration. The Geological Survey of Belgium had the responsibility for coordinating the three programs, the statistical and computer treatment of the data, and the compilation of the different maps.Orientation studies at the Geochemistry Laboratory of the University of Louvain showed that a positive geochemical response for uranium could be obtained with bank sampling, which consists of collecting colluvium and alluvium on both sides of the rivers. This necessitates a large sampling density of about one sample per km2 (10 205 samples from an area of 11 000 km2).The frequency distribution of the values of uranium follows the lognormal law with a geometric mean of 1.06 ppm and a threshold of 2.36 ppm (P= 0.954). The anomalies (> 3 ppm) fall into three main areas each in a different geological setting: (1) at the periphery of the Cambro-Silurian Massif of Stavelot; (2) within the transition beds between the Visean and Namurian; and (3) in the lower Devonian of the central Ardennes.The first two areas coincide with zones of known radiometric anomalies and of the occurrence of uraniferous minerals.In the third zone, follow-up work has led to the discovery of a uraniferous mineral assemblage consisting of a weathered mass of iron oxide, leucoxene and phosphates.Statistical analyses of the results indicate no significant relationship between U and either organic carbon or Mn, a negative correlation between U and carbonate and pH, and a good positive correlation between U and Cu, V and Fe. The last correlation may indicate an association of U, V, and Cu with iron oxides formed during meteoric alteration.  相似文献   
Measurement of 17 laboratories on the stable isotope reference materials, NBS 22 lubricating oil and NBS 21 graphite, resulted in a revised calibration on the PDB scale. NBS 22 13C/12C ratios of all laboratories did not demonstrate a gausssian distribution. Therefore, values which resulted from direct comparison with NBS 20 carbonate standards were selected the mean value of which is ?29.81 ± 0.06?; this value is recommended as new value for NBS 22. The reported variations in δ13C for NBS 21 were consistent within the accuracies for single meaurements; the mean value is ?28.16 ± 0.01. The variations of D/H ratios of NBS 22 also were consistent with the accuracy quoted, with a mean value of ?119?.  相似文献   
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