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The quantitative analysis of trace concentrations of Au in pyrite using a new procedure of SIMS quantification is investigated. Analysis of an Au implanted pyrite standard demonstrates the infinite velocity (IV) method as a viable procedure for evaluation of trace concentrations of Au in pyrite. Comparison of naturally occurring trace concentrations of Au in pyrite using standard-derived relative sensitivity factor (RSF) and IV quantification methods is shown as a means of evaluating the chemical environments in which Au is found in pyrite.  相似文献   
Haughton is a ~24 Myr old midsize (apparent diameter 23 km) complex impact structure located on Devon Island in Nunavut, Canada. The center of the structure shows a negative gravity anomaly of ?12 mGal coupled to a localized positive magnetic field anomaly of ~900 nT. A field expedition in 2013 led to the acquisition of new ground magnetic field mapping and electrical resistivity data sets, as well as the first subsurface drill cores down to 13 m depth at the top of the magnetic field anomaly. Petrography, rock magnetic, and petrophysical measurements were performed on the cores and revealed two different types of clast‐rich polymict impactites: (1) a white hydrothermally altered impact melt rock, not previously observed at Haughton, and (2) a gray impact melt rock with no macroscopic sign of alteration. In the altered core, gypsum is present in macroscopic veins and in the form of intergranular selenite associated with colored and zoned carbonate clasts. This altered core has a natural remanent magnetization (NRM) four to five times higher than materials from the other core but the same magnetic susceptibility. Their magnetization is still higher than the surrounding crater‐fill impact melt rocks. X‐ray fluorescence data indicate a similar proportion of iron‐rich phases in both cores and an enrichment in silicates within the altered core. In addition, alternating‐field demagnetization results show that one main process remagnetized the rocks. These results support the hypothesis that intense and possibly localized post‐impact hydrothermal alteration enhanced the magnetization of the clast‐rich impact melt rocks by crystallization of magnetite within the center of the Haughton impact structure. Subsequent erosion was followed by in situ concentration in the subsurface leading to large magnetic gradient on surface.  相似文献   
A review of a major community-based marine protected area programme (CB-MPA) in an Indonesian island archipelago is the point of departure for this article. Despite a well-designed institutional structure to facilitate local participation, local knowledge about the CB-MPA is found to be low and resource access and influence on decision-making in the programme is negligible for the majority of islanders. At the same time, most of those who know about the programme consider it as pertaining to the public authority only. These findings stand in contrast to evidence on non-formal ways of protecting and managing marine areas in the same geographical area but outside the formal MPA institutional framework. In particular, the article identifies a number of emergent rules-in-use in marine management, which operate parallel to legally established MPAs. It is argued that emergent forms of marine area protection such as non-formal self-organising island exclusion zones (IEZ) offer as yet mostly unused potentials for formal MPA development, particularly in those coastal and marine areas without traditional forms of marine and coastal management.  相似文献   
The upper millimeters of sediments are considered major locations of microbial colonization and activity. The goal of our study was to investigate variations of microbial communities in the uppermost sediment layers of the coastal Baltic Sea with emphasis on the complex interplay between microbiology and physico‐chemical sediment properties. We selected a high‐resolution methodological approach that combined the cryolanding sampling technique (spatial resolution of 250 μm) with microsensor‐, spectrophotometric and microscopic analyses. While the oxygen penetration depths in dark conditions ranged from 1.4 mm to 2.6 mm during the study period, this zone expanded by about 1 mm in light and could be divided into three micro‐horizons: (i) an upper zone with a high net O2 production, (ii) an intermediate zone with increased O2 consumption on account of light‐stimulated respiration and (iii) a lower zone with lower O2 consumption. Time‐series experiments revealed a rapid response of the benthic microbial community to altered light intensities. In May and July, the net O2 budget in the porewater of sediments was positive within 35 and 22 min after illumination, respectively, whereas in June O2 production exceeded O2 consumption after 112 min. The thickness of the O2 production and O2 consumption micro‐zones decreased from May to July coinciding with an increase in temperature. In May, sites of enhanced O2 consumption were closely associated with subsurface maxima of microbial numbers and enzymatic activities indicating a tight coupling between photoautotrophic and heterotrophic processes between 1‐ and 2‐mm depth. In June and July, the microbial abundance and enzymatic activity hardly varied with depth. Spatial and temporal microheterogeneity of microbial distribution and activity in O2 gradients was seen as a reflection of the complex interplay between microbiology and physico‐chemical sediment properties.  相似文献   
We study a new marine electromagnetic configuration that consists of a ship‐towed inductive source transmitter and a series of remote electric dipole receivers placed on the seafloor. The approach was tested at the Palinuro Seamount in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea, at a site where massive sulphide mineralization has been previously identified by shallow drilling. A 3D model of the Palinuro study area was created using bathymetry data, and forward modelling of the electric field diffusion was carried out using a finite volume method. These numerical results suggest that the remote receivers can theoretically detect a block of shallowly buried conductive material at up to ~100 m away when the transmitter is located directly above the target. We also compared the sensitivity of the method using either a horizontal loop transmitter or a vertical loop transmitter and found that when either transmitter is located directly above the mineralized zone, the vertical loop transmitter has sensitivity to the target at a farther distance than the horizontal loop transmitter in the broadside direction by a few tens of metres. Furthermore, the vertical loop transmitter is more effective at distinguishing the seafloor conductivity structure when the vertical separation between transmitter and receiver is large due to the bathymetry. As a horizontal transmitter is logistically easier to deploy, we conducted a first test of the method with a horizontal transmitter. Apparent conductivities are calculated from the electric field transients recorded at the remote receivers. The analysis indicates higher apparent seafloor conductivities when the transmitter is located near the mineralized zone. Forward modelling suggests that the best match to the apparent conductivity data is obtained when the mineralized zone is extended southward by 40 m beyond the zone of previous drilling. Our results demonstrate that the method adds value to the exploration and characterization of seafloor massive sulphide deposits.  相似文献   
Slapton Ley, a coastal lake, is the largest natural body of fresh water in south-west England. There was concern in the 1960s that the lake was becoming increasingly eutrophic. To quantify inputs of water, sediment and nutrients into the lake, Slapton Ley Field Centre initiated a programme of weekly water quality sampling in September 1970. Of all the chemical properties which have been measured over the decades, the nitrate record has been the subject of more research than any other. The weekly monitoring has been supplemented by research projects aimed at understanding aspects of processes and patterns of nitrate delivery to the stream network. Three aspects of the nitrate record are reviewed: short-term process dynamics; the annual cycle of influent streams and the lake itself; and long-term trends. In the first two decades of monitoring, there was increasing concern about a trend of rising nitrate concentrations, an issue in most lowland rivers in the United Kingdom at the time. In the 1990s, nitrate concentrations levelled off and then have fallen steadily in recent years. In relation to eutrophication, there are clear signs of improvement in the influent streams, but concerns remain about water quality in the lake itself.  相似文献   
Frozen ground hydrological effects on runoff, storage, and release have been observed in the field and tested in numerical models, but few physical models of frozen slopes (at scales from 1 to 15 m) exist partly because the design of such an experiment requires new engineering design for realistic whole‐slope freezing and physical model innovation. Here, we present a new freezable tilting hillslope physical model for hydrological system testing under a variety of climate conditions with the ability to perform multiple (up to 20 per year) freeze–thaw cycles. The 4 × 2 m hillslope is mobile and tiltable on the basis of a modified tri‐axle 4.88‐m (16′) dump trailer to facilitate testing multiple configurations. The system includes controllable boundary conditions on all surfaces; examples of side and baseflow boundary conditions include permeable membranes, impermeable barriers, semipermeable configurations, and constant head conditions. To simulate cold regions and to freeze the hillslope in a realistic and controlled manner, insulation and a removable freezer system are incorporated onto the top boundary of the hillslope. The freezing system is designed to expedite the freezing process by the addition of a 10,130‐KJ (9,600‐BTU) refrigeration coil to the top‐centre of the insulated ceiling. Centre placement provides radial freezing of the hillslope in a top‐down fashion, similar to what natural systems encounter in the environment. The perimeter walls are insulated with 100 mm of spray foam insulation, whereas the base of the hillslope is not insulated to simulate natural heat fluxes beneath the frozen layer of soil. Our preliminary testing shows that covers can be frozen down to ?10 °C in approximately 7 days, with subsequent thaw on a similar time frame.  相似文献   
Data on abundance and isotopic composition of porewater and sedimentary sulfur species are reported for relatively uncontaminated and highly contaminated fine-grained anoxic sediments of St. Andrew Bay, Florida. A strong contrast in amount and composition of sedimentary organic matter at the two sites allows a comparative study of the historical effects of increased organic loading on sulfur cycling and sulfur isotopic fractionation. In the contaminated sediments, an increase in organic loading caused increased sedimentary carbon/sulfur ratios and resulted in higher rates of bacterial sulfate reduction, but a lower efficiency of sulfide oxidation. These differences are well reflected in the isotopic composition of dissolved sulfate, sulfide, and sedimentary pyrite. Concentration and isotopic profiles of dissolved sulfate, organic carbon, and total sulfur suggest that the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter is most active in the upper 8cm but proceeds at very slow rates below this depth. The rapid formation of more than 90% of pyrite in the uppermost 2 cm which corresponds to about 3 years of sediment deposition allows the use of pyrite isotopic composition for tracing changing diagenetic conditions. Sediment profiles of the sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite reflect present-day higher rates of bacterial sulfate reduction and lower rates of sulfide oxidation, and record a profound change in the diagenetic cycling of sulfur in the contaminated sediments coincident with urban and industrial development of the St. Andrew Bay area.  相似文献   
As part of a program to investigate archaeomagnetic secular variation in Israel and implications for archaeomagnetic dating, we have identified “anomalous” results that have yielded information about site formation processes. Stereonets, vector demagnetization diagrams, and sample location maps are most useful in examining stability of magnetization and consistency of archaeomagnetic directions with each other and with what would be expected from normal secular variation. A collection of examples is presented, including: strong and hard remanence due to vitrification, unstable magnetization due to lightning strikes, superimposed thermal magnetizations, chemical remagnetization, magnetization of a hearth fragment before falling, magnetization of a hot brick after falling, and mechanical deformation of an archaeomagnetic feature. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Effects of nanoparticles on aquatic organisms have been little studied to date and toxicological data are urgently needed for development of regulatory frameworks for these substances. Here, we report the findings of a study exposing sticklebacks to cadmium sulfide (CdS) as bulk material and quantum dots. Fish were exposed for 21 d in a flow through test system to 5, 50 or 500 microg l(-1) CdS nanoparticles (nCdS) coated in thiol terminated methyl polyethylene glycol (MPEG), bulk CdS or MPEG at 500 microg l(-1) (nominal concentrations). With the exception of the highest nCdS exposure, measured concentrations were approximately one order of magnitude below nominal. A single fish from each group (excluding MPEG) was examined using energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) to localise cadmium, however, cadmium could not be detected in whole body sections. Elevated levels of oxidized glutathione were measured in the gills of fish exposed to 50 and 500 microg l(-1) nCdS. Induction of vitellogenin synthesis was not detected in any of the treatment groups. The number of males engaged in nest-building behaviour following exposure to 500 microg l(-1) nCdS was reduced and livers of 4/6 fish in the same treatment displayed hepatocellular nuclear pleomorphism. The results are discussed emphasising the fundamental importance of experimental design and the need to understand the behaviour of nanoparticles in the aqueous phase.  相似文献   
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