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The procedure for evaluating the susceptibility to natural and anthropogenic sinkholes is aimed at contributing to mitigate the risk from the most common geohazard in karst. It develops from the identification and geographical location of the caves, and then proceeds with the speleological survey, before characterising the caves in terms of geological-structural data (highlighting all the existing discontinuities in the rock mass, of both stratigraphic and tectonic origin), and of all the features related to occurrence and development of instability processes. Laboratory tests and monitoring are also mentioned as further possible steps of the analysis. Eventually, the procedure results in a zonation depicting the sectors most prone to development of sinkholes.  相似文献   
Summary The relationship between information, contained in aerological data from the European area, and a thunderstorm occurrence in the area of the Czech Republic was investigated with input data from the period of May–September 1989–1991. SYNOP reports from Czech ground stations were utilized to assess event occurrence. TEMP 00UTC and TEMP 12UTC reports from European stations were used to determine potential diagnostic predictors, and the TEMP00 data served as the input data set for the 12hr mesoscale model forecast to gain prognostic predictors. Each of the two diagnostic data sets from 00UTC and 12UTC and of the prognostic data set comprised about 400 predictors/predictand elements. The categorical forecast of thunderstorm occurrence, based on the application of linear regression and a simple version of pattern recognition, is discussed. The critical success index was determined for every type of forecast and used to assess forecast skill.  相似文献   
This paper presents a simple and straightforward method for carrying out the direct numerical solution of the eigenvalue problem associated to the homogeneous linear shallow-water equations expressed using orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, when ‘adiabatic’ boundary conditions apply. These equations, together with the boundary conditions, define a self-adjoint problem in the continuum. The method presented here, which is thought for calculating the 2-D theoretical gravity modes of both natural and artificial basins, relies on a change of basis of the dependent variable vector. This preliminary transformation makes it, in fact, possible to formulate two different numerical approaches which guarantee the self-adjoint property of the discrete form of the system consisting of the governing equations and the boundary conditions. The method is tested using a square and a fully circular domain, both of which allow comparisons with well-known analytical and numerical solutions. Discretizing the physical domain of a fully circular basin by a cylindrical coordinate grid makes it possible to show the actual efficiency of the method in calculating the theoretical gravity modes of basins discretized by a boundary-following coordinate grid which allows laterally variable resolution.  相似文献   
Riassunto Premesse alcune considerazioni generali sull'applicabilità dei diversi metodi geofisici alla prospezione dei giacimenti di combustibili solidi, si illustrano i procedimenti geoelettrici come appropriati anche quando le condizioni orografiche, geologiche o tettoniche sono complesse. I sondaggi elettrici verticali sono dettagliatamente discussi, con riferimento a misure eseguite dall'A. per l'individuazione di banchi di lignite a media profondità.  相似文献   
 Interaction of groundwater with As-bearing rocks has been proposed as one of three main sources of arsenic at Zimapán valley, México. The complexity of the geology and hydrogeology of the valley make it difficult to identify the natural causes of arsenic poisoning. Samples from the different rock outcrops and water from wells tapping various rock formations were analyzed. The rocks from mineralized areas contained higher concentrations of arsenic with respect to the same formations in non-mineralized areas. The arsenic minerals arsenopyrite, scorodite, and tennantite were identified in some rock samples. Higher temperature and lower Eh values were found for those wells containing more arsenic. The physicochemical characteristics of these naturally polluted well waters could be produced by arsenopyrite oxidation. The geochemical model PHREEQCI was used to perform the inverse modeling of two wells located along the same fault. Arsenopyrite oxidation and scorodite dissolution appear to be the geochemical processes producing the natural pollution according to the model. The release and transport of arsenic mainly occur through fractures within the cretaceous limestones where the most productive wells are drilled. The presence of arsenic should be expected also in other formations near mineralized zones in the Zimapán Valley. Field determinations of Eh and T could be used to detect potentially polluted wells. Received: 29 April 1999 / Accepted: 18 July 2000  相似文献   
The scenario assumed for this study was that of a region with a complete or first‐order weather station surrounded by a network of second‐order stations, where only monthly air temperature data were available. The objective was to evaluate procedures to estimate the monthly α parameter of the Priestley–Taylor equation in the second‐order stations by adjusting and extrapolating α values determined at the first‐order station. These procedures were applied in two climatic zones of north‐east Spain with semi‐arid continental and semi‐arid Mediterranean climates, respectively. Procedure A assumed α to be constant over each zone for each month (direct extrapolation). Procedure B accounted for differences in vapour pressure deficit and available energy for evapotranspiration between the first‐ and second‐order stations. Procedure C was based on equating the Penman–Monteith (P–M) and Priestley–Taylor (P–T) equations on a monthly basis to solve for α. Methods to estimate monthly mean vapour pressure deficit, net radiation and wind speed were developed and evaluated. A total of 11 automated first‐order weather stations with a minimum period of record of 6 years (ranging from 6 to 10 years) were used for this study. Six of these stations were located in the continental zone and five in the Mediterranean zone. One station in each zone was assumed to be first‐order whereas the remainder were taken as second‐order stations. Monthly α parameters were calibrated using P–M reference crop evapotranspiration (ET0) values, calculated hourly and integrated for monthly periods, which were taken as ‘true’ values of ET0. For the extrapolation of monthly α parameters, procedure A was found to perform slightly better than procedure B in the Mediterranean zone. The opposite was true in the continental zone. Procedure C had the worst performance owing to the non‐linearity of the P–M equation and errors in the estimation of monthly available energy, vapour pressure deficit and wind speed. Procedures A and B are simpler and performed better. Overall, monthly P–T ET0 estimates using extrapolated α parameters and Rn?G values were in a reasonable agreement with P–M ET0 calculated on an hourly basis and integrated for monthly periods. The methods presented for the spatial extrapolation of monthly available energy, vapour pressure deficit and wind speed from first‐ to second‐order stations could be useful for other applications. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A model based on numerical solutions, which allows for solving the dispersion equation under variable recharge and velocity conditions, is developed to simulate solute transport in conduit flow aquifers during flow recession periods. As an example, the evolution of a tracer in the little known karst conduit that links the sinking stream of Oma valley to the Olalde spring is investigated in the karstic region of Santa Eufemia-Ereñozar (Basque Country, Spain). The model, with different hypothetical structures, allows for obtaining series of tracer breakthrough curves, which are fitted to experimental data using an optimization algorithm. These results, although they can be used to simulate the tracer evolution between the two points considered, do not allow for determining the internal structure and spatial disposition of contributions in the aquifer.  相似文献   
The southern Adria microplate is the common foreland for the Hellenide and Southern Apennine thrust belts. The Apulian Platform dominates the microplate; outcrop, well and seismic data allow us to trace the carbonate platform edge, whilst structural analysis, geophysical and palaeomagnetic data provide important clues to the geodynamic evolution of the region. The present structural fabric of Apulia is dominated by several E-W lineaments that divide the region into different blocks (Rospo Plateau, Gargano Promontory, Murge Ridge, Salento Peninsula, Apulian Plateau). One such lineament (the Pescara Dubrovnik ‘Line’, a prominent feature traversing the Adriatic Sea between central Italy and southern Croatia) has been active since the early Mesozoic, when it acted as a major transform fault controlling sedimentation along the northern margin of Southern Adria. During the Cenozoic the Pescara-Dubrovnik underwent predominantly vertical and oblique movement due to a differential flexural response of the platform and the adjacent pelagic sequences to the thrust belt loading. In Tertiary time the Southern Adria microplate was partly involved in HeIlenide collision. The Apulian platform can be considered as an area of thicker crust more resistant to underthrusting than the surrounding basins. During the orogenic events it acted as a passive rigid indentor, causing local distortion of the most external Hellenide structures. The dextral transpressive activity recorded along the south-east margin of this indentor (Kephallinia line) can be interpreted as the result of the oblique collision between the margin of the thick Apulian Platform (in this zone NNE-SSW striking) and the NW-SE striking Hellenic thrust belt. Horizontal stress generated during the collision was partly transmitted to the rigid foreland re-activating palaeo E-W faults within the south Adria microplate in a dextral strike-slip sense. The clockwise rotation recorded in the Salento Peninsula can be explained by the rotation of several NW-SE striking faulted blocks. The rotation was accompanied by the opening of small transtensional basins between blocks. This block rotation was caused by the dextral shear that is expressed along the North and the South Salento Fault Zones.  相似文献   
In this work, we model the biofilm growth at the microscale using a rectangular pore network model in 2D and a cubic network in 3D. For the 2D network, we study the effects of bioclogging on porosity and permeability when we change parameters like the number of nodes in the network, the network size, and the concentration of nutrients at the inlet. We use a 3D cubic network to study the influence of the number of nodes in the z direction on the biofilm growth and on upscalability. We show that the biofilm can grow uniformly or heterogeneously through the network. Using these results, we determine the conditions for upscalability of bioclogging for rectangular and cubic networks. If there is uniform biofilm growth, there is a unique relation between permeability and porosity, K?2, this relation does not depend on the volume of the network, therefore the system is upscalable. However, if there is preferential biofilm growth, the porosity-permeability relation is not uniquely defined, hence upscalability is not possible. The Damköhler number is used to determine when upscalability is possible. If the Damköhler number is less than 101, the biofilm grows uniformly and therefore the system is upscalable. However, if the Damköhler number is greater than 103, the biofilm growth exhibits a deviation from uniform biofilm growth and heterogeneous growth is observed, therefore upscalability is not possible. There is a transition from uniform growth to preferential growth if the Damköhler number is between 101 and 103.  相似文献   
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