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A wide compositional continuum of basalts has been erupted from near-ridge seamounts constructed on the Cocos Plate between the Clipperton and Orozco Francture Zones. They range from highly evolved to moderately primitive (3.0–7.8% MgO), LREE-enriched alkali basalts, to moderately evolved to near-primary (5.2–9.5% MgO) tholeiites indistinguishable from N-type MORB. The data set of 159 quench glass analyses exhibits a remarkably consistent variation in both major and trace element composition that is keyed to variations in (La/Sm). Modeling of potential liquid lines of descent at pressures ranging from 1 bar to 8 kbar shows that this covariation is partially due to systematic differences in liquid lines of descent, where the alkaline lavas have undergone substantially more high pressure clinopyroxene fractionation and substantially less low pressure plagioclase fractionation than the tholeiites. In addition, systematic variation in the composition of the more primitive glasses indicates that they were derived from mixing of discrete enriched and depleted melts in the heterogenous seamount mantle source at pressures of 8–10 kbar and greater, and that clinopyroxene may be a residual phase during partial melting. These results show that porous media flow in the seamount mantle source is minor and that melt transport is accomplished primarily through cracking and diking. This study supports suggestions that the general homogeneity of basalt along the EPR is due to mixing in sub-axial magma chambers and mush zones, with additional mixing during partial mantle melting and melt segregation.  相似文献   
Adeniyi  P. O. 《GeoJournal》1981,5(3):209-223
Basic to the study of urban growth is information on population and land use changes. These basic data are generally lacking in Nigeria. This paper examines and assesses the growth of urban land use of Lagos (the Federal Capital of Nigeria) through a systematic utilization of sequential serial photographs (taken in 1962 at a scale of 1:40,000, and in 1974, at a scale of 1:20,000) and computer techniques. The land use data resulting are then used in evaluating the population growth of Lagos. The resulting population estimate is then compared with the available population data. The study concludes by recommending the use of remote sensing, especially aerial photography for the acquisition of basic urban data not only in Nigeria but also in other developing countries lacking in such data.  相似文献   
The 3He4He ratios measured in 27 Southern Africa diamond stones, four from Premier Mine and the rest of unidentified origin, range from 4.2 × 10?8 to 3.2 × 10?4, with three stones above 1 × 10?4. We conclude that the initial helium isotopic ratio (3He4He)0 in the earth was significantly higher than that of the planetary helium-A (3He4He = 1.42 × 10?4), but close to the solar helium (3He4He ? 4 × 10?4).The apparent K-Ar ages for the twelve diamonds of unidentified origin show enormously old age, indicating excess argon-40. 3He4He evolution in diamonds suggests that the diamonds with the high 3He4He ratio (>2 × 10?4) may be as old as the earth.Noble gas elemental abundance in the diamonds relative to the air noble gas abundance shows monotonie decrease with a decreasing mass number.This paper discusses the implications of these observations on the early solar system and the origin of diamonds.  相似文献   
Petrographic and microprobe investigations of calc-alkaline (CA) rocks from the High Cascade Range (i.e., Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Jefferson, Crater Lake and Mt. Shasta) of western North America show that crystal clots represent primary igneous phase assemblages and are not products of amphibole reactions with melt. For each eruptive complex, crystal clots display diverse modal proportions even within a single eruptive unit. Nevertheless, in all cases the crystal-clot minerals are also represented in the rock as phenocrysts or microphenocrysts. Basalts contain clots of ol+plag+mgt, ol+mgt, cpx+ plag+mgt, cpx+mgt and plag+mgt; andesites, clots of cpx+mgt, opx+mgt, cpx+opx+plag+mgt, cpx+plag+mgt, opx+plag+mgt and plag±mgt; and dacites, clots of opx+mgt, cpx+opx+plag+ mgt, opx+plag+mgt, amph+plag+mgt±ilm, amph+mgt±ilm and plag±mgt. The bulk compositions of most of these clot assemblages could not have been derived from amphibole percursors. Although some amphiboles in dacitic rocks display a breakdown reaction of amph=plag+cpx+opx +mag, these mineral clusters, unlike those of clots, typically have a relict amphibole crystal outline and a fine-grained metamorphic texture. Plagioclase grains in the mineral clusters lack oscillatory zoning which is typical of crystal clot plagioclase grains. The euhedral to subhedral shapes of most clot minerals and the oscillatory zoning present in most clot plagioclase grains are not likely to have formed from the breakdown of amphibole. Crystal clots are also observed in Hawaiian and ocean floor basalts, although amphibole fractionation has not been proposed for those lavas. Magnetite fractionation may be the controlling process limiting iron enrichment in CA magmas rather than amphibole fractionation. Textural evidence indicates that magnetite is an early-forming phase in CA magmas. V, which is concentrated in magnetite, shows a strong decrease with increasing silica in many CA rocks, supporting a magnetite fractionation model.Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Contrib. No. 969  相似文献   
Pyrolysis of asphaltenes from crude oils yields significant amounts of crude oil-like material. Studies of asphaltenes and their pyrolysis products from biodegraded and non-biodegraded oils show that biodegradation does not affect the composition of asphaltene. The overall composition of the oil produced from them on pyrolysis is similar to, yet significantly different from, that of the parent oil. From these compositional differences, it is concluded that asphaltene and its pyrolysis products contain geochemical information which is characteristic, and therefore may shed light on the history of the oil prior to asphaltene formation.  相似文献   
The carrier of the natural magnetization of deep sea sediments was characterized by mineralogical, electron microscopic, and rock magnetic investigations. Magnetic single domain (SD) and pseudo single domain (PSD) particles which are most important for the stable remanent magnetization were separated from the magnetic »coarse fraction« and concentrated as magnetic »fine fraction«. The magnetic coarse fraction consists of lithogenic magnetite and titanomagnetite, which often contains exsolution-lamellae of ilmenite. Both minerals are partially maghematized and occur isolated in the sediment or embedded in rock particles, in regionally different concentrations. The magnetic fine fraction consists of lithogenic magnetite and titanomagnetite and biogenic magnetite (magnetofossils = fossil bacterial magnetosomes), the latter generally maghematized.A graphical method is described which allows the classification and characterization of the magnetic fine fraction by demagnetization of the anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) of whole sediment samples. Three groups with different magnetic properties can be distinguished, characterized by three ARM type-curves: Type A curves are associated with sediments from abyssal plaines. They show nearly identical ARM properties and are typical for magnetofossils.Type B curves are produced by sediments from the vicinity of volcanic regions. Their shapes are variable to a certain degree and indicate two lithogenic magnetic phases.Type C curves are found for sediments from submarine ridges and regions with input of terrigenous detritus. These curves have the largest deviations among each other indicating a magnetic multi-phase assemblage including magnetofossils.
Zusammenfassung Die Träger der Magnetisierung von Tiefseesedimenten wurden mineralogisch, elektronenmikroskopisch und gesteinsmagnetisch untersucht. Magnetische Eindomänen (SD) und Pseudo-Eindomänen (PSD) Partikel, die für eine stabile remanente Magnetisierung wichtig sind, wurden als magnetische »Feinfraktion« von der magnetischen »Grobfraktion« abgetrennt. Die magnetische Grobfraktion besteht aus lithogenem Titanomagnetit und Magnetit die teilweise maghemitisiert sind und teilweise auch Ilmenit-Entmischungslamellen aufweisen. In regional unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen liegen sie frei im Sediment oder in silikatischer Matrix eingebettet vor. Die magnetische Feinfraktion besteht sowohl aus lithogenem Titanomagnetit und Magnetit, als auch aus biogenem Magnetit (Magnetofossilien = fossile bakterielle Magnetosomen); letzterer ist größtenteils maghemitisiert.Es wird eine grafische Darstellungsmethode beschrieben, die anhand von Untersuchungen der anhysteretischen remanenten Magnetisierung (ARM) von Sedimentproben eine Charakterisierung der magnetischen Feinfraktion erlaubt. Es lassen sich dadurch drei Gruppen mit unterschiedlichen magnetischen Eigenschaften unterscheiden, die durch drei Gruppen von ARM-Kurventypen charakterisiert sind.Kurventyp A wird bei Sedimenten aus Tiefsee-Ebenen beobachtet. Die ARM-Daten sind nahezu identisch und zeigen ein Verhalten, wie es für Magnetofossilien typisch ist. Kurventyp B tritt bei Sedimenten aus dem Einzugsbereich vulkanischer Gebiete auf. Er zeigt eine größere Variation und die Form der Kurven spricht für ein System aus zwei lithogenen magnetischen Komponenten.Kurventyp C gehört zu Sedimenten aus submarinen Rücken und dem Einzugsgebiet terrigener Schüttungen. Die Kurvenverläufe sind uneinheitlich und sprechen für ein magnetisches Mehrkomponenten-System mit Beteiligung von Magnetofossilien.

Résumé Les minéraux porteurs du magnétisme dans les sédiments de mer profonde ont été explorés par les méthodes de la minéralogie, de la microscopie électronique et du magnétisme des roches. Les particules qui correspondent à un domaine magnétique unique (SD) et pseudo-unique (PSD), significatives pour un magnétisme rénanent stable, ont été concentrées comme «fraction magnétique fine» après séparation de la «fraction magnétique grossière». Cette dernière consiste en magnétite et titanomagnétite lithogéniques, qui renferment souvent des lamelles d'exsolution d'ilménite. Ces deux minéraux sont partiellement maghémitisés; ils se présentent isolés ou inclus dans des fragments de roches, avec des concentrations régionales diverses. La fraction magnétique fine consiste en magnétite et titanomagnétite lithogéniques, ainsi qu'en magnétite biogénique (magnétofossile = magnétosome fossile bactérien), cette dernière ordinairement maghemitisée.Les auteurs présentent une méthode graphique qui permet de caractériser la fraction magnétique fine à partir de l'examen du magnétisme rémanent anhystérique (ARM) de l'échantillon de sédiment. Cette méthode permet de distinguer trois groupes de propriétés magnétiques différentes, caractérisés par trois types de courbes ARM. Les courbes de type A caractérisent les sédiments de plaines abyssales; elles montrent des propriétés ARM presque identiques et sont typiques pour les magnétofossiles. Les courbes de types B sont fournies par les sédiments voisins des régions volcaniques; leurs formes varient dans une certaine mesure et indiquent un système à deux composants magnétiques lithogéniques. Les courbes de type C correspondent aux sédiments des crêtes sous-marines et des régions à apports terrigènes; ces courbes présentent entre elles des différences plus marquées, ce qui indique un système magnétique à composants multiples, comportant des magnétofossiles.

, - . (SD) (PSD) , , » « » «. . . , . , , . » « , , — , , ; . (ARM) , . , ARM. , . - , .
This paper reviews the exploration history of the Barents Sea part of the Norwegian continental shelf. The main structural elements which so far have been identified in the Troms/Finnmark/Barents Sea region are outlined and discussed. Special attention is given to the selected Area I outside Troms, where according to latest government plans, drilling will start in 1978. At least two different fault systems are discribed in Area I. The salt diapirs in the Tromsø Basin and their location relative to the fault pattern are discussed. A schematic structural model for Area I is suggested.  相似文献   
The Sarek Dyke Swarm (SDS) crops out in the Sarektjåkkå Nappe (SN) of the Seve-Kalak Superterrane in the northern Swedish Caledonides. The SN has two main components: (1) a 4–5 km thick succession of rift-related sedimentary rocks, which is intruded by (2) a suite of tholeiitic dykes (the SDS) constituting 70–80% of the nappe. The nappe was deformed during Caledonian thrusting, but dykes and sedimentary rocks in the interior of the eastern parts of the SN are preserved in a pristine state. The tholeiitic dykes of the SDS commonly occur in sheeted dyke complexes, and up to 11 successive generations can be identified from crosscutting relations. The SN represents the fossil continent–ocean transition between the Baltic craton and the Iapetus Ocean, marking the initiation of seafloor spreading. Bubble-shaped pods and veinlets of diorite are present in the SDS sheeted dyke complexes. The pods are absent in the oldest dykes, but the younger a dyke, the more frequent the pods. The diorite pods are the equivalent of gabbro pegmatites, and both cogenetic and coeval with the dykes. The rapid successive emplacement of tholeiitic magma raised the ambient temperature in the dyke complex, so that crystallization in the youngest dykes mimicked similar processes in gabbro plutons. Six zircon fractions, from the diorite pods including two single grains, were analysed geochronologically by the U–Pb thermal ionization mass spectrometry method. The data yield a linear array of points that are 0.4–0.8% normally discordant, indicating a crystallization age of 608±1 Ma (207Pb/206Pb=607.9±0.7 Ma, MSWD=0.33). This age is inferred to date the onset of seafloor spreading in the Iapetus Ocean along the Baltoscandian margin.  相似文献   
 Optical anomalies (deviations of the symmetry of optical properties from the ideal symmetry of the crystal) occur in many minerals and synthetic compounds and have been under investigation since the last century. An important feature of optically anomalous mixed crystals is a high degree of optical inhomogeneity, whereas the optical patterns of mixed crystals without anomalies are usually rather uniform. This work is devoted to the study of this phenomenon. As a model object we have chosen mixed alum crystals, which were known for their anomalous birefringence and which revealed the following types of optical inhomogeneities: (1) sector zoning; (2) concentric zoning; (3) subsector zoning; (4) stripes normal to growth front. The inhomogeneity of anomalous birefringence of mixed crystals of alums can be explained by superposition of several effects: mismatch strain, strain along dislocations and growth ordering of isomorphous components. Optical inhomogeneities due to the sector zoning of crystals and their dislocation structure arise even under stationary growth conditions and stationary micromorphology of the growing face. Both variable growth conditions and the relief of the growing face strongly intensify the optical inhomogeneity due to three interrelated factors: (1) a significantly inhomogeneous mismatch strain; (2) a variable degree of ordering of isomorphous components due to the compositional inhomogeneities; (3) different degrees of ordering of isomorphous atoms caused by different orientations, heights and velocities of growth steps. These effects lead to the formation of subsector zoning and zoning superimposed on the optical sector zoning. These optical structures are crossed by birefringent stripes arising from dislocations. Received: 29 March 2000 / Accepted: 11 March 2001  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a multi‐level pseudo‐dynamic seismic test program that was performed to assess the performance of a full‐scale three‐bay, two‐storey steel–concrete composite moment‐resisting frame built with partially encased composite columns and partial‐strength beam‐to‐column joints. The system was designed to develop a ductile response in the joint components of beam‐to‐column joints including flexural yielding of beam end plates and shear yielding of the column web panel zone. The ground motion producing the damageability limit state interstorey drift caused minor damage while the ultimate limit state ground motion level entailed column web panel yielding, connection yielding and plastic hinging at the column base connections. The earthquake level chosen to approach the collapse limit state induced more damage and was accompanied by further column web panel yielding, connection yielding and inelastic phenomena at column base connections without local buckling. During the final quasi‐static cyclic test with stepwise increasing displacement–amplitudes up to an interstorey drift angle of 4.6%, the behaviour was ductile although cracking of beam‐to‐end‐plate welds was observed. Correlations with numerical simulations taking into account the inelastic cyclic response of beam‐to‐column and column base joints are also presented in the paper together. Inelastic static pushover and time history analysis procedures are used to estimate the structural behaviour and overstrength factors of the structural system under study. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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