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In the context of the emergence of extra-terrestrial oceanography, we adapted an existing oceanographic model, SLIM (www.climate.be/slim), to the conditions of Titan, a moon of Saturn. The tidal response of the largest southern lake at Titan’s surface, namely Ontario Lacus, is simulated. SLIM solves the 2D, depth-averaged shallow water equations on an unstructured mesh using the discontinuous Galerkin finite element method, which allows for high spatial resolution wherever needed. The impact of the wind forcing, the bathymetry, and the bottom friction is also discussed. The predicted maximum tidal range is about 0.56 m in the southern part of the lake, which is more than twice as large as the previous estimates (see Tokano, Ocean Dyn 60:(4) 803–817 10.1007/s10236-010-0285-3 (Tokano 2010)). The patterns and magnitude of the current are also markedly different from those of previous studies: the tidal motion is not aligned with the major axis of the lake and the speed is larger nearshore. Indeed, the main tidal component rotates clockwise in an exact period of one Titan day and the tidal currents can reach 0.046 ms ?1 close to the shores depending on the geometry and the bathymetry. Except for these specific nearshore regions, the current speed is less than 0.02 ms ?1. Circular patterns can be observed offshore, their rotational direction and size varying along the day.  相似文献   
The development of large-scale bedrock quarry operations often requires high-volume and long-term groundwater extraction to maintain a sustainable working environment. These dewatering activities often influence groundwater levels and flow patterns regionally. In the present study, the influence of the dewatering of the travertine quarry operations near the city of Tivoli, Italy, are quantitatively investigated through an integrated analysis of field data and numerical modeling. Lowering of regional groundwater levels in the vicinity of the quarry has led to destructive land subsidence and alterations to the flow system sustaining a hot-spring area. The study employs a finite element numerical model (FEFLOW) to evaluate and quantify the impact of the extensive dewatering on fault-controlled regional groundwater flow in the Acque Albule basin. By incorporating the physical field data and historical hydrologic information, the numerical model was calibrated against three groundwater scenarios, reproducing the effects of different exploitation activities, coupled with natural changes over the course of the quarry operation. The results indicate that groundwater withdrawals by the mining industry and by “Terme di Roma” spa resulted in the cessation of flow from the primary thermal spring and a drop in the phreatic level in the area consequently affected by land subsidence.  相似文献   
In this paper, we study on a history matching approach that consists of finding stable approximations to the problem of minimizing the weighted least-squares functional that penalizes the misfit between the reservoir model predictions G(u) and noisy observations y η . In other words, we are interested in computing an approximation to the minimizer of $\frac {1}{2}\vert \vert \Gamma ^{-1/2}(y^{\eta }-G(u))\vert \vert _{Y}^{2} $ where Γ is the measurements error covariance, Y is the observation space, and X is a set of admissible parameters. This is an ill-posed nonlinear inverse problem that we address by means of the regularizing Levenberg–Marquardt scheme developed by Hanke (Inverse Probl. 13:79–95, 1997; J. Integr. Equ. Appl. 22(2):259–283, 2010). Under certain conditions on G, the theory of Hanke (Inverse Probl. 13:79–95, 1997; J. Integr. Equ. Appl. 22(2):259–283, 2010) ensures the convergence of the scheme to stable approximations to the inverse problem. We propose an implementation of the regularizing Levenberg–Marquardt scheme that enforces prior knowledge on the geologic properties. In particular, the prior mean $\overline {u}$ is incorporated in the initial guess of the algorithm, and the prior error covariance C is enforced through the definition of the parameter space X. Our main goal is to numerically show that the proposed implementation of the regularizing Levenberg–Marquardt scheme of Hanke is a robust method capable of providing accurate estimates of the geologic properties for small noise measurements. In addition, we provide numerical evidence of the convergence and regularizing results predicted by the theory of Hanke (Inverse Probl. 13:79–95, 1997; J. Integr. Equ. Appl. 22(2):259–283, 2010) for a prototypical oil–water reservoir model. The performance for recovering the true permeability with the regularizing Levenberg–Marquardt scheme is compared to the typical approach of computing the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator. In particular, we compare the proposed application of the regularizing Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) scheme against the standard LM approach of Li et al. (SPE J. 8(4):328–340, 2003) and Reynolds et al. (2008) for computing the MAP. Our numerical experiments suggest that the history matching approach based on iterative regularization is robust and could potentially be used to improve further on various methodologies already proposed as effective tools for history matching in petroleum reservoirs.  相似文献   
Framed into a robust stratigraphic context, multivariate analyses on the Holocene palaeobiological record (pollen, benthic foraminifers, ostracods) of the Po coastal plain (NE Italy) allowed the investigation of microtidal ecosystems variability and driving parameters along a 35-km-long land–sea transect. Millennial-scale ecosystem shifts are documented by coeval changes in the meiofauna, reflecting variations in organic matter–water depth (shallow-marine environments) and degree of confinement-salinity (back-barrier settings). In-phase shifts of vegetation communities track unsteady water-table levels and river dynamics in freshwater palustrine areas. Five environmental–ecological stages followed one another crossing four tipping points that mark changes in relative sea level (RSL), climate and/or fluvial regime. At the culmination of Mediterranean RSL rise, after the 8200 event, remarkable growth of peatlands took place in the Po estuary, while low accumulation rates typified the shelf. At the transgressive–regressive turnaround (~7000 cal a bp ), the estuary turned into a delta plain with tidally influenced interdistributary embayments. River flow regime oscillations after the Climate Optimum (post-5000 cal a bp ) favoured isolation of the bays and the development of brackish wetlands surrounded by wooded peatlands. The youngest threshold (~800 cal a bp ), which led to the establishment of the modern delta, reflects a major avulsion of the Po River.  相似文献   
This contribution explores the evolution of the flood risk in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (MAB; Northeast Spain) from 1981 to 2015, and how it has been affected by changes in land use, population and precipitation. To complete this study, we analysed PRESSGAMA and INUNGAMA databases to look for all the information related to the floods and flash floods that have affected the chosen region. The “Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros”, a state insurance company for extraordinary risks, provided data on economic damage. The extreme precipitation trend was analysed by the Fabra Observatory and El Prat-Airport Observatory, and daily precipitation data were provided by the State Meteorological Agency of Spain (AEMET) and the Meteorological Service of Catalonia (SMC). Population data were obtained from the Statistical Institute of Catalonia (IDESCAT). Changes in land use were estimated from the land use maps for Catalonia corresponding to 1956, 1993, 2000, 2005 and 2009. Prevention measures like rainwater tanks and improvements to the drainage system were also been considered. The specific case of Barcelona is presented, a city recognised by United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction as a model city for urban resilience to floods. The evolution of flood events in the MAB does not show any significant trend for this period. We argue that the evolution in floods can be explained, at least in part, by the lack of trend in extreme precipitation indices, and also by the improvements in flood prevention measures.  相似文献   
Astronomical tuning of the Messinian pre‐salt succession in the Levant Basin allows for the first time the reconstruction of a detailed chronology of the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) events in deep setting and their correlation with marginal records that supports the CIESM ( 2008 ) 3‐stage model. Our main conclusions are (1) MSC events were synchronous across marginal and deep basins, (2) MSC onset in deep basins occurred at 5.97 Ma, (3) only foraminifera‐barren, evaporite‐free shales accumulated in deep settings between 5.97 and 5.60 Ma, (4) deep evaporites (anhydrite and halite) deposition started later, at 5.60 Ma and (5) new and published 87Sr/86Sr data indicate that during all stages, evaporites precipitated from the same water body in all the Mediterranean sub‐basins. The wide synchrony of events and 87Sr/86Sr homogeneity implies inter‐sub‐basin connection during the whole MSC and is not compatible with large sea‐level fall and desiccation of the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

A seismic sequence in central Italy from August 2016 to January 2017 affected groundwater dynamics in fractured carbonate aquifers. Changes in spring discharge, water-table position, and streamflow were recorded for several months following nine Mw 5.0–6.5 seismic events. Data from 22 measurement sites, located within 100 km of the epicentral zones, were analyzed. The intensity of the induced changes were correlated with seismic magnitude and distance to epicenters. The additional post-seismic discharge from rivers and springs was found to be higher than 9 m3/s, totaling more than 0.1 km3 of groundwater release over 6 months. This huge and unexpected contribution increased streamflow in narrow mountainous valleys to previously unmeasured peak values. Analogously to the L’Aquila 2009 post-earthquake phenomenon, these hydrogeological changes might reflect an increase of bulk hydraulic conductivity at the aquifer scale, which would increase hydraulic heads in the discharge zones and lower them in some recharge areas. The observed changes may also be partly due to other mechanisms, such as shaking and/or squeezing effects related to intense subsidence in the core of the affected area, where effects had maximum extent, or breaching of hydraulic barriers.

A significant part of Campania is extensively covered by volcaniclastic soils, deriving from the alteration of airfall-sedimented formations of layered ashes and pumices that were ejected by Campi Flegrei and Mt. Somma–Vesuvius during explosive eruptions. Where such soils cover steep slopes cut in carbonate bedrock, landforms depend essentially on the morpho-evolution of such slopes prior to the deposition of the volcaniclastic soils, because these are generally present only as thin veneers, up to a few meters of total thickness. Historical records and local literature testify that, in this part of Campania, landslides that originate on carbonate slopes covered by such soils and terminate at their foot or at gully outlets are frequent, following critical rainfall events. Such landslides can be classified as complex, occurring initially as debris slides, but rapidly evolving into debris avalanches and/or debris flows. The localization of the initial sliding areas (i.e. “sources”) on the slopes depends on both the spatial distribution of characters of the soil cover and the spatial distribution of the triggering rainfall events. It therefore appears reasonable to separate the two aspects of the problem and focus on the former one, in order to attempt an assessment of soil sliding susceptibility in the event of landslide-triggering rainfall. In this paper, some results of the application of a method aimed at such an assessment are presented. The method, called SLIDE (from SLiding Initiation areas DEtection), is based on the concept that, for a spatially homogeneous soil cover and a spatially homogeneous landslide-triggering rainfall sequence, different values of threshold slope gradient for limit equilibrium conditions exist, depending on morphological characters of the soil cover, such as its continuity and planform curvature. The method is based on the assessment of (1) soil cover presence, (2) discontinuities within soil cover, (3) slope gradients and curvature, by means of good resolution DEMs. It has been applied to sample carbonate slopes of Campania, where landslides originated either repeatedly or recently. Results are encouraging, and a soil sliding susceptibility map of a large area, based on a simplified version of method, is also presented.  相似文献   
Phosphorus (P) and other chemical elements have been used to identify residential middens at archaeological sites. This study discusses the relationship of soil chemical elements and middens at Group Chispa, a Late Classic residential complex at a commoner village in the Maya lowlands. The complex was extensively excavated and soil sampled. Ceramic sherd densities, which serve as a proxy for artifact densities, correlate only partially with phosphorus and other chemical elements. One of the three middens in Group Chispa coincides with the highest concentration of P while the two others—including the most extensive one—have medium to low P levels. A spectrum of human activities that include the preparation of pigments explains the nontraditional distribution of chemical elements. High P levels remain useful to detect middens but they provide an incomplete picture and need to be contextualized by comprehensive archaeological data.  相似文献   
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