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Two isolated metamorphic accretionary complexes of Jurassic age, the Refahiye and Kurtlutepe metamorphic rocks, crop out as tectonic slices within the coeval suprasubduction-zone ophiolite at the southern margin of the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey), close to the ?zmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture. The Refahiye metamorphic rocks are made up of greenschist, marble, serpentinite, phyllite and minor garnet amphibolite, garnet micaschist and metachert. The whole unit was metamorphosed under garnet-amphibolite-facies conditions and strongly retrogressed during exhumation. The Kurtlutepe metamorphic rocks consist of subgreenschist-facies metavolcanics, metavolcaniclastics, marble, calc-phyllite, and minor serpentinite and metachert. Metabasites in the Refahiye metamorphic rocks are represented by four distinct geochemical affinities: (i) cumulate “flavor,” (ii) alkaline oceanic island basalt (OIB), (iii) enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt (E-MORB) and (iv) tholeiitic island arc basalt (IAB). On the other hand, the Kurtlutepe metavolcanic rocks display only tholeiitic to calc-alkaline island arc geochemical affinities. The metabasic rocks with OIB affinities were interpreted as parts of the accreted oceanic islands, and those with E-MORB affinities as parts of accreted ridge segments close to oceanic islands and/or plume-distal mid-ocean ridges with a mantle previously metasomatized by plume components. The metabasic rocks with IAB affinities might have been derived from the overlying suprasubduction ophiolite and/or arc domain by a number of tectonic or sedimentary processes including tectonic slicing of accretionary complex and overlying fore-arc ophiolite, juxtaposition of the magmatic arc with subduction zone by strike slip faults, submarine gravity sliding and debris flows or subduction erosion. However, totally recrystallized nature of the metabasic rocks together with field relations does not allow any inference on the processes involved. The Kurtlutepe metavolcanic rocks might represent collided and accreted oceanic island arc with the subduction zone. Attempted subduction of an intraoceanic island arc may also explain the magmatic lull during Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous in the Eastern Pontides.  相似文献   
An on‐line solid phase extraction method for the preconcentration and determination of Cu(II) by flame atomic absorption spectrometry has been described. The procedure is based on the retention of Cu(II) ions at pH 6.0 on a minicolumn packed with Amberlite XAD‐1180 resin impregnated with chrome azurol S. After preconcentration, Cu(II) ions adsorbed on the impregnated resin were eluted by 1 mol L?1 HNO3 solution. Several parameters, such as pH, type of eluent, flow rates of sample and eluent solutions, amount of resin were evaluated. At optimized conditions, for 3.5 min of preconcentration time, the system achieved a detection limit of 1.0 µg L?1, and a relative standard deviation of 1.2% at 0.2 µg mL?1 copper. An enrichment factor of 56‐fold was obtained with respect to the copper determination. The proposed method was successfully validated by the analysis of standard reference material (TMDA 54.4 lake water) and recovery studies. The method was applied to the preconcentration of Cu(II) in natural water samples.  相似文献   
This study presents an investigation of the orbital period variations of five Algol type binaries, UX Leo, RW Mon, EQ Ori, XZ UMa and AX Vul based on all available minima times. The OC diagrams of all systems exhibit a periodic variation superimposed on a downward parabolic segment. The mass loss due to magnetic braking effect in the cooler components is assumed to account for the parabolic variation with a downward shape, while it is suggested that the light-time effect (LITE) due to an unseen component around the eclipsing binaries explains the tilted sinusoidal changes in their OC diagrams. The orbital period decrease rates for the systems are estimated as approximately between about 0.7 and 2.5 s per century. It is clearly seen that mass loss effect is more dominant than the expected mass transfer for classical Algols in this study. The minimum mass of the probable third bodies around the eclipsing pairs was calculated to be ?0.5 M except for UX Leo, in which it was estimated to be approximately 0.9 M. In order to search for third lights in the light curves of five systems, the V-light curves of the systems were analyzed and their physical and photometric parameters were determined. For UX Leo, a significant third light contribution was determined. We found a very small third light that can be tested using multi-color light curves, for RW Mon, EQ Ori and XZ UMa, while a third light for AX Vul could not be exposed.  相似文献   
A reliable wastewater characterization is a prerequisite for the selection of an acceptable treatment strategy for produced water which exhibits significant differences due to the varied kinds of wells, seasonal changes, and formation types. A complete characterization of produced water generated from oil, gas, and oil–gas fields in Turkey was performed based on seasonal and locational variations. The results showed that the produced water generated from oil field wells was highly polluted and wastewater volume was higher in comparison to gas and oil–gas field wells. Besides, the characterization of produced water was varying in a wide range based on seasonal and locational variations. Useful relationships were observed between chloride, sodium, bromide, and total dissolved solids concentrations. The results can be used in the design, operation, and optimization of wastewater treatment systems of petroleum and oil industries for future studies.  相似文献   
Accurate forecasting of sediment is an important issue for reservoir design and water pollution control in rivers and reservoirs. In this study, an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) approach is used to construct monthly sediment forecasting system. To illustrate the applicability of ANFIS method the Great Menderes basin is chosen as the study area. The models with various input structures are constructed for the purpose of identification of the best structure. The performance of the ANFIS models in training and testing sets are compared with the observed data. To get more accurate evaluation of the results ANFIS models, the best fit model structures are also tested by artificial neural networks (ANN) and multiple linear regression (MLR) methods. The results of three methods are compared, and it is observed that the ANFIS is preferable and can be applied successfully because it provides high accuracy and reliability for forecasting of monthly total sediment.  相似文献   
The Çatallar Basin is one of the Miocene basins located in the southern part of the Bey Da?lar? Massif (SW Turkey). This basin has been reinvestigated and new stratigraphic and sedimentological data are now presented. The Çatallar Basin lies in paraconformity on the Bey Da?lar? carbonate platform of Late Cretaceous to Palaeogene age. It consists of an impersistent, shallow-marine carbonate base (Karabay?r formation, Late Oligocene to Early Burdigalian) followed by an onlapping detrital sequence including the Akçay and Ba?beleni formations (Langhian to Serravallian). The Akçay formation mainly contains turbidites in which several debris-flows and olistostromes are intercalated. The lowest debris flows derive from the local carbonate platforms of Cretaceous and Palaeogene age. Higher, the debris flows and olistostromes contain large carbonate blocks deriving from nearby sources (Bey Da?lar? platform carbonates), whereas the accompanying pebbles originate from the allochthonous ophiolitic units located farther to the north (Lycian Nappes) or to the east (Antalya Nappes). The origin of these ophiolitic detritus is a matter of debate. The new data obtained in this study favour a northern origin.  相似文献   
Eclogite and blueschist facies rocks occurring as a tectonic unit between the underlying Menderes Massif (MM) and the overlying Afyon Zone/Lycian Nappes and the Bornova Flysch Zone in western Anatolia represent the eastward continuation of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU) in Turkey. This high-P unit is attributed to the closure of the Pindos Ocean and consists of (a) a Triassic to Upper Cretaceous coherent series derived from passive continental margin sediments and (b) the tectonically overlying Upper Cretaceous Selçuk mélange with eclogite blocks embedded in a pelitic epidote-blueschist matrix. The coherent series has experienced epidote-blueschist facies metamorphism (490 ± 25°C/11.5 ± 1.5 kbar; 38 km depth). 40Ar/39Ar white mica and 206Pb/238U monazite dating of quartz metaconglomerate from coherent series yielded middle Eocene ages of 44 ± 0.3 and 40.1 ± 3.1 Ma for epidote-blueschist facies metamorphism, respectively. The epidote-blueschist facies metamorphism of the matrix of the Selçuk mélange culminates at 520 ± 15°C/13 ± 1.5 kbar, 43 km depth, and is dated at 57.5 ± 0.3–54.5 ± 0.1 Ma (40Ar/39Ar phengite). Eclogite facies metamorphism of the blocks (570 ± 30°C/18 ± 2 kbar, 60 km depth) is early Eocene and dated at 56.2 ± 1.5 Ma by 206Pb/238U zircon. Eclogites experienced a nearly isothermal retrogression (490 ± 40°C/~6 to 7 kbar) during their incorporation into the Selçuk mélange. The retrograde overprints of the coherent series (410 ± 15°C/7 ± 1.5 kbar from Dilek Peninsula and 485 ± 33°C/~6 to 7 kbar from Selçuk–Tire area) and the Selçuk mélange (510 ± 15°C/6 ± 1 kbar) are dated at 35.8 ± 0.5–34.3 ± 0.1 Ma by 40Ar/39Ar white mica and 31.6 ± 6.6 Ma by 206Pb/238U allanite dating methods, respectively. Regional geological constrains reveal that the contact between the MM and the CBU originally formed a lithosphere-scale transform fault zone. 40Ar/39Ar white mica age from the contact indicates that the CBU and the MM were tectonically juxtaposed under greenschist facies conditions during late Eocene, 35.1 ± 0.3 Ma.  相似文献   
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