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粘土矿物对海水中主要营养盐的吸附研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
对海水中磷盐和硝酸盐在粘土矿物上的吸附行为的研究发现,海水体系中高岭土对磷酸盐的吸附能力大于蒙脱土,其原因为,粘土颗粒的表层铝/硅结构比是控制磷酸盐吸附的主要因素,其中铝含量越高,肿附能力越大。考察PH、粘土酸改性处理等因素对吸附作用的影响,结果表明,PH<8.5的磷酸盐吸附PH曲线呈峰形,其吸附作用以阴离子交换为主;PH>8.5时磷酸盐的吸附作用以沉淀吸附为主。酸改性蒙脱土可提高吸附磷酸盐的能力  相似文献   
A statistical study has been made for the variations along the Hubble sequence, os such parameters as the degree of tightness of winding of spiral arm λ, the pitch angle μ, the flatness of the disk H/D25 and the thickness H along the Hubble sequence for 365 spiral galaxies published in A&Ap Supplement Series. The mean values of these quantities for the various Hubble types have been obtained for the first time. The results of the statistics show clearly 1) that the Hubble classification of spiral galaxies is one which has only a qualitative and statistical significance, and 2) that the dispersion relation in the density wave theory is valid for most spiral galaxies, i.e., the arms of most spiral galaxies satisfy the requirements of being tightly wound.  相似文献   
本研究采取苗种强化培育、坑道培育大规格苗种、湖间带鲍参混养等相结合,并配套适当技术措施,促进鲍快速生长,缩短养殖周期一年左右,提高成活率15%以上,增加经济效益200%左右,形成鲍高效养殖的较理想模式。  相似文献   
We carry out numerical simulations of dissipationless major mergers of elliptical galaxies using initial galaxy models that consist of a dark matter haloes and a stellar bulge with properties consistent with the observed fundamental plane. By varying the density profile of the dark matter haloes [standard Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) profile versus adiabatically contracted NFW profile], the global stellar to dark matter mass ratio and the orbit of the merging galaxies, we are able to assess the impact of each of these factors on the structure of the merger remnant. Our results indicate that the properties of the remnant bulge depend primarily on the angular momentum and energy of the orbit; for a cosmologically motivated orbit, the effective radius and velocity dispersion of the remnant bulge remain approximately on the fundamental plane. This indicates that the observed properties of elliptical galaxies are consistent with significant growth via late dissipationless mergers. We also find that the dark matter fraction within the effective radius of our remnants increases after the merger, consistent with the hypothesis that the tilt of the fundamental plane from the virial theorem is due to a varying dark matter fraction as a function of galaxy mass.  相似文献   
In this paper, the marine ship observation data sets in the seventh (October 16-December 4. 1989) and eighth (June 1-July 16, 1990) cruises of PRC -US tropical ocean and global atmosphere (TOGA) joint scientific investigation in the tropical western Pacific are used to analyze the elements such as sea surface temperature (SST), surface wind field, fluxes and net heat budget, which are important physical parameters of underlying earth's surface influencing the global mean circulation evolution on seasonal and interannual time scales. These diagnostic analyses are very beneficial to the understanding of the regional climate characteristics and the air-sea interaction mechanism, and the improving of surface flux parameterizations and regional or global climate model.  相似文献   
The basis, process and results of the demonstration of the main dimensions of a 75000t floating production and storage vessel are discussed in this paper. A simple but reliable orthogonal design method is applied in the main dimension optimization. The ideas of gradual approximation and feedback from various aspects are put into effect. During the demonstration, in order to make the model tally with the actual situation, the draft design is closely related to the computational analysis, so that the demonstration model can be verified at any time; the handling of the overall system is closely related to the research of each item, which is beneficial not only to the mastery of various regularities, but also to the balance of decisions. Finally, according to the computational results and the regularities obtained from analysis, the main dimensions are determined.  相似文献   
建立竖板-栓钉连接钢管混凝土(CFST)柱-钢筋混凝土(RC)梁节点试件(SSJD)拟静力加载试验有限元模型,并在节点损伤情况、梁端荷载-位移曲线等数值模拟结果与试验结果吻合较好的基础上,进一步开展了RC梁混凝土强度、配筋率ρs和连接竖板长度Lb及界面连接情况等对CFST柱-RC梁节点梁端塑性铰区域力学性能的影响。研究结果表明,RC梁混凝土强度对试件SSJD塑性铰区域受力性能的影响较小;适筋范围内RC梁配筋率增加可适当提高试件SSJD承载力和延性;随着连接竖板长度的增加,梁端塑性铰区域外移,梁破坏荷载增大;本研究给出的RC梁与CFST柱之间的界面抗剪承载力模拟值与计算值吻合较好,可用于界面抗剪设计。  相似文献   
Many factors can cause changes of groundwater level, such as the development process of an earthquake, rainfall, solid earth tides etc. Among these we are interested in information regarding earthquake development processes. Eliminating the influence of various disturbance factors is an effective way to obtain seismic development process information contained in the groundwater level. This paper provides two different ways to remove the rainfall effect, and compares the two methods by means of correlation analysis. Furthermore, based on these a logistic regression model is established to describe the seismicity level.  相似文献   
三江平原沼泽地碳循环初探   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
马学慧  吕宪国 《地理科学》1996,16(4):323-330
在三江平原多年考察与研究的基础上,通过典型沼泽的定位观测,估算了三江平原沼泽土壤中的碳储量,探讨了沼泽植物对大气CO2的固定,碳素自沼泽土壤向大气的转移,沼泽近地气层CO2流,以及沼泽植物-土壤-大气之间的碳素流动。  相似文献   

考古遗址出土骨制品的研究对于揭示古代社会的动物资源获取和利用、手工业生产、社会组织结构等问题具有重要意义。国内骨制品研究目前多集中在农业区域,这些研究为探讨新石器时代至青铜时代的动物使用及其与社会发展、早期国家形成的关系等问题作出了重要贡献。然而,针对牧业社会骨制品的考察十分缺乏。新疆哈密地区巴里坤草原分布有大量古代牧业文化遗址,石人子沟遗址(43°31'12.8"~43°34'28.9"N,93°13'44.8"~93°16'49.1"E)是其中一处青铜时代晚期至铁器时代早期的大型聚落。本文从动物考古学视角研究该遗址2006年至2011年发掘出土的426件骨制品。结果显示,石人子沟遗址骨制品的原料主要为以羊(Ovis aries/Capra hircus)、马(Equus caballus)为主的家养动物和以鹿(Cervidae)为主的野生动物,其中羊的比例最高(69.7%),鹿(13.8%)、马(2.3%)次之,这与中原地区青铜时代农业文化遗址的骨制品多以牛为原料的情况明显不同。羊在骨制品原料中占绝对多数且大量使用羊距骨制品的现象是对石人子沟遗址以牧业为主的生业经济方式的直接反映。石人子沟遗址不同类型骨制品的制作各具特点,但整体表现出"省时省力"的特点,即对使用部位细致打磨,对非使用部位仅做简单处理。与中原地区商周时期大型制骨作坊规范化、规模化、产业化的骨器生产不同,石人子沟遗址未见专门的制骨场所,骨制品生产的操作链条也并不完整。遗址的骨制品生产可能是以家庭为单元进行的,产品的专业化、精细化程度也相对较低。该研究填补了我国古代牧业文化遗址出土骨制品动物考古学专门研究的空白,为进一步探究我国古代不同区域、不同生业经济基础下的制骨手工业面貌提供了重要资料。

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