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Streeter-Phelps模型参数估计的遗传算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
提出Streeter-Phelps模型参数估计的新方法--遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm),它不同于常规参数估计方法,其优点在于,从多个初始点开始寻优,并采用交迭和变异运算避免过早地收敛到局部最优解,可获得全局最优解,且不受初始值影响.该方法不必求导计算,编程简单快捷.给出了实例计算及与其他方法相比较的结果.  相似文献   
毛乌素沙地砒砂岩与沙复配农田的固沙效应及其微观机理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
砒砂岩与沙复配成土及其工程化核心技术的提出与应用,为毛乌素沙地合理利用土地资源、科学推进生态建设提供了新的思路与技术支撑。前期研究对利用层面的技术问题给予了较多关注并取得显著进展,而在潜在风险层面特别是关于复配土壤的固沙效应及其微观机理的探索则相对薄弱。基于集沙仪、扫描电镜及激光粒度仪,结合野外定位试验和室内仪器观测,对毛乌素典型原状沙地及复配农田的输沙特征差异及其固沙微观机理进行探索。结果表明:(1)观测周期内,原状沙地输沙总量为4 951 g,远高于复配农田2 436 g的输沙总量,原状沙地更易受风蚀,而复配农田土壤起沙风速大、输沙量较小,具有明显的固沙效应;(2)扫描电镜图像显示,原状沙地土粒(沙粒)粗骨化、无粘结,而耕种两年的复配农田土壤中已出现团聚体;(3)激光粒度仪分析显示,原状沙地的粉、黏粒含量仅为2.74%,而复配农田这一比例增至15.12%;(4)复配土防风固沙效应的形成与粉粒和黏粒含量及土壤结构等紧密相关。鉴于复配农田输沙固沙能力的动态差异性和风力敏感性,进一步实施复配成土造田工程时,宜在复配农田主导风向的上风向区域及成片农田内适当布设具有防风功能的适生草类或灌木条带。  相似文献   
Liang  Chen  Zhao  Yan  Qin  Feng  Zheng  Zhuo  Xiao  Xiayun  Ma  Chunmei  Li  Huan  Zhao  Wenwei 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(8):1144-1160
Quantitative climate reconstruction on long timescales can provide important insights for understanding the climate variability and providing valuable data for simulations. Unfortunately, the credibility of some attempts was hampered by incomplete reconstruction procedures. We here establish a comprehensive framework resting on high-quality Chinese modern pollen database, including modern pollen data screening, calibration set selection, major climate factor analysis, appropriate model selection, strict statistical assessment of results and ecological interpretation. The application of this framework to three high-resolution pollen records from the eastern Tibetan Plateau allows accurate quantitative inferences of Holocene temperature changes, which is the major control of regional vegetation. The results show that the mean warmest month temperature(MTwa)during the early Holocene was ca. 10.4℃ and reached the highest value at 8.5–6 ka BP(ca. 11℃). The early and mid-Holocene(11–5 ka BP) warmth was followed by 1.2℃ temperature decrease, culminating in the coolest temperatures of the Holocene during the Neoglacial cooling. Superimposing on the general cooling trend, MTwareveals a significant 500-yr periodicity with varying intensities through time, showing that warm(cold) intervals are in phase with solar maxima(minima) periods. This spectral similarity indicates a possible connection of multi-century scale climate fluctuations with solar forcing.  相似文献   
本文通过对京山地区寒武—奥陶系碳酸盐岩成岩作用和孔隙演化的研究,认为本区寒武—奥陶系普遍经历了海底、大气淡水、埋藏及表生成岩环境,其间发生的成岩作用主要有胶结作用、白云岩化、压实-压溶、溶蚀和破裂作用。在这些成岩作用的改造下,岩石孔隙度从大于20%下降到1.5~5%,其中在中新生代孔隙相对较发育。  相似文献   
谷永新  马志明  高福旺 《地震》1999,19(2):209-213
通过对北京地区现有定点地震前兆监测网进行清理,分析了现有定点专业前兆监测台站、观测点、群测点的数量及分布密度的现状。对1996年12月16日北京顺义MS4.0地震的短临异常特征进行了探讨,表明顺义MS4.0地震前在震中周围出现一个直径约35km的短临异常密集区域。从异常形态看,该区域中的异常大部分可能带有来自震源的信息。结合顺义地震短临异常点位分布特征,对北京地区前兆台网的密度问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
对河南淅川丹江沿岸龙山时代若干遗址出土陶鼎残片内壁残留的炭化物,开展了碳、氮稳定同位素分析,旨在揭示该类型器物所盛放或烹煮过的食物来源以及器物的用途。结果显示,δ 13 C值介于C3和C4类植物之间,表明大部分器物曾烹煮过C3和C4类食物,根据该地区当时为稻粟混作区的状况,推测稻、粟可能是食物的主要来源; 结合δ 13 C与 δ 15 N 值表明部分炭化物的生物来源包括豆科类植物、食肉类动物或鱼类资源,说明先民的蛋白质摄取来源较为丰富。因此,当时陶鼎加工的食物种类并不局限于肉类,这表明了陶鼎使用功能的广泛性以及当时人类食物来源的多样性,从而深化了对古代社会食物结构以及生存环境的认识。  相似文献   
小黄鱼是我国近海四种最重要的经济鱼类之一,在过去的几十年中小黄鱼种群及其两个地理亚种群经历了巨大的变化。小黄鱼的种群动力学研究,对于维持这一重要渔业的可持续管理是至关重要的。目前仅有的两个小黄鱼种群动力学模型只涵盖了较短的时间,且没有关注其空间差异。本文研究了1968年至2015年间黄渤海和东海小黄鱼的种群动力学模型,包含和不包含空间分层结构的两种贝叶斯模型被用于分析其种群动力学的大尺度空间异质性。本文分析了不同的假设,来研究小黄鱼种群动力学潜在的变化趋势。研究结果表明小黄鱼种群动力学特征具有明显的时间和空间变化。种群的增长速度从20世纪八十年代开始增加,而可捕系数从1981年到2015年增加了两倍多。与黄渤海亚种群相比,东海的小黄鱼亚种群生长速度更快,遭受的捕捞压力也更大。基于最大可持续产量MSY的参考点表明,无论是整个小黄鱼种群还是两个亚种群,近年来都有非常高的过度捕捞风险。因此我国小黄鱼的渔业管理急需更加保守的管理策略,同时考虑其地域差异。本文所用的方法可以应用于其他种类的资源评估和渔业管理,尤其是具有空间异质性和数据有限的种类。  相似文献   
Soil moisture, a critical variable in the hydrologic cycle, is highly influenced by vegetation restoration type. However, the relationship between spatial variation of soil moisture, vegetation restoration type and slope length is controversial. Therefore, soil moisture across soil layers (0-400 cm depth) was measured before and after the rainy season in severe drought (2015) and normal hydrological year (2016) in three vegetation restoration areas (artificial forestland, natural forestland and grassland), on the hillslopes of the Caijiachuan Catchment in the Loess area, China. The results showed that artificial forestland had the lowest soil moisture and most severe water deficit in 100-200 cm soil layers. Water depletion was higher in artificial and natural forestlands than in natural grassland. Moreover, soil moisture in the shallow soil layers (0-100 cm) under the three vegetation restoration types did not significantly vary with slope length, but a significant increase with slope length was observed in deep soil layers (below 100 cm). In 2015, a severe drought hydrological year, higher water depletion was observed at lower slope positions under three vegetation restoration types due to higher transpiration and evapotranspiration and unlikely recharge from upslope runoff. However, in 2016, a normal hydrological year, there was lower water depletion, even infiltration recharge at lower slope positions, indicating receiving a large amount of water from upslope. Vegetation restoration type, precipitation, slope length and soil depth during a rainy season, in descending order of influence, had significant effects on soil moisture. Generally, natural grassland is more beneficial for vegetation restoration than natural and artificial forestlands, and the results can provide useful information for understanding hydrological processes and improving vegetation restoration practices on the Loess Plateau  相似文献   
前人对四川盆地盆缘冲断带及川中高-磨地区断裂系统进行了系统性研究,但对于盆地其他区块断裂发育特征、形成演化及应力背景的认识尚不充分.发现了梓潼-成都-威远-华蓥山-广安地区震旦系-下三叠统地层中发育的一套区域性张扭性断裂,主要自震旦系及以下地层向上延伸切穿二叠系地层,多为高陡、小断距正断层,部分形成负花状构造.根据该断裂系统的剖面产状、纵向穿层特征及盆地范围内体现出的分异性,推断该断裂系统形成于喜马拉雅期.物理模拟实验研究发现该断裂体系应发育于扭张性应力环境中,该断裂体系的发育指示了四川盆地内部新生代存在南西-北东向张应力,可能与四川盆地新生代发生的逆时针旋转有关.   相似文献   
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