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Historians and geographers have variously explored the WWI discharged soldier settlement schemes in New Zealand. The shared orthodoxy has emphasised the widespread failure of many of these soldier settlers and settlements. Recently there have been signs of a revisionist interpretation of the scheme. This paper extends this critique by considering the meanings of failure and success in broader terms through two New Zealand case studies. The discussion suggests that there were subtle graduations of both administrative and settler success and failure.  相似文献   
The Cerro Toledo Rhyolite is a group of high-silica rhyolitedomes and tephras which were erupted during the period betweenthe Lower Bandelier Tuff (LBT) at 1?45 Ma and the Upper BandelierTuff (UBT) at 1?12 Ma. The tephra sequence reflects the changingcomposition of the most fractionated liquids at the top of themagma chamber or chambers owing to crystallization during this0?33-Ma interval, over which it is possible to trace magma evolutionin detail. Incompatible elements such as Cs and Lu generallyincrease in concentration upsection through the tephra sequence.By contrast, Zr initially decreases upsection from 153 ppm to134 ppm in the middle, then increases upward to 320 ppm in themost evolved rhyolites. The Zr/Cs and Hf/Cs ratios initiallydecline, then become constant. The dramatic rise in Zr at nearlyconstant Zr/Cs suggests suppression of zircon crystallizationand a change from a high degree of zircon oversaturation toone of marginal oversaturation in the most evolved magmas. Theobserved Zr trends in the Cerro Toledo Rhyolite are oppositeto those (1) predicted by experimental studics of Zr solubilityin silicic magmas and (2) observed in the Bishop Tuff. LREEshow broadly similar relations to Zr and Hf. We have examined two parameters—iron content and volatilecontent of the magma—which may have controlled the crystallizationbehavior of zircon and the LREE-rich phase(s). The dramaticincrease in Zr and LREE in the most evolved Cerro Toledo Rhyolitesand basal UBT plinian tephras is accompanied by similar increasesin iron and halogen contents. If changa in the halogen contentsof matrix glasses are indicative of changes in overall volatilelevels at the top of the magma chamber(s), the increase in volatilesand iron may have modified the structural state of the magmaand increased the solubilities of zircon and the LREE-rich phase(s),thereby raising the saturation levels of Zr and LREE and stabilizingthese elements in the melt. Disruption of the melt structuremay have resulted from (1) Fe as a network modifier or quasi-molecularcomplex, (2) breaking of bridging oxygens by anions such asOH and F, and/or (3) complexing of Al and alkalisby OH, F, and/or Cl.  相似文献   
Conservative solute injections were conducted in three first-order montane streams of different geological composition to assess the influence of parent lithology and alluvial characteristics on the hydrological retention of nutrients. Three study sites were established: (1) Aspen Creek, in a sandstone–siltstone catchment with a fine-grained alluvium of low hydraulic conductivity (1·3×10−4 cm/s), (2) Rio Calaveras, which flows through volcanic tuff with alluvium of intermediate grain size and hydraulic conductivity (1·2×10−3 cm/s), and (3) Gallina Creek, located in a granite/gneiss catchment of coarse, poorly sorted alluvium with high hydraulic conductivity (4·1×10−3 cm/s). All sites were instrumented with networks of shallow groundwater wells to monitor interstitial solute transport. The rate and extent of groundwater–surface water exchange, determined by the solute response in wells, increased with increasing hydraulic conductivity. The direction of surface water–groundwater interaction within a stream was related to local variation in vertical and horizontal hydraulic gradients. Experimental tracer responses in the surface stream were simulated with a one-dimensional solute transport model with inflow and storage components (OTIS). Model-derived measures of hydrological retention showed a corresponding increase with increasing hydraulic conductivity. To assess the temporal variability of hydrological retention, solute injection experiments were conducted in Gallina Creek under four seasonal flow regimes during which surface discharge ranged from baseflow (0·75 l/s in October) to high (75 l/s during spring snowmelt). Model-derived hydrological retention decreased with increasing discharge. The results of our intersite comparison suggest that hydrological retention is strongly influenced by the geologic setting and alluvial characteristics of the stream catchment. Temporal variation in hydrological retention at Gallina Creek is related to seasonal changes in discharge, highlighting the need for temporal resolution in studies of the dynamics of surface water–groundwater interactions in stream ecosystems. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Snow interception in a coniferous stand leads to considerable short-range variability in snowcover depth, which in turn affects the water and heat regime of the soil. To study the coupling between snow accumulation, frost penetration, and hydrological response, plot-scale experiments were conducted in a subalpine spruce forest. The stony, sandy–loamy Spodosol was highly permeable and had an organic layer of 5–15 cm thickness. Within two plots, one underneath a tree crown and one in a canopy gap, we measured near-surface runoff, soil temperature, and liquid water content. Snow and frost depths varied more in space than between two winter periods at given locations. Frost penetration was greater near the trunk, where a higher portion of snowmelt water drained downslope close to the surface than in the gap due to frost-induced reduction of infiltration. In both years, the spring snowmelt occurred over two distinct periods. During the first snowmelt, the water percolated primarily through the frozen layer and part of it probably refroze within the frozen layer, thereby raising the total water and ice content. During the second event, near-surface runoff was more pronounced.  相似文献   
This study provides the first detailed estimate of riverine organic carbon fluxes in British rivers, as well as highlighting major gaps in organic carbon data in national archives. Existing data on organic carbon and suspended solids concentrations collected between 1989 and 1993, during routine monitoring by the River Purification Boards (RPBs) in Scotland and the National River Authorities (NRAs) in England and Wales, were used with annual mean flows to estimate fluxes of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) in British rivers. Riverine DOC exports during 1993 varied from 7·7–103·5 kg ha−1 year−1, with a median flux of 31·9 kg ha−1 year−1 in the 85 rivers for which data were available. There was a trend for DOC fluxes to increase from the south and east to the north and west. A predictive model based on mean soil carbon storage in 17 catchments, together with regional precipitation totals, explained 94% of the variation in the riverine DOC exports in 1993. This model was used to predict riverine DOC fluxes in regions where no organic carbon data were available. Calculated and predicted fluxes were combined to produce an estimate for exports of DOC to tidal waters in British rivers during 1993 of 0·68±0·07 Mt. Of this total, rivers in Scotland accounted for 53%, England 38% and Wales 9%. Scottish blanket peats would appear to be the largest single source of DOC exports in British rivers. An additional 0·20 Mt of organic carbon were estimated to have been exported in particulate form in 1993, approximately two–thirds of which was contributed by English rivers. It is suggested that riverine losses of organic carbon have the potential to affect the long-term dynamics of terrestrial organic carbon pools in Britain and that rivers may regulate increases in soil carbon pools brought about by climate change. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Blocked‐valley lakes are formed when tributaries are impounded by the relatively rapid aggradation of a large river and its floodplain. These features are common in the landscape, and have been identified in the floodplains of the Solimões‐Amazon (Brazil) and Fly‐Strickland Rivers (Papua New Guinea), for example, but their inaccessibility has resulted in studies being limited to remotely sensed image analysis. This paper documents the sedimentology and geomorphic evolution of a blocked‐valley lake, Lake Futululu on the Mfolozi River floodplain margin, in South Africa, while also offering a context for the formation of lakes and wetlands at tributary junctions. The study combines aerial photography, elevation data from orthophotographs and field survey, and longitudinal sedimentology determined from a series of cores, which were sub‐sampled for organic content and particle size analysis. Radiocarbon dating was used to gauge the rate and timing of peat accumulation. Results indicate that following the last glacial maximum, rising sea‐levels caused aggradation of the Mfolozi River floodplain. By 3980 years bp , aggradation on the floodplain had impounded the Futululu drainage line, creating conditions suitable for peat formation, which has since occurred at a constant average rate of 0·13 cm year?1. Continued aggradation on the Mfolozi River floodplain has raised the base level of the Futululu drainage line, resulting in a series of back‐stepping sedimentary facies with fluvially derived sand and silt episodically prograding over lacustrine peat deposits. Blocked‐valley lakes form where the trunk river has a much larger sediment load and catchment than the tributary stream. Similarly, when the relative difference in sediment loads is less, palustrine wetlands, rather than lakes, may be the result. In contrast, where tributaries drain a steep, well‐connected catchment, they may impound much larger trunk rivers, creating lakes or wetlands upstream.  相似文献   
Coincident observations made over the Moroccan desert during the Sahara mineral dust experiment (SAMUM) 2006 field campaign are used both to validate aerosol amount and type retrieved from multi-angle imaging spectroradiometer (MISR) observations, and to place the suborbital aerosol measurements into the satellite's larger regional context. On three moderately dusty days during which coincident observations were made, MISR mid-visible aerosol optical thickness (AOT) agrees with field measurements point-by-point to within 0.05–0.1. This is about as well as can be expected given spatial sampling differences; the space-based observations capture AOT trends and variability over an extended region. The field data also validate MISR's ability to distinguish and to map aerosol air masses, from the combination of retrieved constraints on particle size, shape and single-scattering albedo. For the three study days, the satellite observations (1) highlight regional gradients in the mix of dust and background spherical particles, (2) identify a dust plume most likely part of a density flow and (3) show an aerosol air mass containing a higher proportion of small, spherical particles than the surroundings, that appears to be aerosol pollution transported from several thousand kilometres away.  相似文献   
The regional dust model system LM-MUSCAT-DES was developed in the framework of the SAMUM project. Using the unique comprehensive data set of near-source dust properties during the 2006 SAMUM field campaign, the performance of the model system is evaluated for two time periods in May and June 2006. Dust optical thicknesses, number size distributions and the position of the maximum dust extinction in the vertical profiles agree well with the observations. However, the spatio-temporal evolution of the dust plumes is not always reproduced due to inaccuracies in the dust source placement by the model. While simulated winds and dust distributions are well matched for dust events caused by dry synoptic-scale dynamics, they are often misrepresented when dust emissions are caused by moist convection or influenced by small-scale topography that is not resolved by the model. In contrast to long-range dust transport, in the vicinity of source regions the model performance strongly depends on the correct prediction of the exact location of sources. Insufficiently resolved vertical grid spacing causes the absence of inversions in the model vertical profiles and likely explains the absence of the observed sharply defined dust layers.  相似文献   
Abstract We have studied metal microstructures in four CH chondrites, Patuxent Range (PAT) 91546, Allan Hills (ALH) 85085, Acfer 214, and Northwest Africa (NWA) 739, to examine details of the thermal histories of individual particles. Four types of metal particles are common in all of these chondrites. Zoned and unzoned particles probably formed as condensates from a gas of chondritic composition in a monotonic cooling regime, as has been shown previously. We have demonstrated that these particles were cooled rapidly to temperatures below 500 K after they formed, and that condensation effectively closed around 700 K. Zoned and unzoned particles with exsolution precipitates, predominantly high‐Ni taenite, have considerably more complex thermal histories. Precipitates grew in reheating episodes, but the details of the heating events vary among individual grains. Reheating temperatures are typically in the range 800–1000 K. Reheating could have been the result of impact events on the CH parent body. Some particles with precipitates may have been incorporated into chondrules, with further brief heating episodes taking place during chondrule formation. In addition to the four dominant types of metal particles, rare Ni‐rich metal particles and Si‐rich metal particles indicate that the metal assemblage in CH chondrites was a mixture of material that formed at different redox conditions. Metal in CH chondrites consists of a mechanical mixture of particles that underwent a variety of thermal histories prior to being assembled into the existing brecciated meteorites.  相似文献   
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