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利用中国陆地 10条GGT地球物理资料编制中国岩石圈篱笆图 ,并加以说明。通过对地球物理特征和地质学分析 ,认为以大兴安岭—太行山—武陵山重力梯级带和青藏高原周边重力梯级带为界 ,可把中国陆地划分 3个岩石圈构造单元。中国陆壳既有三分结构也存在二分结构 ;对地壳中存在的低速带、高导带和天然地震带进行了划分。以大兴安岭—太行山—武陵山重力梯级带为界 ,两侧盆地具有不同的地球物理特征 ,这些特征与构造运动、均衡调整过程有关。莫霍面几乎遍布全国 ,它具有内部结构。下部地壳底部存在的地球物理异常与莫霍面有关 ,也可能与岩石圈地幔的变化有关。  相似文献   
在地表覆盖严重的地区开展地质工作,勘探方法的选择非常重要,高精度磁法是寻找磁性矿物的首选物探方法,目前在祁漫塔格地区的地质找矿工作中起到了非常重要的作用。那陵郭勒河西地区分布有大面积砂梁,高数米至十余米。依钻孔数据,厚度为160~314m,所有形迹都被沙漠覆盖,地面磁异常宽缓不明显。由于缺乏本区地质资料,这给磁测资料的解释带来困难,使得不能给验证钻孔准确定位,这时异常解释手段的选择显得非常重要。通过实例说明综合采用磁法地-井资料的精细反演技术,在沙漠覆盖区实现找矿重大突破。  相似文献   
Despite considerable work on other trace elements, the incorporation of dissolved silicon from cave waters into speleothems has not been previously investigated. In this study, the controls on dissolved Si in cave waters and on adsorbed Si in resulting speleothems are therefore investigated. Bedrock (dolomite), soil water, dripping water, and cave carbonates were retrieved from Heshang Cave situated in the central Yangtze valley of China and were subjected to analysis of dissolved Si content (plus accompanying Ca and Fe analyses). Soil waters have Si/Ca of 45.5 mmol/mol, compared to only 3.2 mmol/mol in the dolomite bedrock, demonstrating that >80% of the dissolved Si must come from dissolution of silicate minerals in the soil. Drip waters have a dissolved Si concentration of ≈4.2 μg/mL, similar to that in the overlying soil water. Actively growing cave carbonates have a Si/Ca of 0.075 mmol/mol suggesting a partition coefficient for incorporation of dissolved silicon of 0.0014, in good agreement with previous laboratory studies. Extrapolating the results of these laboratory studies to the cave environment suggests that changes in Si/Ca in cave carbonates are likely to be primarily controlled by changes in drip-water Si/Ca. The drip-water Si/Ca will, in turn, be controlled by the rate of wind-blown silicate supply; by soil weathering rates; by rainfall dilution; and by precipitation of calcite. The general expectation is that these effects combine to produce high Si/Ca in speleothems during times of low rainfall. A δ18O record from a Heshang Cave stalagmite which grew between 20 and 11 thousand years ago allows these controls to be tested. Correlation of high Si/Ca with high δ18O demonstrates that regional rainfall exerts significant (but not complete) control on speleothem Si/Ca. With further understanding, speleothem Si/Ca may provide a proxy for past rainfall to complement existing proxies such as δ18O and Mg/Ca.  相似文献   
采用LA-MC-ICP-MS手段对敦煌地块中敦煌群的白云母石英片岩、石榴斜长角闪岩、石榴黑云斜长片麻岩和长英质伟晶岩脉中的锆石进行了U-Pb 和Lu-Hf同位素分析,获得白云母石英片岩碎屑岩浆锆石的207Pb/206Pb表面年龄为1545~756Ma,主要集中在1200~1000Ma,表明地层的最大沉积时代为756Ma,蚀源区存在中、新元古代的岩浆事件。白云母石英片岩锆石的εHf(t)分为两组,一组为正值,εHf(t)=1.2~10.1,单阶段模式年龄为tDM=1.09~1.66Ga;一组为负值,εHf(t)=-1~-16,两阶段模式年龄为tDM2=1.91~2.42Ga。表明蚀源区存在古元古代、中元古代的再造地壳。石榴斜长角闪岩的两粒捕获锆石的年龄为2272Ma 和1208Ma,εHf(t)为-3和14,tDM2tDM为2.82Ga和1.1Ga,暗示捕获区存在太古代再造地壳和中元古代晚期新生地壳。石榴斜长角闪岩碎屑锆石的Th/U比值为0.02~0.42,206Pb/238U年龄为441±5Ma,代表了岩石遭受变质作用的时代。石榴黑云斜长片麻岩中的碎屑锆石与长英质伟晶岩脉中的继承锆石特征相同,锆石年龄集中在3个峰值区间:2.2~2.1Ga,1.8~1.6Ga,1.2~0.8Ga,相应的的εHf(t)分别为-9~4,-5.4~15,-27~20,相应锆石的模式年龄分别为3.1~2.4Ga,2.6~1.4Ga,3.1~1.7Ga,均大于其形成年龄,表明蚀源区锆石来自于再循环的新太古代、古元古代和中元古代地壳,样品代表的地层的最大沉积时代为新元古代早期。岩石中检测出早古生代的变质锆石, 206Pb/238U年龄为464~422Ma,可能代表了沉积岩的变质时代。敦煌群锆石U-Pb和Lu-Hf同位素表明蚀源区岩石类型和时代的多样性,也表明部分敦煌群不是前寒武纪的变质基底,而是塔里木盆地变质基底之上新元古代的沉积盖层,后卷入了我国西北部早古生代的造山事件。  相似文献   
通过对西藏海拔最高、面积最大湖泊-纳木错周缘湖相沉积、湖岸堤的野外调查和湖岸阶地的水准测量,发现在纳木错沿岸拔湖48m以下,发育有6级湖岸阶地,拔湖48~139.2m发育有高位湖相沉积。湖相沉积物的同位素测年结果表明,纳木错湖泊发育与藏北高原东南部古大湖演化可划分为3个阶段:①116~37kaB.P.间的古大湖期;②37~30kaB.P.间的外流湖期;③30kaB.P.以来的纳木错期。根据纳木错晚更新世以来湖相沉积中粘土矿物的X光衍射分析结果,以及采用比值法、高岭石法和衍射峰法的研究,探讨了粘土矿物所显示的环境变化信息。粘土矿物成分变化表明,该区已具备了寒温带干旱、半干旱区的气候环境特征。为研究青藏高原的湖泊演化、气候变化、古地理变迁及其隆升过程等提供了新资料。   相似文献   
新疆若羌县阿热力一带位于东昆仑西段北坡、柴达木盆地西南缘。地层区划隶属于秦祁昆地层区、东昆仑-中秦岭地层分区,该区冰沟群分布广泛。对该区开展区域地质调查、对冰沟群的沉积环境和层序地层进行分析研究具有重要地质意义。在开展区域地质调查中,采用路线调查、剖面测量、实验测试等方法对冰沟群的岩性特征、岩石组合、地球化学特征、古生物特征以及形成时代等进行了系统研究,依据岩石组合特征将其划分为狼牙山组和丘吉东沟组。把该区冰沟群与区域上都兰县冰沟群层型剖面进行了对比,通过对比研究,认为该区的冰沟群与都兰县冰沟群层型剖面具明显可对比性。依据岩性特征、岩石组合特征、古生物特征等,对冰沟群沉积环境进行了分析,认为狼牙山组沉积环境属于潮下较深水陆棚相低能环境;丘吉东沟组属于浅海陆棚相带内缘斜坡沉积环境。并对冰沟群层序地层进行了划分,将其划分为2个Ⅲ级层序,即第一层序(B-1)和第二层序(B-2)。  相似文献   
X射线衍射法在天然气水合物研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
刘昌岭  孟庆国 《岩矿测试》2014,33(4):468-479
天然气水合物是一种由气体分子(包括烃类和CO2、H2S等非烃类气体)和水分子在高压低温环境中形成的笼型水合物,主要有Ⅰ型(立方晶体结构)、Ⅱ型(菱形晶体结构)和H型(六方晶体结构)三种晶体结构。研究水合物的结构特征及变化规律,对于认识水合物形成机理、微观动力学、相态转化及水合物样品鉴定等具有重要意义。X射线衍射(XRD)是一种利用X射线照射晶体(或某些非晶态物质)时产生的衍射来研究晶体内部结构(即内部原子排布)的分析技术。该技术应用于天然气水合物研究,不仅能准确获取水合物的结构类型及晶格参数等重要信息,还能观测水合物生成分解的微观动力学过程。本文阐述了XRD技术应用于水合物结构特征研究、水合物生成/分解动力学过程原位观测以及野外水合物样品鉴定等方面的研究进展。已知结构Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型水合物立方晶体的边长分别约为12.0×10-10m和17.3×10-10m,而结构H型水合物六方晶体a轴和c轴的边长分别约为12.2×10-10m和10.0×10-10m,因此,通过XRD技术准确测量水合物晶体的晶格参数,即可判定水合物晶体的结构类型,该技术在国外已应用于海洋和冻土区钻获的天然气水合物样品鉴定并获得结构信息。此外,通过测定不同条件下生成的水合物晶体参数的变化,可研究水合物的结构转换及其影响规律,研究表明混合气体的组成、客体分子体积及直径大小、温度等都对水合物晶体参数及结构产生影响。通过在高压环境下的XRD原位技术,可测定水合物的生成与分解过程中衍射峰的变化,研究水合物生成/分解动力学过程,研究表明水合物生成/分解主要分两个阶段,即在气液(固)表面的快速生成/分解过程及气体分子在液(固)体内部的扩散过程,后一个阶段控制着反应速度。目前,国外在水合物研究中应用XRD技术已相对成熟,而我国才刚刚起步。本文认为,将XRD技术应用到天然气水合物的研究中,可解决水合物的结构类型鉴别及晶格参数测量等基本的科学问题,而且XRD技术与核磁共振、红外光谱、X-CT等分析技术的联用,尚有很大的发展空间,将为天然气水合物相关的理论研究提供强有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   
This article reviews Fuqing ZHANG’s contributions to mesoscale atmospheric science,from research to mentoring to academic service,over his 20-year career.His fundamental scientific contributions on predictability,data assimilation,and dynamics of high impact weather,especially gravity waves and tropical cyclones,are highlighted.His extremely generous efforts to efficiently transmit to the community new scientific knowledge and ideas through mentoring,interacting,workshop organizing,and reviewing are summarized.Special appreciation is given to his tremendous contributions to the development of mesoscale meteorology in China and the education of Chinese graduate students and young scientists.  相似文献   
利用常规气象资料、自动站资料、卫星云图、CINRAD-SA多普勒天气雷达资料以及NCEP再分析资料,结合飞行探测数据,对影响2011年4月17日河北抚宁县森林大火的一次冷锋云系进行分析.结果表明:1)宏观分析,过程降水的水汽仅来自冷锋自身所携带的微弱水汽,水汽辐合值较小,不利降水;2)微观分析,冷锋层状云系在水平和垂直方向上存在较薄的过冷水云区,小粒子数浓度大于20 cm-3的云区占一定比例.飞机催化作业后,雷达回波强度增强,CAS(云气溶胶粒子探头)探测的小粒子数浓度、云含水量及粒子平均直径均有明显变化,说明该次冷锋云系有一定的增雨潜力.  相似文献   
In mountainous lake areas, lake–land and mountain–valley breezes interact with each other, leading to an "extended lake breeze". These extended lake breezes can regulate and control energy and carbon cycles at different scales. Based on meteorological and turbulent fluxes data from an eddy covariance observation site at Erhai Lake in the Dali Basin,southwest China, characteristics of daytime and nighttime extended lake breezes and their impacts on energy and carbon dioxide exchange in 2015 are investigated. Lake breezes dominate during the daytime while, due to different prevailing circulations at night, there are two types of nighttime breezes. The mountain breeze from the Cangshan Mountain range leads to N1 type nighttime breeze events. When a cyclonic circulation forms and maintains in the southern part of Erhai Lake at night, its northern branch contributes to the formation of N2 type nighttime breeze events. The prevailing wind directions for daytime, N1, and N2 breeze events are southeast, west, and southeast, respectively. Daytime breeze events are more intense than N1 events and weaker than N2 events. During daytime breeze events, the lake breeze decreases the sensible heat flux(Hs) and carbon dioxide flux(FCO_2) and increases the latent heat flux(LE). During N1 breeze events, the mountain breeze decreases Hs and LE and increases FCO_2. For N2 breeze events, the southeast wind from the lake surface increases Hs and LE and decreases suppress carbon dioxide exchange.  相似文献   
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