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In May–June 2006, airborne and ground-based solar (0.3–2.2 μm) and thermal infrared (4–42 μm) radiation measurements have been performed in Morocco within the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment (SAMUM). Upwelling and downwelling solar irradiances have been measured using the Spectral Modular Airborne Radiation Measurement System (SMART)-Albedometer. With these data, the areal spectral surface albedo for typical surface types in southeastern Morocco was derived from airborne measurements for the first time. The results are compared to the surface albedo retrieved from collocated satellite measurements, and partly considerable deviations are observed. Using measured surface and atmospheric properties, the spectral and broad-band dust radiative forcing at top-of-atmosphere (TOA) and at the surface has been estimated. The impact of the surface albedo on the solar radiative forcing of Saharan dust is quantified. In the SAMUM case of 19 May 2006, TOA solar radiative forcing varies by 12 W m−2 per 0.1 surface-albedo change. For the thermal infrared component, values of up to +22 W m−2 were derived. The net (solar plus thermal infrared) TOA radiative forcing varies between −19 and +24 W m−2 for a broad-band solar surface albedo of 0.0 and 0.32, respectively. Over the bright surface of southeastern Morocco, the Saharan dust always has a net warming effect.  相似文献   
Volcanic terrains such as magmatic arcs are thought to display the most complex surface environments on Earth. Ancient volcaniclastics are notoriously difficult to interpret as they describe the interplay between a single or several volcanoes and the environment. The Early Miocene Tepoztlán Formation at the southern edge of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt belongs to the few remnants of this ancestral magmatic arc, and therefore is thought to represent an example of the initial phase of evolution of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt. Based on geological mapping, detailed logging of lithostratigraphic sections, palaeocurrent data of sedimentary features and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, mapping of two‐dimensional panels from outcrop to field scale, and geochronological data in an area of ca 1000 km2, three periods in the evolution of the Tepoztlán Formation were distinguished, which lasted around 4 Myr and are representative of a volcanic cycle (edifice growth phases followed by collapse) in a magmatic arc setting. The volcaniclastic sediments accumulated in proximal to medial distances on partly coalescing aprons, similar to volcanic ring plains, around at least three different stratovolcanoes. These volcanoes resulted from various eruptions separated by repose periods. During the first phase of the evolution of the Tepoztlán Formation (22·8 to 22·2 Ma), deposition was dominated by fluvial sediments in a braided river setting. Pyroclastic material from small, andesitic–dacitic composite volcanoes in the near vicinity was mostly eroded and reworked by fluvial processes, resulting in sediments ranging from cross‐bedded sand to an aggradational series of river gravels. The second phase (22·2 to 21·3 Ma) was characterized by periods of strong volcanic activity, resulting in voluminous accumulations of lava and tuff, which temporarily overloaded and buried the original fluvial system with its detritus. Continuous build‐up of at least three major volcanic centres further accentuated the topography and, in the third phase (21·3 to 18·8 Ma), mass flow processes, represented by an increase of debris flow deposits, became dominant, marking a period of edifice destruction and flank failures.  相似文献   
Vertical profiles of the linear particle depolarization ratio of pure dust clouds were measured during the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment (SAMUM) at Ouarzazate, Morocco (30.9°N, –6.9°E), close to source regions in May–June 2006, with four lidar systems at four wavelengths (355, 532, 710 and 1064 nm). The intercomparison of the lidar systems is accompanied by a discussion of the different calibration methods, including a new, advanced method, and a detailed error analysis. Over the whole SAMUM periode pure dust layers show a mean linear particle depolarization ratio at 532 nm of 0.31, in the range between 0.27 and 0.35, with a mean Ångström exponent (AE, 440–870 nm) of 0.18 (range 0.04–0.34) and still high mean linear particle depolarization ratio between 0.21 and 0.25 during periods with aerosol optical thickness less than 0.1, with a mean AE of 0.76 (range 0.65–1.00), which represents a negative correlation of the linear particle depolarization ratio with the AE. A slight decrease of the linear particle depolarization ratio with wavelength was found between 532 and 1064 nm from 0.31 ± 0.03 to 0.27 ± 0.04.  相似文献   
Vertical profiles of dust key optical properties are presented from measurements during the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment (SAMUM) by Raman and depolarization lidar at two ground-based sites and by airborne high spectral resolution lidar. One of the sites, Tinfou, is located close to the border of the Sahara in Southern Morocco and was the main in situ site during SAMUM. The other site was Ouarzazate airport, the main lidar site. From the lidar measurements the spatial distribution of the dust between Tinfou and Ouarzazate was derived for 1 d. The retrieved profiles of backscatter and extinction coefficients and particle depolarization ratios show comparable dust optical properties, a similar vertical structure of the dust layer, and a height of about 4 km asl at both sites. The airborne cross-section of the extinction coefficient at the two sites confirms the low variability in dust properties. Although the general picture of the dust layer was similar, the lidar measurements reveal a higher dust load closer to the dust source. Nevertheless, the observed intensive optical properties were the same. These results indicate that the lidar measurements at two sites close to the dust source are both representative for the SAMUM dust conditions.  相似文献   
Ribeiro, S., Moros, M., Ellegaard, M. & Kuijpers, A. 2012 (January): Climate variability in West Greenland during the past 1500 years: evidence from a high‐resolution marine palynological record from Disko Bay. Boreas, Vol. 41, pp. 68–83. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00216.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Here we document late‐Holocene climate variability in West Greenland as inferred from a marine sediment record from the outer Disko Bay. Organic‐walled dinoflagellate cysts and other palynomorphs were used to reconstruct environmental changes in the area through the last c. 1500 years at 30–40 years resolution. Sea ice cover and primary productivity were identified as the two main factors driving dinoflagellate cyst community changes through time. Our data provide evidence for an opposite climate trend in West Greenland relative to the NE Atlantic region from c. AD 500 to 1050. For the same period, sea‐surface temperatures in Disko Bay are out‐of‐phase with Greenland ice‐core reconstructed temperatures and marine proxy data from South and East Greenland. This is probably governed by an NAO‐type pattern, which results in warmer sea‐surface conditions with less extensive sea ice in the area for the later part of the Dark Ages cold period (c. AD 500 to 750) and cooler conditions with extensive sea ice inferred for the first part of the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) (c. AD 750 to 1050). After c. AD 1050, the marine climate in Disko Bay becomes in‐phase with trends described for the NE Atlantic, reflected in the warmer interval for the remainder of the MCA (c. AD 1050–1250), followed by cooling towards the onset of the Little Ice Age at c. AD 1400. The inferred scenario of climate deterioration and extensive sea ice is concomitant with the collapse of the Norse Western Settlement in Greenland at c. AD 1350.  相似文献   
Geochemistry of the Othris Ophiolite, Greece: Evidence for Refertilization?   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
The Othris peridotite massif, Greece, shows conflicting evidencefor a mid-ocean ridge and supra-subduction zone tectonic settingwith the presence of plagioclase peridotite that may representan area of either incomplete melt extraction, or melt impregnationand accumulation. To address these problems we focus on a 3km continuous section in the Fournos Kaïtsa area, consistingof layers of harzburgite, plagioclase harzburgite and plagioclaselherzolite with accurately known structural and petrographiccontrol. Refractory, Cr-rich spinel compositions and light rareearth element depleted clinopyroxenes in the harzburgites areconsistent with  相似文献   
Two ca 8000 year long sediment cores from the Gotland Deep, the central sub‐basin of the Baltic Sea, were studied by means of digital images, X‐radiographs and scanning electron microscopy–energy‐dispersive X‐ray mineralogical analysis to gain understanding of the physicochemical and biological influences on sedimentary‐fabric formation in modern and ancient seas with a high flux of organic carbon, and associated oxygen stress and depauperate ichnofauna. Four lithofacies were recognized: (i) sharply laminated mud; (ii) biodeformed mud; (iii) burrow‐mottled mud; and (iv) sedimentation‐event bed. The sharply laminated and burrow‐mottled facies dominate the cores as alternating long intervals, whereas the biodeformed and sedimentation‐event facies occur as thin interbeds within the sharply laminated intervals. The sharply laminated mud comprises alternating diatom‐rich and lithic laminae, with occasional Mn‐carbonate laminae. Lamination discontinuity horizons within the laminites, where the regular lamination is overlain sharply by gently inclined lamination, challenge the traditional view of mud accumulation by settling from suspension, but indicate localized accumulation by particle‐trapping microbial mats and, potentially, by the rapid lateral accretion of mud from bedload transport. The biodeformed interbeds record brief (few years to few decades) oxic–dysoxic conditions that punctuated the anoxic background conditions and permitted sediment‐surface grazing and feeding by a very immature benthic community restricted to the surface mixed tier. The likely biodeformers were meiofauna and nectobenthic pioneers passively imported with currents. The sedimentation‐event interbeds are distal mud turbidites deposited from turbidity currents probably triggered by severe storms on the adjacent coastal areas. The turbidite preservation was favoured by the anoxic background conditions. The long burrow‐mottled intervals are characterized by intensely bioturbated fabrics with discrete Planolites, rare Arenicolites/Polykladichnus and very rare Lockeia trace fossils, as well as bivalve biodeformational structures which represent shallowly penetrating endobenthic feeding and grazing strategies and permanent dwellings. These burrowed intervals represent longer periods (several years to few centuries) of oxic–dysoxic conditions that permitted maturation in the benthos by means of larval settling of opportunistic worm‐like macrofauna and bivalves, resulting in the development of a transition tier. These observations imply more dynamic and oxic depositional conditions in Gotland Deep than previously thought. Comparison to previous zoobenthic studies in the area allowed discussion of the benthic dynamics, and the identification of probable biodeforming and trace‐producing species. Implications for current biofacies and trace‐fossil models are discussed.  相似文献   
Annually resolved tree-ring width variations and radiocarbon ages were measured from a collection of 120 Lateglacial pine stumps excavated on the Swiss Plateau. These data – representing the oldest absolutely dated wood samples worldwide – extend the absolute tree-ring chronology from Central Europe by 183 years back to 12 593 cal. yr BP (10 644 cal. yr BC). They also yield a 1420-year floating chronology covering the entire Allerød and the early Younger Dryas (14 170–12 750 cal. yr BP). Radiocarbon data suggest a 250-year jump in the 14C reservoir correction around the time of the Allerød to Younger Dryas transition, although calendric dating of the floating chronology – by filling a ∼150 year gap – is necessary for confirmation. Various subgroups, based on the year of germination, were used to assess temporal changes in growth characteristics along the Allerød to Younger Dryas transition. Comparison of these Lateglacial data with a reference data set of living and historic pines from the Swiss Valais (AD 940–2000) revealed differences in both growth trend and level. The generally slower Lateglacial growth was likely influenced by higher geomorphic activity and severe climatic conditions. After removal of the biological age-trend, a strong common signal found in the tree-ring data suggests some skill in estimating interannual to multidecadal Lateglacial climatic variations.  相似文献   
Airborne measurements of pure Saharan dust extinction and backscatter coefficients, the corresponding lidar ratio and the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) have been performed during the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment 2006, with a high spectral resolution lidar. Dust layers were found to range from ground up to 4–6 km above sea level (asl). Maximum AOT values at 532 nm, encountered within these layers during the DLR Falcon research flights were 0.50–0.55. A significant horizontal variability of the AOT south of the High Atlas mountain range was observed even in cases of a well-mixed dust layer. High vertical variations of the dust lidar ratio of 38–50 sr were observed in cases of stratified dust layers. The variability of the lidar ratio was attributed to dust advection from different source regions. The aerosol depolarization ratio was about 30% at 532 nm during all measurements and showed only marginal vertical variations.  相似文献   
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