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Laboratory experiments on the branching, symbiont-bearing coral genus Porites and Acropora have been carried out to determine the dependence of the skeletal boron isotopic composition (δ11B) on the pH of seawater. The results show a clear relationship similar to previously established empirical calibrations for planktonic foraminifera and inorganic calcite. A −0.6‰ offset exists between P. cylindrica and A. nobilis which is systematic over the pH range of 7.7-8.2. To test whether the δ11B of coral skeletons changes with physiological processes such as photosynthesis and respiration, corals were grown along a depth transect in their natural environment and under controlled conditions in the laboratory at varying light intensities and food supply. Although we also observe an isotopic offset between P. compressa and Montipora verrucosa, neither experimental treatment systematically changed the δ11B of the two species. These findings are encouraging for using the boron isotope paleo-pH proxy in corals, because it appears that seawater pH is the dominant control on the boron isotopic composition in corals.  相似文献   
Micas of the composition K(Fe3–x Mg x )AlSi3 O10(OH)2 (x=0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4 and 3.0, corresponding to ann80phl20, ann60phl40, ann40phl60, ann20phl80 and ann0phl100) were synthesized hydrothermally under controlled oxygen fugacity conditions. Lattice parameters a 0 and b 0 show a distinct linear decrease with increasing Mg content. With increasing ferric iron content a deviation from this linear trend is observed especially within iron rich samples. The tetrahedral rotation angle increases smoothly from 0° in annite to 9.1° in phlogopite. Mössbauer spectra show Fe2+ and Fe3+ on the octahedral M1 and M2 sites and partially also Fe3+ on the tetrahedral site. There is a smooth increase of the quadrupole splitting on both the M1 and the M2 site going from annite to phlogopite, probably due to changes in the lattice contribution to the electric field gradient, assuming a positive correlation between quadrupole splitting and distortion. Fe3+ contents, as determined by Mössbauer spectroscopy, versus oxygen fugacity shows that, depending on the composition of the micas, minimum amounts of Fe3+ are present. For ann80phl20 this minimum amount of Fe3+ is about 8% decreasing to about 1–2% Fe3+ for ann20phl80.The molar volume of each solid solution member has been estimated from the determined relations of the molar volume versus % Fe3+ contents, extrapolated back to 0% Fe3+. Plotting these volumes as a function of Xphl shows that negative excess volume occur in the annitephlogopite join, with the maximum deviation from ideality around X phl=0.3. Margules volume parameters have been constrained as: Wv, AnnPhl=0.018±0.016 J/(bar.mol) and Wv, PhlAnn=-0.391±0.025 J(bar.mol) (three site basis).  相似文献   
We present preliminary results of CCD BV photometry of the old open cluster King 2. The values obtained for the main parameters are:E(B-V)=0.31, (m-M)0=13.78, metal content approximately solar, and age 6×109 yr. From the comparison with synthetic colour-mgnitude diagrams generated by models with overshoot we try to answer the question whether or not convective elements generated in the core can penetrate into the surrounding stable zone (separated by a discontinuity of molecular weight).Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   
An exact analysis of the coverage obtained by spacecraft using cross-track scanning and nadir-centered conical imaging, under imposed viewing obliqueness and resolution requirements, is presented. In addition to exact expressions for the area acquired and the area acquisition rate, envelope theory is introduced to obtain the boundary of the imaged area. These expressions are relatively compact, allowing rapid machine computation. The effects of the sun phase angle, and of imaging system limitations are also examined. The Galileo mission encounter with Callisto is used as a numerical example, from which certain general conclusions are drawn regarding optimal imaging trajectories.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Oft wird zwischen Klüften und Verschiebungen ein genetischer Zusammenhang gesehen. Neuere Untersuchungen lassen einen grundsätzlichen Unterschied erkennen: Die gemeinen Klüfte entstehen durch spröden Bruch im Anschluß an eine elastische Deformation; Verschiebungen und ihnen zugeordnete Klüfte gehen zumeist aus einer plastischen Deformation hervor. Auch sind Verschiebungen an begrenzte Zonen gebunden und meist gefügefremd, obwohl sie sich bestehenden Kluftsystemen anpassen können. Die Systeme der gemeinen Klüfte sind dagegen fast gleichmäßig auf weite Bereiche verteilt und passen sich dem bestehenden Gesteinsgefüge an. Zur Deutung der Bruchtektonik sollten deshalb klufttektonische Analysen nur mit äußerster Vorsicht herangezogen werden.
Joints and faults are commonly regarded as genetically related. Recent investigations, however, tend to bring out a fundamental genetic distinction: Common joints form by brittle fracture following elastic deformation; faults result from ductile fracture. Moreover, faults and related joints are restricted to narrow zones and rarely conform with preexisting fabric, while common joints are regionally pervasive and are fabric controlled. When evaluating fracture analyses, therefore, the genetic distinction between common joints and faults must be borne in mind.

Résumé On croit souvent devoir mettre en relation génétique joints et failles. Des études récentes permettent d'y voir une distinction. Les joints banaux proviennent d'une rupture cassante, à la suite d'une déformation élastique. Les failles suivent une rupture plastique. En plus, les failles et les joints qui leur sont apparentés sont restreints à des zones plus ou moins étroites et se conforment rarement à la structure interne de la roche, trandis que les joints banaux ont une distribution régionale, et sont liés à la structure interne. L'analyse des ruptures géologiques doit, par conséquent, tenir compte d'une distinction fondamentale entre joints banaux, et joints apparentés aux failles.

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Zusammenfassung Ausgehend von einer Bilanz der effektiv erzielten Einengungsbeträge bei Gebirgsbildungsvorgängen — dargelegt am Beispiel wichtiger Teilstücke des Varistischen Gebirges in Mitteleuropa — wird der Frage nach dem Ablauf dieser Krusteneinengung und ihren Ursachen nachgegangen. Für das Ruhrgebiet im Bereich der Abb. 1 ist eine Verkürzung um 9 km auf heute 50 km quer zum Streichen, für das Rheinische Schiefergebirge im Querprofil Wiesbaden-Mülheim eine solche um 130 km auf heute 180 km anzunehmen. Für den Harz ergeben sich vergleichbare Werte.Dieser gewaltige Einengungsbetrag kann nicht in einer oder wenigen kurzfristigen tektonischen Phasen erreicht worden sein, sondern setzt langfristige Einengungsvorgänge in der Erdkruste voraus, die über große Zeiträume des Karbons, ja wohl auch schon des Oberdevons andauern. Entgegen der Auffassung, daß sich im Laufe der Entwicklung des Varistischen Gebirges und seiner Vorgeschichte Zeiten ruhiger epirogener Trogabsenkung und Geosynklinalfüllung mit kurzfristigen Akten gleichsam ruckartiger Faltung abwechseln, läßt die fazielle Analyse eher darauf schließen, daß Absenkung und Sedimentation der Saumsenke und Einengung des werdenden Gebirges mindestens seit dem Dinant III alpha zeitlich nebeneinander hergehen. Dabei rückt der Faltungsbereich im langfristigen Mittelwert jährlich um einige (etwa 1–3 mm) nach außen, in Richtung auf das Vorland vor. Als Ursache dieser Bewegungen kommt wohl nur langsames, aber nahezu stetiges Strömen des subkrustalen Substrates in Betracht, dem die Erdkruste passiv ausgesetzt ist.
Starting with the ascertainment of effective balance of shortening resulting on account of compression during the orogeny, with examples quoted for the important parts of Hercynian Orogen (Varistisches Gebirge) in Middle Europe, the question of the shortening of the crust, its causes and effects were investigated. In Ruhr area (Ruhrgebiet) shown in fig. 1 an amount of shortening of 9 km to 50 km today is ascertained in a direction perpendicular to the strike direction of the structure. For the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge the amount of shortening in a cross-section from Wiesbaden to Mulheim/Ruhr (Germany) is estimated 130 km today to 180 km. Such a huge amount of shortening due to compression in one or a few short-termed tectonic phases is not possible, but it is rather due to a long continous compression in the Earsts Crust. This may have lasted for a long time; from the Carboniferous periods or may be from the time of Upper Devonian. In contrary to the opinion that during the time of Hercynian Orogeny and its prehistory, a calm epeirogenic subsidence and sedimentation in the geosyncline with minor disturbances due to diastrophism took place, the analysis of the facies early shows that subsidence and sedimentation in the foredeep (Saumsenke) and shortening in the growing orogen took place at least till Dinantian III alpha simultaneously. It is further noticeable that the region of diastrophism advances in a long-termed medium range with an yearly average of (1–3 mm) outwards in the direction of foreland. The possible considerable causes of these movements may be only due to the slow but continous streaming of the subcrustel substratum to which the Earths Crust reacts passively.

Résumé Partant de valeurs du rétrécissement effectivement reconnues lors des processus de formation des chaînes montagneuses — par exemple dans des portions importantes de la chaîne varisque en Europe Centrale — l'auteur s'interroge sur le déroulement de ce raccourcissement de l'écorce et sur ses causes. On peut admettre un raccourcissement transversal de 9 Km sur les 50 Km actuellement mesurés pour la région de la Ruhr dans les limites du tableau 1, et de 130 Km pour le massif schisteux rhénan suivant le profil Wiesbaden-Mülheim dont la longueur actuelle est de 180 Km. Pour le Harz les valeurs obtenues sont comparables.Ce rétrécissement important n'a pu être atteint au cours d'une seule ou de quelques phases tectoniques de faible durée; il suppose par contre des processus de rétrécissement de longue durée dans l'écorce terrestre et qui persistent pendant de longues périodes au Carbonifère et même déjà au Dévonien supérieur. Contrairement à l'idée qu'au cours de l'évolution de la chaîne hercynienne et lors de son histoire antérieure, des périodes calmes de subsidence épirogénique et de remplissage géosynclinal alternent avec de brèves interventions à plissement saccadé, l'analyse des facies permet plutôt de conclure que affaissement et sédimentation dans la fosse limitrophe et rétrécissement dans la chaîne naissante s'effectuent simultanément tout au moins dès le Dinantien III alpha. Le domaine de plissement se propage donc vers l'extérieur en direction de l'avantpays, à la moyenne annuelle de quelques mm (1 à 3) calculée pour une longue période. Quant à la cause de ces mouvements, on en vient à penser à un courant du fond infracrustal, lent mais sensiblement constant, auquel l'écorce est passivement exposée.

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Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.Erich Bederke zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
黑龙江嘉荫地区白垩纪-第三纪界线初步观察   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
本文报道了黑龙江嘉荫白山头地区一条新的地层剖面及其K/T界线的初步研究。新命名的“白山头段”代表乌云组下部的早古新世地层,含以Tiliaephyllum tsagajanicum等为代表的达宁早期植物化石。在白山头剖面上,作者发现可能为白垩纪末期的凝灰岩。结合与俄罗斯布列亚盆地含K/T界线的查加扬群标准剖面的对比,推测嘉荫地区的K/T界线可能位于白山头段底部与上述凝灰岩之上的一层炭质泥岩之间。  相似文献   
This multi-disciplinary investigation documents the longterm effects of atmospheric pollution of metals and acids on a geologically sensitive catchment in the umava Mountains, southwestern Czech Republic, a region with a long history of human disturbance. A 30 cm long sediment core (I) from ertovo Lake was analyzed for natural and artifical radionuclides, metals, diatoms, chrysophytes, and pollen in sediments accumulated during the last 200 years. A second core (II), extending to 95 cm, included sediment judged to be free of atmospheric deposition of pollutants associated with the Industrial Revolution. Chronostratigraphic markers include several changes in the pollen assemblages corresponding to well-documented changes in land-use, and distinct distributions of 137Cs, 134Cs and 241Am from weapons testing and the 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl, Russia. These markers corroborate the 210Pb dating and, together, produce a reliable chronology extending back nearly to 1800 A.D.Stratigraphic profiles of Cu, Pb, and Zn in Core I are unlike any previously reported in the literature. Concentrations of Cu, Pb, and Zn remain generally above 100, 400, and 200 g g-1, respectively, for the 200 years represented by Core I. These values are unusually high for sediments from a watershed with no known heavy-metal ore bodies. Accumulation rates for Cu, Pb, and Zn, which include both atmospheric and watershed contributions, are also high (ca 1, > 1 and > 1 g cm-2 yr-1, respectively) for the same period, although the anthropogenic contribution of Zn rose from nearly zero at 1800 A.D. The Cu and Pb accumulation rates rose dramatically about 1640 A.D.Accumulation rates of anthropogenically-derived Be, a relatively abundant element in the soft coals of the region, are also elevated by about 0.01 g cm-2 yr-1 in sediments of this period. Vanadium accumulation rates increased only since 1980 A.D., presumably along with increased consumption of oil.Diatom assemblages illustrate that the lake was acidic (pH between 4.5 and 5) through at least the past 200 years. The pH declined significantly (from ca 5 to 4) between 1960 and 1985 with a slight increase to 4.5 in the last few years. Recent diatom and chrysophyte assemblages suggest high trace metal concentrations, consistent with the present lake-water chemistry.  相似文献   
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