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Wudalianchi volcanic rocks are the most typical Cenozoic potassic volcanic rocks in easten China.Compositional comparisons between whole rocks and glasses of various occurrences indicate that the magma tends to become rich in silica and alkalis as a result of crystal differentiation in the course of evolu-tion.They are unique in isotopic composition with more radiogenic Sr but less radiogenic Pb.^87Sr/^86Sr is higher and ^143Nd/^144Nd is lower than the undifferentiated global values.In comparison to continental pot-ash volcanic rocks,Pb isotopes are apparently lower.These various threads of evidence indicate that the rocks were derived from a primary enriched mantle which had not been subjected to reworking and shows no sign of incorporation of crustal material.The correlation between Pb and Sr suggests the regional heterogeneity in the upper mantle in terms of chemical composition.  相似文献   
汉诺坝玄武岩及大同灿群的岩石学和同位素地球化学   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
在冈瓦纳大陆裂解的同时及其后,出现了岩浆作用过程,它影响到远离安第斯山链的南美地台的大部分。这个岩浆作用过程构成了几种类型的记录:(1)拉斑玄武质侵入岩和喷出岩,如沉积盆地中的熔岩流、岩床、岩墙和基底中的岩墙。最大活动强度出现于中侏罗世至前阿普第阶早白垩世。在大陆的北部,出现局部的二叠—三叠纪拉斑玄武质岩墙。(2)碱性和过碱性镁铁质至长英质岩浆活动和共生的碳酸盐岩,它们出现于巴西Serra do Mar、巴拉那盆地周边以及在亚马孙地盾周边和玻利维亚,呈孤立的小面积出现,时代上大部分属后阿尔必阶。由于此期岩浆作用发生于南美和非洲移开之时,所以一直延续至中新世。少量的侵入岩是与侏罗纪—始自垩纪火山活动同时的。(3)在前寒武纪末期结束造山作用的地区以及在时代为中元古代的巴西克拉通区,已找到了几个金伯利岩体,少量的同位素资料指出其年龄属中生代。 地质构造影响了中新生代岩浆活动。玄武质熔岩流和岩床在克拉通内盆地中下沉较大的内部更常见,厚度也较大。许多前寒武纪断裂受到辉绿岩墙的影响,这些岩墙可以构成岩墙群。其它岩墙明显与古老断裂无关,但是它们位于大陆分离过程中遭受张应力的地区。巴拉那盆地周边的碱性岩浆作用通常受穹窿和断开的单褶的控制。相似的机制——也发现  相似文献   
自从伊丽莎白一世女王的医生威廉·吉尔勃特以来,人们就已经知道了在地球的中心,好像有一个巨大的磁铁在起着作用。正是由于这个中心磁铁发挥了磁力,才使罗盤磁针指向接近于地理北方,才使航海员能够利用罗盤来指导航行。  相似文献   
为了測定至对岸水边綫的水面寬度,或测定至岸边冰、浮冰或浮标的水面距离,以及当進行水文地理、水文測驗和測量工作时都可采用这个方法(圖1)。  相似文献   
Doubly polished thin sections, originally prepared for fluid inclusion studies, present great advantages in the study of microfossils in volcanic rocks. Better visibility and light conditions, variation in thickness of the thin sections and the possibility to combine fluid inclusion studies with microfossil studies lead to a wide range of advantages over ordinary thin sections. This includes the study of morphology, internal microstructures, colonies, association with the substrate that microfossils are attached to and geological and environmental context in which the microfossil once lived. When meeting the criteria of microfossil recognition the advantages of doubly polished thin sections are substantial and can be crucial in distinguishing between biogenic microfossils and abiotically formed abiomorphs.  相似文献   
最近在烏克蘭苏維埃社会主义共和國科学院水文研究所的著作中發表了德湼泊河罗茨曼卡明卡已經系统化的歷史水位资料。这些資料表明,現存于年志档案及文学等史料中的德湼泊河最高水位资料属于自十八世紀起直到現在为止这一时期內的资料。1951~1952年烏克蘭社会主义共和國科学院水文研究所在收集歷史水位资料时,發現了罗茨曼卡明卡1818~1927年间最高水位資料及1828~  相似文献   
Based on fission track dating of apatite, and measurement of vitrinite reflectance of rock samples from the Longmenshan (Longmen Mountain)area and the West Sichuan foreland basin and computer modelling it is concluded that (l)the Songpan-Garze fold belt has uplifted at least by 3-4 km with an uplift rate of no less than 0.3-0.4 mm/a since 10 Ma B.P.; (2) the Longmenshan thrust nappe belt has uplifted at least by 5-6 km with an uplift rate of more than 0.5- 0.6 mm /a since 10 Ma B.P.; (3) the Longmenshan detachment belt has uplifted by 1 - 2 km at a rate of 0.016-0.032 mm/a since 60 Ma B.P.; (4) the West Sichuan foreland basin has uplifted by 1.7-3 km at a rate of 0.028-0.05 mm/a since 60 Ma B.P.; (5) the uplift rate of the area on the west side of the Beichuan-Yingxiu-Xiaoguanzi fault for the last 10 Ma is 40 times as much as that on its east side; (6) the uplifting of the the Songpan - Garze fold belt and the subsidence of the West Sichuan foreland basin 60 Ma ago exhibit a mirro-image correlation, i.e  相似文献   
近期受冷空气影响,广西大部地区气温持续低迷,桂东北部出现冰冻天气,为此,广西国土资源厅3次下发通知,要求各级国土资源部门结合实际,切实做好雨雪冰冻天气可能引发地质灾害防范的各项工作。  相似文献   
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