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A macroscopic transport model is developed, following the Taylor shear dispersion analysis procedure, for a 2D laminar shear flow between parallel plates possessing a constant specified concentration. This idealized geometry models flow with contaminant dissolution at pore-scale in a contaminant source zone and flow in a rock fracture with dissolving walls. We upscale a macroscopic transient transport model with effective transport coefficients of mean velocity, macroscopic dispersion, and first-order mass transfer rate. To validate the macroscopic model the mean concentration, covariance, and wall concentration gradient are compared to the results of numerical simulations of the advection–diffusion equation and the Graetz solution. Results indicate that in the presence of local-scale variations and constant concentration boundaries, the upscaled mean velocity and macrodispersion coefficient differ from those of the Taylor–Aris dispersion, and the mass transfer flux described by the first-order mass transfer model is larger than the diffusive mass flux from the constant wall. In addition, the upscaled first-order mass transfer coefficient in the macroscopic model depends only on the plate gap and diffusion coefficient. Therefore, the upscaled first-order mass transfer coefficient is independent of the mean velocity and travel distance, leading to a constant pore-scale Sherwood number of 12. By contrast, the effective Sherwood number determined by the diffusive mass flux is a function of the Peclet number for small Peclet number, and approaches a constant of 10.3 for large Peclet number.  相似文献   
用超声技术提取沉积物样品中松散结合态磷,并与振荡提取结果进行比较。结果表明,超声提取结果与振荡提取结果大致相当。超声提取耗时短,操作简单易行,测试结果精密度为3.8%(RSD,n=7),可以替代振荡方法提取沉积物中的松散结合态磷。  相似文献   
The properties and tectonic significance of the fault bound zone on the northern margin of the Central Tianshan belt are key issues to understand the tectonic framework and evolutionary history of the Tianshan Orogenic Belt. Based on the geological and geochemical studies in the Tianshan orogenic belt, it is suggested that the ophiolitic slices found in the Bingdaban area represent the remaining oceanic crust of the Early Paleozoic ocean between the Hazakstan and Zhungaer blocks. Mainly composed of basalts, gabbros and diabases, the ophiolites were overthrust onto the boundary fault between the Northern Tianshan and Central Tianshan belts. The major element geochemistry is characterized by high TiO2 (1.50%–2.25%) and MgO (6.64%–9.35%), low K2O (0.06%–0.41%) and P2O5 (0.1%–0.2%), and Na2O>K2O as well. Low ΣREE and depletion in LREE indicate that the original magma was derived from a depleted mantle source. Compared with a primitive mantle, the geochemistry of the basalts from the Bingdaban area is featureded by depletion in Th, U, Nb, La, Ce and Pr, and unfractionated in HFS elements. The ratios of Zr/Nb, Nb/La, Hf/Ta, Th/Yb and Hf/Th are similar to those of the typical N-MORB. It can be interpreted that the basalts in the Bingdaban area were derived from a depleted mantle source, and formed in a matured mid-oceanic ridge setting during the matured evolutionary stage of the Northern Tianshan ocean. In comparison with the basalts, the diabases from the Bingdaban area show higher contents of Al2O3, ΣREE and HFS elements as well as unfractionated incompatible elements except Cs, Rb and Ba, and about 10 times the values of the primitive mantle. Thus, the diabases are thought to be derived from a primitive mantle and similar to the typical E-MORB. The diabases also have slight Nb depletion accompanying no apparent Th enrichment compared with N-MORB. From studies of the regional geology and all above evidence, it can be suggested that the diabases from the Bingdaban area were formed in the mid-oceanic ridge of the Northern Tianshan ocean during the initial spreading stage. Supported by the Major State Research Program of PRC (Grant No. 2001CB409801), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40472115 and 40234041) and the State Research Program of China Geological Survey (Grant No. 2001130000-22)  相似文献   
我国南方山地和丘陵的荒漠化问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
沙漠化问题及其带来的巨大危害与后果已经引起人们的关注。然而, 我国南方许多山地与丘陵区正在广泛、迅速发展的山地荒漠化和谷地沙石化过程, 同样不能忽视。它使这些地区的自然环境变劣、生态平衡严重失调, 土地退化和生产能力衰退或枯谒, 最终导致整个自然环境向恶性循环发展的严重恶果。我国南方山地荒漠化和谷地沙石化的土地面积估计约1.0-1.3亿公顷。主要分布在云南、四川、贵州、江西等十多个省(区), 其中云南的小江流域, 四川的金沙江河谷及岷江上游; 广西的南流江一带, 江西的兴国县和鄱阳湖区等尤为严重和典型。我国南方山地荒漠化的主要原因是人类不合理的经济活动所引起, 而不利的气候和特殊的地质、地貌条件促使其不断加剧和扩展之势。  相似文献   
以广东省的市域为经济单元,利用空间自相关分析和密度分析法,对1994—2015年广东省产业结构发展水平空间格局进行了研究。结果表明:广东省逐渐形成了以广州、深圳、东莞为中心的第三产业圈,周边城市为第二产业外圈,并逐渐向四周扩散的圈层式空间格局。珠三角地区产业结构发展水平较高,其他地区相对落后。全省的全局空间自相关性比较高,产业发展水平的空间聚集特征明显,高-高区域集中在珠三角地区,低-低区域主要分布在其他地区,有较明显的两极分化异质性。  相似文献   
为了揭示马铃薯连作化感物质与枯萎病之间的关系,通过水培和田间长期定位试验相结合方法,收集不同连作年限马铃薯根系分泌物,采用GC-TOF-MS进行分离鉴定.结果表明:在检测到的马铃薯根系分泌的48种物质中有机酸占30种.比较轮作、连作5年和连作10年马铃薯根系分泌物中有机酸的相对含量,发现苹果酸和棕榈酸的差异比较大.马铃...  相似文献   
本文工程设计阐述了在动水条件下,封堵水平巷道的“三段式”组合灌浆方法,以及定向钻进在地下深井巷堵水工程中的应用。  相似文献   
罗德海 《高原气象》1992,11(1):96-101
本文进一步对旋转正压大气中的包络Rossby孤立波进行了研究,结果发现当Rossby波的波数m(m为纬向波数)满足1≤m≤2时,旋转正压大气中才存在包络Rossby孤立波,并且只有m=2的包络Rossby孤立波才具有阻塞高压的结构。我们还对这种m=2的包络Rossby孤立波随纬度变化的持续性进行了计算,得到了许多结果。  相似文献   
Using an output from 200-year integration of the Scale Interaction Experiment of EU project-F1 model (SINTEX-F1), the annual ENSO reproduced in the coupled general circulation model is investigated, suggesting the importance of reproducing an annual cycle in realistically simulating ENSO events. Although many features of the annual ENSO are reproduced, the northward expansion of sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) in the eastern tropical Pacific stays south of the equator. It is suggested that this model bias is due to the excitation of the too strong Rossby waves in the southeastern tropical Pacific, which reflect at the western boundary and intrude into the eastern equatorial Pacific. The zonal wind stress anomaly along the equator also plays an important role in generating the equatorial Kelvin waves. The amplitude of SSTA for the annual ENSO mode is reproduced, but its variance is only 20% of the observation; this is again due to the lack of northward migration of seasonal SSTA in the equatorial region and weaker coastal Kelvin waves along South America. Remedies for the model bias are discussed.  相似文献   
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