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Talc + olivine in metaperidotites result from the serpentinite breakdown due to increasing temperature in the Bergell contact aureole. Jack‐straw olivine textures are present in close proximity to the serpentine breakdown reaction. As the intrusion is approached, the number of olivine crystals increases while the size of the crystals decreases; this feature documents increased overstepping with increased heating rates. Talc veinlets are observed in the outer parts of the talc–olivine zone and are interpreted to be pathways of fluid produced during devolatilization of serpentine. None of the talc–olivine oxygen isotope pairs analysed are in isotopic equilibrium with respect to the peak contact temperature. This implies that escaping fluids cannot be in equilibrium with both phases. Hence, the fluid produced by serpentine reaction does not directly reflect the protolith composition, and attention must be given to the reaction mechanism before interpreting fluid isotope composition.  相似文献   
If chondrules were exposed to cosmic rays prior to meteorite compaction, they should retain an excess of cosmogenic noble gases. Beyersdorf‐Kuis et al. (2015) showed that such excesses can be detected provided that the chemical composition of each individual chondrule is precisely known. However, their study was limited to a few samples as they had to be irradiated in a nuclear reactor for instrumental neutron activation analysis. We developed a novel analytical protocol that combines the measurements of He and Ne isotopic concentrations with a fast method to correct for differences in chemical composition using micro X‐ray computed tomography. Our main idea is to combine noble gas, nuclear track, and petrography data for numerous chondrules to understand the precompaction exposure history of the chondrite parent bodies. Here, we report our results for a total of 77 chondrules and four matrix samples from NWA 8276 (L3.00), NWA 8007 (L3.2), and Bjurböle (L/LL4). All chondrules from the same meteorite have within uncertainty identical 21Ne exposure ages, and all chondrules from Bjurböle have within uncertainty identical 3He exposure ages. However, most chondrules from NWA 8276 and a few from NWA 8007 show small but resolvable differences in 3He exposure age that we attribute to matrix contamination and/or gas loss. The finding that none of the chondrules has noble gas excesses is consistent with the uniform track density found for each meteorite. We conclude that the studied chondrules did not experience a precompaction exposure longer than a few Ma assuming present‐day flux of galactic cosmic rays. A majority of chondrules from L and LL chondrites thus rapidly accreted and/or was efficiently shielded from cosmic rays in the solar nebula.  相似文献   
Five new natural white mica reference materials (RMs) were developed for in situ H2O content analyses by secondary ion mass spectrometry at the SwissSIMS laboratory of Lausanne University, Switzerland. The white mica reference materials cover a large part of the natural muscovite–phengite compositional range and are therefore suitable as reference materials for the analysis of natural rocks as well as individual minerals. The independent H2O content of the reference materials UNIL_WM1 to UNIL_WM5 was obtained by thermal conversion elemental analyser and corresponds to 4.35 ± 0.02, 4.33 ± 0.03, 4.30 ± 0.07, 4.50 ± 0.02 and 4.42 ± 0.11 (% m/m, ± 1s), respectively. SIMS determinations of H2O content revealed a matrix effect correlated to the FeO content of white mica. The compositional range in FeO of the reference materials that were calibrated for H2O determination is from 1.13% to 3.67% m/m. No crystallographic orientation dependency was observed at the level of homogeneity of these reference materials. An analytical precision of 0.02% to 0.08% m/m (1SE) is expected for the final uncertainty on measurements of unknown white micas in natural samples.  相似文献   
Rockfalls that trigger scree‐laden snow avalanches are common in mountain ranges, but the resulting avalanche development and its role in understanding the sedimentology of scree slopes are rarely described in detail. On Riepenwand (2774 m above sea‐level, Kalkkögel range, Alps), on 6 May 2011 a 5800 m3 rockfall of dolostone detached from the flank of a gorge in the upper part of the mountain. After first collapsing into the gorge, the fragmented rock mass fell down freely for 150 m onto a talus covered by coarse‐granular snow. Rockfall impact triggered a medium‐scale avalanche that developed: (i) a lower layer A of entrained, pure snow; and (ii) an upper layer B of clay‐sized to boulder‐sized fragments mixed with snow. This ‘two‐layer scree/snow avalanche’ halted in the distal slope segment of the talus. Boulders within layer B mainly came to rest in the distal part of the avalanche deposit. Fragments smaller than cobble‐size grade did not show obvious downslope segregation. With snowmelt, the rockfall fragments dispersed in layer B were concentrated to a clast‐supported veneer that was draped over the older talus surface upon slower melting of avalanche layer A. In the grain‐size fraction ≤16 mm, a mean of 5 wt% matrix (silt‐sized to clay‐sized grains) of the rockfall‐derived scree of layer B is similar to a mean matrix content of 7 wt% within stratified talus slopes of the Kalkkögel range. This similarity suggests that a major share of matrix – widespread in stratified talus – stems from rockfalls. The characteristics of the scree veneer as melt‐lag of a scree‐laden snow avalanche will be blurred with time. Fossil talus successions may contain a substantial proportion of scree carried down by snow avalanches. The formation of a distinct sedimentary facies of snow avalanche‐deposited scree is impeded by processes of redeposition and deposit modification on talus.  相似文献   
 Interactions involving various time and space scales, both within the tropics and between the tropics and midlatitudes, are ubiquitous in the climate system. We propose a conceptual framework for understanding such interactions whereby longer time scales and larger space scales set the base state for processes on shorter time scales and smaller space scales, which in turn have an influence back on the longer time scales and larger space scales in a continuum of process-related interactions. Though not intended to be comprehensive, we do cite examples from the literature to provide evidence for the validity of this framework. Decadal time scale base states of the coupled climate system set the context for the manifestation of interannual time scales (El Nino/Southern Oscillation, ENSO and tropospheric biennial oscillation, TBO) which are influenced by and interact with the annual cycle and seasonal time scales. Those base states in turn influence the large-scale coupled processes involved with intraseasonal and submonthly time scales, tied to interactions within the tropics and extratropics, and tropical–midlatitude teleconnections. All of these set the base state for processes on the synoptic and mesoscale and regional/local space scales. Events at those relatively short time scales and small space scales may then affect the longer time scale and larger space scale processes in turn, reaching back out to submonthly, intraseasonal, seasonal, annual, TBO, ENSO and decadal. Global coupled models can capture some elements of the decadal, ENSO, TBO, annual and seasonal time scales with the associated global space scales. However, coupled models are less successful at simulating phenomena at subseasonal and shorter time scales with hemispheric and smaller space scales. In the context of the proposed conceptual framework, the synergistic interactions of the time and space scales suggest that a high priority must be placed on improved simulations of all of the time and space scales in the climate system. This is particularly important for the subseasonal time scales and hemispheric and smaller space scales, which are not well simulated at present, to improve the prospects of successfully forecasting phenomena beyond the synoptic scales. Received: 3 April 2000/ Accepted: 6 November 2000  相似文献   
This work constitutes the first survey of I isotope ratios for Scottish sea water including the first data for the west of Scotland. These data are of importance because of the proximity to the world’s second largest emission source of 129I to the sea, the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant, because of the increasing importance of the sea to land transfer of 129I and also as input data for dose estimates based on this pathway of 129I. 129I/127I ratios in SW Scotland reached 3 × 10−6 in 2004. No strong variation of I isotope ratios was found from 2003 to 2005 in Scottish sea waters. Iodine isotope ratios increased by about a factor of 6 from 1992 to 2003 in NE Scotland, in agreement with the increase of liquid 129I emissions from Sellafield over that time period. It is demonstrated that 129I/127I ratios agree better than 129I concentrations for samples from similar locations taken in very close temporal proximity, indicating that this ratio is more appropriate to interpret than the radionuclide concentration.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial features of central equatorial Pacific Ocean sea‐level variation appear similar, in measurements from two very different systems (one in the ocean and one carried on a satellite), and in results from a numerical model of the region. In particular, there is an interannual cycle: during El Nino, Kelvin waves appear at the equator, and the sea‐surface ridge associated with the equatorial current system shifts southward; in non‐El Nino years, instability waves appear at 6°N (strongest around the end of each calendar year), and the ridge shifts to the north. This three‐way comparison gives support to both measurement systems and to the numerical model.  相似文献   
Pyroclastic currents are catastrophic flows of gas and particles triggered by explosive volcanic eruptions. For much of their dynamics, they behave as particulate density currents and share similarities with turbidity currents. Pyroclastic currents occasionally deposit dune bedforms with peculiar lamination patterns, from what is thought to represent the dilute low concentration and fluid‐turbulence supported end member of the pyroclastic currents. This article presents a high resolution dataset of sediment plates (lacquer peels) with several closely spaced lateral profiles representing sections through single pyroclastic bedforms from the August 2006 eruption of Tungurahua (Ecuador). Most of the sedimentary features contain backset bedding and preferential stoss‐face deposition. From the ripple scale (a few centimetres) to the largest dune bedform scale (several metres in length), similar patterns of erosive‐based backset beds are evidenced. Recurrent trains of sub‐vertical truncations on the stoss side of structures reshape and steepen the bedforms. In contrast, sporadic coarse‐grained lenses and lensoidal layers flatten bedforms by filling troughs. The coarsest (clasts up to 10 cm), least sorted and massive structures still exhibit lineation patterns that follow the general backset bedding trend. The stratal architecture exhibits strong lateral variations within tens of centimetres, with very local truncations both in flow‐perpendicular and flow‐parallel directions. This study infers that the sedimentary patterns of bedforms result from four formation mechanisms: (i) differential draping; (ii) slope‐influenced saltation; (iii) truncative bursts; and (iv) granular‐based events. Whereas most of the literature makes a straightforward link between backset bedding and Froude‐supercritical flows, this interpretation is reconsidered here. Indeed, features that would be diagnostic of subcritical dunes, antidunes and ‘chute and pools’ can be found on the same horizon and in a single bedform, only laterally separated by short distances (tens of centimetres). These data stress the influence of the pulsating and highly turbulent nature of the currents and the possible role of coherent flow structures such as Görtler vortices. Backset bedding is interpreted here as a consequence of a very high sedimentation environment of weak and waning currents that interact with the pre‐existing morphology. Quantification of near‐bed flow velocities is made via comparison with wind tunnel experiments. It is estimated that shear velocities of ca 0·30 m.s?1 (equivalent to pure wind velocity of 6 to 8 m.s?1 at 10 cm above the bed) could emplace the constructive bedsets, whereas the truncative phases would result from bursts with impacting wind velocities of at least 30 to 40 m.s?1.  相似文献   
This article explores the practicability and assesses the quality of searches for Wikipedia pages of topologically related administrative divisions in Switzerland and Scotland via Linked Data. To this end, the quality of searches in the English and German versions of DBpedia is compared, as is that of searches in GeoNames and DBpedia using DBpedia's links to GeoNames or a manually created list of links. In addition, the effects of updates to Swiss municipality borders in the English version of DBpedia on standard quality metrics are studied. It turns out that live searches are practicable with acceptable performance, but that the quality of searches in terms of recall and precision is acceptable only if DBpedia is queried via GeoNames and DBpedia's links to GeoNames are replaced by manually created links. Searches for Scottish unitary authority wards perform poorly for all approaches investigated. Recall and precision are strongly influenced by changes in municipality borders, with a relatively long latency suggesting that, at least in some cases, administrative changes propagate slowly into DBpedia. These results have important implications for those seeking to use location as a means to link data.  相似文献   
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