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In this work,we have searched for quasi-periodic oscillations(QPOs)in the 15 GHz light curve of the FSRQ PKS J0805-0111 monitored by the Owens Valley Radio Observatory(OVRO)40 m telescope during the period from 2008 January 9 to 2019 May 9,using the weighted wavelet Z-transform(WWZ)and the Lomb-Scargle Periodogram(LSP)techniques.This is the first time to search for a periodic radio signal in the FSRQ PKS J0805-0111 by these two methods.Both methods consistently reveal a repeating signal with a periodicity of 3.38±0.8 yr(>99.7%confidence level).In order to determine the significance of the periods,the false alarm probability method was applied,and a large number of Monte Carlo simulations were performed.As possible explanations,we discuss a number of scenarios including the thermal instability of thin disks scenario,the spiral jet scenario and the binary supermassive black hole scenario.We expect that the binary black hole scenario,where the QPO is caused by the precession of binary black holes,is the most likely explanation.FSRQ PKS J0805-0111 thus could be a good binary black hole candidate.In the binary black hole scenario,the distance between the primary black hole and the secondary black hole is about 1.71×1016 cm.  相似文献   
The term of geological cycle was used firstly inHutton's" The Earth Theory" in 1788 (Williams,1980). The geological cycles including tectonic cycles and sedimentary cycles have been describedwidely since than. Some researchers have perceivedthat the geolo…  相似文献   
介绍了我国奇石观赏的起源和发展进程 ,对我国石文化传统和各发展阶段的石文化特点进行了探讨  相似文献   
This study uses two forms of the Palmer Drought Severity Index(PDSI), namely the PDSI_TH(potential evapotranspiration estimated-by the Thornthwaite equation) and the PDSI_PM(potential evapotranspiration estimated by the FAO Penman-Monteith equation), to characterize the meteorological drought trends during 1960–2016 in the Loess Plateau(LP) and its four subregions. By designing a series of numerical experiments, we mainly investigated various climatic factors' contributions to the drought trends at annual, summer, and autumn time scales. Overall, the drying trend in the PDSI_TH is much larger than that in the PDSI_PM. The former is more sensitive to air temperature than precipitation, while the latter is the most sensitive to precipitation among all meteorological factors. Increasing temperature results in a decreasing trend(drying) in the PDSI_TH, which is further aggravated by decreasing precipitation, jointly leading to a relatively severe drying trend. For the PDSI_PM that considers more comprehensive climatic factors, the drying trend is partly counteracted by the declining wind speed and solar radiation. Therefore, the PDSI_PM ultimately shows a much smaller drying trend in the past decades.  相似文献   
张修脉  尚海明 《山东国土资源》2007,23(6):2007/4/9-2007/6/20
宁阳县蒋集镇地处汶河南岸,黄淮分水岭北侧,最大海拔高程361m.全镇区域面积12.7万km^2,其中山区、丘陵占2/3,岩石类型以花岗片麻岩为主。20世纪50-60年代兴建了117座水库塘坝,其中小(一)型水库2座,小(二)型水库15座,塘坝100座,总库容1700余万m^2,坝体以土坝为主。由于当时施工机械落后,技术有限,经费不足,造成工程质量较低,因而不少土坝产生渗流、流土、管涌、滑坡等现象。  相似文献   
日照市莒县长岭镇走规模化、集约化经营之路,使该镇一度陷入低谷的砖瓦产业重新焕发生机,一度外流的投资业户重新归来。截至目前,全镇砖瓦厂已发展到30余处,形成年消耗页岩粘土60万m3,年产砖瓦4.2亿片(块)的生产能力。产品畅销省内外,甚至国外,年产值过亿元,仅此一项税收就占全  相似文献   
申幸志  黄峰  韩帅  钱湛  姜恒 《水文》2024,44(1):70-76
为揭示洞庭湖中枯水期水情变化特征及其驱动因素,采用长短期记忆神经网络模拟洞庭湖出湖流量及湖区水位,通过情境模拟开展水情变化归因分析。洞庭湖1992—2019年9—10月出湖流量大幅减少,主要受长江流量降低的影响。洞庭湖中枯水期水位主要呈下降趋势,其中9—10月平均水位在西洞庭湖、南洞庭湖降幅约1 m,在东洞庭湖降幅约2 m。地形变化对中枯水期水位主要起拉低作用,长江和流域四水流量变化在9—10月起拉低作用、在12月至次年3月起抬升作用,其中对东洞庭湖水位的影响相对更为显著。研究结果可为洞庭湖中枯水期水资源管理和湿地保护提供参考。  相似文献   
对栗木水溪庙矿区泥盆系上统融县组灰岩的碳氧同位素进行了研究,该地区灰岩的碳氧同位素组成可提供隐伏花岗岩隆起及其相关流体的重要信息。受隐伏花岗岩侵入驱动的流体与上覆融县组灰岩发生反应的温度在110℃左右,流体的初始同位素组成为δ18OSMOW=-3‰,δ13CPDB≤-7‰,反应的水岩比值(w/r)可能小于5。这种岩浆水与大气降水的混合流体与围岩之间的水岩反应使得地表灰岩的δ18O和δ13C值降低,产生负异常。研究表明,围岩的δ18O值降低受反应的水岩比值和温度控制;δ13C值降低主要与反应的水岩比值有关。反应的温度越高,w/r值越大,灰岩的碳氧同位素负异常越明显。因此,水溪庙矿区地表出露的碳酸盐地层中的碳氧同位素变化可在地球化学勘查中用于指示下伏花岗岩岩脊的隐伏位置。  相似文献   
研究了北京市海淀区2004~2006年全年逐日细菌性痢疾发病率与地面气象要素的相关关系.结果发现,细菌性痢疾发病与水汽压(空气绝对湿度)高度相关,单相关系数平均可达0.85以上.在所有候选预报因子中,它的方差贡献可占80%.采用多元回归概率分级技术,建立了细菌性痢疾医疗气象预报及风险水平评估模式.该模式预报结果可为各级疾病预防控制中心指导广大城乡居民卫生防疫提供科学依据.  相似文献   
There is an urgent need for the development of a method that can undertake rapid, effective, and accurate monitoring and identification of fog by satellite remote sensing, since heavy fog can cause enormous disasters to China’s national economy and people's lives and property in the urban and coastal areas. In this paper, the correlative relationship between the reflectivity of land surface and clouds in different time phases is found, based on the analysis of the radiative and satellite-based spectral characteristics of fog. Through calculation and analyses of the relative variability of the reflectivity in the images, the threshold to identify quasi-fog areas is generated automatically. Furthermore, using the technique of quick image run-length encoding, and in combination with such practical methods as analyzing texture and shape fractures, smoothness, and template characteristics, the automatic identification of fog and fog-cloud separation using meteorological satellite remote sensing images are studied, with good results in application.  相似文献   
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