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A simulation experiment for optimal design hyetograph selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this work is to assess the accuracy of literature design hyetographs for the evaluation of peak discharges during flood events. Five design hyetographs are examined in a set of simulations, based upon the following steps: (i) an ideal river basin is defined, characterized by a Beta distribution shaped unit hydrograph (UH); (ii) 1000 years of synthetic rainfall are artificially generated; (iii) a discharge time‐series is obtained from the convolution of the rainfall time‐series and the UH, and the reference T‐years flood is computed from this series; (iv) for the same return period T, the parameters of the intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curve are estimated from the 1000 years of synthetic rainfall; (v) five design hyetographs are determined from the IDF curves and are convolved with the discrete UH to find the corresponding design hydrographs; (vi) the hydrograph peaks are compared with the reference T‐years flood and the advantages and drawbacks of each of the five approaches are evaluated. The rainfall and UH parameters are varied, and the whole procedure is repeated to assess the sensitivity of results to the system configuration. We found that all design hyetographs produce flood peak estimates that are consistently biased in most of the climatic and hydrologic conditions considered. In particular, significant underestimation of the design flood results from the adoption of any rectangular hyetograph used in the context of the rational formula. In contrast, the Chicago hyetograph tends to overestimate peak flows. In two cases it is sufficient to multiply the result by a constant scaling factor to obtain robust and nearly unbiased estimates of the design floods. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Since target reflections directly depend on the emitted pulse characteristics, a key factor for carrying out a successful GPR survey is to know as much as possible about the transmission features of the antennas used. This information is very important in order to choose the right antennas and set the appropriate configuration parameters for a specific survey. With this in mind this paper deals with the development of a set of laboratory experiments on the resolution capabilities of three bowtie antennas at frequencies of 500, 800 and 1000 MHz. Results from these measurements give a first estimation of the resolution of the antennas under test, showing the advantage of performing experiments rather than relying only on theoretical assumptions. The results are also expressed in terms of the central wavelength for each antenna and compared with some theoretical estimations proposed in the specialized bibliography.  相似文献   
The North Pacific Oscillation (NPO) recently (re-)emerged in the literature as a key atmospheric mode in Northern Hemisphere climate variability, especially in the Pacific sector. Defined as a dipole of sea level pressure (SLP) between, roughly, Alaska and Hawaii, the NPO is connected with downstream weather conditions over North America, serves as the atmospheric forcing pattern of the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO), and is a potential mechanism linking extratropical atmospheric variability to El Ni?o events in the tropical Pacific. This paper explores further the forcing dynamics of the NPO and, in particular, that of its individual poles. Using observational data and experiments with a simple atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM), we illustrate that the southern pole of the NPO (i.e., the one near Hawaii) contains significant power at low frequencies (7–10?years), while the northern pole (i.e., the one near Alaska) has no dominant frequencies. When examining the low-frequency content of the NPO and its poles separately, we discover that low-frequency variations (periods >7?years) of the NPO (particularly its subtropical node) are intimately tied to variability in central equatorial Pacific sea surface temperatures (SSTs) associated with the El Ni?o-Modoki/Central Pacific Warming (CPW) phenomenon. This result suggests that fluctuations in subtropical North Pacific SLP are important to monitor for Pacific low-frequency climate change. Using the simple AGCM, we also illustrate that variability in central tropical Pacific SSTs drives a significant fraction of variability of the southern node of the NPO. Taken together, the results highlight important links between secondary modes (i.e., CPW-NPO-NPGO) in Pacific decadal variability, akin to already established relationships between the primary modes of Pacific climate variability (i.e., canonical El Ni?o, the Aleutian Low, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation).  相似文献   
Our understanding of how groundwater mediates evapotranspiration/streamflow partitioning is still fragmented and catchment studies under changing vegetation conditions can provide a useful frame for integration. We explored this partition in a flat sedimentary dry catchment in central Argentina in which the replacement of native vegetation with rainfed crops was accompanied by the abrupt formation of groundwater-fed streams by subsurface erosion (i.e., sapping) episodes. Historical records indicated widespread water table rises (~0.3 m y−1 on average). Groundwater level and stream baseflow fluctuated seasonally with minima in the warm rainy season, indicating that evaporative discharge rather than rainfall shapes saturated flows. Diurnal groundwater level fluctuations showed that plant uptake was widespread where water tables are shallow (<3 m) but restricted to deep-rooted Prosopis forests where they are deep (7–10 m). MODIS and LANDSAT NDVI revealed a long-term greening for native vegetation, new wetlands included, but not for croplands, suggesting more limited evapotranspiration-groundwater level regulation under agriculture. Close to the deepest (20 m) and most active incisions, groundwater level and greenness declined and stream baseflow showed no seasonal fluctuations, hinting decoupling from evapotranspiration. Intense ecological and geomorphological transformations in this catchment exposed the interplay of five mechanisms governing evapotranspiration/streamflow partition including (a) unsaturated uptake and both (b) riparian and (c) distributed uptake from the saturated zone by plants, as well as (d) deepening incisions and (e) sediment deposits over riparian zones by streams. Acknowledging the complex interplay of these mechanisms with groundwater is crucial to predict and manage future hydrological changes in the dry plains of South America.  相似文献   
The assessment of the areas endangered by debris flows is a major issue in the context of mountain watershed management. Depending on the scale of analysis, different methods are required for the assessment of the areas exposed to debris flows. While 2-D numerical models are advised for detailed mapping of inundation areas on individual alluvial fans, preliminary recognition of hazard areas at the regional scale can be adequately performed by less data-demanding methods, which enable priority ranking of channels and alluvial fans at risk by debris flows. This contribution focuses on a simple and fast procedure that has been implemented for regional-scale identification of debris-flow prone channels and prioritization of the related alluvial fans. The methodology is based on the analysis of morphometric parameters derived from Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). Potential initiation sites of debris flows are identified as the DEM cells that exceed a threshold of slope-dependent contributing area. Channel reaches corresponding to debris flows propagation, deceleration and stopping conditions are derived from thresholds of local slope. An analysis of longitudinal profiles is used for the computation of the runout distance of debris flows. Information on erosion-resistant bedrock channels and sediment availability surveyed in the field are taken into account in the applications. A set of software tools was developed and made available (https://github.com/HydrogeomorphologyTools) to facilitate the application of the procedure. This approach, which has been extensively validated by means of field checks, has been extensively applied in the eastern Italian Alps. This contribution discusses potential and limitations of the method in the frame of the management of small mountain watersheds.  相似文献   
Chlorophyll, primary production, zooplankton biomass and the species composition of phytoplankton and zooplankton were studied in 2003, after the Prestige shipwreck. The information obtained was compared to previous data series available for the area affected by the spill. A large data series on plankton variables for the N-NW Spanish coast existed, and therefore a realistic evaluation of the effects by comparison with the range of natural variability could be carried out. We emphasized the evaluation of impact during the spring bloom, the first important biological event after the spill. Some minor changes were observed occasionally, but they did not show any clear pattern and were more related to the natural variability of the ecosystem than to effect of the spill. Plankton community structure did not undergo any changes. Only a few species were more abundant during spring 2003 than in previous years. No significant changes were detected in the planktonic community during productive periods, such as the spring bloom and the summer blooms related to intrusions of East North Atlantic Central Waters. The lack of evidence of the effects of the spill on planktonic communities is discussed in terms of the characteristics of the fuel, the high dynamics of the water masses, the biological mechanisms through which the fuel from the surface waters is transferred to the sea floor and, particularly, the influence of the natural variability by means of large and meso-scale hydrographic processes in the area under study. At the present time it is not possible to determine any minor effects the spill may have had on the plankton owing to the great variability of the planktonic cycles and the short-term impact of the oil from the Prestige on the pelagic system.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the effects of water quality on the hydrological and erosion response of non‐saline, non‐sodic soils during simulated rain experiments. It is well known that rain water quality affects the behaviour of saline soils. In particular, rain simulation experiments cannot be run using tap water if realistic values of infiltration rates and soil erosion are to be found. This paper reports on similar effects for non‐saline, non‐sodic soils. Two soils – a well‐aggregated clay‐rich soil developed on marine silty clay deposits and a soil developed on silt loam – were selected and subjected to a series of simulated rainstorms using demineralized water and tap water. The experiments were conducted in two different laboratories in order to obtain results independent of the tap water quality or the rainfall simulator characteristics. The results indicate that time‐to‐ponding is largely delayed by solute‐rich water (tap water). When tap water is used, infiltration rates are significantly overestimated, i.e. by more than 100 per cent. Interrill erosion rates increase by a factor of 2·5–3 when demineralized water is used. The silty clay soil was more affected by the water quality than the silt loam soil, with respect to infiltration and runoff production. Regarding interrill erosion rates, the two tested soils were similarly affected by the water quality. Therefore, it can be concluded that rainfall simulation experiments with non‐dispersive soils (e.g. non‐saline, non‐sodic) must also be conducted using water with very low electrical conductivity (i.e. less than 30–50 µS cm−1), close to that of distilled water. The use of tap water certainly hampers comparisons and the relative ranking of the hydrological and erosion response of different soils, while parameter values, such as final infiltration rate or time‐to‐ponding, cannot be extrapolated and extended to natural situations. Therefore, the majority of hydrological and erosion models and parameter values measured during rainfall simulations in the past should be used with caution for all types of soils. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Heat flow and geodynamics in the Tyrrhenian Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present heat flow in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea appears as a transient thermal wave that has migrated eastward in time. The higher heat flow in the south‐eastern side of the basin confirms the suggestion of an eastward‐migrating rift. Punctuation of the Tyrrhenian backarc extension in lithospheric boudins is accompanied by a concentrated increase in heat flow generated by asthenospheric intrusions and related magmatism progressively moving eastward. The migration of the asthenosphere in the same direction could explain these phenomena.  相似文献   
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