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总结了我国清末至民国初期(1840—1920年)长达80年的金矿开发概貌,按现行政区划,共涉及21个省。对各省的金矿,既扼要探讨历史沿革,又尽量地汇集具体产金地名及有关地质矿产信息,期望达到治史与古为今用相结合的双重目的。  相似文献   
As soon as the energies of electrons near the Fermi surface exceed Q, the threshold energy of inverse β-decay, electron capture (EC) dominates inside a neutron star. The high-energy neutrons released by EC will destroy anisotropic 3 P 2 neutron Cooper pairs in the degenerate superfluid. By colliding with the neutrons produced in the process n+(nn↓)→n+n+n, the kinetic energies of the neutrons released by EC will be transformed into thermal energy. A portion of this thermal energy will be transported from the star interior to the star surface by conduction, then converted to a thermal spectrum of soft X-rays and γ-rays. By introducing two important parameters: the Landau level-superfluid modified factor and the overal soft X/γ-ray efficiency coefficient, we compute the theoretical luminosity L X of a magnetar under our model and plot a diagram of L X as a function of magnetic field strength B. Numerical calculations based on our model agree well with the observed properties of magnetar candidates.  相似文献   
This study examined the effects of salinity on embryonic development, survival, and growth of the Hong Kong oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis. The embryos, larvae, and juveniles of C. hongkongensis were held in artificial seawater at three different salinities (low, 15; medium, 23; and high, 30) to determine the optimum hatchery and nursery conditions for mass production of the seeds. Results showed that the percentage production of straight-hinged larvae from fertilized eggs was significantly lower at the high salinity than at the low- and medium-salinities (P < 0.05). The survival rates of larvae and juveniles differed significantly among the three salinity trials, with the highest survival rate observed at the low salinity (P < 0.05). The shell height of larvae was significantly larger at the low salinity than at the high and medium salinities from days 9 to 15 (P < 0.05), whereas that of juveniles was significantly larger at the low salinity than at the high and medium salinities on day 70 (P < 0.05). These results indicate that the larvae and juveniles of C. hongkongensis are tolerant to a wide range of salinities (15 to 30), but show better growth and survival at relatively low salinities. Thus, it is recommended to use relatively low salinities in hatchery and nursery systems for improved yields of C. hongkongensis.  相似文献   
Establishing reference conditions for regional lakes is necessary to assess human impact on aquatic ecosystems, protect water quality and biotic integrity. The northeast eco-region lakes often present a marked seasonal variability in hydrological, biological and geochemical processes, which could affect physico-chemical variables, chlorophyll-a and Secchi depth reference conditions. Reference conditions were calculated using two different methods: lake population distribution method and trisection method. General physico-chemical reference conditions (pH, conductivity, BOD and nutrients) and chlorophyll-a, and Secchi depth reference conditions were established using the two approaches combined with the analysis of seasonal variability for each parameter for shallow and deep lake types in the northeast eco-region lakes. The results indicated that depth was an important factor affecting physico-chemical variables, chlorophyll-a and Secchi depth reference values. Moreover, the seasonal differences in parameters were also assessed using a non-parametric repeated measure ANOVA (Friedman test) in the shallow and deep lakes. Some parameters showed a seasonal variability for shallow and deep lakes. The least restrictive reference values of the four seasons were proposed to simplify the water quality assessment for regional lake management goals. These results indicated that the 50th percentile (median) value from the best one-third of the nutrient-concentration data distributions is more appropriate for the northeast eco-region lakes.  相似文献   
IPCC第五次评估报告全球和区域气候预估图集评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
正与以往4次IPCC评估报告~①相比,第五次评估报告(AR5)增加了附录一:"全球和区域气候预估图集"~([1])。该图集是AR5的特色之一,它利用国际耦合模式比较计划第五阶段(CMIP5)~([2])全球气候模式的部分数据,给出了一系列全球和区域气候变化的图形。这些图形显示了全球和若干不同次大陆尺度区域在不同季节的表面气温变化和降水相对变化  相似文献   
利用巴丹吉林沙漠北缘拐子湖流沙下垫面2013年7、10月和2014年1、4月的湍流通量资料,计算并分析了研究区近地层湍流强度,同时针对风速分量、温度、水汽和CO2归一化标准差随稳定度的变化关系和总体输送系数等陆面过程特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)风速各分量的湍流强度均随风速的增加逐渐减小,风速处于2 m·s-1以下时湍流发展最为旺盛。湍流强度主要由水平方向风速分量决定,垂直方向风速的作用较小,且近中性和不稳定层结利于湍流的发展。与其他地区相比,平坦且没有建筑物的沙漠地区,机械湍流较弱,湍流强度相应较小。(2)风速各分量的归一化标准差与稳定度(z/L)均满足1/3次方函数规律,其中垂直方向风速分量的拟合曲线方程较好。(3)动量输送系数Cd具有明显的夏季高、冬季低的变化状态且各月的日变化形态均呈夜间低、日间高的循环形态。热量输送系数Ch的不同月份日变化间并没有明显的排列次序,且日出日落前后具有明显的波动。不稳定层结时,CdCh均随风速的增加逐渐减小;稳定层结时,CdCh均随着风速的增加逐渐上升。  相似文献   
Introduction As far as the frequency and magnitude are concerned, the earthquakes in the sea area to the east of Shanghai are far more strong than in land area with the largest one in the sea area near the Yangtze River mouth being MS=436, while in land, only MS=434 occurred on Sept. 1, 1624. As a moderately strong earthquake active area, the sea area near the Yangtze River mouth, may cause a potential risk to Shanghai. In 1971 and 1996, earthquakes with MS=5~6 occurred in this area. Geo…  相似文献   
Ecological restorations over time may have profound effects on ecological and socio-economic systems. However, land-use changes and landscape functions that accompany ecological restorations can have spatial differentiations due to varied biophysical and socio-economic contexts. Therefore, these spatial differentiations caused by ecological restoration must be understood for better planning and management of restoration activities. The Baota District, with 576 villages in the center of the Chinese Loess Plateau, was selected as the study area because of its dramatic transition from cropland to grassland and shrubland from 1990 to 2010. Using the ArcGIS software and a k-means clustering analysis, an approach to identify types of land-use change patterns (TLCPs) at the village level was developed, and four TLCPs were delineated. The analysis indicated a general pattern of cropland decline by 21.6 %, but revealed significant spatial variations between villages in different TLCPs. Vegetation cover and soil retention, which are key proxies for landscape functions, increased by 22.70 and 108 %, respectively, from 2000 to 2010 with significant spatial heterogeneity. The Universal Soil Loss Equation was employed for the assessment of soil retention. The analysis of landscape metrics revealed a major trend of fragmentation and regularity on the county and village scale; however, spatial variations remained. Physical attributes were used to characterize different TLCPs, and notable differences were found. The spatial heterogeneous change in land use and landscape functions on the village scale may be useful for land use and ecological restoration management policy makers.  相似文献   
本文利用区域海气耦合模式FROALS(Flexible Regional Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System)对西北太平洋地区1984-2007年连续积分结果,对比SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)同化资料讨论了西北太平洋海表温度和表层洋流的气候态及年际变率。结果表明,FROALS基本能够再现冬、夏季季节平均的海温型,但均存在一个明显的冷偏差;FROALS对气候平均态的表层洋流有较高的模拟技巧,对于冬、夏季的表层洋流型都能够再现。另外,表层洋流的模拟偏差与海表高度的模拟偏差直接相关。由于模式模拟的黑潮热输送较观测偏强,使得模式模拟的海洋热输送倾向于使黑潮路径上的海温呈现正偏差。从表层洋流的年际变率来看,模式模拟的与ENSO(El Nio-South Oscillation)相联系的年际变率信号与观测相似:在El Nio年,北赤道流和棉兰老流增强,低纬度西太平洋海表高度降低,而在La Nia年则呈现出相反的形态,但是在模式中这种信号稍强于观测。  相似文献   
本文利用37个CMIP5模式和CESM(Community Earth System Model)包含40个成员的超级集合试验的表面气温预估数据,比较了工业革命前气候参照试验、多项式拟合法和方差分析方法这三种目前在国际上运用较多的方法所估算的表面气温内部变率的异同,分析了内部变率的估算对气候预估中信号萌芽时间(TOE)的影响。结果表明:若采用CMIP5多模式集合,则工业革命前气候参照试验和多项式拟合法都是估算内部变率的合理方法,而方差分析方法则由于包含模式性能自身的影响会夸大内部变率故不推荐使用。内部变率的全球分布呈现出极向强化的现象,中高纬度地区的内部变率幅度远大于热带、副热带地区。内部变率受不同排放情景的影响较小,且随时间无显著变化,但方差分析方法估算的内部变率在热带地区容易受到排放情景的影响。若基于类似CESM这样的单个气候模式的超级集合模拟试验来估算内部变率,三种方法估算的结果相似。不同方法估算的内部变率对TOE的影响主要位于北大西洋拉布拉多海、南大洋威德尔海和罗斯海等邻近海洋深对流区。对于中国区域平均来说,基于CESM超级集合模拟试验,三种方法估算的内部变率与强迫信号之比都小于15%;对CMIP5多模式集合,采用工业革命前气候参照试验和多项式拟合法得到的结果与此接近,但若采用方差分析方法则显著高估内部变率的作用。  相似文献   
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