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Sediment traps are an important tool for studying the source, composition and sedimentation processes of sinking particulate matter in the ocean. An in situ observational mooring(TJ-A-1) is located in the northern South China Sea(20.05°N, 117.42°E) at a water depth of 2 100 m and equipped with two sediment traps deployed at 500 m and 1 950 m. Samples were collected at 18-day intervals, and 20 samples were obtained at both depths from May 2014 to May 2015. Large amounts of fecal matter and marine snow were collected in the lower trap. The fluxes of marine snow and fecal pellets exhibited a fluctuating decrease between May 2014 and early August 2014 and then stabilized at a relatively low level. Scanning electron microscopy observations revealed that the main components of the marine snow and fecal pellets were diatoms, coccolithophores, radiolarians, and other debris, all of which are planktons mostly produced in photic zone. Used in conjunction with the particle collection range estimates from the lower trap and data on ocean surface chlorophyll, these marine snow and fecal pellets were related to the lateral transport of deep water and not vertical migrations from overlying water column. Moreover, the source area might be southwest of Taiwan.  相似文献   
2014年秋季渤海网采浮游植物群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张雪  王俊  马武  王宏  高燕  刘克奉 《海洋学报》2020,42(8):89-100
基于2014年秋季在渤海进行的水文、化学和生物方面的综合大面调查,研究了渤海网采浮游植物群落的结构特征,并结合文献资料,分析影响浮游植物群落结构形成的原因。结果显示:2014年渤海秋季共鉴定浮游植物3个门42属96种,其中以硅藻为主,为34属79种,占总物种的82%;甲藻门7属16种,占总物种的17%;金藻门1属1种。其中,角毛藻属的种类最多,共17种;其次为圆筛藻属,共13种。浮游植物总细胞丰度介于(0.71~72.15)×104 cells/m3,平均为13.88×104 cells/m3,硅藻与甲藻细胞丰度比值为2∶1,硅藻在莱州湾的细胞丰度极显著高于其他海区,甲藻在渤海中部海区的细胞丰度显著高于其他海区。浮游植物优势种主要为星脐圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus asteromphalus)、威氏圆筛藻(C. wailesii)、具槽帕拉藻(Paralia sulcata)、梭状角藻(Ceratium fusus)和夜光藻(Noctiluca scintillans)。渤海秋季浮游植物群落多样性水平分布不均,局部海域由于单一优势种过量繁殖多样性降低,低值区分布于辽东湾和渤海海峡海域。与历史同期资料对比,渤海海域浮游植物群落出现明显的物种演替现象,甲藻中的角藻逐渐兴起,其在渤海中部及辽东湾的优势地位已经超过角毛藻属和圆筛藻属,渤海秋季局部海区浮游植物群落结构已经由硅藻控制转为硅藻和甲藻共同控制。  相似文献   
随着人类社会对海洋认识和探索的深入,对水下监测和探测设备提出了更高的要求,探测阵列模型和阵列信号处理算法决定了监测和探测设备的复杂度。 针对特定水下多目标定位平台的复杂环境,建立了一种任意空间阵列数学模型,介绍了四阶累积量算法,分析了阵列信号处理中四阶累积量的阵列扩展特性。 基于四阶累积量的 MUSIC 算法的空间谱分析,建立了任意阵列形状的欠自由度多目标方位估计的理论基础。 计算机仿真结果表明了算法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   
We present a new approach that incorporates two models to estimate the underwater light field from remote sensing of ocean color. The first employs a series of analytical, semi-analytical, and empirical algorithms to retrieve the spectrum of inherent optical properties (IOPs), including the absorption and the backscatter coefficients, from the spectrum of remote sensing reflectance. The second model computes the profile of photosynthetically available radiation E 0,PAR (z) for a vertically homogeneous water column using the information of the retrieved IOPs and the ambient optical environment. This computation is based on an improved look-up table technology that possesses high accuracy, comparable with the full solution of the radiative transfer equation, and meets the computational requirement of remote sensing application. This new approach was validated by in situ measurements and an extensive model-to-model comparison with a wide range of IOPs. We successfully mapped the compensation depth by applying this new approach to process the SeaWiFS imagery. This research suggests that E 0,PAR (z) can be obtained routinely from ocean-color data and may have significant implications for the estimation of global heat and carbon budget.  相似文献   
Weather in the North Gulf of Alaska is characterized by a high frequency of deep synoptic-scale low-pressure systems, especially during the cold season. The strong pressure gradients of these storms interact with the extremely rugged terrain of the coastal mountains to produce a variety of channeled flows. These surface wind regimes are not well documented in the scientific community, due to the paucity of observations. Modeling of these phenomena in regions of complex terrain is of great interest to those working with hydrodynamic, wave, and pollutant transport models in coastal and shelf areas. Such models, when coupled with ocean and coastal-ecology counterparts, give a broad view of the role surface winds play in shaping local coastal marine ecosystem in this region. This paper presents a climatology of simulated low-level wind jets over the domain of Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait along Alaska's south-central coast. Daily simulations using the RAMS model were conducted in a 36-h forecast mode for the cold-season period 10/1/03 to 3/31/04. Systematic analysis of the resulting simulated low-level wind field makes it possible to characterize these jets and gap flows in spatial and temporal detail. The comparison between the RAMS winds and the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)-derived winds when available verifies the existence of these wind jets and the capability of the model to simulate these cases. Clearly, the results of a study in this region depend on the fidelity of the model at these scales (O[5 km]). The SAR comparisons attempt to help establish this. From the 6 months of simulations over Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait, the low-level wind jets are classified into 10 different regimes by location and orientation. These regimes are categorized into four more general groups: cross-channel westerly, easterly, and up and down Inlet flows. The nature of a particular regime is largely a function of pressure gradient orientation and local topography. Jets in the same group have a similar occurrence distribution with time. Some form of jet occurred in the study region almost daily each month of the period, with December 2003 having the highest frequency of wind jets.  相似文献   
核因子κB(Nuclear Factor kappa-B,NF-κB)具有免疫、炎症、凋亡、细胞增殖和发育的调节作用,目前NF-κB在脊椎动物和果蝇中的研究较为丰富,在贝类中的报道较少。为进一步探究NF-κB在厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)免疫和发育中的作用,本研究克隆了厚壳贻贝McNF-κB基因的序列全长,其全长为4 087 bp,开放阅读框为2 613 bp,编码871个氨基酸,具有典型的锚蛋白重复序列(ankyrinrepeat, ANK)结构域和死亡结构域。氨基酸序列分析结果发现,该基因与欧洲贻贝(Mytilus edulis)和地中海贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincialis)分别具有72.76%和66.58%同源性,且在系统进化树中与欧洲贻贝和地中海贻贝聚为一支。经实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)技术检验表明,McNF-κB基因于厚壳贻贝各组织均有分布,在鳃中表达最高;McNF-κB基因在厚壳贻贝眼点幼虫阶段和稚贝阶段均有表达,且在稚贝阶段表达量显著高于眼点幼虫阶段。利用RNA干扰技术沉默眼点幼虫McNF-κB基因后幼虫变态率显著下降,推测McNF-κB基因调控厚壳贻贝幼虫变态过程。本研究为探究McNF-κB基因如何调控厚壳贻贝发育奠定了基础。  相似文献   
理解增暖背景下海洋环境的演化过程是海洋学和气候学一项重要的研究内容。在地质时期,地球经历了多次增暖时段(包括早全新世),这为认识海洋环境演化过程提供了重要参考。早全新世全球气候经历了快速增暖,并伴随着冰原融化和海平面快速上升,对包括白令海在内的高纬边缘海的沉积过程和海洋环境产生显著影响。白令海发育宽阔的大陆架,毗邻北美大陆,接受来自育空河、阿纳德尔河和库斯科维姆河物质的供给。目前我们对白令海如何响应早全新世气候的认识还存在明显不足。本研究对位于白令海北部陆坡LV63-19-3岩心沉积物中陆源碎屑组份进行了高分辨率调查,结合沉积年龄模型,研究了早中全新世(距今11.7~5.5 ka)白令海北部陆坡陆源沉积演化过程。研究结果显示,在距今11.5~11 ka,白令海北部陆坡沉积速率高达392.9 cm/ka,在距今约9.7 ka以后降至17.2 cm/ka。在距今11~10.7 ka,发现一层厚约40 cm的暗色纹层状沉积层。在高沉积速率时段,沉积物平均粒径较细,距今9 ka以来平均粒径逐渐增大。主微量元素分析结果表明,陆源碎屑沉积物母岩性质以长英质沉积物为主,并存在少量火山碎屑源贡献。白令海北部陆坡高沉积速率事件对应于冰原融水脉冲(MWP)-1B事件(距今11.4~11.1 ka),并导致白令海陆坡硅质生产力勃发。在距今11~10.7 ka研究区春夏季海冰覆盖增加抑制表层水体氧供给,夏、秋季持续冰川融水和高表层生产力进一步加剧了水体层化和海洋内部消耗,共同促进了纹层状沉积层的形成。距今9 ka以来白令海季节性海冰活动增强,但是陆源碎屑物质质量累积速率则逐渐减小,表明随着海平面上升,供给到研究区的陆源物质减少。我们认为早全新世白令海北部陆坡沉积环境快速变化是海平面、冰融水脉冲事件和季节性海冰活动共同作用的结果,实际上受高纬日射量、北美大陆冰原融化和全球气候变化控制。  相似文献   
为进一步研究海带自然病烂过程中生理生化的变化,引入了高等植物抗病研究中常用的3个指标:苯丙氨酸转氨酶(phenylalanina ammonia—lyse,PAL)、多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase,PPO)和多酚。在实验生态条件下,对三者在海带病烂过程中的变化进行了研究,结果表明,在海带幼苗由健康到病烂的过程中,海带PAL活性总体表现为下降趋势;PPO活性先升高后降低;多酚含量为下降趋势。经相关性分析,PAL与多酚相关性不显著,而PPO与多酚显著负相关(r=-0.619,p=0.014)。结合前期工作认为,SOD和PPO的联合表现可作为指示海带病烂发生的生物学指标。  相似文献   
In this paper we present theBV photoelectric light curves of the W UMa-type eclipsing binary TY Pup. We have gained ephemerides by means of the times of minima. The obtained light curves have been solved using Wilson-Devinney's synthetic code. The results indicate that TY Pup is a contact system with mass ratio 0.185 and a large degree of overcontact of 52%. Combined with spectroscopic material, absolute parameters of TY Pup are derived. It may be concluded that TY Pup is an evolved contact binary.  相似文献   
The loess-paleosol sequences of the last 1.2 Ma in China have recorded two kinds of climate extremes: the strongly developed S4, S5-1 and S5-3 soils (corresponding to the marine δ18O stages 11, 13, and 15, respectively) as evidence of three episodes of great warmth and two coarse-grained loess units (L9 and L15, corresponding to the marine δ18O stages 22, 23, 24 and 38, respectively) which indicate severest glacial conditions. The climatic and geographical significance of these events are still unclear, and their cause remains a puzzle.Paleopedological, geochemical and magnetic susceptibility data from three loess sections (Xifeng, Changwu and Weinan) suggest that the S4, S5-1 and S5-3 soils were formed under sub-tropical semi-humid climates with a tentatively estimated mean annual temperature (MAT) of at least 4–6°C higher and a mean annual precipitation (MAP) of 200–300 mm higher than for the present-day, indicating a much strengthened summer monsoon. The annual rainfall was particularly accentuated for the southern-most part of the Loess Plateau, suggesting that the monsoon rain belt (the contact of the monsoonal northward warm-humid air mass with the dry-cold southward one) might have stood at the southern part of the Plateau for a relatively long period each year. The loess units L9 and L15 were deposited under semi-desertic environments with a tentatively estimated MAT and MAP of only about 1.5–3°C and 150–250 mm, indicating a much strengthened winter monsoon, and that the summer monsoon front could rarely penetrate into the Loess Plateau region.Correlation with marine carbon isotope records suggests that these climate extremes have large regional, even global, significance rather than being local phenomena in China. They match the periods with greatest/smallest Atlantic–Pacific δ13C gradients, respectively, indicating their relationships with the strength of Deep Water (NADW) production in the North Atlantic. These results suggest that the monsoon climate in the Loess Plateau region was significantly linked with the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation on timescales of 104 years.  相似文献   
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