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This study compared precipitation, mean air temperature (MAT) and mean sea level pressure (MSLP) from two widely used reanalysis datasets (ERA-40 and NCEP) with those from observed stations across eastern China. The evaluation was based on a comparison of both temporal and spatial variability and included several assessment criteria such as the mean values, normalized root mean square error, Mann–Kendall test, empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) and probability density functions. The results showed that both the ERA-40 and NCEP datasets could capture temporal and spatial variability of the observed precipitation, MAT and MSLP over eastern China. The results showed that the two reanalysis datasets performed better for MAT and MSLP than for precipitation. Overall, the two reanalysis datasets revealed reasonable agreement with observations according to the evaluation. ERA-40 was better at capturing the temporal and spatial distributions for these three variables than NCEP, especially for MAT and MSLP. NCEP tended to overestimate the annual precipitation for both mean and extreme values, while ERA-40 tended to underestimate it, particularly for extreme values. The two reanalysis datasets performed better in the east and northeast regions of the study area than in other regions for capturing the temporal variability of MAT and MSLP. ERA-40 was poor at capturing the temporal variability of precipitation in northeastern China. According to the trend analysis, the two reanalysis datasets showed lower trends for MAT and precipitation and higher trends for MSLP. Both ERA-40 and NCEP had larger explained variances for the first two EOFs than the observed precipitation. This implies that both reanalysis datasets tend to simulate a more uniform spatial distribution for precipitation in the study area.  相似文献   
鹤岗市短时临近天气预警服务系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该系统通过佳木斯新一代天气雷达实时监测资料、自动乡镇雨量站资料、T213资料和物理量要素分析,找出可能与鹤岗市出现暴雨或强对流天气相关的信息,并把危险信息通过手机短信发送到值班员的手机上,同时通过报警,实现危险天气的预警监测。为了提高气象在灾害性天气的快速反应能力,该系统具有各种预警信号的指标说明和模板,通过气象宽带、Internet电子邮件、12121语音、手机短信等将服务产品发布出去。  相似文献   
GRAPES模式不同云物理方案对短期气候模拟的影响   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
章建成  刘奇俊 《气象》2006,32(7):3-12
在胡志晋、刘奇俊云物理方案的基础上,研制了GRAPES模式的云降水显式方案。用不同云物理方案开展了短期气候(月尺度)过程的模拟试验,并与地面观测资料和NECP再分析资料进行了对比分析。模拟的结果表明,耦合了云降水显式方案的GRAPES模式较好地模拟出了中国地区降水、温度、云量、长短波辐射的特点和分布规律。气候模拟中冰相过程和暖云过程模拟的降水、温度、云量和辐射差异较大,不同相态的水凝物及其分布对辐射特征有较大的影响,混合相云物理方案的模拟结果与实况更为吻合,应使用混合相云物理方案进行短期气候的模拟。  相似文献   
基于压缩感知的地基红外云图云状识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了对地基全天空红外测云仪获得的云图进行分类,该文从压缩感知理论出发,提出了一种利用云图灰度稀疏性进行云状识别的新方法。首先运用典型云图样本构造冗余字典,然后通过梯度投影 (GPSR) 算法和正交匹配 (OMP) 算法求取测试样本在冗余字典中的l1范式最优解,最后利用残差法和稀疏比例法对云状进行判别并输出。采用压缩感知理论进行云状识别,降低了对特征提取技术的要求,为云状的自动识别提供了新思路,对典型波状云、层状云、积状云、卷云和晴空的总体识别率分别达到75%,91%,70%,85%和93%,平均识别率为82.8%。  相似文献   
ENSO对亚洲夏季风环流和中国夏季降水影响的诊断研究   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
刘颖  倪允琪 《气象学报》1998,56(6):681-691
文中以SVD分析技术为基础,发展了一种用以提取一个矢量场和一个标量场耦合信号的统计诊断方法——联合SVD方法(简记为CSVD),并运用CSVD分析了ENSO对亚洲季风环流系统及中国夏季降水的年际变化的影响。结果表明,在ElNino年,印度夏季风减弱,东亚夏季风增强;而在LaNina年,印度夏季风增强,东亚夏季风减弱。且ENSO对亚洲夏季风环流影响显著的区域主要在长江流域南北气流交汇区和索马里急流区,而对中国夏季降水影响最显著的区域则在江淮流域。  相似文献   
A comparative study on the vertical distributions of aerosol optical properties during haze and floating dust weather in Shanghai was conducted based on the data obtained from a micro pulse lidar.There was a distinct difference in layer thickness and extinction coefficient under the two types of weather conditions.Aerosols were concentrated below 1 km and the aerosol extinction coefficients ranged from 0.25 to 1.50km-1 on haze days.In contrast,aerosols with smaller extinction coefficients(0.20 0.35 km-1) accumulated mainly from the surface to 2 km on floating dust days.The seasonal variations of extinction and aerosol optical depth(AOD) for both haze and floating dust cases were similar greatest in winter,smaller in spring,and smallest in autumn.More than 85%of the aerosols appeared in the atmosphere below 1 km during severe haze and floating dust weather.The diurnal variation of the extinction coefficient of haze exhibited a bimodal shape with two peaks in the morning or at noon,and at nightfall,respectively.The aerosol extinction coefficient gradually increased throughout the day during floating dust weather.Case studies showed that haze aerosols were generated from the surface and then lifted up,but floating dust aerosols were transported vertically from higher altitude to the surface.The AOD during floating dust weather was higher than that during haze.The boundary layer was more stable during haze than during floating dust weather.  相似文献   
中国二氧化碳地区间排放差异分析及减排政策建议   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用统计数据,参照政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)的方法,对2008年我国各省区CO2的排放情况进行了计算分析,并对东西部地区进行对比得出:东部发达地区在人均排放量和排放密度等方面均高于西部欠发达地区,但东部地区的排放强度却明显低于西部地区。国家经济战略,东、西部地区技术、经济社会发展水平差异是造成这一趋势的主要原因。提出了我国实现温室气体减排目标、分解减排任务的建议。  相似文献   
Physical forcing and biological response are highly variable over a wide range of scales in the South China Sea. The present paper analyzed interannual variability of the surface chlorophyll-a concentration of the South China Sea using NASA standard SeaWiFS monthly products from 1997 to 2007. Time series of monthly data were first smoothed using a 12-month running mean filter. An empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis was performed to evaluate the interannual variability. The first EOF mode is characterized by a higher surface chlorophyll-a concentration in the deep basin of the South China Sea with a maximum value southwest of Luzon Strait. The corresponding time coefficient function is highly correlated with the multivariate ENSO index (MEI). The correlation coefficient is ?0.61 when the time coefficient function lags the MEI by 9?months. The second EOF mode is characterized by a northwest lower chlorophyll-a concentration. The corresponding time coefficient function correlates with the MEI at a correlation coefficient equal to 0.88, with a lag of 1?month. The third EOF mode shows the interannual variability of the chlorophyll-a concentration has some relationship with Indian Ocean dipole mode as well. The link between the climate and ocean biological states in the South China Sea is due to changes in upper-ocean temperature and wind field, which influence the availability of nutrients for phytoplankton growth.  相似文献   
河南省一次强寒潮天气诊断分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用常规资料和1°×1°NCEP格点资料,对2006年4月河南省一次强寒潮天气过程进行诊断分析发现:乌拉尔山阻塞高压、亚洲上空的极涡异常增强是本次强寒潮的行星尺度系统;南、北槽同位相叠加使不稳定小槽发展加强,槽后强冷空气南下是本次强寒潮的直接影响系统;正湿位涡与冷空气有很好的对应关系.中路冷高压整体南下的过程中,东路冷空气补充造成豫东和豫南的强烈降温;本次强寒潮天气过程中,强降水发生在MPV2≥0、MPV1由<0转为>0的地区,且主要降水时段出现在MPV1由<0转为>0之后6 h内.  相似文献   
南京长江第二大桥桥位风速观测及设计风速的计算   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张忠义  刘聪 《气象科学》2000,20(2):200-205
本文给出适用于大桥设计风速计算的方法,并利用南京长江第二大桥桥位风速观测资料、南京小教场40年的实测风资料及两处的同步风速观测资料,经统计学分析计算得到南京长江第二桥设计风速的计算值.  相似文献   
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