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基于106个月的Grace(gravity recovery and climate experiment)月重力场模型(120阶次),消除了月重力场的月、季度及年度变化,得到了稳态的地球重力场模型(Grace_sta)。在2~120阶次之间,Grace_sta与已有高阶重力场EGM2008及EGM96三个模型的阶方差是一致的。在2~100阶次之间,Grace_sta模型误差阶方差要小于EGM2008与EGM96误差阶方差。在全球范围内,Grace_sta重力场的大地水准面与EGM2008相应阶次的大地水准面标准差约为3cm,与EGM96模型大地水准面差异则高达52cm。结果表明,Grace_sta足可以取代EGM2008重力场模型2~100阶次的低阶部分,新得到的稳态重力场模型可为海面地形分析提供了可靠的参考场。  相似文献   
Ground deformation of reclaimed land is a key issue for reclamation design, construction and sustainable development in coastal areas as this consolidation process of the underlying compressible marine sediment sequences over very long‐time periods could lead to damage of both ground constructions and underground facilities. In this case study, we have investigated the spatial and temporal characteristics of residual reclamation settlement of Chek Lap Kok Airport, Hong Kong, one of the largest land reclamation projects worldwide. A total of 25 time series ENVISAT ASAR datasets, acquired between December 2003 and October 2008, were used to retrieve settlement rates and deformation history at high resolution and accuracy by means of advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR). The InSAR‐derived results show a fairly homogenous and stable pattern in the sectors of the airport site corresponding to the two original islands of Chek Lap Kok and Lam Chau. In contrast, a relatively high spatial settlement variability, ranging from moderate (3–7?mm/yr) to strong (>10?mm/yr) settlement rates, was discovered within the majority of the reclaimed portion of the airport. A joint analysis of InSAR observations and geological materials indicates that the variability of the recorded residual settlement was highly correlated with the variations of thickness and pre‐consolidation state of alluvial deposits below the reclamation. A quantitative comparison analysis also has been carried out between time series InSAR observations and theoretical estimates of residual settlement modelled by geotechnical investigations. The results imply that a primary consolidation process in alluvial deposits below the reclamation might be delayed with respect to the predicted results and may still have been occurring in most reclaimed areas during the investigation period (2003–2008); the time to complete it could stretch to decades depending on hydraulic conductivity and natural drainage conditions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
白龙江流域上游径流年内分配变化规律分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在气候变化与人类活动双重影响下,河川径流的年内分配特征随着发生变化。本文根据白龙江上游4个站点的实测月径流量资料,分析了年内分配不均匀性,集中程度与变化幅度等指标。结果表明:在1965~1969年、1971~1984年和2002~2006年,径流年内分配不均匀性较强;白龙江上游集中度较小,集中度随时间的增加均呈现降低趋势。流域自上游向下游,在不同年代集中期均表现为逐渐缩短的变化趋势。Cm、Cm-max和ΔR随时间增加而减小,Cm-min随时间增加而增大。总体上看,随着时间的推移,白龙江上游径流年内分配不均匀性越来越低,逐渐由不均匀向相对均匀转变。  相似文献   
Forest disturbances such as harvesting, wildfire and insect infestation are critical ecosystem processes affecting the carbon cycle. Because carbon dynamics are related to time since disturbance, forest stand age that can be used as a surrogate for major clear-cut/fire disturbance information has recently been recognized as an important input to forest carbon cycle models for improving prediction accuracy. In this study, forest disturbances in the USA for the period of ∼1990–2000 were mapped using 400+ pairs of re-sampled Landsat TM/ETM scenes in 500m resolution, which were provided by the Landsat Ecosystem Disturbance Adaptive Processing System project. The detected disturbances were then separated into two five-year age groups, facilitated by Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data, which was used to calculate the area of forest regeneration for each county in the USA.  相似文献   
泥页岩裂缝研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
国内外大量泥岩裂缝油气藏不断发现和近年来北美地区页岩气勘探获得的巨大成功表明,泥页岩裂缝的研究尤为重要.在对国内外泥页岩裂缝研究成果全面系统调研和详细深入分析总结的基础上,认为与其他岩石类型的储层相比,塑性相对较大的泥页岩储层在裂缝类型与成因、裂缝识别方法、裂缝参数估算、裂缝分布预测等方面既有共性也有其特殊性.依据成因...  相似文献   
On 21 March 2008, an Ms7.3 earthquake occurred at Yutian County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, which is in the same year as 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake. These two earthquakes both took place in the Bayar Har block, while Yutian earthquake is located in the west edge and Wenchuan earthquake is in the east. The research on source characteristics of Yutian earthquake can serve to better understand Wenchuan earthquake mechanism. We attempt to reveal the features of the causative fault of Yutian shock and its co-seismic deformation field by a sensitivity-based iterative fitting (SBIF) method. Our work is based on analysis and interpretation to high-resolution satellite (Quickbird) images as well as D-InSAR data from the satellite Envisat ASAR, in conjunction with the analysis of seismicity, focal mechanism solutions and active tectonics in this region. The result shows that the 22 km long, nearly NS trending surface rupture zone by this event lies on a range-front alluvial platform in the Qira County. It is characterized by distinct linear traces and a simple structure with 1–3 m-wide individual seams and maximum 6.5 m width of a collapse fracture. Along the rupture zone are seen many secondary fractures and fault-bounded blocks by collapse, exhibiting remarkable extension. The co-seismic deformation affected a big range 100 km × 40 km. D-InSAR analysis indicates that the interferometric deformation field is dominated by extensional faulting with a small strike-slip component. Along the causative fault, the western wall fell down and the eastern wall, that is the active unit, rose up, both with westerly vergence. The maximum subsidence displacement is ~2.6 m in the LOS, and the maximum uplift is 1.2 m. The maximum relative vertical dislocation reaches 4.1 m, which is 10 km distant from the starting rupture point to south. The 42 km-long seismogenic fault in the subsurface extends in NS direction as an arc, and it dipping angle changes from 70° near the surface to 52° at depth ~10 km. The slip on the fault plane is concentrated in the depth range 0–8 km, forming a belt of length 30 km along strike on the fault plane. There are three areas of concentrating slip, in which the largest slip is 10.5 m located at the area 10 km distant from the initial point of the rupture.  相似文献   
太行山东麓断裂带板内构造地貌反转与机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
华北克拉通前寒武纪基底可划分为东部地块、中部带和西部地块。中生代以来,华北克拉通发生减薄破坏,其破坏中心位于东部地块,而西部地块与中部带基本保持完整,其过渡带就是太行山东侧。太行山地区近乎平行发育着两条重要的断裂:太行山大断裂和太行山山前断裂,统称为太行山东麓断裂带。通过研究发现,太行山山前断裂是继承早前寒武纪构造带形成的断裂,控制着太行山与东部地块前寒武纪基底的差异,古新世以来发生板内构造地貌的负反转,构成渤海湾盆地的西界断裂。太行山大断裂则在燕山期时为重要的逆冲断裂,对太行山的隆起起着重要作用;中新世以来,伴随着山西地堑系的形成,太行山大断裂发生构造负反转,控制着一系列山间地堑的发育。新生代以来,该区构造演化特征整体表现为向西构造迁移的特点,是区域走滑伸展背景下的一种新的板内盆山关系。  相似文献   
The oxygen isotopic composition of carbonate in lakes has been used as a useful indicator in Palaeolimnological research, and has made some important contributions to our understanding of lacustrine systems. For modern lakes in arid or cold areas, however, there are few data available to test the effect of lake salinity and temperature on the oxygen isotopic composition of various carbonate sources such as ostracod, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonate (< 60 μm). Here we examined the oxygen isotopic composition of ostracods, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonates, as well as that of coexisting water from Lake Qinghai and the smaller surrounding lakes and ponds on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Our investigation highlights three key effects. First, the oxygen isotopic composition of ostracods, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonate in the lakes and ponds shows a clear response to lake water δ18O values, and these vary with water salinity. The relationship between lake water δ18O and salinity is not only dominated by the evaporation/freshwater input ratios, but is also controlled by the distance to the mouth of the major rivers supplying to the lake. Second, the ostracod, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonate show similar isotopic change trends in the study area, and oxygen isotopic differences between ostracods and authigenic carbonate may be explained by the different water temperatures and very small ‘vital offsets’ of ostracods. Finally, the effect of water depth on temperature leads to increasing δ18O values in carbonates as water depth increases, both in benthic ostracods living on the lake bottom, as well as in bulk carbonate precipitated at the water surface.For arid, high-altitude Lake Qinghai, our results suggest that variations in the δ18O values of carbonate in Lake Qinghai are mainly controlled by the oxygen-isotope ratio of the lake water changing with water salinity. As a secondary effect, increasing water depth leads to cooler bottom and surface water, which may result in more positive δ18O values of ostracod and bulk carbonate.  相似文献   
为获得测站准确的土壤水分传感器标定参数,利用自动土壤水分站点的大型原状土壤为样本,在实验室同时进行人工称重观测和仪器自动对比观测,得到一系列的人工自动测量数据,以人工称重数据为准对自动土壤水分传感器进行订正。由于采用原状土壤,样本土壤的质地、密度、土壤颗粒和结合紧密度基本没有受到破坏,订正后的自动土壤体积含水量值能更加真实反映台站实际土壤墒情,能够修订人工对比观测期间由于样本空间不足导致的不合理的田间标定方程。  相似文献   
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