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利用NCEP再分析资料,计算和分析了南海季风爆发偏早年和偏晚年能量输送差异。结果表明:1) E-P通量输送区域性明显,高层200hPa和低层850hPa,高原西侧、中国中东部和中太平洋辐散偏强,高原主体、西太平洋和东太平洋辐合偏强;中层500hPa,基本都是辐散偏强或是辐合偏弱。2) E-P通量垂直结构差异明显,早年高原南侧高层辐合异常偏弱,中纬度中高层和高纬度低层辐散异常偏弱;早年中低纬度中高层西风异常减速,高纬度高层西风异常加速。3)高层温度场在西伯利亚、中国地区、北太平洋地区是异常偏暖,在中国东南部和俄罗斯中东部异常偏冷;中层和低层的分布相似,与高层刚好相反。高度场差异分布一致,早年在西伯利亚和北太平洋为高度场异常偏高,而在中国中南部、俄罗斯中东部和赤道中太平洋为高度场异常偏低;海温异常偏暖和偏冷的区域与850hPa温度场的分布非常一致。   相似文献   
寒武纪初期不仅发生了宏体生物大爆发,而且也出现了地质历史时期少见的蓝细菌鞘体大规模钙化事件。埃迪卡拉纪—寒武纪之交海水化学性质的转变对真核生物的演化起到了重要作用,但是这种转变对微生物岩发育特征以及蓝细菌钙化事件的产生有无影响,目前尚不明确。鉴于此,对华南上扬子北缘汉南—米仓山地区上埃迪卡拉统—寒武系第二统多个典型微生物岩发育剖面进行了系统野外调查和室内岩石学分析,结果表明:上埃迪卡拉统灯影组叠层石广泛发育,以平铺状、缓波状特征为主,而凝块石既可以呈补丁状分布于叠层石纹层间,又可以呈细小的凝絮状、粘结状特征构成厚层岩层;寒武系第二统仙女洞组叠层石丰度显著降低,以高大、坚硬的丘状隆起为特点,包括单独的凝块石丘,以及微生物与古杯的联合建丘。虽然寒武系第二统微生物岩的层状结构和凝块结构与埃迪卡拉系相比并无太大差异,但是寒武系微生物岩内部保存有大量的钙化微生物化石,已识别出附枝菌(Epiphyton)、肾形菌(Renalcis)和葛万菌(Girvanella)等多种类型。在收集、整理前人有关微生物岩特征和发育资料的基础上,本次研究初步整理出华南寒武系第二统微生物岩的时空分布特点,发现寒武纪第二世第三期是钙化微生物大量发育的一个时期,在随后的第四期达到一个小的高峰。对于此次蓝细菌钙化作用幕的启动机制,除前人提出的海水高钙离子浓度和蓝细菌体内二氧化碳浓缩机制等认识外,寒武纪早期海水性质的转变(方解石质原生矿物受成岩改造程度较低)、适度的陆源碎屑输入(黏土组分保护作用)也有利于钙化微生物结构的保存,应引起重视。  相似文献   
为了提高采用板式橡胶支座的斜梁桥横向抗震能力,揭示其在不同设计参数下的横向抗震行为,考虑板式橡胶支座的滑移、钢筋混凝土挡块的滞回力学性能、桥台-背土效应等非线性因素,采用OpenSEES建立某连续斜梁桥的三维分析模型,提出支座位移评价指标、主梁平面转角指标、墩柱曲率延性指标和抗剪指标,研究不同挡块强度和间隙组合下桥梁的横向抗震性能。研究表明:同时增大挡块强度和间隙,总体上会降低支座的横向变形,但会增加其纵向变形;挡块强度越高,主梁的横向位移有所下降,但平面转角越大,对两侧桥台处的支座抗剪越不利;挡块强度越高,间隙越小,墩柱越有可能进入弹塑性状态。在本文桥例中,当挡块强度取40%支反力,间隙取0.08m时,所有抗震指标都可满足规范要求。  相似文献   
The influence of the uncertainties of intra-seasonal wind stress forcing on Spring Predictability Barrier (SPB) in El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) prediction is studied with the Zebiak–Cane model and observational wind data which are analyzed with Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) and utilized to extract intra-seasonal wind stress signals as external forcing. The observational intra-seasonal wind stress forcing are joined into Zebiak–Cane model to get the Zebiak–Cane-add model and subsequently with the Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation (CNOP) method, the evolutions of the optimal initial errors (i.e., CNOPs), model errors caused by intra-seasonal wind stress uncertainties, and their joint errors based on ENSO events are calculated. By investigating their error growth rates and prediction errors of Niño-3 indices, the effect of observational intra-seasonal wind stress forcing on seasonal error growth of ENSO is explored and the impact of initial error and model error on ENSO predictability is compared quantitatively. The results show that the model errors led by observational intra-seasonal wind stress forcing could scarcely cause a significant SPB whereas the initial errors and their joint errors can do; hence, the initial errors are most likely the main error source of SPB. In fact, this result emphasizes the primary influence of initial errors on ENSO predictability and lays the basis of adaptive data assimilation for ENSO forecast.  相似文献   
为研究CaO的赋存形态及含量对钙矾石固化/稳定化重金属铅污染土效果的影响,采用高铝水泥提供AlO2-,纯石膏或磷石膏提供SO42-,高铝水泥、石膏、普通硅酸盐水泥或生石灰提供CaO,制备不同组分固化剂配比的固化土,测试试样强度和孔隙溶液pH值等宏观物理力学指标,通过醋酸缓冲溶液法测试试样的铅溶出量,对比分析不同固化剂固化土的矿物成分与微观结构特征。结果表明,钙矾石固化/稳定化重金属铅污染土效果显著;钙矾石对孔隙的填充作用带来的增强效果不能代替水化硅酸钙胶结土颗粒的胶结作用,普通硅酸盐水泥对试样的强度更有利,但其后期强度增幅不大,而生石灰有利于固化土强度的持续增长;生石灰较普通硅酸盐水泥对钙矾石的形成、稳定和重金属Pb2+的固化/稳定化更有利;磷石膏和纯石膏对试样的pH值、无侧限抗压强度及钙矾石固化/稳定化重金属Pb2+的效果影响较小;固化土体微观结构特征表明,CaO含量对钙矾石生成形态及作用效果影响显著。当CaO含量较低时,早期生成的钙矾石将向单硫型硫铝酸钙转化。研究成果可丰富重金属污染场地原位处理技术,具有重要的理论意义和工程应用价值。  相似文献   
正During 2016-2017,both the supply and demand of China's main mineral resources continued to grow.The import of major energy resources and metal ore resources,such as iron ores,crude oil,natural gas,coal and bauxite,except for copper,has shown a substantial increase(Table1).In order to guarantee economic development needs,the  相似文献   
针对传统同质点探测方法 KS检验检验效率低的问题,提出一种利用伽马分布作为前验信息及Bootstrap区间估计探测同质点的方法,实验表明:本文提出的方法能够有效地探测完成同质点的探测,有效地提高了数据检验的效率,为相干性的无偏估计提供了较好的条件。  相似文献   
Based on the analysis of element correlation, the Gibbs diagram, hydro-geochemical ion ratios, isoline maps of groundwater and soil, and change patterns of strontium content after normalization, the study examines water-rock interaction of shallow groundwater in Dingtao area. The results suggest that strontium in the study area mainly comes from water-rock interactions, and the strata interacting with groundwater are the top of Quaternary and Neogene. The element correlation analysis shows that the formation of strontium-rich groundwater is sufficiently affected by sulfate and carbonate. The Gibbs diagram suggests that the chemical composition of groundwater is mainly influenced by water-rock interactions, accompanied by evaporation crystallization. c(Ca2++Mg2+)/c(HCO3-+SO42-) reflects that the main reactions in the groundwater system is weathering dissolution of carbonate and sulfate, and ion exchange takes place. c(Na+)/c(Cl-) indicates that Na+ in groundwater may have water-rock interactions with rocks it flows through. c(Cl-)/c(Ca2+) indicates that the hydrodynamic condition in the pumping well is poor and the water circulation is slow. The study examines the macro isoline map change patterns, correlation curves of change of strontium content in groundwater and shallow soil, and correlation curves of change of strontium content in groundwater, shallow soil, and deep soil. The results suggest that the strontium content in the study area has the same change pattern in groundwater and in soil, which further indicates that strontium in the study area comes from water-rock interactions.  相似文献   
山东省极端气温事件的时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1971—2013年山东省14个气象站点的逐日最高和最低气温资料,计算了6个极端气温指数,采用线性倾向率、M-K突变检验、EEMD、反距离加权插值和相关分析等方法对山东省极端气温事件的时空变化特征及其与西太平洋副高环流变化的关系进行了分析。结果表明:(1)冷暖指数变化趋势的方向和大小均表现出明显的不对称性,暖(冷)指数表现为上升(下降)趋势显著。冷暖指数表现出准2年和准5~7年的年际尺度波动,准10~15年和准20~28年的年代际尺度波动。(2)暖(冷)指数均表现为全区一致的增加(减少)趋势;除高温日数外,倾向率的空间分布总体上表现出东部和中部地区变化趋势较大,西部地区变化趋势较小。(3)极端气温事件的突变与气温突变具有较好的同步性,均在20世纪80年代末90年代初,表明极端气温指数的变化与区域性增暖有密切联系。(4)极端气温事件(除高温日数)的变化深受西太平洋副高变化的影响,西伸脊点、强度和面积指数变化的影响尤其显著。  相似文献   
Climate Change and Its Impacts on Grain Production in Jilin Province   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The climate observation data, reanalysis data, and grain/soybean yields per unit area were used to analyze and interpret the impact of climate change on grain production. The results show that Jilin Province was located in a remarkable increase area of temperature during the growing season (May-September) from 1948 in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. The mid-west and south of Jilin Province and Liaoning Province were located in a clear linear decrease tendency area of annual precipitation, wherein a warm/dry tendency of climate change dominated, while the east of Jilin Province lay in a clear linear decrease tendency area of annual precipitation. The climate warming played an important role in continuous increase in the grain yield per unit area since the1980's in the main grain production areas of Jilin Province, however, from the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, the beneficial effect seemed to be not obvious any longer, the grain yield per unit area fluctuated with annual precipitation.  相似文献   
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