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重庆市冬季雾的物理化学特性   总被引:32,自引:8,他引:32  
李子华  彭中贵 《气象学报》1994,52(4):477-483
在1989年12月15日至1990年1月15日和1990年12月7日至1991年1月7日,对重庆市区冬季雾进行了综合观测试验。从多项观测资料综合分析了雾的物理化学结构,揭示了重庆市区冬季雾许多重要的有别于外地的特征。  相似文献   
Two sets of numerical experiments using the coupled National Center for Environmental Prediction General Circulation Model (NCEP/GCM T42L18) and the Simplified Simple Biosphere land surface scheme (SSiB) were carried out to investigate the climate impacts of fractional vegetation cover (FVC) and leaf area index (LAI) on East Asia summer precipitation, especially in the Yellow River Basin (YRB). One set employed prescribed FVC and LAI which have no interannual variations based on the climatology of vegetation distribution; the other with FVC and LAI derived from satellite observations of the International Satellite Land Surface Climate Project (ISLSCP) for 1987 and 1988. The simulations of the two experiments were compared to study the influence of FVC, LAI on summer precipitation interannual variation in the YRB. Compared with observations and the NCEP reanalysis data, the experiment that included both the effects of satellite-derived vegetation indexes and sea surface temperature (SST) produced better seasonal and interannual precipitation variations than the experiment with SST but no interannual variations in FVC and LAI, indicating that better representations of the vegetation index and its interannual variation may be important for climate prediction. The difference between 1987 and 1988 indicated that with the increase of FVC and LAI, especially around the YRB, surface albedo decreased, net surface radiation increased, and consequently local evaporation and precipitation intensified. Further more, surface sensible heat flux, surface temperature and its diurnal variation decreased around the YRB in response to more vegetation. The decrease of surface-emitting longwave radiation due to the cooler surface outweighed the decrease of surface solar radiation income with more cloud coverage, thus maintaining the positive anomaly of net surface radiation. Further study indicated that moisture flux variations associated with changes in the general circulation also contributed to the precipitation interannual variation.  相似文献   
北京一次突发性降雪的云场结构特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘晓滨  王舒畅  李毅 《气象科学》2005,25(2):111-117
本文对利用三重嵌套的高分辨率中尺度模式对北京一次突发性降雪过程进行了数值模拟。重点分析伴随降雪过程的云各微物理含量构成和云场三维图像的演变特征,初步分析表明:此次降雪过程中云中的主要成份是冰晶粒子,雪其它粒子的含量较少,冰晶粒子含量随时间呈由高空向低空增加的趋势,它在降雪过程中起重要作用;云的三维结构图也清楚地反映云顶有不断降低和向下伸展过程,这与冰晶粒子的增长和沉降有关。  相似文献   
李麦村  罗哲贤 《大气科学》1985,9(4):423-427
Charney和Devore首先论述了高低指数环流型的多平衡态特征。在相同的外部强迫下,由于大尺度大气运动的非线性,能够激发出两类截然不同的环流形态,这是大气环流系统的一项重要的固有属性。对此,已进行了一系列的研究。这些研究一般限于中高纬度高低指数环流的范畴。  相似文献   
2006年7月12日下午5时前后,阳泉市遭受严重的冰雹、暴雨袭击,造成部分乡镇农作物受害,直接经济损失在3 000万元以上。为此我们以这次大冰雹天气过程为例,应用《阳泉市冰雹短期预报系统》、FY2C云图资料、多普勒雷达资料等方法,初步探索大冰雹天气的成因,以及在大冰雹出现前冰雹云的一些特殊结构特征,为今后的预报提供一些有价值的,有指示意义的预报指标。  相似文献   
华北盛夏暴雨过程的能量特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用实况资料和T213输出资料,对发生在2005年8月16日~17日的华北暴雨过程进行了能量学特征分析,结果表明:暴雨前24h~36h,对流层上下层有暖湿空气同时发展,是暴雨发生的重要动力机制;强的干、湿静力能锋区稳定维持是这次大范围暴雨产生的能量基础,中低层湿静力能差值大于0,且数值很大,说明对流不稳定层结很强,暴雨发生在高能、高不稳定度的条件下;水汽的充足补给作用,是这次暴雨过程能量转换的基础。  相似文献   
This study examines a future climate change scenario over California in a 10-km coupled regional downscaling system of the Regional Spectral Model for the atmosphere and the Regional Ocean Modeling System for the ocean forced by the global Community Climate System Model version 3.0 (CCSM3). In summer, the coupled and uncoupled downscaled experiments capture the warming trend of surface air temperature, consistent with the driving CCSM3 forcing. However, the surface warming change along the California coast is weaker in the coupled downscaled experiment than it is in the uncoupled downscaling. Atmospheric cooling due to upwelling along the coast commonly appears in both the present and future climates, but the effect of upwelling is not fully compensated for by the projected large-scale warming in the coupled downscaling experiment. The projected change of extreme warm events is quite different between the coupled and uncoupled downscaling experiments, with the former projecting a more moderate change. The projected future change in precipitation is not significantly different between coupled and uncoupled downscaling. Both the coupled and uncoupled downscaling integrations predict increased onshore sea breeze change in summer daytime and reduced offshore land breeze change in summer nighttime along the coast from the Bay area to Point Conception. Compared to the simulation of present climate, the coupled and uncoupled downscaling experiments predict 17.5 % and 27.5 % fewer Catalina eddy hours in future climate respectively.  相似文献   
多普勒雷达基本观测量直接同化对模式物理量场的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李媛  董佩明  刘艳  史尧 《气象与减灾研究》2009,32(3):19-24,I0003,I0004
在GRAPES一3DVar雷达同化模块的基础上,建立了多普勒径向速度和基本反射率因子的直接同化观测算子,实现了雷达反射率因子和径向速度的直接同化,并对2007年7月3日的江淮梅雨进行了模拟试验。结果表明,多普勒径向速度的直接同化的主要影响表现在风场上,能够改善几乎整个三维风场分析,在雷达影响半径范围内,风场明显得到加强,影响当时天气的系统及其高低层配置被合理模拟,但对湿度场影响甚微。雨水混合比的直接同化的主要影响表现在湿度场上,改进了模式对湿度场的模拟,对降水的影响十分显著,有利于准确模拟降水的发展和维持,减小了Spin—up现象;其亦可使整个风场微弱增强,但影响甚微。  相似文献   
我国南方晚稻孕穗期旱灾指标试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据我国南方晚稻孕穗普遍期后对干旱最敏感这一特点,分别在江西南昌、湖北荆州、湖南长沙3个试验站设计了孕穗普遍期后7d、10d、13d、16d和直至植株死亡5种干旱天数。试验结果表明:干旱天数与穗粒数、穗结实粒数呈负相关,相关系数分别为-0.956和-0.959。随着干旱天数增加,土壤湿度逐渐减少,减产率上升。当干旱18d时,土壤湿度临界值为5.57%,植株死亡。用线性和非线性回归拟合干旱天数、土壤湿度、减产率三者之间的方程,分别以土壤湿度、减产率作为评价因子得出干旱灾害评价标准。经鉴定,自大田土壤上层无水开始干旱6~7d,晚稻受到轻度灾害;干旱8~11d,晚稻受中度灾害;干旱12d以上受重度灾害。  相似文献   
从高低空环流场分析了强热带风暴"碧利斯"的移动路径及其登陆后造成的漳州市强降水成因,结果表明:在福建登陆后西行南折的强热带风暴,是造成漳州7月14甘20时-16日20时强降水的直接原因;高层冷平流、低层暖平流为暴雨产生提供了稳定度条件;中高层正涡度平流的辐散抽吸作用,为暴雨产生提供了动力条件;来自副高西侧的偏南气流、南侧的东南气流和来自孟加拉湾的西南气流,为漳州的强降水提供了水汽条件.此外,台湾地形对台风的削弱作用不明显,也是"碧利斯"造成漳州市强降水的原因之一.  相似文献   
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