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Promising methods have been developed recently for the determination of selenium (Se) and tellurium (Te) in geological materials at ng g−1 and lower levels, using hydride generation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Here we report on a new isotope dilution-hydride generation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ID-HG-ICP-MS) method for the simultaneous determination of Se and Te, which is applied to basalts, and modified compared to previous work. The basalts were attacked and dissolved with hydrofluoric and nitric acid, spiked with enriched isotopes, and passed through a cation exchange column (AG 50-X8 100–200 mesh) to separate the major cations that interfere with Se and Te detection (e.g., Fe). The detection limits of this method were 0.010 ng g−1 for Se and 0.0030 ng g−1 for Te, well below the concentrations of Se and Te expected in basalts. The precision of the method for Se was 12.2 to 15.1% and for Te was 4.6 to 7.2% RSD from replicate analyses of basalt reference samples. The accuracy for Se determinations was 61 to 94% and for Te 28 to 100% of values previously reported in the literature for selected USGS reference materials.  相似文献   
Trends and variability in column-integrated atmospheric water vapor   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An analysis and evaluation has been performed of global datasets on column-integrated water vapor (precipitable water). For years before 1996, the Ross and Elliott radiosonde dataset is used for validation of European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalyses ERA-40. Only the special sensor microwave imager (SSM/I) dataset from remote sensing systems (RSS) has credible means, variability and trends for the oceans, but it is available only for the post-1988 period. Major problems are found in the means, variability and trends from 1988 to 2001 for both reanalyses from National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and the ERA-40 reanalysis over the oceans, and for the NASA water vapor project (NVAP) dataset more generally. NCEP and ERA-40 values are reasonable over land where constrained by radiosondes. Accordingly, users of these data should take great care in accepting results as real. The problems highlight the need for reprocessing of data, as has been done by RSS, and reanalyses that adequately take account of the changing observing system. Precipitable water variability for 1988–2001 is dominated by the evolution of ENSO and especially the structures that occurred during and following the 1997–98 El Niño event. The evidence from SSM/I for the global ocean suggests that recent trends in precipitable water are generally positive and, for 1988 through 2003, average 0.40±0.09 mm per decade or 1.3±0.3% per decade for the ocean as a whole, where the error bars are 95% confidence intervals. Over the oceans, the precipitable water variability relates very strongly to changes in SSTs, both in terms of spatial structure of trends and temporal variability (with a regression coefficient for 30°N–30°S of 7.8% K?1) and is consistent with the assumption of fairly constant relative humidity. In the tropics, the trends are also influenced by changes in rainfall which, in turn, are closely associated with the mean flow and convergence of moisture by the trade winds. The main region where positive trends are not very evident is over Europe, in spite of large and positive trends over the North Atlantic since 1988. A much longer time series is probably required to obtain stable patterns of trends over the oceans, although the main variability could probably be deduced from past SST and associated precipitation variations.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes the information on the geomorphology and physical resources component of the Jordan Badia Research and Development Programme. The research focuses on the issue of the environment in arid lands and aims to provide practical options for sustainable development, for the benefit not only of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan but for other arid regions of the world. The research is significantly development driven because there is a need to identify useable natural resources and establish a framework for their effective exploitation and management in a marginal, fragile environment, which is sensitive to change.Pressure for development of the Badia stems from the fact that the great majority of the population in Jordan is compressed into less than 10% of the country by environmental constraits. It is hoped that the Jordan Badia Research and Development Programme will provide the required framework to ease current environmental pressures, encourage migration to the Badia, a sparsely populated region, and establish economically and ecologically self-supporting communities.This paper discusses the following areas that are related to the sustainable development of the Jordan Badia with special emphasis on the Safawi area in the Northern Jordan Badia; geomorphology including landform, processes and hazards, geology and physical resources, hydrology, surface water and water engineering, groundwater, soils and vegetation, sediment erosion and mobility and environmental management.  相似文献   
The Late Archaean Bronzewing lode-gold deposit is in the Yandal greenstone belt, Western Australia. It is located in a 500-m-wide, N–S trending, structural corridor consisting of an anastomosing set of brittle–ductile shear zones and is chiefly hosted by tholeiitic basalts, which are metamorphosed at mid- to upper-greenschist facies. Syn-peak metamorphic alteration surround all ore bodies, and alteration extends laterally for ≤80 m from individual mineralised structures. Individual alteration haloes partially overlap and form a >1.5-km-long and ≤300-m-wide domain. The alteration sequence, studied here at 140 m below the present undisturbed surface, comprises distal calcite–chlorite–albite–quartz, intermediate calcite–dolomite–chlorite–muscovite–albite–quartz and proximal ankerite–dolomite–muscovite–albite–quartz–pyrite zones. Mass transfer calculations indicate that chemical changes during alteration include enrichment of Ag, Au, Ba, Bi, CO2, K, Rb, S, Sb, Te and W, and depletion of Na, Sr and Y. The elements Al, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, P, Ti, V, Zn and Zr are immobile. The degree of chemical change increases with proximity to gold ore zones. In addition, abundant quartz veins indicate substantial silica mobility during the hydrothermal event, although there is no large relative silica loss or gain in the host rock. The broadest anomaly surrounding the Bronzewing gold deposit is defined by tellurium (>10 ppb) which, if it is a hydrothermal anomaly, extends beyond the 400 × 600 m study area. Anomalous values for CO2, K, Rb and Sb also define wider zones than does anomalous gold (>4 ppb), although even the lithogeochemical gold anomaly extends across strike for as much as 80 m away from ore and >600 m along the N–S strike of the shear zone corridor. Also carbonation and sericitisation indices outline large exploration targets at the Bronzewing deposit. Sericitisation indices define anomalies that extend for tens of metres beyond visible potassic alteration, whereas the anomalies defined by the carbonation indices do not extend beyond visible carbonation. None of the individual alteration indices or pathfinder elements are able to define consistent gradients towards ore. However, the respective dimensions of individual geochemical anomalies can be used as an extensive, although stepwise, vector towards ore. This sequence is, from species with broadest dispersion first, as follows: Te > CO2/Ca ≥ Sb, 3K/Al, Rb/Ti ≥ Au, W > Y/Ti (depletion) > Ag ≥ Bronzewing ore. Received: 25 October 1999 / Accepted: 11 May 2000  相似文献   
We reconstructed the late-Holocene environmental history of a coastal lagoon in semi-arid southwestern Hispaniola through multiproxy analysis of a sediment core, including pollen, macroscopic and microscopic charcoal, loss-on-ignition analysis (LOI), stable isotope analysis, bulk density, and magnetic susceptibility. Four chronological accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dates indicated that our core represents the past ~1000 years. We interpreted ten hurricanes events over the past millennium from high-resolution geological proxies, LOI data, and ostracod valve stable oxygen isotope data, thus producing the first long record of hurricanes from the Dominican Republic. Geological proxies indicated a high-energy event abruptly changed the ecosystem state of our core site from a shallow mangrove wetland to a lacustrine environment ~330 cal yr BP. We interpret the driver of that event to be the landfall of a strong hurricane that initiated lowland flooding, mangrove mortality, and subsequent peat collapse at the core site. Pollen data indicated that during the relatively moist Medieval Warm Period (MWP), hurricanes led to temporary declines in tropical dry forest taxa that recovered within several decades following disturbance. By comparison, during the relatively arid Little Ice Age (LIA), when precipitation was highly variable in the circum-Caribbean, closely spaced hurricanes seemed to delay forest recovery. Sedimentary charcoal concentrations revealed increased fire activity after inferred hurricane landfalls in the MWP, providing evidence of a link between enhanced biomass and fuel availability during moister periods and burning in recently disturbed dry forests and scrub of our semi-arid study region. Our interpretations of increased aridity and precipitation variability, indicated by alternating thin layers of microbial mats with evaporite layers, along with more frequent hurricanes from ~330 cal yr BP to present, generally agree with other sedimentary records from the circum-Caribbean, and may be linked to a more southerly position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone during the LIA.  相似文献   
Recharge to the Quaternary aquifers beneath the Northern Adelaide Plains was estimated to be 3.9 x 106 m3/year using the environmental tritium concentration of water samples taken from suitably sited boreholes. Recharge to the Tertiary aquifers was estimated to be 0.4 x 106m3/year, by the same isotopic techniques. These results may be compared with a total recharge by leakage through the beds of streams which cross the plain, estimated by the South Australian Department of Mines to be 6.4 x 106 m3/year.  相似文献   
Although coral reefs worldwide are subject to increasing global threats, humans also impact coral reefs directly through localized activities such as snorkeling, kayaking and fishing. We investigated five sites on the northern shore of Moorea, French Polynesia, and quantified the number of visitors on the beach and in shallow water. In field surveys, we measured total coral cover and colony sizes of two common genera, Porites and Acropora, a massive and branching morphology, respectively. One site, which hosted over an order of magnitude more people than the other four, had significantly less total coral cover and supported very little branching Acropora. In addition, size frequency distributions of both the branching and massive genera were skewed toward smaller colony sizes at the high use site. Our results demonstrated that the use of tropical beaches may result in less coral cover, with branching colonies rare and small.  相似文献   
Over 1.3 billion people live on tropical coasts, primarily in developing countries. Many depend on adjacent coastal seas for food, and livelihoods. We show how trends in demography and in several local and global anthropogenic stressors are progressively degrading capacity of coastal waters to sustain these people. Far more effective approaches to environmental management are needed if the loss in provision of ecosystem goods and services is to be stemmed. We propose expanded use of marine spatial planning as a framework for more effective, pragmatic management based on ocean zones to accommodate conflicting uses. This would force the holistic, regional-scale reconciliation of food security, livelihoods, and conservation that is needed. Transforming how countries manage coastal resources will require major change in policy and politics, implemented with sufficient flexibility to accommodate societal variations. Achieving this change is a major challenge – one that affects the lives of one fifth of humanity.  相似文献   
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