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借助于推广的Holder不等式,作者将哈代-兰道不等式进一步推广,其结果含离散型和连续型的不等式。  相似文献   
Typhoon Durian (2001),which formed over the South China Sea (SCS),was simulated by using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The genesis of typhoon Durian which formed in the monsoon trough was reproduced by numerical simulations. The simulated results agree reasonably well with observations. Two numerical experiments in which the sea surface temperature (SST) was either decreased or increased were performed to investigate the impact of the SST on the genesis of the ty-phoon. When the SST was decreased by 5℃ uniformly for all grids in the model,the winds calculated became divergent in the lower troposphere and convergent in the upper troposphere,creating conditions in which the amount of total latent heat release (TLHR) was low and the tropical cyclone (TC) could not be formed. This simulation shows the importance of the convergence in the lower tropo-sphere and the divergence in the upper troposphere for the genesis of the initial vortex. When the SST was increased by 1℃ uni-formly for all grids,a stronger typhoon was generated in the results with an increase of about 10 m s-1 in the maximum surface wind speed. Only minor differences in intensity were noted during the first 54 h in the simulation with the warmer SST,but apparent dif-ferences in intensity occurred after 54 h when the vortex began to strengthen to typhoon strength. This experiment shows that warmer SST will speed the strengthening from tropical storm strength to typhoon strength and increase the maximum intensity reached,while only minor impact can be seen during the earlier stage of genesis before the TC reaches the tropical storm strength. The results sug-gest that the amount of TLHR may be the dominant factor in determining the formation and the intensification of the TC.  相似文献   
流感监测系统的建立是应对流感大流行的一种极为有效的举措。为此,美国、加拿大、墨西哥、巴西、英国、欧盟、俄罗斯、澳大利亚、新西兰、中国等国家,先后都建立了自己的流感监测系统。为了提高我国流感监测系统的水平,作者选出代表性强、特色显著的美国、欧洲和我国的流感监测系统作为典型,从地理流行病学的角度,着重对流感监测及其数据分析的地理分区、流感疫情动态变化的评价标准等方面进行了比较研究。通过总结先进国家的成熟经验,结合我国的实际情况和需求,作者对我国的流感监测系统提出了改进意见。在综合考虑我国地貌特点、气候分区和管理需要的基础上,建议将现有以秦岭淮河为界划分的南、北两个地理分区,细化为黑吉辽区、京津冀鲁豫区、长江中下游区、闽粤桂琼台区、蒙甘新区、晋陕宁区、渝黔川滇区和青藏区等8个流感监测地理分区;建议将现有流感监测系统引入基于流感样病例占门诊病例百分数的基线,利用归因肺炎及流感的死亡率,计算流感季节基线和流行阈值,以客观地衡量和评价流感流行水平及其严重程度。这些研究成果,不仅对地理流行病学的发展有理论意义,而且也对流感及其他传染病的监测有实用价值。  相似文献   
Seed long-distance dispersal(LDD) events are typically rare, but are important in the population processes that determine large-scale forest changes and the persistence of species in fragmented landscapes. However, previous studies focused on species dispersed via animal-mediated LDD, and ignored those dispersed by wind. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of canopy openness, edge, seed source, and patch tree density on the LDD of seeds by wind in forest. We collected birch seeds, a typical wind-dispersed species, throughout a larch plantation. We then assessed the relationship between birch LDD and each factor that may influence LDD of seeds by wind including distance to edge, canopy openness size, distance to mature forest, and the tree density of the larch plantation. We used univariate linear regression analysis to assess the influence of those factors on birch LDD, and partial correlations to calculate the contribution of each factor to LDD. The results showed that both canopy openness and edge had significant influences on birch LDD. Specifically, a negative relationship was observed between distance to edge and birch LDD, whereas there was a positive correlation between canopy openness size and LDD. In contrast, the distance to the mature forest was not correlated with birch LDD. Our results suggest that patch tree density could potently affect the probability of LDD by wind vectors, which provides novel and revealing insights regarding the effect of fragmentation on wind dynamics. The data also provide compelling evidence for the previously undocumented effect of habitat fragmentation on wind-dispersed organisms. As such, these observations will facilitate reasonable conservation planning, which requires a detailed understanding of the mechanisms by which patch properties hamper the delivery of seeds of wind-dispersed plants to fragmented areas.  相似文献   
Air guns are important sources for marine seismic exploration. Far-field wavelet of air gun arrays, as a necessary parameter for pre-stack processing and source models, plays an important role during marine seismic data processing and interpretation. When an air gun fires, it generates a series of air bubbles. Similar to onshore seismic exploration, the water forms a plastic fluid near the bubble; the farther the air gun is located from the measurement, the more steady and more accurately represented the wavelet will be. In practice, hydrophones should be placed more than 100 m from the air gun; however, traditional seismic cables cannot meet this requirement. On the other hand, vertical cables provide a viable solution to this problem. This study uses a vertical cable to receive wavelets from 38 air guns and data are collected offshore Southeast Qiong, where the water depth is over 1000 m. In this study, the wavelets measured using this technique coincide very well with the simulated wavelets and can therefore represent the real shape of the wavelets. This experiment fills a technology gap in China.  相似文献   
采用单频星载GPS实测伪距和载波相位观测值,结合不同的电离层延迟改正模型进行模拟实时定轨实验,分析单频实时定轨的精度。不同轨道高度的低轨卫星实验结果表明,在卫星轨道较高(500 km以上)时,使用单频伪距观测值与改进的Klobuchar模型,实时定轨位置精度可达0.86 m(三维RMS),速度精度可达0.9 mm/s,接近甚至优于双频伪距实时定轨的轨道精度;使用单频码相无电离层组合观测值时,实时定轨位置精度可达0.54 m,速度精度可达0.55 mm/s。采用合适的电离层延迟改正模型,廉价的单频星载接收机可应用于微小卫星的实时定轨。  相似文献   
针对BDS区域卫星导航系统的空间信号精度评估问题,分析利用精密星历进行空间信号评估的算法以及SISURE的投影原理,讨论BDS不同星座的参数选择。估计BDS各个卫星的空间信号精度,估算出SISURE综合误差的平均值为1.54 m,与GPS的空间信号精度还存在一定差距。针对个别导航卫星某些分量误差偏大的情况进行分析,发现GEO卫星SISURE个别时段较差和轨道机动有一定关系,并明确了BDS实际的空间信号精度,可为BDS用户提供一定参考。  相似文献   
Iron-rich groundwater flowing into wetlands is a worldwide environmental pollution phenomenon that is closely associated with the stability of wetland ecosystems. Combined with high phosphorus(P) loading from agricultural runoff, the prediction of the evolution of wetland vegetation affected by compound contamination is particularly urgent. We tested the effects of anaerobic iron-rich groundwater discharge in a freshwater marsh by simulating the effect of three levels of eutrophic water on native plants(Glyceria spiculosa(Fr. Schmidt.) Rosh.). The management of wetland vegetation with 1–20 mg/L Fe input is an efficient method to promote the growth of plants, which showed an optimum response under a 0.10 mg/L P surface water environment. Iron-rich groundwater strongly affects the changes in ecological niches of some wetland plant species and the dominant species. In addition, when the P concentration in a natural body of water is too high, the governance effect of eutrophication might not be as expected. Under iron-rich groundwater conditions, the δ~(13)C values of organs were more depleted, which can partially explain the differences in δ~(13)C in the soil profile. Conversely, the carbon isotope composition of soil organic carbon is indicative of past changes in vegetation. The results of our experiments confirm that iron-rich groundwater discharge has the potential to affect vegetation composition through toxicity modification in eutrophic environments.  相似文献   
The ecological environment in the East China Sea (ECS) and the Yellow Sea (YS) has changed significantly due to sea-level rising and the Kuroshio incursion since the last deglaciation. In this study, biomarker records of core F10B from the mud area southwest off Cheju Island (MSWCI) were generated to evaluate phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in response to environmental evolution during the last 14 kyr. The contents of diatom, dinoflagellate and haptophyte biomarkers (brassicasterol, dinosterol and C37 alkenones) display similar trends, with increasing phytoplankton productivity during the last 14 kyr due to the increased influences of the Kuroshio, and especially due to the eddy-induced upwelling during the late Holocene. On the other hand, the contents of terrestrial biomarkers (C28 +C30 +C32 n-alkanols) and terrestrial organic matter (TOM) proxies (TMBR’ and BIT) all reveal decreasing TOM input into the area around the sampling site for the 14 kyr, mostly due to sea-level rising. Phytoplankton biomarker ratios reveal a shift from a haptophyte-dominated community at 6.2–2.5 kyr BP to a diatom-dominated community at 2.5–1.45 kyr BP, likely caused by a stronger cold eddy circulation system at 2.5–1.45 kyr BP in the MSWCI.  相似文献   
以广播星历为起算轨道的北斗卫星实时滤波精密定轨往往需要较长收敛时间,针对此,提出利用超快速精密星历约束的实时精密定轨方法。通过MGEX跟踪网全球分布的51个测站连续7 d的实测数据,利用平方根信息滤波对北斗卫星实时精密轨道进行确定,并以3 d解事后轨道作为参考,评估北斗卫星实时滤波轨道精度。结果表明,利用广播星历作起算轨道时,北斗实时滤波轨道平均需要经过15 h收敛才能达到稳定,而新方法在这段时间内轨道变化较为平稳,未出现明显的收敛现象,并且7 d时间内GEO卫星在切向、法向和径向上RMS分别优于2.5 m、20 cm和30 cm,IGSO和MEO卫星在3个方向上分别优于30 cm、15 cm和10 cm。
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