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羟-氟磷灰石是介于氟磷灰石与羟磷灰石之间的变种。这次在山东枣庄发现的羟氟-磷灰石产在沙沟杂岩体内的同化混染作用形成的岩石中。本文研究了它的产状、物理化学特征及稀土元素模式等,讨论了它的地质意义。  相似文献   
水溶液中草酸漂白高岭土细尾矿的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了用草酸在不同溶液中漂白高土细尾矿的反应动力学。考察了PH值,温度、浸出液初始浓度等因素对反应的影响。结果表明,PH值的降低、反应温度和浸出液浓度的提高有利于高岭土中氧化铁的浸出,该反应是草酸根与铁的摩尔比为3:1的络合反应,在草酸溶液中铁的溶出符合一级反应动力学。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地延安组在全盆地发育,是盆地内最重要的含煤、油、气地层之一,依据大量的钻井、测井资料,运用沉积学的方法,对东胜煤田艾来五库沟-台吉召延安组沉积体系及聚煤特征进行了分析。研究认为延安组为辫状河、曲流河及辫状河三角洲沉积,沉积微相主要发育有辫状河体系的河床滞留沉积及心滩、河漫滩和河漫沼泽沉积;曲流河体系的河床滞留沉积、边滩、天然堤、河漫滩、河漫沼泽和河漫湖泊沉积;辫状河三角洲体系的分支河道、天然堤和河漫沼泽沉积等。辫状河及曲流河垂向上表现为下粗上细的间断性正韵律或正旋回,为典型的河流二元结构特征。聚煤特征分析认为,辫状河和曲流河体系河漫沼泽环境是有利成煤场所,由于河道的冲刷、下切作用,辫状河道和曲流河道形成的煤层厚度较小、侧向连续性差;三角洲体系的三角洲平原是有利的成煤带,其煤层具有厚度较大、结构较为简单、分布范围较广、连续性较好的特征。  相似文献   
There are two types of lead–zinc ore bodies, i.e., sandstone-hosted ores (SHO) and limestone-hosted ores (LHO), in the Jinding giant sulfide deposit, Yunnan, SW China. Structural analysis suggests that thrust faults and dome structures are the major structural elements controlling lead–zinc mineralization. The two types of ore bodies are preserved in two thrust sheets in a three-layered structural profile in the framework of the Jinding dome structure. The SHO forms the cap of the dome and LHO bodies are concentrated beneath the SHO cap in the central part of the dome. Quartz, feldspar and calcite, and sphalerite, pyrite, and galena are the dominant mineral components in the sandstone-hosted lead–zinc ores. Quartz and feldspar occur as detrital clasts and are cemented by diagenetic calcite and epigenetic sulfides. The sulfide paragenetic sequence during SHO mineralization is from early pyrite to galena and late sphalerite. Galena occurs mostly in two types of cracks, i.e., crescent-style grain boundary cracks along quartz–pyrite, or rarely along pyrite–pyrite boundaries, and intragranular radial cracks in early pyrite grains surrounding quartz clasts. The radial cracks are more or less perpendicular to the quartz–pyrite grain boundaries and do not show any overall (whole rock) orientation pattern. Their distribution, morphological characteristics, and geometrical relationships with quartz and pyrite grains suggest the predominant role of grain-scale cracking. Thermal expansion cracking is one of the most important mechanisms for the generation of open spaces during galena mineralization. Cracking due to heating or cooling by infiltrating fluids resulted from upwelling fluid phases through fluid passes connecting the SHO and LHO bodies, provided significant spaces for crystallization of galena. The differences in coefficients of thermal expansion between pyrite and quartz led to a difference in volume changes between quartz grains and pyrite grains surrounding them and contributed to cracking of the pyrite grains when temperature changed. Combined thermal expansion and elastic mismatch due to heating and subsequent cooling resulted in the radial and crescent cracking in the pyrite grains and along the quartz–pyrite grain boundaries.  相似文献   
我国的卡林型金矿主要分布在杨子板块的西北和西南边缘及湘中地区,绝大多数卡林型金矿床都具有较强的蚀变矿化.对西北缘“陕甘川”和西南缘“滇黔桂”两个“金三角”区域内典型卡林型金矿矿化蚀变进行分析,总结矿化类型及其与成矿期次的关系,矿化蚀变与构造的关系,矿化蚀变的物化条件及成因要素,以及矿化蚀变地球化学特征,对该类型矿床的勘查有一定指导意义.  相似文献   
The Tianshan Carboniferous post-collisional rift volcanic rocks occur in northwestern China as a large igneous province. Based on petrogeochemical data, the Tianshan Carboniferous post-collisional rift basic lavas can be classified into two major magma types: (1) the low-Ti/Y type situated in the eastern-central Tianshan area, which exhibits low Ti/Y (<500), Ce/Yb (<15) and SiO2 (43-55%), and relatively high Fe2O3T (6.4-11.5%); (2) the high-Ti/Y type situated in the western Tianshan area, which has high Ti/Y (>500), Ce/Yb (>11) and SiO2 (49-55%), and relatively low Fe2O3T (5.8-7.8%). Elemental data suggest that chemical variations of the low-Ti/Y and high-Ti/Y lavas cannot be explained by fractional crystallization from a common parental magma. The Tianshan Carboniferous basic lavas originated most likely from an OIB-like asthenospheric mantle source (87Sr/86Sr(t) ≈ 0.703-0.705, εNd(t) ≈ +4 to +7). The crustal contamination and continental lithospheric mantle have also contributed significantly to the formation of the basic lavas of the Tianshan Carboniferous post-collisional rift. The silicic lavas were probably generated by partial melting of the crust. The data of this study show that spatial petrogeochemical variations exist in the Carboniferous post-collisional rift volcanics province in the Tianshan region. Occurrence of the thickest volcanics dominated by tholeiitic lavas may imply that the center of the mantle-melting anomaly (mantle plume) was in the eastern Tianshan area at that time. The basic volcanic magmas in the eastern Tianshan area were generated by a relatively high degree of partial melting of the mantle source around the spinel-garnet transition zone, whereas the alkaline basaltic lavas are of the dominant magma type in the western Tianshan area, which were generated by a low degree of partial melting of the mantle source within the stable garnet region, thus the basic lavas of the western Tianshan area might have resulted from relatively thick lithosphere and low geothermal gradient.  相似文献   
磷矿的沉积和成矿与成磷期的古地理环境密切相关。本文首次将“单因素分析多因素综合作图法”运用于开阳地区震旦纪陡山沱期沉积型磷矿床的成矿分析和找矿预测上。通过选取陡山沱组及其各岩性段的地层厚度及磷矿层品位作为单因素,确定开阳地区古地理格局;结合地层岩性组合、沉积特征等多因素综合分析,恢复开阳地区成矿期沉积环境,编制陡山沱早期、中期和晚期岩相古地理图。根据定量岩相古地理重建结果,认为开阳地区陡山沱期整体处于南靠黔中古陆、地势南高北低、局部地形复杂的滨岸海滩沉积环境,其中临滨带为最有利成矿带,局部地形变化也会造成矿层厚度、品位的差异;矿层受到的水流冲蚀、暴露、淋滤及再沉积作用是导致矿石品位显著提升的关键因素。通过定量岩相古地理学精确还原成矿期古地理环境、解析多期次沉积成矿过程,对于确定磷矿控矿因素、构建找矿预测模型和预测矿体空间位置具有重要意义。  相似文献   
中国优质碎屑岩深层储层控制因素综述   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
根据中国深层储层分布广,地质条件差异大的实际情况,认为沉积环境、地温、深埋藏时间、溶解与胶结作用、烃类充注、异常压力、绿泥石环边为深层储层的主要控制因素,并对每一种因素作了具体分析,指出深层储层的分布可以用3种模式来进行预测。  相似文献   
巴彦诺尔公花岗岩体和乌力吉花岗岩体均属二叠纪花岗岩,两岩体在地球化学组成上基本一致,均富Si02,K20和Al20。,富集轻稀土,而重稀土亏损。其差别是:前者属钙碱性岩石(σ=l.91),较富集Fe,Mg,Ca,Cu,Cr,Sr,Ba和F,而后者为钙性岩石(σ=1.68)较富集W,As,Sb和Au等。两岩体不仅为其周围矿产的形成提供了充分的热液,也提供了丰富的物质来源。正是由于充分的热液活动和物质迁移以及后期富集形成了朱拉扎嘎大型金矿。  相似文献   
正秦岭造山带是华北陆块和扬子陆块及其间的微陆块经历了多期拼合而形成的,具有复杂的构造演化史,前人已对其形成与演化过程进行了大量的研究工作,但在许多方面的研究仍未获得统一的认识(张国伟等,1988;张本仁等2002)。秦岭岩群是北秦岭造山带的主体,保存了复杂的变质变形记录,准确有效地获取和判断其基底岩石的形成和变质时代是探讨秦岭岩群乃至整个秦岭造山带形成  相似文献   
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