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利用常规地面观测、柳州地面自动站、FY-2C卫星、柳州和河池的多普勒天气雷达观测资料,对2014年7月22日夏季柳州发生的一次短暂的雨夹冰雹天气过程的环境条件和雷达产品特征进行分析,主要结果如下:受副高和台风外围气流影响,柳州全市出现了37℃以上大范围的高温天气,天气尺度和中尺度的上升运动较弱,局地性质的加热作用导致大气的不稳定度加强而诱发对流云系进一步发展造成的;雷达显示的冰雹云的最大基本反射率因子为65d BZ,强回波区面积小;风速的切变和辐合上升运动小,0℃层高度较高,不利于对流系统的发展和维持。  相似文献   
There is accumulating evidence for mass ejection in low-mass X-ray binaries(LMXBs)driven by radio pulsar activity during X-ray quiescence.We consider the condition for mass ejection by comparing the radiation pressure from a millisecond pulsar,and the gas pressure at the inner Lagrange point or at the surrounding accretion disk.We calculate the critical spin period of the pulsar below which mass ejection is allowed.Combining with the evolution of the mass transfer rate,we present constraints on the orbital ...  相似文献   
On 5 April 2008, a filament at the periphery of an active region was observed by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager telescope aboard the STEREO-A spacecraft, which showed up as a prominence eruption in the field-of-view from STEREO-B. The filament at STEREO-A 304 Å was first lengthened toward a region with weak overlying magnetic field so evolved as a large-scale one consisting of bright and dark threads twisting with each other, and then the portion below the weak field underwent an eruption. Meanwhile, the corresponding STEREO-B 304 Å prominence threads exhibited a kinking structure and tilting motion, with its center deflecting from the radial direction. By using three-dimension (3D) reconstruction technology, we obtain the 3D topology for the kinked prominence when its apex arrived at 1.4 radii, from which a clockwise rotation of about 90° is found in the course of the eruption. By comparing the 3D structure with the magnetic-field configuration computed by using the Potential-Field Source-Surface (PFSS) model, it is suggested that the filament erupted against the rather weaker than stronger overlying magnetic field, which make it appear to tilt toward one side.  相似文献   
谈滑坡勘察中的几个地下水压力问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于目前在滑坡勘察中对地下水压力问题尚有一些不够明确和难以确定之处,本文首先讨论地下水压力的分类及其概念,并简要叙述地下水压力的时、空变化和影响因素;然后结合实例分析不同条件下地下水压力在滑坡形成中的实际效用,并就地下水压力的确定问题发表了看法。  相似文献   
Compared with other planets, Mars is a planet most similar with the earth and most possible to find the extraterrestrial life on it, and therefore especially concerned about by human beings. In recent years, some countries have launched Mars probes and announced their manned Mars exploration programs. China has become the fifth country in the world to launch independently artificial satellites, and the third country able to carry out an independent manned space program. However, China is just at the beginning of deep space explorations. In 2007, China and Russia signed an agreement on a joint Mars exploration program by sending a Chinese micro-satellite Yinghuo-1 (YH-1) to the Mars orbit. Once YH-1 enters its orbit, it will carry out its own exploration, as well as the joint exploration with the Russian Phobos-Grunt probe. This paper summarizes the scientific background and objectives of YH-1 and describes briefly its payloads for realizing these scientific objectives. In addition, the main exploration tasks of YH-1 and a preliminary prospect on its exploration results are also given.  相似文献   
本文基于对沈阳长白乡-观音阁断裂,以及抚顺浑河断裂开展的1:10000地质地貌填图工作,获得了这两条断裂在最老第四纪地层热释光的测年结果,它们分别为(112±6.7)ka和(150±9.0)ka。长白乡-观音阁断裂为一沿丘陵山地前缘分布的断裂,由2—3条分支断裂组成,最新的断面活动显示为压扭性正断层性质。断裂在晚更新世坡洪积扇堆积形成以来没有活动显示。3条浅层人工地震测线探测结果表明,其上断点均未错断第四系上更新统底界。断裂为中更新世活动断裂,晚更新世以来没有活动。浑河断裂为一沿丘陵山地前缘分布的断裂,由3—4条分支断裂组成,最新的断面活动显示为压扭性正断层性质。断裂在晚更新世坡洪积扇堆积形成以来没有活动显示。5条浅层人工地震测线探测结果表明,其上断点均在第四系上更新统底界以下。断裂为中更新世活动断裂,晚更新世以来没有活动。  相似文献   
凹凸棒石粘土催化裂解生物质焦油模型化合物的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在小型固定床反应器上,以苯酚为模型化合物对生物质焦油在凹凸棒石粘土负载Ni催化剂上的催化裂解反应进行了研究。重点考察了Ni在催化剂上的分散度以及温度、Ni的负载量、水碳比(S/C)、气相停留时间对苯酚转化率和裂解气成分的影响。结果表明尽管凹凸棒石粘土本身对苯酚的转化不明显,但是在负载Ni以后尤其是超过反应温度700℃时对苯酚的转化率有明显的提高。Ni/PG(凹凸棒石负载Ni)催化剂在经过H2还原后由于其活性的提高使苯酚转化率得到进一步提升。同时较长的气相停留时间有利于苯酚的裂解,但是当气相停留时间超过0.5s时,苯酚转化率并无明显提高。另外,苯酚转化率和H2的产量随着S/C在0~4.4之间增加而增加,超过4.4转化率提高不明显。  相似文献   
缝洞型油藏大尺度可视化水驱油物理模拟实验及机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏由于其缝洞组合关系的复杂性,使得储层流体的渗流规律有别于常规油藏。根据某油田奥陶系缝洞型碳酸盐岩的实际情况设计制作了大尺度可视化物理模型,并按照现场实际设计了二注三采的实验井网及注采方案,以应用物理模拟实验来研究缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏的开发特征及油井生产规律。结合实验结果,利用J.Cruz-Hernández建立的数学模型对生产数据进行拟合,以研究缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏中流体的渗流机理,J.Cruz-Hernández数学模型中的空间系数和流动速度对采收率影响较大,提出模型的改进应考虑重力分异作用、溶洞比例等影响因素。  相似文献   
根据因地制宜的规划种植之理念,以GIS为技术平台,建立了数字高程模型(DEM),并运用灰色关联分析(GRA),对天等县峰丛洼地区仍屯基地的六个样地火龙果的土宜条件进行了综合分析。结果表明,坡度较缓、山影量小、坡麓土层较厚的后山2(样地2)、边界山4(样地4)和狭岭6(样地6)为火龙果种植的极度适宜土地,而土层较薄、山影量大的边界山(样地3)适宜性最差,坡度偏大、其它条件均适宜的后山1(样地1)和山影量偏大、其它条件均适宜的狭岭5(样地5)介于中间,为高度适宜土地。在样地2、样地4和样地6中,由于样地2与火龙果种植环境条件的关联度大于样地4、样地6,所以其土宜条件更好,最适宜火龙果种植。在此基础上,把土宜评价的方法拓宽于石漠化治理的布局设计,在团乐、独山、小山等小流域的封山育林区选择出最适宜的地段进行了人工补植,补植树苗成活率均在85%以上,且长势较好。  相似文献   
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