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单敬福  路杨  纪友亮 《地质找矿论丛》2007,22(2):125-130,151
储层非均质性对油气田的勘探和开发效果影响很大.结合测井资料二次解释的孔隙度(Φ)、泥质含量(Vsh)、粒度中值(Md)、束缚水饱和度(Swi)等资料,借助BP网络对渗透率进行预测.对萨尔图油田中部葡萄花油层组的非均质性进行了定量半定量的研究,认为萨尔图油田中部葡萄花油层组PI2小层层内非均质性最严重,与沉积微相密切相关.单砂层垂向上渗透率的变化以正韵律和复合式韵律为主,局部发育反韵律模式.葡萄花油层组PI1-PI4小层层内非均质性强弱依次为PI2a,PI3,PI2b,PI1,PI4;层间非均质性在PI3和PI4间表现得最强,其他相对要弱;各小层平面非均质性相差无几,整体表现为较强的非均质性.  相似文献   
纳米颗粒与重金属元素相结合发生反应,可能产生一系列相互作用关系。这些作用过程是取决于多个环境条件共同作用的复杂过程,尤其是在土壤这种复杂的典型非均质环境介质中。这些作用关系可分为协同促进和拮抗抑制两大类关系。对于土壤中的重金属元素离子而言,纳米态粒子对其环境有效性究竟是协同促进还是拮抗抑制作用,关键取决于纳米粒子的表面修饰特性、二者间的界面反应以及反应后重金属元素的最终赋存状态这三个方面。协同促进或拮抗抑制作用与否则最终决定了这些污染重金属离子的生物可利用性和生态毒性响应。本文对近年来纳米颗粒-重金属共环境行为国内外研究现状进行综述讨论。纳米-重金属界面吸附解吸和土壤中迁移持留过程研究涉及多个热力学、动力学解析方法,科学家结合静态批实验和动态迁移实验等实验室模拟手段,对纳米颗粒、重金属离子、有机质三因子在土壤介质中的相互作用影响和共行为方式展开深入探讨。在重金属离子-纳米颗粒表面吸附机制、赋存形态以及重金属纳米吸附态土壤迁移固定机制研究中,多种定性表征方法的综合应用,如透射电镜(TEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、X射线吸收近边结构光谱/扩展X射线吸收精细结构光谱(XANES/EXAFS)等方法相结合,被公认是揭示这一系列过程机制的重要技术手段。针对不同土壤环境中有机质存在条件,正确评价纳米态物质对重金属的迁移性及生物可利用性的影响作用,将为纳米环境效应评估和纳米修复技术等相关应用提供重要的数据支持和机理依据。  相似文献   
在矿井生产中,出现交叉断层的区域往往是地质构造非常复杂的地方,也是危险高发的区域.对含交叉断层的3维地质建模的算法进行了研究.其主要思想是分别建立岩层和断层的TIN模型,以断层交线作为约束条件,进行带约束三角剖分,从而建立起交叉断层模型.这将有利于矿山的工程管理,减少危险的发生,作为后续采矿生产的依据.  相似文献   
根据年代和考古遗址的空间分布,对河西走廊东部民勤三角城、金昌三角城,新疆的奎玉克协海尔古城,以及中亚的Kyzyl tepa古城的年代、形状、筑造方式等做了对比,并分析了不同时期的古城址和同区域的考古文化遗址之间的空间关系.结果 表明,这3个地区的古城址大致形成于相近的时代,且都是就地取材,充分利用原始的地势而筑城.城墙...  相似文献   
The phenomenon of nutrient maximums at 70~200 m occurred only in the region of the Canada Basin among the world oceans. The prevailing hypothesis was that the direct injection of the low-temperature high-nutrient brines from the Chukchi Sea shelf (<50 m) in winter provided the nutrient maximums. However, we found that there are five problems in the direct injection process. Formerly Jin et al. considered that the formation of nutrient maximums can be a process of locally long-term regeneration. Here we propose a regeneration-mixture process. Data of temperature, salinity, oxygen and nutrients were collected at three stations in the southern Canada Basin during the summer 1999 cruise. We identified the cores of the surface, near-surface, potential temperature maximum waters and Arctic Bottom Water by the diagrams and vertical profiles of salinity, potential temperature, oxygen and nutrients. The historical 129Ⅰ data indicated that the surface and near-surface waters were Pacific-origin, but the waters below the potential temperature maximum core depth was Atlantic-origin. Along with the correlation of nutrient maximums and very low oxygen contents in the near-surface water, we hypothesize that, the putative organic matter was decomposed to inorganic nutrients; and the Pacific water was mixed with the Atlantic water in the transition zone. The idea of the regeneration-mixture process agrees with the historical observations of no apparent seasonal changes, the smooth nutrient profiles, the lowest saturation of CaCO3 above 400 m, low rate of CFC-11 ventilation and 3H-3He ages of 8~18 a around the nutrient maximum depths.  相似文献   
自动站与人工观测降水量差值的成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过自动站与人工站在降水量观测差值的对比,对差值原因进行了分析。  相似文献   
卢国胜  蒋昌贵  王迅 《岩土力学》2007,28(10):2101-2104
通过无处理软土路基和搅拌桩复合地基的土工离心模型试验,探讨了路基沉降与时间的关系、搅拌桩对路基沉降控制的效果以及桩顶、桩底、桩侧不同深度处的应力分布和不同深度处的桩身应变,对京沪高速铁路路基处理措施的选择和复合地基的理论计算有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
Homologous feature point extraction is a key problem in the optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image registration for islands. A new feature point extraction method using a threshold shrink operator and non-subsampled wavelet transform (TSO-NSWT) for optical and SAR image registration was proposed. Moreover, the matching for this proposed feature was different from the traditional feature matching strategies and was performed using a similarity measure computed from neighborhood circles in low-frequency bands. Then, a number of reliably matched couples with even distributions were obtained, which assured the accuracy of the registration. Application of the proposed algorithm to SPOT-5 (multi-spectral) and YG-1 (SAR) images showed that a large number of accurately matched couples could be identified. Additionally, both of the root mean square error (RMSE) patterns of the registration parameters computed based on the TSO-NSWT algorithm and traditional NSWT algorithm were analyzed and compared, which further demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The algorithm can supply the crucial step for island image registration and island recognition.  相似文献   
随着现代社会的飞速发展,传统工程审计方法已不适于当前要求,大量新技术被应用到审计工作中来,而其中的高精度智能测量设备及先进计算机处理技术在工程审计中被越来越广泛地应用。据此,探讨了测量机器人在审计预算中的方法,将其应用在南京某土方挖填工程的审计工作中,并对工程预算数据进行了采集及计算分析,效果良好。  相似文献   
我国7度设防等跨RC框架抗地震倒塌能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国建筑结构抗震设计主要采用基于小震下的构件承载力计算保证结构的抗震承载能力,配合抗震构造措施保证结构的变形能力,缺乏大震抗倒塌定量计算.而实际地震震害表明,即使是同类结构,其结构体系参数对其抗地震倒塌能力也有很大影响.为此,本文依据《建筑抗震设计规范》GB50011 - 2001,按照7度抗震设防设计了24个不同跨度...  相似文献   
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