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利用1979-1995年6-8月逐月的100hPa平均高度场资料及相对应的降水资料,对新疆夏季降水异常月的南亚高压的环流特征进行了较为系统的分析,分别总结出了南疆和北疆降水偏多月及降水偏少月时南亚高压环流特征不同的8种类型。  相似文献   
Fifty-eight extratropical transition (ET) cases in the years 2000-2008, including 2,021 observations (at 6-hour intervals), over the western North Pacific are analyzed using the cyclone phase space (CPS) method, in an effort to get the characteristics of the structure evolution and environmental conditions of tropical cyclones (TCs) during ET over this area. Cluster analysis of the CPS dataset shows that strong TCs are more likely to undergo ET. ET begins with the increment of thermal asymmetry in TCs, along with the generation and intensification of an upper-level cold core, and ends with the occurrence of a lower-level cold core. ET lasts an average duration of about 28 hours. Dynamic composite analysis of the environmental field of different clusters shows that, in general, when TCs move northward, they are gradually embedded in the westerlies and gradually transform into extratropical cyclones under the influence of the mid- and higher-latitude baroclinic systems. As for those TCs which complete ET, there is always much greater potential vorticity gradient in the northwest of them and obvious water vapor transport channels in the environment.  相似文献   
人体高发疾病的病理性矿物研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人体很多疾病病灶中都有矿物晶体沉淀,这些矿物与通过地球化学作用生成的矿物在成分、结构和产状上有很大差异。病理性矿物的矿化过程必然有人体有机组织和成分的参与,并影响着疾病的发生和发展。因此含有丰富的能反映人体环境及周围环境变化影响人体的信息,这些信息具体蕴藏在矿物外部微形貌、内部微结构、化学组成和成因、产状等方面。本文总结了一些高发疾病如肿瘤、心血管疾病、关节炎、中枢神经系统疾病中病理性矿物的分布和特征,综述了矿物与疾病关系的部分研究成果。  相似文献   
探讨了利用漫反射红外傅立叶变换光谱(DRIFTS)来快速定量测定深海沉积物中方解石含量.以北大西洋深海沉积物为例,对标样进行DRIFTS测量,选取碳酸钙713 cm-1特征峰(方解石)与石英800 cm-1特征峰面积比值作为回归参数,同时用气量法测试标样的方解石含量,然后分析DRIFTS特征峰强度与方解石含量的相关性,建立校准方程并检验.结果显示,DRIFTS方法对沉积物方解石含量测量准确,尤其对低方解石含量的样品比较敏感,具有较低的检出限和较高测量精度.应用该校准方程,对北大西洋综合大洋钻探计划(IODP)U1308站位近1 Ma来沉积物进行测定.其方解石含量呈典型的大西洋型旋回,反映了中布容事件(MBE)以及中更新世革命(MPE)时期方解石含量变化较大;在响应全球气候变化趋势的同时,还体现了全球碳储库变化对于北半球冰盖增长的触动机制,大洋内部深水循环影响方解石的保存.  相似文献   
牡丹江地区出露的黑龙江杂岩是由变质基性岩、泥质片岩、大理岩和变硅质岩系列组成的类似于蛇绿岩层序的构造混杂岩,代表了佳木斯地块西南缘碰撞增生的产物.钠长石和绿帘石变斑晶中共生的矿物组合(钠云母+蓝闪石+多硅白云母+绿帘石)的地质温压计估算结果表明,黑龙江杂岩的峰期变质的温压条件为T=320~4800℃,p=800--1600MPa,为典型的绿帘-蓝片岩相高压变质作用.黑龙江杂岩带中泥质片岩所含的多硅白云母单矿物给出的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar坪年龄为164.9Ma±0.5Ma.根据白云母中K~Ar同位素体系的封闭温度(350~430℃)接近于得到的黑龙江杂岩的峰期变质温度,可以认为~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar坪年龄指示了这期高压变质事件的年龄,也证实了黑龙江杂岩带中普遍存在一期中侏罗世末期的变质-热事件.  相似文献   
洱海沉积物中有机质和DNA的分布特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
测定了洱海沉积物中有机碳、氮,提取了沉积物中的DNA。有机碳氮呈现相同的变化趋势降解主要发生在表层10cm;7cm前后氧化-还原条件变化,微生物电子受体改变,所以有机质的降解方式不同,出现不同的特征。利用分子生物学和地球化学相结合的方法,能更全面的认识和理解早期成岩过程。  相似文献   
再造地质历史时期盆地的古格局构造对于盆地构造演化史研究和油气运移路径模拟具有重要意义.将地理信息系统与盆地分析方法融合开展了松辽盆地北部古中央隆起带古构造演化史研究, 阐述了在GIS支持下开展盆地古构造演化研究的原理和方法, 再造了古中央隆起带的古构造格局, 简要分析了古中央隆起带的古构造演化史.分析表明, 古中央隆起带于火石岭—营城期开始发育, 登楼库期定型, 泉头期开始萎缩, 姚家期末停止发育, 从油气主运移期与构造形成期的配套关系考虑, 古中央隆起带是深层天然气聚集的有利场所.   相似文献   
对场地地质条件进行平面上合理的分区和评价,是岩土工程勘测工作的重要内容,也是地基基础方案设计的第一步。通过工程地质分区在济南奥体中心勘测中的实际应用,分析场地按地质条件细分对地基承载力、地基基础设计及场地类别划分的影响,指出工程地质条件的详细分区在重大工程建设中的重要性。  相似文献   
为恢复延兴盆地城子河组的古环境,对研究区zk6井钻井岩芯系统取样进行地球化学特征分析,结果显示下部含煤岩段Sr/Ba比值为0.20~0.75,平均值为0.41,上部湖泊泥岩段Sr/Ba比值为0.12~0.36,平均值为0.21,反映城子河组整体以淡水沉积为主,且下部含煤岩段较上部湖泊泥岩段盐度高。城子河组所有样品V/(V+Ni)比值为0.72~0.84,Cu/Zn比值为0.10~0.55,Th/U比值为0.28~3.60,δEu值为0.4~0.84,Ceanom值为-0.04~0.09,表明城子河组沉积时期水体为还原环境;下部含煤岩段Sr/Cu比值为5.87~24.12,平均值为11.21,B元素含量为232.60×10-6~721.00×10-6,平均值为425.75×10-6。上部湖泊泥岩段Sr/Cu比值为3.56~10.50,平均值为6.00,B元素含量为23.69×10-6~119.00×10-6,平均值为78.36×10-6,结合Rb/Sr及孢粉化石分析,表明城子河组下部含煤岩段气候干旱,湖泊泥岩段气候湿润,总体上气候自下而上具有由干旱向湿润变化的规律。  相似文献   
To assist emergency management planning and prevention in case of hazardous chemical release into the atmosphere,especially in densely built-up regions with large populations,a multi-scale urban atmospheric dispersion model was established.Three numerical dispersion experiments,at horizontal resolutions of 10 m,50 m and 3000 m,were performed to estimate the adverse effects of toxic chemical release in densely built-up areas.The multi-scale atmospheric dispersion model is composed of the Weather Forecasting and Research (WRF) model,the Open Source Field Operation and Manipulation software package,and a Lagrangian dispersion model.Quantification of the adverse health effects of these chemical release events are given by referring to the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency's Acute Exposure Guideline Levels.The wind fields of the urban-scale case,with 3 km horizontal resolution,were simulated by the Beijing Rapid Update Cycle system,which were utilized by the WRF model.The sub-domain-scale cases took advantage of the computational fluid dynamics method to explicitly consider the effects of buildings.It was found that the multi-scale atmospheric dispersion model is capable of simulating the flow pattern and concentration distribution on different scales,ranging from several meters to kilometers,and can therefore be used to improve the planning of prevention and response programs.  相似文献   
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