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利用四川地区自动气象站逐小时降水观测资料,分析了2010~2019年5~9月短时强降水事件24h累计降水量、频次和强度的时空分布特征,探讨了短时强降水事件发生的频次、极值分布及其与地形、海拔高度等的关系。结果表明:四川地区平均24h累计降雨量基本在50mm以上,盆地东北部、西南部、南部及阿坝州东部甚至超过100mm,最大值出现在广安,达175mm。四川地区短时强降水事件开始时间的日变化特征表现为“V”型结构的夜间峰值位相,事件持续时段多为傍晚至凌晨,时长可达10h以上,最长甚至可持续22h。在强降水事件极值的日变化上,极大值频次和降水量呈单峰结构,在03时达到最大,其后逐渐减小至15时达到谷值,而后再次增大;降水强度呈弱双峰结构,分别在04时和16时达到谷值,13时和18时达到峰值,其日变化呈“增-减-增-减”的特征。四川短时强降水事件与复杂地形有密切的关系,5~6月事件活跃区在四川盆地中部,7月在盆地西部的龙门山脉一带,8月在雅安、乐山附近,9月在盆地北部且频次明显减少;短时强降水事件的最大小时雨强可达80mm以上,出现在7~8月的盆地西部龙门山一带和南部地区。短时强降水事件随着海拔高度的增加,发生频次和日数逐渐减少,海拔2000m以上地区基本无强降水发生日出现( 峨眉山气象站例外)。  相似文献   
本文回顾了W UMa型相接双星观测和理论研究的历史。总结了W UMa型相接双星观测特性和理论研究的成果。最后讨论了W UMa型相接双星理论模型研究中存在的问题及其解决这些问题的一些可行方法。  相似文献   
通过对2006年5月3日和7月17日库尔勒地区两次强对流天气的形势和物理量对比分析,以及库尔勒新一代天气雷达(CINRAD-CC)产品中的组合反射率(CR)、风暴相对平均径向速度(V)等产品的分析,得出库尔勒地区夏季强对流天气过程发生时的有利天气形势、物理量场分布及多谱勒天气雷达产品特征。  相似文献   
为探究三峡水库持续下泄清水条件下长江中游沙卵过渡段内卵石局部冲刷、搬运和淤积现象的成因,采用近期水文、泥沙和地形观测资料,结合河道平面二维水动力模型,计算了研究河段内各级流量下的泥沙起动粒径分布,分析了上游来流、下游水位变化的影响,辨析了河床冲淤的成因。结果表明:①45 000 m3/s以上流量时,粒径大于30 mm的卵石可沿洪水主流带连续搬运;流量低于15 000 m3/s时,大粒径卵石只能沿枯期主流在浅滩河段局部搬运;流量介于两者之间时,水流对大粒径卵石的输移动力相对较弱。②三峡建库后,洪水量级削减而枯水天数增多,不利于卵石长距离下移,而水位下降不断溯源传递,促使枯水流路上原本稳定的区域开始冲刷。③局部淤积现象由枯期水动力增强所导致,与长江中游沙卵过渡段特殊的地貌和沉积环境有关。卵石局部冲淤调整可能在河段内多个位置长期存在,需引起关注。  相似文献   
地质图空间数据库的建立对于基础地质图件的快速更新、信息资源共享以及基础地质科学研究具有重要意义。全国1∶100万地质图空间数据库(2005年版本)是以1∶50万地质图数据库为基础,充分吸收近年来1∶25万、1∶5万区域地质调查的新资料新成果,应用当代最先进的地质科学理论、现代信息技术和先进制图学理论,使用中国自主开发的MapGIS平台,结合ArcGIS、Access等软件进行研究建立的。数据库包括地理底图库、地质图库、元数据库、外挂岩石地层库,数据量约1.6GB。数据库管理系统具有较强的图幅检索、查询、自动成图、自动生成图例等功能。  相似文献   
A comprehensive study on the phytoplankton standing stocks, species composition and dominant species in the eutrophic Changjiang(Yangtze River) Estuary(CE) was conducted to reveal the response of phytoplankton assemblage to Changjiang Diluted Water(CDW) and upwelling in the spring. Phytoplankton presented peak standing stocks(13.03 μg/L of chlorophyll a, 984.5×103 cells/L of phytoplankton abundance) along the surface isohaline of 25. Sixty-six species in 41 genera of Bacillariophyta and 33 species in 19 genera of Pyrrophyta were identified, as well as 5 species in Chlorophyta and Chrysophyta. Karenia mikimotoi was the most dominant species, followed by Prorocentrum dentatum, Paralia sulcata, Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima and Skeletonema costatum. A bloom of K. mikimotoi was observed in the stratified stations, where the water was characterized by low nitrate, low phosphate, low turbidity, and specific ranges of temperature(18–22 °C) and salinity(27–32). K.mikimotoi and P. dentatum accumulated densely in the upper layers along the isohaline of 25. S. costatum was distributed in the west of the isohaline of 20. Benthonic P. sulcata presented high abundance near the bottom,while spread upward at upwelling stations. CDW resulted in overt gradients of salinity, turbidity and nutritional condition, determining the spatial distribution of phytoplankton species. The restricted upwelling resulted in the upward transport of P. sulcata and exclusion of S. costatum, K. mikimotoi and P. dentatum. The results suggested that CDW and upwelling were of importance in regulating the structure and distribution of phytoplankton assemblage in the CE and the East China Sea.  相似文献   
This paper establishes techniques and methods to determine a variety of boundaries associated with 200 nautical miles beyond the continental shelf. The methods, based on topography, slope and second-deriv- ative profile integrated analysis, are now able to identify automatically the foot of the continental slope (FOS). By analyzing the sedimentary profile, the points of 1% sediment thickness are recognized. Through the intersection, cut, deletion and mergence calculation of the extrapolated data set of fLxed-point series, the method succeeds in generating automatically the extrapolated boundaries, including the FOS+60 M line, the 350 M line, and the 2500 m+100 M line. In addition, based on the automatic analysis of the topographic profile, it can be applied to determine rapidly the points of maximum water depth. Taking the northern Okinawa Trough (OT) as an example, these methods are used to calculate and examine the boundaries in- cluded in the Submission by the People's Republic of China Concerning the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical miles in Part of the East China Sea (ECS); the boundaries thus derived have a solid scientific and rational basis.  相似文献   
Pseudodiapto,mus dubia is a calanoid copepod abundant in the mariculture ponds of southern China.However,our understanding of the population dynamics of P.dubia in aquaculture ponds is limited.In this study,groups of larval P.dubia were each fed a different microalgal species,and the effects of these different diets on development,survival,and reproduction were assessed.The five microalgae used were species common in aquaculture farms in China,and included two chlorophytes(Chlorella saccharophila and Platymonas subcordiformis),one golden microalga(Isochrysis zhan.jiangensis),and two diatoms(Chaetoceros muelleri and Cyclotella meneghinia,na).Our results indicated that C.saccharophila was not a suitable food for larval P.dubia,as all larvae fed this microalga died at stage Ⅲ(as copepodites).The survival rates of P.dubia larvae fed C.muelleri,Ⅰ. zhanjiangensis,and P.subcordiformis were significantly higher than that of larvae fed C.meneghiniana.In the adult stage,copepods fed C.muelleri,I. zhanjiangensis,and C.meneghiniana produced more nauplii(430-566 nauplii/female),had higher intrinsic growth rates(0.2-0.253/d),and better longevity(59-60 days)than those fed P.subcordiformis.Our results therefore suggest that P.dubia has different nutritional needs and food preferences at different life stages.For example,P.subcordifonnis was suitable for developing larvae but not for breeding adults,while C.meneghiniana was suitable for breeding adults but not for developing larvae.Both C.muelleri and I.zhanjiangensis were excellent foods for P.dubia throughout the entire life cycle.  相似文献   
2017年精河MS6.6地震震前,尼勒克、巴伦台和小泉沟台钻孔应变仪记录到显著的应变变化,经现场落实确认,异常是可靠的。根据这3个台的记录资料计算相对应变的变化,结果表明,地震前最大(小)主应变大小和方向分别出现明显加速和急剧偏转变化。此外还发现,相对应变场异常期间主方向与震源机制解P轴方位较为一致。  相似文献   
长期以来,我国采用分类管理的方式管理不同类型的自然资源,在自然资源监测监管中造成了部分自然资源重复统计、权属不明等问题,在湿地、林地等自然资源中表现尤其明显。为了系统性地进行自然资源监测监管,需要对自然资源进行整体性地、统一性地分类,建立一个综合性的自然资源分类体系。本文遵循“山水林田湖草”是一个生命共同体的理念,从这一理论思想出发,整理单门类自然资源整体和个体之间的关系,分析国内外的分类编码体系,从法理、学理和管理不同角度研究整理自然资源分类现状,综合考虑地表覆盖层的监测监管要求,采用树状分类法和交叉分类法重新构建了三级分类的自然资源分类体系框架,为构建自然资源监测监管体系提供必要的基础支撑,为完善生态文明建设,为国民经济健康持续发展提供重要的基础保障。  相似文献   
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