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模糊理论在公路边坡稳定性分析中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
边坡工程是一个复杂的系统工程。边坡的稳定与否直接关系到其防护工作的程度。因此,如何有效、合理地判断边坡的稳定性对整个工程的经济与社会效益极为重要。影响边坡稳定的因素众多,判断其稳定与否应考虑各因素的综合效果。论文运用模糊理论中的多因素综合评判模型对某高速公路边坡的稳定性进行研究。通过全面考虑影响因素,建立相应的评判因素集及单因素评判矩阵,运用专家评判法和判断矩阵法确定出各因素的权重。最后通过多层次模糊评判得到该边坡的稳定性评判结果。研究证明,该法在边坡稳定性分析评判中是切实可行的。  相似文献   
现场总线(F ield bus)是将自动控制系统中底层的现场控制器和现场智能仪表设备互连的实时控制通讯网络,是5C(Computer,Control,Commun ication,CRT,Change)技术相结合的产物。CAN(Control Area Network)总线是现场总线的一种,广泛应用于汽车行业、机械工业、家用电器、传感器等领域,已经形成国际标准,是被公认的几种最有前途的现场总线之一。提出了一种通过计算机USB接口实现现场总线CAN与计算机(服务器)之间通信的方案。具体介绍了使用USB总线接口芯片CH372和独立的CAN控制器SJA1000实现的硬件电路设计方法、本地端软件的编写方法,给出了主要程序模块的流程。  相似文献   
The influences of exposure to the atmosphere on ammonium cycle in the intertidal surface sediments were in situ studied with a geochemical approach at a typical station in the Yangtze Estuary during three tidal cycles in September 2003. During an about 8-h emersion period of each diurnal tide, six high-resolution vertical profiles of adsorbed and dissolved ammonium were measured. It was observed that both adsorbed and dissolved ammonium generally had an increasing trend in sediment cores during the exposure. The rate of ammonium regeneration in sediments was estimated using the accumulation amount of ammonium including adsorbed and soluble fractions during the daytime emersion. The calculation result showed that there was relatively high ammonification rate (˜500 nmol N cm−3 day−1), which reflected that organic nitrogen in sediments was quickly decomposed with a residence time of ˜52.7 days. Due to the dramatic temperature difference observed in sediment profiles, free convection was considered an important mechanism of regulating the efflux of produced ammonium into overlying waters. The total estimated amount of regenerated ammonium was ˜1.35×105 t N year−1 in the intertidal flat of the Yangtze Estuary, which occupied 7.6% of the total inorganic nitrogen annually transported to the estuarine ecosystem.  相似文献   
Two apparently distinct, sub-parallel, paleo-subduction zonescan be recognized along the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau:the North Qilian Suture Zone (oceanic-type) with ophioliticmélanges and high-pressure eclogites and blueschistsin the north, and the North Qaidam Belt (continental-type) inthe south, an ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane comprisingpelitic and granitic gneisses, eclogites and garnet peridotites.Eclogites from both belts have protoliths broadly similar tomid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) or oceanic island basalts (OIB)in composition with overlapping metamorphic ages (480–440Ma, with weighted mean ages of 464 ± 6 Ma for North Qilianand 457 ± 7 Ma for North Qaidam), determined by zirconU–Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe dating.Coesite-bearing zircon grains in pelitic gneisses from the NorthQaidam UHP Belt yield a peak metamorphic age of 423 ±6 Ma, 40 Myr younger than the age of eclogite formation, anda retrograde age of 403 ± 9 Ma. These data, combinedwith regional relationships, allow us to infer that these twoparallel belts may represent an evolutionary sequence from oceanicsubduction to continental collision, and continental underthrusting,to final exhumation. The Qilian–Qaidam Craton was probablya fragment of the Rodinia supercontinent with a passive marginand extended oceanic lithosphere in the north, which was subductedbeneath the North China Craton to depths >100 km at c. 423Ma and exhumed at c. 403 Ma (zircon rim ages in pelitic gneiss). KEY WORDS: HP and UHP rocks; subduction belts; zircon SHRIMP ages; Northern Tibetan Plateau  相似文献   
基于GIS/MIS/OA的短周期工业原料林经营模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了短周期工业原料林经营模式的概念,探讨了短周期工业原料林经营模式的体系结构、子系统功能和主要林业数表类型,说明其与GIS/MIS/OA系统集成的必然趋势,并以岳阳纸业股份公司的纸浆原料林为例进行了实例分析。  相似文献   
提出了一种可靠算法是将原始度.分秒加上一个与之同符号,且不影响计算精度的有效微小量e,然后再进行格式转换,能有效减少工程返工和损失。  相似文献   
通过对南海北部的ODP 1148站岩芯600 mcd以上(约30 Ma以来)的沉积物中自生富集Mn、Cd和Mo等过渡金属元素的含量变化的研究,并结合相关的化学组成结果,探讨了岩芯内部氧化-还原条件的变化以及相关元素的活动特征,反演了相应沉积时期的环境演变.结果显示,岩芯387 mcd以上,自生Mn富集明显,代表氧化的环境;387~485 mcd之间,自生Cd含量明显富集,Mn含量显著降低,代表少氧的环境;485 mcd以下,Mn和Cd含量极低,自生Mo明显富集,代表缺氧的环境.随氧化-还原条件的变化,Mo存在明显的向下迁移并在缺氧界面的缺氧一方达到最大值的趋势,而Cd在少氧环境形成的固相态则可能在缺氧环境下不稳定,溶解态的Cd有向上迁移的趋势,并且在少氧/缺氧界面的少氧一方富集.这些过渡金属元素记录的氧化-还原条件的变化,反映出ODP 1148站所在海区的沉积环境变化:早期有较丰富的陆源输入,表层海水生产力较高,随着南海不断扩张以及全球海平面上升,该海区表层海水生产力逐渐降低.  相似文献   
近年来,随着核探测与分析技术的日趋成熟,使复杂γ谱的获取、解析达到了在线测量的要求,从而使在线PGNAA(中子活化瞬发γ射线分析)技术获得了飞速的发展。它可对一些工业生产过程中的全物料进行在线测量,其分析精度、可靠性等皆能满足在线元素含量分析的需要,因而显示出巨大的发展潜力和广阔的市场前景。这里介绍了基于PGNAA技术的在线分析系统的基本原理、组成和发展,并概述了它在水泥、煤炭等行业的应用情况。  相似文献   
HD 4002型综合测井仪是核工业北京地质研究院于1998年开始研制的, 其目标是为铀矿地质系统提供适合砂岩型铀矿勘查的轻便型数字测井仪, 满足测井生产的需要。该仪器于2001 年3月通过部级鉴定, 2002至2003年投入海拉尔盆地铀矿勘查测井试生产。本文介绍了仪器的用途、功能及特点、性能指标, 简要说明了各部分的工作原理。  相似文献   
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