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Geometrical relationships involving inclusions and partial inclusions in metamorphic microstructures can be inadequate for inferring an order of crystallization and hence a metamorphic reaction. Unique spatial and/or chemical relationships need to be defined for mineral inclusions, in the context of a reference paragenesis, commonly the matrix assemblage. Corona microstructures are reliable indicators of metamorphic reactions, but require considerable care when used to infer reactions or changes in P–T conditions, owing to kinetic problems, as well as to changes in the effective reaction volume during changes across relatively broad P–T stability fields of assemblages. Mineral equilibria models, most commonly implemented through P–T pseudosections, may allow the order in which different minerals become stable along a given P–T path to be inferred. However, the order in which two minerals become stable may be different from the order in which two grains of these minerals nucleate. Furthermore, such diagrams cannot make predictions about which minerals will form porphyroblasts and which minerals will form inclusions in porphyroblasts. An evaluation of three examples from the Australian Proterozoic shows that modelling, in combination with inclusion‐host relationships, is a powerful tool for understanding the metamorphic evolution of a rock, but involves considerable uncertainty.  相似文献   
Proterozoic granulite facies gneisses in MacRobertson Land, east Antarctica, are cut by numerous D5 mylonite-ultramylonite zones of probable Cambrian age. In garnet-absent mafic two-pyroxene gneisses and garnet-bearing charnockitic orthogneisses, the mylonite-ultramylonite zones are characterized by the growth of garnet at the expense of ilmenite, pyroxene and plagioclase. Textures within each mylonite zone can vary from protomylonitic to ultramylonitic. A range of mineral textures involving M5 garnet is developed corresponding to variations in deformation intensity. In protomylonites, garnet occurs as coronas on orthopyroxene-plagioclase and ilmenite-plagioclase boundaries, and as overgrowths on earlier garnet. In ultramylonites, fine-grained orthopyroxene-plagioclase-garnet ± quartz ± clinopyroxene intergrowths and poikilitic garnet are common. Garnet growth in all shear zones is accompanied by shifts in the compositions of neoblastic minerals occurring with garnet, consistent with local chemical equilibrium having been attained during recrystallization. Mylonitization is inferred to have occurred at P ∼ 6.5 kbar. Temperature estimates for M5 vary between 550 and 797 C, which may reflect variations and uncertainties associated with the calibrations used and/or partial re-equilibration during cooling. The presence of post-tectonic, coronate garnet in some mylonite zones indicates that garnet continued to form exclusively in the mylonite zones after movement had ceased and is interpreted to reflect the effects of localized strain heating.  相似文献   
Abstract The sedimentary and igneous rocks comprising the lower Proterozoic Olary Block, South Australia, were deformed and metamorphosed during the mid-Proterozoic 'Olarian'Orogeny. The area is divided into three zones on the basis of assemblages in metapelitic rocks, higher grade conditions occurring in the south-east. Mineral assemblages developed during peak metamorphism, which accompanied recumbent folding, include andalusite in Zones I and II and sillimanite in Zone III. Upright folding and overprinting of mineral assemblages occurred during further compression, the new mineral assemblages including kyanite in Zone II and kyanite and sillimanite in Zone III. The timing relationships of the aluminosilicate polymorphs, together with the peak metamorphic and overprinting parageneses, imply an anticlockwise P–T path for the 'Olarian'Orogeny, pressure increasing with cooling from the metamorphic peak.  相似文献   
Proterozoic migmatitic paragneisses exposed in the McCulloughRange, southern Nevada, consist of cordierite+almanditic garnet+biotite+sillimanite+plagioclase+K-feldspar+quartz+ilmenite+hercynite.This assemblage is indicative of a low-pressure fades seriesat hornblende-granulite grade. Textures record a single metamorphicevent involving crystallization of cordierite at the expenseof biotite and sillimanite. Thermobarometry utilizing cation exchange between garnet, biotite,cordierite, hercynite, and plagioclase yields a preferred temperaturerange of 590–750?C and a pressure range of 3–4 kb.Equilibrium among biotite, sillimanite, quartz, garnet, andK-feldspar records aH2O between 0?03 and 0?26. The low aH2Otogetherwith low fO2 (QFM) and optical properties of cordierite indicatemetamorphism under fluid-absent conditions. Preserved mineralcompositions are not consistent with equilibrium with a meltphase. Earlier limited partial melting was apparently extensiveenough to cause desiccation of the pelitic assemblage. The relatively low pressures attending high-grade metamorphismof the McCullough Range paragneisses allies this terrane withbiotite-cordierite-garnet granulites in other orogenic belts.aosure pressures and temperatures require a transient apparentthermal gradient ofat least 50?C/km during part of this Proterozoicevent in the southern Cordillera. *Present address: Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1567  相似文献   
New observations concerning the degree of current-induced erosion and deposition in the path of the 1929 Grand Banks turbidity current are presented. Most of the observations are available from Eastern Valley, Laurentian Fan. Seabeam and SeaMARC I data reveal widespread current erosion along the valley over a distance of 200 km from the shelfbreak. Erosional valley-floor channels are preferentially developed adjacent to the valley margins and the flanks of intravalley highs. Asymmetric transverse bedforms (herein termed gravel waves) are moulded in a deflationary pebble and cobble lag that overlies the eroded valley floor. In contrast, at the distal limit of Eastern Valley, thick deposits of massive granule gravel indicate deposition beneath a decelerating turbidity current. Symmetrical transverse bedforms (herein termed macrodunes) are developed within these granule gravel sediments. The spatial distribution of both bedforms and the areas of erosive excavation suggest that the turbidity current in 1929 was accelerating over the first 100 km from the shelfbreak and was eroding and entraining sediment from the valley floor over a distance of at least 200 km. With the loss of lateral constraint at the distal limit of Eastern Valley the turbidity current spread laterally and started depositing sediment as it decelerated. Current-induced erosion of the valley floor represented a potential source of between 50 and 100 km3 of sediment for incorporation into the resulting turbidite.  相似文献   
The Cordillera Darwin metamorphic complex is unique in the Andes in exposing kyanite–staurolite schist north of the Beagle Channel in southern Patagonia. Garnet in amphibolite facies pelitic schists from Bahía Pia has patchy textures whereby some grains consist of clear, grossular‐rich garnet with fine‐grained S1 inclusion trails truncated by regions of turbid spessartine–pyrope‐rich garnet with biotite, muscovite, plagioclase and quartz inclusions. Micron‐scale aqueous inclusions in turbid garnet are consistent with recrystallization facilitated by fluid ingress; S2 inclusion trails indicate this was broadly contemporary with the growth of kyanite and staurolite in the matrix. Pseudosection modelling in Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3 (NCKFMASHTO) is used to infer a P–T path dominated by decompression from 12 to 9 kbar at T 620 °C, coupled with garnet mode decreasing from 5% to <1%. U–Th–Pb in situ dating of S2 monazite indicates that staurolite and kyanite growth and thus exhumation was underway before 72.6 ± 1.1 Ma. Contact aureoles developed adjacent to late granite intrusions include sillimanite‐bearing migmatites formed at P 6 kbar after 72 Ma. Metamorphism of southern Cordillera Darwin induced by continental underthrusting beneath the arc, related to closure of the Rocas Verdes back‐arc basin, was terminated by thrusting‐controlled exhumation, with the rocks at P 9 kbar by c. 73 Ma and 6 kbar by c. 70 Ma.  相似文献   
Low-pressure granulite facies metasedimentary gneisses exposed in MacRobertson Land, east Antarctica, include hercynitic spinel-bearing metapelitic gneisses. Peak metamorphic mineral assemblages include spinel + rutile + ilmenite + sillimanite + garnet, spinel + ilmenite + sillimanite + garnet + cordierite, ortho-pyroxene + magnetite + ilmenite + garnet, spinel + cordierite + biotite + ilmenite and orthopyroxene + cordierite + biotite, each with quartz, K-feldspar and melt. The presence of garnet + biotite- and cordierite + orthopyroxene-bearing assemblages implies crossing tie-lines in AFM projection for the K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (KFMASH) system. This apparent contradiction, and the presence of spinel, rutile and ilmenite in the assemblages, is acounted for by using the KFMASH-TiO2-O2 system, i.e. AFM + TiO2+ Fe2O3. We derive a petrogenetic grid for this system, applicable to low-pressure granulite facies metamorphic conditions. Retrograde assemblages are interpreted from corona textures on hercynitic spinel and Fe-Ti oxides. The relative positions of the peak and retrograde metamorphic assemblages on the petrogenetic grid suggest that corona development occurred during essentially isobaric cooling.  相似文献   
Erosional features on the floor of Eastern Valley of the Laurentian Fan, in 2800 m water depth, have been mapped with SeaMARC I side-scan sonar images and Seabeam multi-beam echo-soundings, and were directly observed during a dive with the deep submersible Alvin. The most spectacular feature is a 100-m-deep flute-shaped scour, more than 1 km long. The surrounding valley is floored by an unconsolidated coarse conglomerate, which was moulded into transverse bedforms by the turbidity current that was triggered by the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake. Direct observations and seismic-reflection profiles show that the flute-shaped scour cuts through this conglomerate and into Plio-Pleistocene valley-floor sediments, thereby exposing a section through the 1929 deposit. Application of the Allen defect theory suggests that the flute is unusually deep because general channel-floor erosion was inhibited by the conglomerate veneer. Valley-floor channels typically 1 km wide and 10m deep contain series of closed depressions that occasionally deepen to 30 m. These are also interpreted as erosional scours, analogous to pools cut on the beds of bedrock rivers. The large flute was probably formed by detached flow enlarging an initial scour depression. Such scours probably play an important role in channel-floor erosion, increasing the volume of sediment transported by large turbidity currents.  相似文献   
Mineral equilibria modelling and electron microprobe chemical dating of monazite in granulite facies metapelitic assemblages from the MacRobertson Land coastline, Rayner Complex, east Antarctica, are consistent with an 'anticlockwise' Neoproterozoic P–T–t path. Metamorphism occurred at c. 990–970 Ma, achieving peak conditions of 850 °C and 5.6–6.2 kbar at Cape Bruce, and 900 °C and 5.4–6.2 kbar at the Forbes Glacier ∼50 km to the east. These peak metamorphic conditions preceded the emplacement of regionally extensive syntectonic charnockite. High temperature conditions are likely to have been sustained for 80 Myr by lithospheric thinning and repeated pluton emplacement; advection was accompanied by crustal thickening to maximum pressures of 6–7 kbar, followed by near-isobaric cooling. This P–T–t path is distinct from that of rocks in adjacent Kemp Land, ∼50 km to the west, where a 'clockwise' P–T–t path from higher- P conditions at c. 940 Ma may reflect the response of a cratonic margin displaced from the main magma flux. In this scenario, crustal shortening was initially accommodated in younger, fertile crust (MacRobertson Land) involving metasediments and felsic plutons with the transfer of strain to adjacent older crust (Kemp Land) subsequent to charnockite emplacement.  相似文献   
Mineralogical and mineral chemical evidence for prograde metamorphism is rarely preserved in rocks that have reached ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) conditions (>900 °C) because high diffusion and reaction rates erase evidence for earlier assemblages. The UHT, high‐pressure (HP) metasedimentary rocks of the Leverburgh belt of South Harris, Scotland, are unusual in that evidence for the prograde history is preserved, despite having reached temperatures of ~955 °C or more. Two lithologies from the belt are investigated here and quantitatively modelled in the system NaO–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O: a garnet‐kyanite‐K‐feldspar‐quartz gneiss (XMg = 37, A/AFM = 0.41), and an orthopyroxene‐garnet‐kyanite‐K‐feldspar quartzite (XMg = 89 A/AFM = 0.68). The garnet‐kyanite gneiss contains garnet porphyroblasts that grew on the prograde path, and captured inclusion assemblages of biotite, sillimanite, plagioclase and quartz (<790 °C, <9.5 kbar). These porphyroblasts preserve spectacular calcium zonation features with an early growth pattern overgrown by high‐Ca rims formed during high‐P metamorphism in the kyanite stability field. In contrast, Fe‐Mg zonation in the same garnet porphyroblasts reflects retrograde re‐equilibration, as a result of the relatively faster diffusivity of these ions. Peak PT are constrained by the occurrence of coexisting orthopyroxene and aluminosilicate in the quartzite. Orthopyroxene porphyroblasts [y(opx) = 0.17–0.22] contain sillimanite inclusions, indicative of maximum conditions of 955 ± 45 °C at 10.0 ± 1.5 kbar. Subsequently, orthopyroxene, kyanite, K‐feldspar and quartz developed in equilibrated textures, constraining the maximum pressure conditions to 12.5 ± 0.8 kbar at 905 ± 25 °C. P–T–X modelling reveals that the mineral assemblage orthopyroxene‐kyanite‐quartz is compositionally restricted to rocks of XMg > 84, consistent with its very rare occurrence in nature. The preservation of unusual high P–T mineral assemblages and chemical disequilibrium features in these UHT HP rocks is attributed to a rapid tectonometamorphic cycle involving arc subduction and terminating in exhumation.  相似文献   
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