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本刊第22卷第4期发表了龙咸灵教授等的“关于电离层反射电波频率变化的问题”一文,该文认为K.Davies给出的公式(见下节(1)式)不成立,高频多普勒频移数据不能反映出电波反射面运动的状况。本文中将证明文献[2,3]给出的公式在一定的条件下仍然是正确的,多普勒频移有时能反映反射面的运动。  相似文献   
在28℃、33℃两种温度下,用海豚链球菌人工感染尼罗罗非鱼后,测定尼罗罗非鱼血液生化指标。结果显示:两个温度水平病鱼的血清总蛋白(TP)随时间延长都呈现升高趋势;谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、谷草转氨酶(AST)活性随时间延长先升高后降低再升高,33℃实验组ALT、AST活性比28℃实验组达峰值时间短,并显著高于对照组(p<0.05);尿素、钾(K+)含量随时间延长逐渐升高后降低,钠(Na+)含量先升高后降低再升高,肌酐含量呈上升趋势;血清碱性磷酸酶(AKP)活性28℃实验组呈先升高后降低趋势,33℃实验组呈升高趋势;超氧化歧化酶(SOD)活性随时间延长先升高后降低再升高,33℃实验组各个时间点基本高于28℃实验组;球蛋白(GLO)随感染后时间延长呈现升高趋势,至120 h,显著高于对照组(p<0.05),但温度组间各时间点没有显著差异(p>0.05)。组织病理学观察发现,33℃实验组肝细胞、肾小管上皮细胞水肿变性;28℃实验组肝细胞出现嗜酸性小体;肾小管上皮细胞出现嗜酸性的红色小体,颗粒变性。表明感染海豚链球菌的尼罗罗非鱼肝脏、肾脏均有损伤,造成功能障碍,高温时损伤更严重。  相似文献   
The electric and magnetic fields generated by horizontal electric and vertical magnetic dipoles lying on the surface of a conducting medium with horizontal anisotropy are investigated. Full expressions of their Fourier transforms are given, and the fields for a vertical magnetic dipole are calculated numerically. The radial and vertical magnetic components are found to be independent of the receiver-transmitter direction, whereas the other magnetic and electric components strongly vary with this direction. These results give useful criteria for defining the direction and amplitude of anisotropy from ground data; a ground experiment on fissured limestone was found to confirm the expected variations of the various field components. It is believed that this electromagnetic method can be used in order to provide information about the direction and amplitude of electric anisotropy.  相似文献   
We present major and trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf–Osisotopic data for the 76–58 Ma Western Cape melilititeprovince, an age-progressive magmatic lineation in which primitiveolivine melilitite intrusives and alkali basalt lavas have beenemplaced on the southwestern margin of South Africa. The magmasrange from alkali basalts with strong HIMU isotopic and traceelement affinities on the continental shelf to melilitites withkimberlite-like incompatible element compositions and EM 1 isotopicaffinities on thick Proterozoic lithosphere (i.e. 87Sr/86Sri= 0·7029–0·7043,  相似文献   
太湖秋季水体体散射和散射相函数特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Fournier and Forand(FF)体散射函数近似计算方法模拟太湖水体的体散射函数以及散射相函数,进而分析太湖水体体散射函数和散射相函数的特性,以及与波段、深度之间的变化关系,空间分布差异。研究表明,太湖水体体散射函数表现为具有极强前向散射特性的大颗粒物散射特征,体散射函数随波段变化的差异性主要体现在后向方向上,散射相函数的变化规律与体散射函数较为相似;而随着深度的变化体散射函数几乎没有变化,但散射相函数表现出了较为明显的层状特征;体散射函数和散射相函数在空间上表现出了较大的差异性,这种差异性随着散射角的增大而不断地加强。  相似文献   
Hafnium isotope and incompatible trace element data are presentedfor a suite of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) from 13 to 47°Eon the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR), one of the slowest spreadingand most isotopically heterogeneous mid-ocean ridges. Variationsin Nd–Hf isotope compositions and Lu/Hf ratios clearlydistinguish an Atlantic–Pacific-type MORB source, presentwest of 26°E, characterized by relatively low Hf valuesfor a given Nd relative to the regression line through all Nd–Hfisotope data for oceanic basalts (termed the ‘Nd–Hfmantle array line’; the deviation from this line is termedHf) and low Lu/Hf ratios, from an Indian Ocean-type MORB signature,present east of 32°E, characterized by relatively high Hfvalues and Lu/Hf ratios. Additionally, two localized, isotopicallyanomalous areas, at 13–15°E and 39–41°E,are characterized by distinctly low negative and high positiveHf values, respectively. The low Hf MORB from 13 to 15°Eappear to reflect contamination by HIMU-type mantle from thenearby Bouvet mantle plume, whereas the trace element and isotopiccompositions of MORB from 39 to 41°E are most consistentwith contamination by metasomatized Archean continental lithosphericmantle. Relatively small source-melt fractionation of Lu/Hfrelative to Sm/Nd, compared with MORB from faster-spreadingridges, argues against a significant role for garnet pyroxenitein the generation of most central SWIR MORB. Correlations betweenHf and Sr and Pb isotopic and trace element ratios clearly delineatea high-Hf ‘Indian Ocean mantle component’ that canexplain the isotope composition of most Indian Ocean MORB asmixtures between this component and a heterogeneous Atlantic–Pacific-typeMORB source. The Hf, Nd and Sr isotope compositions of IndianOcean MORB appear to be most consistent with the hypothesisthat this component represents fragments of subduction-modifiedlithospheric mantle beneath Proterozoic orogenic belts thatfoundered into the nascent Indian Ocean upper mantle duringthe Mesozoic breakup of Gondwana. KEY WORDS: mid-ocean ridge basalt; isotopes; incompatible elements; Indian Ocean  相似文献   
Plankton respiration is an important part of the carbon cycle and significantly affects the balance of autotrophic assimilation and heterotrophic production in oceanic ecosystems. In the present study, respiration rates of the euphotic zone plankton community(CR_(eu)), size fractionated chlorophyll a concentration(Chl a), bacterial abundance(BAC), and dissolved oxygen concentration(DO) were investigated during winter and summer in the northern South China Sea(n SCS). The results show that there were obvious spatial and temporal variations in CR_(eu) in the n SCS(ranging from 0.03 to 1.10 μmol/(L·h)), CR_(eu) in winter((0.53±0.27) μmol/(L·h)) was two times higher than that in summer((0.26±0.20) μmol/(L·h)), and decreased gradually from the coastal zone to the open sea. The distribution of CR_(eu) was affected by coupled physical-chemical-biological processes, driven by monsoon events. The results also show that CR_(eu) was positively correlated with Chl a, BAC, and DO, and that BAC contributed the highest CR_(eu) variability. Furthermore, the results of the stepwise multiple linear regression suggest that bacteria and phytoplankton were the dominant factors in determining CR_(eu)(R~2 = 0.82, p0.05) in the n SCS. Based on this relationship, we estimated the integrated water column respiration rate(CRint) within 100 m of the investigated area, and found that the relationship between the biomass of the plankton community and respiration may be nonlinear in the water column.  相似文献   
充填散体的压缩承载和传力特性对防控充填开采矿山的地表变形具有重要意义。通过河卵石、碎石、尾矿、河砂、尾砂5种散体材料和7组不同粒径河卵石的侧限压缩试验,以及河卵石数值模拟压缩试验,分析了其压实过程和粒径对其变形、承载的影响,揭示了散体压缩过程中的传力特性。结果表明:散体压缩过程可分为空隙压密、颗粒破碎压密和压实固结3个阶段,且散体类型和粒径对其非线性压实过程基本没有影响,但对其内部结构重组过程有较大影响;压缩过程中,存在一个临界密实度使不同粒径河卵石的承载能力次序发生反转,且河卵石散体平均变形模量与颗粒特征因子呈负指数关系;基于河卵石数值模拟压缩试验得到的散体内部力链强度分布和“压力拱”,很好地证实了室内压缩试验中散体垂直应力沿加载方向呈递减的趋势,以及侧向应力在整个散体高度上先增后减这一试验结果。  相似文献   
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