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基于数字化水位的张渤带地区构造应力场时序特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
丁风和  哈媛媛  王勇  魏建民  韩晓雷 《地震》2015,35(2):133-138
选取张渤带地区2008年以来连续稳定、固体潮形态明显的昌平台井、顺义板桥井、宝坻井、辛庄井、玉田冀03井、大灰厂井等6口井数字化水位及相应的气压资料。利用气压系数和M2波潮汐因子等滑动拟合,得到不排水状态下,各井含水层的孔隙度、固体骨架的体积压缩系数和水的体积压缩系数。接着在水平层状含水层(一维)模式下,利用部分含水层介质参数(孔隙度、水和固体骨架的体积压缩系数)、井水位变化量与含水层垂直向应力变化量的关系式,定量分析了张渤带地区构造应力场的动态变化过程。结果表明,张渤带近几年以持续的应力增强活动为主,今后需加强多学科、多手段的密切跟踪。  相似文献   
An observational study focusing on the contribution of tropical cyclones(TCs)that form over the western North Pacific(WNP)to the synoptic-scale transient eddy activity(STEA)over the North Pacific during the boreal autumn and early winter in the period 1979–2019 is presented in this paper.Statistical results show that WNP TCs entering the midlatitudinal North Pacific provide significant positive effects on the pentad mean strength of STEA,which is primarily concentrated over the Kuroshio/Oyashio Extensions(KOE)and regions from east of Japan to 160°W in the lower and midto-upper troposphere,respectively.TC intensity is highly indicative of the subsequent STEA with a correlation coefficient of 0.37/0.33/0.45 at 300 hPa/500 hPa/850 hPa exceeding the 99%confidence level for the period 1979–2019.The strength of STEA in the upper troposphere associated with TCs presents a more significant linear growth with TC intensity than that at the mid-to-lower levels after the cyclones enter the KOE region,suggesting that the impact of TCs on STEA gradually increases with height.Further analyses reveal that the contribution of TCs accounts for 4%–6%of the total STEA change over the KOE region during the late autumn and early winter.In addition,the influence of TCs on STEA experienced an interdecadal decrease from the early 2000 s through the early 2010 s.  相似文献   
综合论述了青海盐湖集团一期工程采卤生产现状及存在问题,提出了一种“转卤补水溶钾”的盐湖补水方式,以引导盐田生产持续发展。  相似文献   
Based on 30–60-day oscillation in the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM), the relationship between its northward propagation and ENSO (El Niño and Southern Oscillation) was investigated. To explicitly describe the 30–60-day monsoonal evolution, an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis was carried out on the temporal-latitude section of the longitudinal average for 115°E–120°E. The principal 30–60-day EASM mode captures a northward propagation of well-organized intraseasonal oscillation (NISO). Using the associated time series of the first mode, we found a significant lagged correlation between interannual variability of the NISO and ENSO. Its lagged correlations with NINO indices have a quasi-biennial (QB) characteristic through the preceding summer and the concurrent summer. Their relationship was found by the regression analysis relating the low-level circulation to the ocean temperature. The western North Pacific anticyclone and the anticyclone-induced easterly vertical wind shear anomalies induce the dynamical linkage between the NISO and QB-type ENSO. It is shown that the NISO is more closely tied with QB-type ENSO in its phase than in its amplitude, and may be connected to the anomalous easterly wind and the eastward evolution of an oceanic Kelvin wave, which is associated with abrupt ENSO transition. The predictability on ENSO and NISO is examined through the canonical correlation analysis.  相似文献   
Interdecadal changes in the Asian winter monsoon (AWM) variability are investigated using three surface air temperature datasets for the 55-year period of 1958–2012 from (1) the National Centers for Environmental Prediction-National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis 1 (NCEP), (2) combined datasets from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 40-yr reanalysis and interim data (ERA), and (3) Japanese 55-year reanalysis (JRA). Particular attention has been paid to the first four empirical orthogonal function (EOF) modes of the AWM temperature variability that together account for 64% of the total variance and have been previously identified as predictable modes. The four modes are characterized as follows: the first mode by a southern warming over the Indo-western Pacific Ocean associated with a gradually increasing basin-wide warming trend; the second mode by northern warming with the interdecadal change after the late 1980s; the third and fourth modes by north-south triple pattern, which reveal a phase shift after the late 1970s. The three reanalyses agree well with each other when producing the first three modes, but show large discrepancy in capturing both spatial and temporal characteristics of the fourth mode. It is therefore considered that the first three leading modes are more reliable than the rest higher modes. Considerable interdecadal changes are found mainly in the first two modes. While the first mode shows gradually decreasing variance, the second mode exhibits larger interannual variance during the recent decade. In addition, after the late 1970s, the first mode has a weakening relationship with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) whereas the second mode has strengthening association with the Artic Oscillation (AO). This indicates an increasing role of AO but decreasing role of ENSO on the AWM variability. A better understanding of the interdecadal change in the dominant modes would contribute toward advancing in seasonal prediction and the predictability of the AWM variability.  相似文献   
The prevalence of microplastics in the marine environment has resulted in a need to understand their association with various fauna. The aim of this study was to assess whether microplastic particles are present in the tube structure of the indigenous reef-building polychaete Gunnarea gaimardi, which occurs along the coast of South Africa. Sampling was conducted at nine stations along the west and southeast coastlines of South Africa, in July 2016 and April/May 2017. Microplastic particles were recorded in all tube structures of G. gaimardi, with the density ranging between 0.056 and 1.113 microplastic particles g–1 dry weight (dwt). There were no significant differences between sites (p > 0.05), resulting in an overall average of 0.275 (SD 0.215) microplastic particles g–1 (dwt). To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to show that synthetic polymers are found in the tubes of reef-building polychaetes along the coast of South Africa.  相似文献   
This study investigates the characteristics of a heavy snowfall event over the southwestern part of the Korean Peninsula on 4 December 2005. The snowstorm was a type of mesoscale maritime cyclone which resulted from barotropic instability, and diabatic heating from the warm ocean in continental polar air masses. Based on surface observations, radiosonde soundings, MTSAT-1R satellite data and the 10-km grid RDAPS (Regional Assimilation and Prediction System based on the PSU/NCAR MM5) data, the evolution of the mesocyclone is explained by the following dynamics; (1) In the initial stage, the primary role in the cyclogenesis process of the mesocyclone is a barotropic instability in the horizontal shear zone. (2) In the developing stage, the mesocyclone moves and deepens into a baroclinic zone corresponding to the surface heating and moistening. (3) In the mature stage, it is found that the mesocyclone is intensified by the destabilization caused by enhanced low-level heating and condensation, the moisture flux convergence, and the interaction between upper and lower-level potential vorticity anomalies. We suggest that a checklist with stepwise indicators responsible for development be prepared for the forecasting of heavy snowfall over the southwestern part of the Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   
利用气象卫星、天气形势场和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了2002年3月21—22日影响韩国沙尘天气的原因。结果表明:影响韩国沙尘天气的沙尘主要源地是蒙古国和中国内蒙古地区。沙尘天气发生在地面冷锋后部,高压伸展的前面;19日和20日沙尘暴发生后,沙尘沿着西北风输送,21日早晨影响韩国;PM10最高值达到2 778.2μg/m3,由于西北风较强,沙尘暴发生后很快影响到韩国,但在韩国持续的时间较短。  相似文献   
沙坡头地区新月形沙丘粒度特征   总被引:23,自引:7,他引:23  
哈斯  王贵勇 《中国沙漠》2001,21(3):271-275
由腾格里沙漠东南缘沙坡头附近新月形沙丘表面沉积物的系统采集分析结果,发现从北部沙漠主体向黄河南岸,沙丘沙平均粒径变细但分选变差。同时,粒径及分选性在沙丘断面出现两种变化模式,其一是沙漠主体新月形沙丘由两侧坡部向丘顶区域粒径变细分选变好;其二为黄河两岸阶地和湖盆滩地的新月形沙丘丘顶沙粒粗于其它部位但分选仍然最好。根据粒度参数间的相互关系和其它环境条件的分析,对沙丘沙粒度变化的原因及偏度等也作了初步探讨。  相似文献   
在系统梳理扎达盆地、尼泊尔Thakkhola半地堑盆地、吉隆—沃马盆地、乌郁盆地磁性地层研究成果的基础上, 对古地磁年代所代表的地质事件进行了对比和分析, 认为藏南及邻区各近南北向裂谷盆地自形成以来均发育2次明显的沉积变动事件, 第一次为距今10.6~8.1 Ma期间各盆地分别开始接受沉积, 第二次为距今3.5~2.0 Ma各湖盆的连续消亡; 总结高原的气候变化可以发现, 高原在距今约8 Ma及3 Ma左右也有明显的2次气候变化, 即沉积事件与气候变化事件在时间上具有近同时性。扎达盆地、吉隆—沃马盆地、达涕盆地三趾马化石的时代都处于距今7.0~6.5 Ma之间, 也具有近同时性。结合高原的整体演化, 认为其可能在距今10.6~8.1 Ma、3.5~2.0 Ma发生了2期比较强烈的隆升运动。同时, 分析指出了青藏高原南部及邻区晚新生代盆地磁性地层研究过程中存在的问题及解决方法, 并对今后青藏高原南部及邻区地区晚新生代磁性地层研究提出了建议。   相似文献   
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