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白克钊  邝华  刘慕仁  孔令江 《海洋学报》2010,32(9):5990-5995
运用具有内、外环车道的平面环形交叉路口元胞自动机模型,对开放边界条件下平面环行交叉路口的交通流进行研究.计算机模拟结果表明:边界条件和道路瓶颈影响着平面环形交叉路口交通流的性质,产生概率和消失概率均只在一定范围内影响系统流量的变化.根据系统流量与产生概率和消失概率的关系,将系统分为三个相区,并对相图进行研究,为实际交通控制提供参考.  相似文献   
采用双自旋轨道耦合系数模型并结合完全能量矩阵的方法对Cs2NaMF6(M=Al, Ga):Cr3+ 体系中Cr3+ 离子的基态分裂和局域结构进行了研究.通过模拟光谱和EPR谱确定了Cr3+ 取代 M3+ 形成的两种占位结构的畸变角,发现用双自旋轨道耦合系数模型与单自旋轨道耦合系数模型计算出的畸变角Δθ存在较大的差异.这表  相似文献   
分数阶混沌系统与整数阶混沌系统之间的同步   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周平  邝菲 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):6851-6858
基于追踪控制的思想,利用分数阶系统稳定性理论,实现了分数阶混沌系统与整数阶混沌系统之间的混沌同步,给出了补偿器和反馈控制器的选择方法. 以三维分数阶Chen系统和三维整数阶Lorenz混沌系统之间的混沌同步为例进行了数值仿真和电路仿真. 研究表明了该同步方法的有效性.  相似文献   
- A combined numerical model for computing mixing areas of pollution vertical jet discharging into tidal flows has been developed. This numerical model is composed of a 2-D depth-averaged dynamic far-field numerical model and a 2-D vertical dynamic near-field numerical model. The former uses finite node method to compute velocity, and improved finite node method to compute pollutant concentration distribution; the latter is a k-e turbulence model, and uses SIMPLE (Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations) method to compute velocity. At the same time, the former provides boundary conditions for the latter. This model can simulate both far- field pollutant concentration distribution and near-field vertical recirculation quickly and precisely. This model has been verified by measured data of pollutant F of the Dachang reach of the Changjing River and test data presented by Chen el al. (1992). On the basis of verification, the authors use a designed hydrograph to compute this mixing area for a cer  相似文献   
The Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) hosts one of the largest known oceanic nodule fields worldwide and is regulated by the International Seabed Authority. A baseline assessment of diversity and distribution patterns is essential for reliable predictions of disturbed ecosystem response scenarios for sustained commercial activities in the future. In the present study, the spatial patterns and diversity of phytoplankton communities were analyzed along with upper ocean biogeochemistry, in the licensed China Ocean Mineral Resources R&D Association (COMRA) contract area and the surrounding western CCZ between August 21 and October 8, 2017. Results indicated this was a typical low-nutrient low-chlorophyll a (Chl a) environment, characterized by low levels of phytoplankton abundance and diversity. In total 112 species belonging to 4 phyla were recorded (>10 μm), with species counts including 82 diatoms, 27 dinoflagellates, 1 cyanobacteria and 2 chrysophyte. Dominant taxa in successive order of descending abundance and occurrence included Nizschia marina, Cyclotella stylorum, Dactyliosolen mediterraneus, Rhizosolenia setigera, Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima, Thalassiothrix frauenfeldii, Synedra sp., Chaetoceros simplex and Pseudo-nitzschia circumpora. The depth-averaged abundance and Chl a concentrations were (265±233) cells/L and (0.27±0.30) μg/L, respectively. Diatoms accounted for 90.94% of the community with (241±223) cells/L, while dinoflagellates accounted for 5.67% and (15±13) cells/L. The distribution pattern exhibited the same trend as abundance, Chl a and species richness, showing subsurface maximum levels at around 100 m, with stations near 10°N having higher levels than in the north. Cluster analysis was performed in two assemblages, relating to geographic locations to the south and north of 12°N. The subsurface maximum of abundance, Chl a, species richness, dissolved oxygen and nitrite were generally corresponding to the presence of high salinity North Pacific Central Water at depths of 50?120 m. Higher availability of nitrate, phosphate and silicic acid in the subsurface may account for the shift in phytoplankton distribution, as shown by redundancy correspondence and spearman correlation analysis. Diel variation in an anchor station demonstrated prominent species succession without significant differences in oceanographic variables, among which diatoms succession resulted from the light limitation, while dinoflagellate diel variation mainly related to lateral transport of water masses. The observed patchiness in spatial phytoplankton distributional patterns was attributed to upper ocean environmental gradients in the CCZ. The baseline generated in this study could be analyzed using current conservation strategy programs associated with deep-sea mining.  相似文献   
臧传花  赵敏芬  卢兆民 《气象》2007,33(11):107-111
用2004年和2005年6—8月用电负荷资料和气象资料,分月建立了日平均气象负荷预报方程。讨论了用气象负荷的日变化量来代替总用电负荷的日变化量进而预报逐日总负荷的可行性。分5种天气类型统计了各天气类型下逐时负荷与日平均负荷的比率,日平均用电负荷预报值与该天气类型的逐时比率相乘得到逐时用电负荷的预报值。经2006年试用,日平均用电负荷预报的平均相对误差为2.0%,逐时用电负荷预报的平均相对误差为2.9%,对日平均用电负荷起伏较大的变化过程做出了准确预报。  相似文献   
由于露头资料缺乏,银额盆地生物地层研究一直较为薄弱,钻井的地层时代划分及主要油气产层时代归属存在较大争议。为了厘清银额盆地钻井所揭示的油气产层的地层时代,本研究对位于盆地西部乌珠尔坳陷的蒙额地1井下部岩芯样品开展了孢粉学研究工作。根据孢粉类群及其含量的变化,划分了2个孢粉组合:Osmundacidites-Deltoidospora-nonstriate bisaccate组合和Classopollis-Cyathidites-Quadraeculina组合。第一组合中裸子植物花粉和蕨类植物孢子含量相当,裸子植物花粉中无肋纹的双气囊花粉出现最为频繁,且多样性较高,并零星出现有具肋纹双气囊花粉,蕨类植物孢子以Osmundacidites为主,其他常见类群包括Lycopodiumsporites、Deltoidospora、Neoraistrickia等,均为我国侏罗纪常见属种,孢粉组合指示的地层时代为早侏罗世晚期,也可能下延至早侏罗世中期,气候温暖湿润;第二组合以Classopollis的高含量为特征,Quadraeculina和Cyathidites较第一组合含量增加,且未出现任何白垩...  相似文献   
近年来在顺北地区1号和5号走滑断层带上获得了重大的油气突破,证明了在塔里木盆地内发育的小尺度走滑断层对断控油气藏具有控藏、控储的特征。该类走滑断层在剖面上贯穿多套古生代地层,纵向结构复杂,在空间上为深层线性走滑叠加浅层雁列正断层的构造样式,钻井揭示在断层带上不同分段的井产能差异明显,表明走滑断层在奥陶系碳酸盐岩顶界面的分段性对油气成藏具有重要的控制作用。本文选取顺北5号断层中北段作为研究对象,针对深层不同层系线性走滑断层分段特征差异明显这一特征,基于不同尺度下断层的断距与分段长度之间的相关性及多断层演化理论,提出了利用沿着走向等间距统计断层的垂向断距变化的方法对深层线性走滑断层开展分段性研究工作,该方法综合了断层的活动强度、演化程度和剖面构造形态来分析断层的分段特征,适用于不同性质的断层分段性特征研究。研究表明5号断层中北段在奥陶系碳酸盐岩顶界面可划分为14段,在寒武系膏盐岩层顶界面可划分为10段,两个层系的断层分段性在空间上具有继承性与差异演化的特点,其中寒武系膏盐岩滑脱构造中的膏盐逃逸对油气的疏导具有破坏作用,奥陶系碳酸盐岩顶断层活动强度、分段叠接样式、断层分段不同位置对断控缝洞型储层发育规模具有重要的控制作用,揭示了断层在平面上的分段特征及纵向结构对断控缝洞型油气成藏具有重要的控制作用。  相似文献   
尚文郁  孙青  凌媛  谢曼曼  岑况 《岩矿测试》2012,31(4):582-590
沉积物中有机质及相关元素含量、重金属含量等是研究环境污染和古环境的依据。利用近红外漫反射光谱测定沉积物中的化学成分,方法简便、快捷、价廉。本文概述了近红外漫反射光谱测定沉积物中化学成分的基本流程、样品制备及建模方法,介绍了如何通过选择建模样品、利用光谱预处理及回归分析等方法提高近红外光谱模型的定量能力,综述了近红外漫反射光谱分析沉积物中的有机碳、总氮、总磷、生物硅、重金属含量等方法。但是利用近红外光谱分析沉积物中的化学成分研究起步较晚,仍存在很多问题,有必要深入探讨近红外光谱分析沉积物的化学成分时产生误差的机理,进一步开展建模样品的计算机选择方法、光谱预处理方法和数学模型优化等方面的研究,提高近红外漫反射光谱分析沉积物中化学成分的精密度和准确度。  相似文献   
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