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Thousands of chemicals are in daily use; many of these reach the aquatic environment, which serves as a medium of transport and deposition into sediment and organisms. It is often unknown which effects these contaminants, alone or in combination with other stressors, may have on organisms, populations and communities in the aquatic environment. Ecotoxicology strives to identify and mechanistically understand contaminant–biota interactions with the ultimate goal to predict potential adverse effects. There are two general routes to addressing this goal. The first is to understand how organisms and populations respond according to anticipated exposure routes, organisms’ genome and physiology, and structure- physico-chemical properties of chemicals. This knowledge should lead to improved criteria for chemical design and approval. The second general route is to identify the cause–effect relationships of effects detected in the environment without prior knowledge on the chemical’s identity. This approach serves to pinpoint critical chemicals in complex environmental samples to enable decisions or technologies for their reduction or removal. An example will be presented in which biological effect assessment contributed to a better understanding of groundwater contamination.  相似文献   
While much has been written about the benefits of collaborative watershed management to address nonpoint source pollution and other water quality concerns in the United States, few scholars have addressed the catalytic nature of events that generate these collective action responses. Further, because equivalent catalyst events in different communities do not always lead to collective action, it is critical to understand the interaction between a community's baseline conditions and the catalyst events that lead to collective action. This article presents a conceptual framework that illustrates the relationship between baseline conditions and events that lead to collective action. In this article a theoretical typology of catalyst events is presented that includes both intentional and nonintentional types of events. Understanding these types of catalyst events can help water quality advocates create and/or seize opportunities to nurture a collective action. This article concludes with a call for future research into catalyst events.  相似文献   
Infiltration is the primary mechanism in green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) systems to reduce the runoff volume from urbanized areas. Soil hydraulic conductivity is most important in influencing GSI infiltration rates. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) is a critical parameter for GSI design and post-construction performance. However, Ksat measurement in the field is problematic due to temporal and spatial variability and measurement errors. This review paper focuses on a comparison of methods for in-situ Ksat measurement and the causes of temporal and spatial variations of Ksat within GSI systems. Automated infiltration testing methods, such as the Modified Philip–Dunne (MPD) and SATURO infiltrometers, show promise for efficient Ksat measurements. Soil Ksat values can change over time and substantially vary throughout a GSI, which can be attributed to multiple factors, including but not limited to temperature changes, soil composition and properties, soil compaction level, plant root morphology and distribution, biological and macrofauna activities in the soil, inflow sediment characteristics, quality of infiltrating water, and measurement errors. There is evidence that infiltration rates in vegetated urban GSI systems are sustained given an appropriate GSI design, reasonable concentration of suspended sediments in the inflow runoff, and routine maintenance procedures. These observations indicate that clogging can be counteracted by processes that tend to increase the soil hydraulic conductivity (e.g., plant root and biological activities). This self-sustainability underlines that infiltration-based GSI systems are a reliable long-term stormwater management solution. Recommendations on how to incorporate the temporal changes of Ksat in GSI design and on obtaining a spatially-representative Ksat for the GSI design are presented.  相似文献   
Sea level changes in the Baltic Sea are dominated by internal, short-term variations that are mostly caused by the ephemeral nature of atmospheric conditions over the Baltic area. Tides are small and their influence decreases from western parts of the Baltic Sea to the Baltic Proper. Superimposed to the large short-term sea level changes (up to few decimeters from day to day) are seasonal and interannual variations (centimeters to decimeters). This study focuses on the comparison of sea surface heights obtained from observations and from a high resolution oceanographic model of the Baltic Sea. From this comparison, the accuracy of the modeled sea surface variations is evaluated, which is a necessary precondition for the further use of the oceanographic model in geodetic applications. The model reproduces all observed Baltic sea level variations very reliably with an accuracy of 5 to 9 cm (rms) for short-term variations (up to 2 months) and 8 cm (rms) for long-term variations (>2 months). An additional improvement of the model can be attained by including long-period sea level variations of the North Sea. The model performs well also in the case of extreme sea level events, as is shown for a major storm surge that occurred at the southern coast of the Baltic Sea in November 1995.  相似文献   
The interactions between overland flow hydraulics and sediment yield were studied in flume experiments on erodible soil surfaces covered by rock fragments. The high erodibility of a non-cohesive fine sediment (D50 + 0·09mm) permitted the effects of local turbulence and scour on sediment yield to be examined. Overland flow hydraulics and sediment yield were compared for experiments with pebble (D50 + 1·5cm) and cobble (D50 + 8·6cm) rock fragment covers. Cover percentages range from 0 to 99 per cent. Rock fragment size strongly affects the relations between flow hydraulics and rock fragment cover. For pebbles spatially-averaged hydraulic parameters (flow velocity, flow depth, effective flow width, unit discharge, total shear stress, Darcy-Weisbach friction factor, percentage grain friction and grain shear stress) vary most rapidly within cover percentages at low covers (power functions). In contrast, for cobbles these parameters vary most rapidly within cover percentages at high covers (exponential functions). As the type of the function that describes the relation between flow hydraulics and cover percentage can be deduced from the ratio of rock fragment height to flow depth, the continuity equation can be employed to determine the actual coefficients of the functions, provided the regression of one hydraulic parameter (e.g. flow velocity) with cover percentage is known and a good estimate exists for two values of another hydraulic variable for a low and a high cover percentage. The variation of sediment yield with cover percentage is also strongly dependent on rock fragment size, but neither the convex-upward relation for pebbles, nor the positive relation for cobbles can be solely attributed to the spatially averaged hydraulics of sheet-flow. Rock fragments induce local turbulence that leads to scour hole development on the stoss side of the rock fragments while deposition commonly occurs in the wake. This local scour and deposition substantially affects sediment yield. However, scour dimensions cannot be predicted by spatially averaged flow hydraulics. An adjustment of existing scour formulas that predict scour around bridge piers is suggested. Sediment yield from non-cohesive soils might then be estimated by a combination of sediment transport and scour formulas.  相似文献   
Students and communities engaging with complex geographical issues require tools to assist them structure and contextualise data. This paper examines the use of mind mapping as a tool in geographical education. Case studies are presented from a sample of undergraduate and cross-cultural educational settings demonstrating the use of mind mapping in communication, analysis and problem solving. In critiquing this educational tool, we conclude that mind mapping is particularly effective with communities whose cultures are strong on visual communication but weaker on written communication and in cross-cultural situations where use of written English would disadvantage learners.  相似文献   


The Accra climate change talks held from 21–27 August 2008 in Accra, Ghana, were part of an ongoing series of meetings leading up to the Copenhagen meeting in December 2009. During the meeting a set of options for accounting carbon sequestration in forestry on a post-2012 framework was presented. The options include gross-net and net-net accounting and approaches for establishing baselines.  相似文献   
Hybrid event beds comprising clay‐poor and clay‐rich sandstone are abundant in Maastrichtian‐aged sandstones of the Springar Formation in the north‐west Vøring Basin, Norwegian Sea. This study focuses on an interval, informally referred to as the Lower Sandstone, which has been penetrated in five wells that are distributed along a 140 km downstream transect. Systematic variations in bed style within this stratigraphic interval are used to infer variation in flow behaviour in relatively proximal and distal settings, although individual beds were not correlated. The Lower Sandstone shows an overall reduction in total thickness, bed amalgamation, sand to mud ratio and grain size in distal wells. Turbidites dominated by clay‐poor sandstone are at their most common in relatively proximal wells, whereas hybrid event beds are at their most common in distal wells. Hybrid event beds typically comprise a basal clay‐poor sandstone (non‐stratified or stratified) overlain by banded sandstone, with clay‐rich non‐stratified sandstone at the bed top. The dominant type of clay‐poor sandstone at the base of these beds varies spatially; non‐stratified sandstone is thickest and most common proximally, whereas stratified sandstone becomes dominant in distal wells. Stratified and banded sandstone record progressive deposition of the hybrid event bed. Thus, the facies succession within hybrid event beds records the longitudinal heterogeneity of flow behaviour within the depositional boundary layer; this layer changed from non‐cohesive at the front, through a region of transitional behaviour (fluctuating non‐cohesive and cohesive flow), to cohesive behaviour at the rear. Spatial variation in the dominant type of clay‐poor sandstone at the bed base suggests that the front of the flow remained non‐cohesive, and evolved from high‐concentration and turbulence‐suppressed to increasingly turbulent flow; this is thought to occur in response to deposition and declining sediment fallout. This research may be applicable to other hybrid event bed prone systems, and emphasizes the dynamic nature of hybrid flows.  相似文献   
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