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Water quality was estimated from 205 samples of benthic invertebrates collected between 1982 and 1986 in 51 rivers of western Switzerland (canton of Vaud). Each sample consisted of the combined list of taxa resulting from one spring sample pooled with one summer sample. Water quality was indicated by total number of taxa and number of taxa intolerant of pollution: i. e. Heptageniidae, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera with a case. Six classes of values were delimited for each of these two variables by cluster analysis. Values from zero to five were attributed to each class. The index of water quality was computed by adding these two values in each sample. According to this index, good water quality was indicated by 42% of samples. This index can be adapted to other rivers because its components are easily modified.  相似文献   
Petrological models for the formation of cyclic units in ultramafic zones at the base of large mafic layered intrusions are still few and simple. In this study, we develop simple physical constraints, such as the volume balance and density relationships between the various liquids involved. We consider the formation of an entire ultramafic zone, made of N cyclic units due to N successive reinjections. We tackle the following problems. Are all the injections of the same chemical composition? Are the N injections responsible for the formation of the whole magma chamber? Two end-member models are examined. In the first one, the chamber grows with each injection and does not lose any magma (variable volume model, VV). In the second one, the chamber initially forms with a large volume of magma and remains at a constant volume with subsequent reinjections of small volumes balanced by eruptions of equal volume (fixed volume model, FV). Several scenarios for the formation of a cyclic unit are envisioned. Petrological data such as thicknesses of the cumulate layers and their compositions, together with the fractionation density of the cumulate phases, allow the calculation of the density evolution, as a function of the initial density only. Thus, the model yields constraints on the density of the initial liquid, and hence on its chemical composition. The volumes of the injected magmas are calculated as well as the evolution of the densities of the different involved liquids. We apply the calculation to the specific case of the Ultramafic Series of the Stillwater complex. The multiple reinjection models require that the initial liquids densities vary between 2.71 and 2.72 g/cm3, corresponding to MgO-rich liquids for which there is no field evidence, either in dikes or in chilled margins. They also require that the source produces liquids of different chemical composition. Thus, the evolution of the igneous system requires another, larger reservoir where differentiation takes place prior to injection into the shallower one. Contrary to the multiple reinjection models, a closed system model where crystallization proceeds in an isolated bottom layer does not require any specific value of density for the liquids, provided, of course, that it is of basaltic composition. On the negative side, such a model is not supported by any physical processes which would account for the formation of cyclic units.  相似文献   
Low altitude satellite observations of precipitated and locally mirroring protons during periods of ground-based SAR arc observations are presented. The SAR arcs are found to be located in a region with significantly enhanced proton pitch angle scattering and enhanced electron temperature, but inside the plasmapause where the proton pitch angle distribution is anisotropic. The increase in the pitch angle scattering takes place in a localized region having a width of a few tenths of a L-value. The observations can favourably be accounted for by the Cornwall et al. (1971) theory for the SAR arc formation. Using observed proton fluxes and typical energy spectra, the expected intensity in the SAR arc region is estimated to be a few Rayleighs, and the energy flux from precipitated protons above a few keV to be 10?2?10?1erg/cm2s. These estimates are in reasonable agreement with previously published theoretical and experimental values. Simultaneous groundbased observations of Hα emissions were found in the region of intense, isotropic proton precipitation located outside the plasmapause.  相似文献   
Low altitude satellite measurements of protons in the 1–100 keV range indicate two energy dependent proton precipitation boundaries. At low invariant latitudes mostly below 60° there is a region of moderately weak proton precipitation. The poleward boundary of this region tends to be at higher latitudes for the high energy protons than for the low energy protons. At high invariant latitudes there is a region where both the low and high energy protons precipitate with an isotropic pitch-angle distribution. The equatorward boundary of this region tends to be at lower latitudes for protons with energy more than 100 keV than for those in the 1–6 keV range. This region with isotropic pitch-angle distribution is located well outside the plasmapause both for the 1–6 and 100-keV protons.Between these two precipitation zones there is a region where the proton pitch-angle distribution is highly anisotropic with almost no protons in the loss cone. This region tends to be wider and more pronounced in the 1–6 than in the 100-keV protons.These findings lend further support to the mechanism of ion-cyclotron instability as the cause of proton pitch-angle diffusion in the low and intermediate regions. The process responsible for the strong diffusion at auroral latitudes has not yet been identified.  相似文献   
We assess the ability of multivariate statistical analyses applied to event hydrographs parameters, to characterize a catchment hydrological behaviour. Motivation for such an approach lies in the fact that streamflow records have yet to be exploited to their full potential towards hydrological interpretation and can be used to infer a catchment state of connectivity from a qualitative standpoint. We have therefore processed 96 event hydrographs from a small headwater temperate humid forested catchment using principal component analysis, variation partitioning and classification tree analysis. These techniques prove to be promising in discriminating contrasted types of hydrologic responses (e.g. low‐ vs high‐magnitude events, slow vs quick timing events), identifying the main hydro‐meteorological variables that control these responses and determining thresholds values of the hydro‐meteorological variables leading to a switch between catchment response types. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The unstable 650,000 m2 Åknes rock slope (Western Norway) poses a hazard, as a sudden failure may cause a destructive tsunami in the fjord. In this study the slope was divided into blocks based on displacements measured at the slope surface. Discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) showed that three or four blocks in the upper half may be considered as potential subareas that may fail catastrophically. The lower half may be divided into two or three blocks, but more limited data introduces more uncertainty into block definition. The Universal Distinct Element code (UDEC) was used for two-dimensional (2D) stability analyses. By varying fracture geometry, fracture friction, and groundwater conditions within reasonable limits based on site-specific data a number of possible models were compared. The conclusions show that models that were unstable to great depths were in closer agreement with shear strength parameters derived from an earlier study than models that were unstable to smaller depths. The length (depth) of the outcropping fracture, along which shear displacements are shown to occur, plays an important role. A (shallow) slide at 30 m, in which displacements have been documented by borehole measurements, will reduce the stability at greater depths. Increased groundwater pressure is demonstrated to be less critical for very deep slope instability. The results of the DDA and UDEC modelling will be useful for planning of future investigations, interpretation of the subsequent results, further development of the early warning system and in the tsunami modelling.  相似文献   
Ponta de São Lourenço is the deeply eroded eastern end of Madeira’s east–west trending rift zone, located near the geometric intersection of the Madeira rift axis with that of the Desertas Islands to the southeast. It dominantly consists of basaltic pyroclastic deposits from Strombolian and phreatomagmatic eruptions, lava flows, and a dike swarm. Main differences compared to highly productive rift zones such as in Hawai’i are a lower dike intensity (50–60 dikes/km) and the lack of a shallow magma reservoir or summit caldera. 40Ar/39Ar age determinations show that volcanic activity at Ponta de São Lourenço lasted from >5.2 to 4 Ma (early Madeira rift phase) and from 2.4 to 0.9 Ma (late Madeira rift phase), with a hiatus dividing the stratigraphy into lower and upper units. Toward the east, the distribution of eruptive centers becomes diffuse, and the rift axis bends to parallel the Desertas ridge. The bending may have resulted from mutual gravitational influence of the Madeira and Desertas volcanic edifices. We propose that Ponta de São Lourenço represents a type example for the interior of a fading rift arm on oceanic volcanoes, with modern analogues being the terminations of the rift zones at La Palma and El Hierro (Canary Islands). There is no evidence for Ponta de São Lourenço representing a former central volcano that interconnected and fed the Madeira and Desertas rifts. Our results suggest a subdivision of volcanic rift zones into (1) a highly productive endmember characterized by a central volcano with a shallow magma chamber feeding one or more rift arms, and (2) a less productive endmember characterized by rifts fed from deep-seated magma reservoirs rather than from a central volcano, as is the case for Ponta de São Lourenço.  相似文献   
The losses of radiation belt electrons to the atmosphere due to wave–particle interactions with electromagnetic ion-cyclotron (EMIC) waves during corotating interaction region (CIR) storms compared to coronal mass ejections (CME) storms is investigated. Geomagnetic storms with extended ‘recovery’ phases due to large-amplitude Alfvén waves in the solar wind are associated with relativistic electron flux enhancements in the outer radiation belt. The corotating solar wind streams following a CIR in the solar wind contain large-amplitude Alfvén waves, but also some CME storms with high-speed solar wind can have large-amplitude Alfvén waves and extended ‘recovery’ phases. During both CIR and CME storms the ring current protons are enhanced. In the anisotropic proton zone the protons are unstable for EMIC wave growth. Atmospheric losses of relativistic electrons due to weak to moderate pitch angle scattering by EMIC waves is observed inside the whole anisotropic proton zone. During storms with extended ‘recovery’ phases we observe higher atmospheric loss of relativistic electrons than in storms with fast recovery phases. As the EMIC waves exist in storms with both extended and short recovery phases, the increased loss of relativistic electrons reflects the enhanced source of relativistic electrons in the radiation belt during extended recovery phase storms. The region with the most unstable protons and intense EMIC wave generation, seen as a narrow spike in the proton precipitation, is spatially coincident with the largest loss of relativistic electrons. This region can be observed at all MLTs and is closely connected with the spatial shape of the plasmapause as revealed by simultaneous observations by the IMAGE and the NOAA spacecraft. The observations in and near the atmospheric loss cone show that the CIR and CME storms with extended ‘recovery’ phases produce high atmospheric losses of relativistic electrons, as these storms accelerate electrons to relativistic energies. The CME storm with short recovery phase gives low losses of relativistic electrons due to a reduced level of relativistic electrons in the radiation belt.  相似文献   
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