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Data obtained from Sm‐Nd and Rb‐Sr isotopic measurements of lunar highlands’ samples are renormalized to common standard values and then used to define ages with a common isochron regression algorithm. The reliability of these ages is evaluated using five criteria that include whether: (1) the ages are defined by multiple isotopic systems, (2) the data demonstrate limited scatter outside uncertainty, (3) initial isotopic compositions are consistent with the petrogenesis of the samples, (4) the ages are defined by an isotopic system that is resistant to disturbance by impact metamorphism, and (5) the rare‐earth element abundances determined by isotope dilution of bulk of mineral fractions match those measured by in situ analyses. From this analysis, it is apparent that the oldest highlands’ rock ages are some of the least reliable, and that there is little support for crustal ages older than approximately 4.40 Ga. A model age for ur‐KREEP formation calculated using the most reliable Mg‐suite Sm‐Nd isotopic systematics, in conjunction with Sm‐Nd analyses of KREEP basalts, is 4389 ± 45 Ma. This age is a good match to the Lu‐Hf model age of 4353 ± 37 Ma determined using a subset of this sample suite, the average model age of 4353 ± 25 Ma determined on mare basalts with the 146Sm‐142Nd isotopic system, with a peak in Pb‐Pb ages observed in lunar zircons of approximately 4340 ± 20 Ma, and the oldest terrestrial zircon age of 4374 ± 6 Ma. The preponderance of ages between 4.34 and 4.37 Ga reflect either primordial solidification of a lunar magma ocean or a widespread secondary magmatic event on the lunar nearside. The first scenario is not consistent with the oldest ages reported for lunar zircons, whereas the second scenario does not account for concordance between ages of crustal rocks and mantle reservoirs.  相似文献   
Springtime fetch in the Cape Bathurst Polynya System may present opportunities for winds to generate waves capable of propagating into the thick pack ice formed over the winter. A waves-in-ice event at a study site located on the Canadian Shelf in the southern Beaufort Sea that occurred 22–23 May 2011 is presented and analyzed for wave energy attenuation and dissipation characteristics. The event was monitored near the ice edge and, therefore, presents information on attenuation of waves from the ice edge into the pack. Waves of T?=?5?s, λ?=?37.5?m were observed up to approximately 143?m and approximately 77?m away from the ice edge during two separate observation periods of ice edge wave propagation. We estimated reflection coefficients of 53% and 52% and wave attenuation coefficients of α?=?2.4?×?10?2?m?1 and α?=?5.4?×?10?2?m?1, respectively, for the two periods. Estimated attenuation rates are an order of magnitude greater than in comparable studies and are inconsistent with previous findings of a “rollover” effect in attenuation rates for short-period waves.  相似文献   
From an analysis of the local time distribution of the electron upper energy limit reached by the geostationary satellite GEOS-2 in cutting through the innermost part of the electron plasma sheet during fairly quiet conditions the following results have been obtained, among others. An electric field model given by E = ?▽{AR4sin(φ+π4)}, with the dusk singular point of the forbidden region boundary at 1500, instead of at 1800 M.L.T., is in quite good agreement with the observations. This means that effects due to the shielding by the hot plasma of the inner magnetosphere from the convection electric field are quite strong in situations of low disturbance level. The quiet-time convection electric field strength at 2100 M.L.T. in the geostationary orbit obtained from this analysis varies in the range 0.15–0.3 kV/Re. Six hours earlier or later in the satellite orbit the convection field is four times stronger. Also when the convection field varies, some information about its magnitude can be obtained from the keV electron measurements.  相似文献   
Northwest Africa (NWA) 4734 is an unbrecciated basaltic lunar meteorite that is nearly identical in chemical composition to basaltic lunar meteorites NWA 032 and LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 02205. We have conducted a geochemical, petrologic, mineralogic, and Sm‐Nd, Rb‐Sr, and Ar‐Ar isotopic study of these meteorites to constrain their petrologic relationships and the origin of young mare basalts. NWA 4734 is a low‐Ti mare basalt with a low Mg* (36.5) and elevated abundances of incompatible trace elements (e.g., 2.00 ppm Th). The Sm‐Nd isotope system dates NWA 4734 with an isochron age of 3024 ± 27 Ma, an initial εNd of +0.88 ± 0.20, and a source region 147Sm/144Nd of 0.201 ± 0.001. The crystallization age of NWA 4734 is concordant with those of LAP 02205 and NWA 032. NWA 4734 and LAP 02205 have very similar bulk compositions, mineral compositions, textures, and ages. Their source region 147Sm/144Nd values indicate that they are derived from similar, but distinct, source materials. They probably do not sample the same lava flow, but rather are similarly sourced, but isotopically distinct, lavas that probably originate from the same volcanic complex. They may have experienced slightly different assimilation histories in route to eruption, but can be source‐crater paired. NWA 032 remains enigmatic, as its source region 147Sm/144Nd definitively precludes a simple relationship with NWA 4734 and LAP 02205, despite a similar bulk composition. Their high Ti/Sm, low (La/Yb)N, and Cl‐poor apatite compositions rule out the direct involvement of KREEP. Rather, they are consistent with low‐degree partial melting of late‐formed LMO cumulates, and indicate that the geochemical characteristics attributed to urKREEP are not unique to that reservoir. These and other basaltic meteorites indicate that the youngest mare basalts originate from multiple sources, and suggest that KREEP is not a prerequisite for the most recent known melting in the Moon.  相似文献   
Mechanical albite and pericline twins were induced in seven feldspars, (Na, Ca) (Al, Si)4O8, in triaxial compression tests at 800° C, 8 to 10 kb confining pressure. Two were initially in a high temperature structural state (disordered) (An1, An59). Three (An32, An39, and An53) were slightly disordered, and two (An76 and An95) had the transitional and primitive anorthite structure, respectively. No microscopic twinning was detected in comparable tests on ordered albite and oligoclase (An1, An20), feldspars in the peristerite range (An11 An14) or in a low structural state labradorite (An51). Other deformational features include lamellae 60 to 80° from the c axis and (010) slip in the opposite sense for (010) twinning.Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.  相似文献   
The theoretical motion of individual dust grains in the lunar regolith is analyzed by using a Monte Carlo statistical code where the variables are the mass and speed distribution of meteorites at the lunar surface and the geometrical shape of impact craters. From these computations the detailed irradiation history of the grains in the ancient solar wind is traced back, over a period of 4 billion years, as a function of the grain size. Then by combining this irradiation scheme with the result of solar wind simulation experiments, the time and depth dependent accumulation of solar wind effects in the theoretical grains (solar wind maturation) is inferred. Finally, the validity of these predictions is tentatively checked by discussing a variety of physical and chemical solar wind effects which are registered in the surface layers of lunar dust grains. Therefore these studies give a tentative scenario for the “maturation” of the lunar regolith with respect to solar wind effects, but they also reveal useful guidelines to deduce meaningful information from such effects. In particular, they suggest a “lunar skin” sampling technique for extracting dust grains in lunar core tubes which could help in deciphering the past activity of the ancient solar wind over a time scale of several billion years.  相似文献   
The authors present a reconstruction of precipitation, seasonality, and vegetation cover over the period from 200 cal yr B.C. to 1600 cal yr A.D. for the archaeological site of Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe, based on the oxygen and carbon isotope composition of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C‐dated aragonitic shells of the landsnail Bulimulus guadaloupensis. The results show that the Late Cedrosan Saladoid population (˜400–800 cal yr A.D.) disappeared at the beginning of a dry and stormy period lasting from 800 to 1000 cal yr A.D. The Mamoran Troumassoid started to populate the site around 1000 cal yr A.D. when the climate became wetter, and remained until ˜1300 cal yr A.D. The snail‐shell carbon isotope values changed significantly around the period that the Late Cedrosan Saladoid occupation started. This indicates a vegetational response either to the wetter conditions, or because of the replacement of existing C4 plant vegetation by introduced C3 crops. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Seagrass meadow characteristics, including distribution, shape, size and within‐meadow architectural features, may be influenced by various physical factors, including hydrodynamic forces. However, such influences have hardly been assessed for meadows of the ecologically important and endemic Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica. The distribution of P. oceanica meadows at five sites in the Maltese Islands was mapped to a depth of c. 15 m using a combination of aerial photography and SCUBA diving surveys. Estimates of wind‐generated wave energy and energy attenuated by depth were computed using the hydrodynamic model WEMo (Wave Exposure Model). Metrics for P. oceanica landscape features were calculated using FRAGSTATS for replicate 2500 m2 subsamples taken from the seagrass habitat maps in order to explore the influence of wave dynamics at the landscape scale. Data on within‐meadow architectural attributes were collected from five sites and analysed for relationships with wave energy. The results indicate that landscape and architectural features of P. oceanica meadows located within the 6–11 m depth range are significantly influenced by wave climate. Posidonia oceanica meadows tend to be patchier and have low overall cover, more complex patch shapes and reduced within‐patch architectural complexity along a wave exposure gradient from low to high energy. The findings from the present study provide new insight into the influence of hydrodynamic factors on the natural dynamism of P. oceanica meadow landscape and architecture, which has implications for the conservation and management of the habitat.  相似文献   
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