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The spatial characteristics of the wind speeds from ships, drilling platforms, and satellites (SASS and SMMR) were investigated through autocorrelation analysis. Values of the spatial correlation coefficient in minimum separation classes revealed that SASS winds contained the least noise, followed by drilling‐platform and SMMR winds, measured ship winds and estimated ship winds. The variances explained by wind‐speed observations within a 100‐km radius of each other were found to be 86, 72, 62, 48 and 41%, respectively. Ship wind‐speed estimates made during hours of darkness showed significantly higher noise than daytime reports.  相似文献   
Stress mapping is a numerical modelling technique used to determine the distribution and relative magnitude of stress during deformation in a mineralised terrane. It is based on the general principle that fluid flow in the Earth's crust is primarily related to pressure gradients. It is best applied to epigenetic hydrothermal mineral deposits, where fluid flow and fluid flux are enhanced in dilational sections of structures and in sites of enhanced rock permeability due to high fracture density. These are defined by sites of low minimum principal stress (σ3). Most stress mapping is carried out in two dimensions in plan view using geological maps. This is suitable for terranes with steeply dipping lithostratigraphy and structures in which the distribution of mineral deposits is largely controlled by fault structures portrayed on the maps. However, for terranes with gently dipping sequences and structures, and for situations where deposits are sited in and near the hinges of complex fold structures, stress mapping in cross‐section is preferable. The effectiveness of stress mapping is maximised if mineralisation was late in the evolutionary history of the host terrane, and hence the structural geometry of the terrane and contained deposits were essentially that expressed today. The orientation of syn‐mineralisation far‐field stresses must also be inferred. Two examples of orogenic gold deposits, which meet the above criteria, are used to illustrate the potential of stress mapping in cross‐section. Sunrise Dam, located in the Archaean Yilgarn Craton, is a lode‐gold deposit sited in a thrust‐fold belt. Stress mapping illustrates the heterogeneity of stress distribution in the complex structural geometry of the deposit, and predicts the preferential siting of ore zones around the intersections of more steeply dipping, linking thrusts and banded iron‐formation units, and below the controlling more gently dipping basal thrust, the Sunrise Shear. The Howley Anticline in the Pine Creek block hosts several Palaeoproterozoic gold deposits, sited in complex anticlinal structures in greywacke sequences. Stress mapping indicates that gold ores should develop in the hinge zones of symmetrical anticlines, in the hinge zones and more steeply dipping to overturned limbs of asymmetric anticlines, and in and around thrusts in both anticlines and parasitic synclines. The strong correlation between the predictions of the stress mapping, based on the distribution of low σ3, and the location of gold ores emphasises the potential of stress mapping in cross‐section, not only as an exploration tool for the discovery of additional resources or deposits, but also as a test of geological models. Knowledge of the potential siting of gold ores and their probable orientations also provides a guide to drilling strategies in both mine‐ and regional‐scale exploration.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the discourses on climate change adaptation and mitigation that are currently at the forefront in the Congo Basin. On mitigation, the forests have enormous opportunities to contribute to the reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) mechanism. But the forest itself and its multiple dependent societies and sectors need to adapt to potential climate risks. Hence, actors are debating the design of climate change policy in the forest sector. Theoretically, we combine the agency-focus of frame analysis and discourse theory to analyze how different agents hold frames on climate change adaptation and mitigation policies in the region. This paper draws upon interviews with 103 different actors from government, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, research institutions and private sector in three countries: Cameroon, Central African Republic (CAR) and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Three discourses were found on policy response to climate change in the forest sector: mitigation policy only, separated policy on adaptation and mitigation, and an integrated policy on adaptation and mitigation. The various frames articulated around each discourse by the coalitions include elements of: costs and benefits, scale of operation, effectiveness, financial resources and implementation mechanisms. Overall, the mitigation discourse, through its mix of actors, resources and interests seems to be stronger than the adaptation discourse. The paper finally outlines a number of implications of the discourses for policy design.  相似文献   
The phase boundary between MnTiO3 I (ilmenite structure) and MnTiO3 II (lithium niobate structure) has been determined by analysis of quench products from reversal experiments in a cubic anvil apparatus at 1073–1673 K and 43–75 kbar using mixtures of MnTiO3 I and II as starting materials. Tight brackets of the boundary give P(kbar)=121.2−0.045 T(K). Thermodynamic analysis of this boundary gives ΔHo=5300±1000 J·mol−1, ΔSo = 1.98 ±1J·K−1· mol−1. The enthalpy of transformation obtained directly by transposed-temperature-drop calorimetry is 8359 ±2575 J·mol−1. Possible topologies of the phase relations among the ilmenite, lithium niobate, and perovskite polymorphs are constrained using the above data and the observed (reversible with hysteresis) transformation of II to III at 298 K and 20–30 kbar (Ross et al. 1989). The observed II–III transition is likely to lie on a metastable extension of the II–III boundary into the ilmenite field. However the reversed I–II boundary, with its negative dP/ dT does represent stable equilibrium between ilmenite and lithium niobate, as opposed to the lithium niobate being a quench product of perovskite. We suggest a topology in which the perovskite occurs stably at low T and high P with a triple point (I, II, III) at or below 1073 K near 70 kbar. The I–II boundary would have a negative P-T slope while the II–III and I–III boundaries would be positive, implying that entropy decreases in the order lithium niobate, ilmenite, perovskite. The inferred positive slope of the ilmenite-perovskite transition in MnTiO3 is different from the negative slopes in silicates and germanates. These thermochemical parameters are discussed in terms of crystal structure and lattice vibrations.  相似文献   
Recent models of chemical weathering in alpine glacial meltwaters suggest that sulphide oxidation is a major source of solute in the distributed component of the subglacial hydrological system. This reaction requires O2, and may lower dissolved oxygen levels to below saturation with respect to the atmosphere. This should result in an inverse association between SO72- and dissolved oxygen saturation. However, measurements of O2 saturation in bulk meltwaters draining the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland, show that there is a positive association between SO42- and O2 saturation. The O2 content of glacial meltwaters depends on the initial content of snow and icemelt, which may be controlled by the rate of melting, and the kinetic balance between O2 losses (e.g. sulphide oxidation, microbial respiration) and gains (e.g. diffusion of O2 into solution).  相似文献   
Medicine Lake is a highly saline, meromictic, magnesium sulfate, closed-basin lake in northeastern South Dakota. The geochemical, mineralogical, and magnetic stratigraphies of sediments deposited from about 10.8 to 4.5 ka B.P. document the evolution of the saline brine in response to climatic change in the early to mid-Holocene. During the spruce occupation of the Medicine Lake catchment (10.8–10.0 ka B.P.), dark-grey massive basal sediments with low total-sulfur and carbonate content, upwardly increasing organic-carbon content, and high magnetic susceptibility were deposited in a deep freshwater lake. As the vegetation in the area changed from spruce to birch to oak and elm and finally to prairie between 10.0 and 9.2 ka B.P., and as the lake became shallow and salinity increased from <2 to >10%, light-and dark-grey calcareous and organic-carbon-rich banded sediments with low total-sulfur content and low magnetic susceptibility were deposited. Previous studies have shown that during the forest/prairie transition the lake then changed abruptly from fresh to saline as it lost a substantial portion of its volume. During the early prairie period (9.2–5.5 ka B.P.), alternating sections of aragonite-rich laminae and grey massive sediments with high total-sulfur content and multiple gypsum layers were deposited in a meromictic environment under conditions of fluctuating lake levels and salinity. Continued aridity during the mid-Holocene (5.5–4.5 ka B.P.) probably maintained the lake at relatively low levels and high salinity as dark-grey generally massive sediments with moderate total-sulfur, carbonate, and organic-carbon content and no measurable magnetic susceptibility were deposited.  相似文献   
The average local structure of a rhyolitic composition glass has been determined at 25°C using X-ray radial distribution analysis (RDA) and quasi-crystalline modelling and is best described as similar to that in a stuffed framework composed principally of six-membered rings of Si and Al tetrahedra (basically a stuffed tridymite-like model). Using this model it is possible to calculate a density (2.41 g/cm3) which compares well with the measured density (2.40 g/cm3); a structural model based on four-membered rings (an albite-like model) results in a substantially higher calculated density (2.60 g/cm3). We suggest that the rhyolite glass structural model is appropriate for rhyolitic melts, based on evidence from the recent literature. New viscosity data for an anhydrous rhyolite composition measured between 1200°C and 1500°C are presented and interpreted in terms of our proposed structural model and previous melt structure models for the major normative components of rhyolite. A mechanism for diffusion and viscous flow in framework silicate melts (including rhyolite composition) is proposed on the basis of recent molecular orbital calculations and molecular dynamics simulations of silicate and fluoride melts.  相似文献   
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