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Every day new extraordinary properties of nanoparticles (a billionth of a meter) are discovered and worldwide millions are invested into nanotechnology and nanomaterials. Risks to marine organisms are still not fully understood and biomarkers to detect health effects are not implemented, yet. We used the filter feeding blue mussel as a model to analyse uptake and effects of nanoparticles from glass wool, a new absorbent material suggested for use in floating oil spill barriers. In both, gills and hepatopancreas we analysed uptake of nanomaterials by transmission electronmicroscopy (TEM) in unstained ultrathin sections over a period of up to 16 days. Lysosomal stability and lipofuscin content as general indicators of cellular pathology and oxidative stress were also measured. As portals of uptake, diffusion and endocytosis were identified resulting in nanoparticle accumulation in endocytotic vesicles, lysosomes, mitochondria and nuclei. Dramatic decrease of lysosomal membrane stability occurred after 12h of exposure. Lysosomal damage was followed by excessive lipofuscin accumulation indicative of severe oxidative stress. Increased phagocytosis by granulocytes, autophagy and finally apoptosis of epithelial cells of gills and primary and secondary digestive tubules epithelial cells indicated progressive cell death. These pathological responses are regarded as general indices of toxic cell injury and oxidative stress. By the combinational use of biomakers with the ultrastructural localisation of nanoparticle deposition, final evidence of cause-effect relationships is delivered.  相似文献   
The characteristics of a global set-up of the Finite-Element Sea-Ice Ocean Model under forcing of the period 1958–2004 are presented. The model set-up is designed to study the variability in the deep-water mass formation areas and was therefore regionally better resolved in the deep-water formation areas in the Labrador Sea, Greenland Sea, Weddell Sea and Ross Sea. The sea-ice model reproduces realistic sea-ice distributions and variabilities in the sea-ice extent of both hemispheres as well as sea-ice transport that compares well with observational data. Based on a comparison between model and ocean weather ship data in the North Atlantic, we observe that the vertical structure is well captured in areas with a high resolution. In our model set-up, we are able to simulate decadal ocean variability including several salinity anomaly events and corresponding fingerprint in the vertical hydrography. The ocean state of the model set-up features pronounced variability in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation as well as the associated mixed layer depth pattern in the North Atlantic deep-water formation areas.  相似文献   
In this study, we analyse the uncertainty of the effect of enhanced greenhouse gas conditions on windiness projected by an ensemble of regional model simulations driven by the same global control and climate change simulations. These global conditions, representative for 1961–1990 and 2071–2100, were prepared by the Hadley Centre based on the IPCC SRES/A2 scenario. The basic data sets consist of simulated daily maximum and daily mean wind speed fields (over land) from the PRUDENCE data archive at the Danish Meteorological Institute. The main focus is on the results from the standard 50 km-resolution runs of eight regional models. The best parameter for determining possible future changes in extreme wind speeds and possible change in the number of storm events is maximum daily wind speed. It turned out during this study that the method for calculating maximum daily wind speed differs among the regional models. A comparison of simulated winds with observations for the control period shows that models without gust parameterisation are not able to realistically capture high wind speeds. The two models with gust parametrization estimate an increase of up to 20% of the number of storm peak (defined as gusts?≥?8 Bft in this paper) events over Central Europe in the future. In order to use a larger ensemble of models than just the two with gust parameterisation, we also look at the 99th percentile of daily mean wind speed. We divide Europe into eight sub-regions (e.g., British Isles, Iberian Peninsula, NE Europe) and investigate the inter-monthly variation of wind over these regions as well as differences between today’s climate and a possible future climate. Results show differences and similarities between the sub-regions in magnitude, spread, and seasonal tendencies. The model ensemble indicates a possible increase in future mean daily wind speed during winter months, and a decrease during autumn in areas influenced by North Atlantic extra-tropical cyclones.  相似文献   
Several Eemian (Mikulino) marine deposits are known from the northwestern part of Russia and from Estonia. The best-known deposits are situated at Mga, Russia and at Prangli, Estonia. Two new sites with clayey and silty deposits covered by till were studied for pollen and diatoms at Peski, Russia and Põhja-Uhtju, Estonia. At Peski, the deposit representing the Eemian Interglacial is 3.8 m thick at the depth of 13.4–9.6 m above present sea-level. At Põhja-Uhtju, the deposit representing the Eemian is 3.5 m thick at the depth of 47.9–51.4 m below present sea-level. Although Peski is situated at a higher altitude than Põhja-Uhtju at present, the diatom stratigraphy at these sites indicates deeper and more saline conditions in the Peski area than at Põhja-Uhtju during the Eemian. This result is similar to some previous studies, which indicate, that although the Russian deposits (e.g. Peski, Mga) are now at a higher altitude than those in Estonia (Põhja-Uhtju and Prangli), the diatoms in the Russian deposits are indicative of a considerable depth of water during the time of deposition. These deposits suggest that the Eemian shore levels ascend from Estonia eastwards, while the Late Weichselian and Holocene shorelines tilt downwards in the same general direction. The present material from Estonia and northwestern part of Russia shows marked differences between the Eemian and Late Weichselian/Holocene crustal deformations, which probably resulted from different ice loads during the final glaciation phases and probably also from different deglaciation patterns during the Saalian and Late Weichselian.  相似文献   
The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) is one of the largest igneous provinces on Earth, extending more than 5000 km north to south, on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Its emplacement occurred about 200 Ma ago, at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary, and is linked to the initial breakup of Pangaea. Two areas of the province are studied here: French Guyana/Surinam (South America) and Guinea (West Africa), in order to document the petrogenesis and geodynamical significance of high-Ti and low-Ti basaltic magmas from the CAMP.

In Guyana, doleritic and gabbroic dykes are located on the edge of the Guiana Shield, and represent limited volumes of magma. They display low SiO2 (47–50%), high TiO2 (2.5–3.5%) and high FeO tholeiitic trends and show variably enriched trace element patterns ((La/Yb)n=1.5–5.1). Their isotopic signature and ratios of very incompatible elements (εNdi=+5.8 to +4.2, (87Sr/86Sr)i=0.703–0.705, (207Pb/204Pb)i=15.46–15.64) match a depleted PREMA (prevalent mantle)-like source. Their genesis can be modeled by ca. 15% partial melting of a lherzolite source, and a subsequent limited fractional crystallization (5–10%) or a slight upper crustal assimilation–fractional crystallization (AFC, r=0.1, Proterozoic contaminant). In Guinea, in contrast, huge volumes of CAMP magmas were intruded along the Rockelides suture and the West African craton, forming the Fouta Djalon sills and the Kakoulima laccolith. The laccolith is more than 1000 m thick. These features consist of gabbros, dolerites, diorites and mafic (gabbro) and ultramafic (dunite, wherlite) cumulates. Guinean tholeiites show high SiO2 (51–58%), low TiO2 (0.7–1.2%) and FeO trends, with high LILE/HFSE ratios and slight negative Nb–Ta anomalies. Isotopic signatures (εNdi=+0.4 to −5.3, (87Sr/86Sr)i=0.705–0.710, (207Pb/204Pb)i=15.57–15.66) indicate a more enriched source than for Guyana as well as a higher rate of magma–upper crust interaction through an AFC process (r=0.3, Birimian crust contaminant) and, probably, an additional upper crustal contamination for the most differentiated sample.

This geochemical study supports the prevalence in Guinea, as for other low-Ti CAMP tholeiites, of a lithospheric mantle source, previously enriched during ancient subduction events, and preferentially reactivated in late Triassic times by edge-driven convection between cratonic and mobile belt domains. A larger contribution from a depleted asthenospheric source is required to generate high-Ti tholeiites in Guyana, which may reflect the development of CAMP rifting towards the initiation of the Central Atlantic oceanic crust.  相似文献   

Three estuaries near Naples, Florida with variably modified watersheds have been investigated to understand the chemical consequences of altering drainage patterns. Blackwater River (near natural drainage, control site), Henderson Creek (moderately modified watershed), and Faka-Union Canal (severe channelization) were sampled for temperature, salinity, δ18O, δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), molality of CO2 (ΣCO2), and Mg:Ca and Sr:Ca ratios between freshwater and marine water end members over a 17-mo period. Carbon isotope composition followed similar seasonal patterns as salinity. Freshwater and seawater end members are more negative than the global average, likely reflecting equilibration with local carbon sources derived from mangrove leaf litter and groundwater. δ13C responds to differences in primary productivity between estuaries. Henderson Creek has higher primary productivity than Blackwater River (probable due to higher sewage input and agricultural runoff) and has more positive δ13C and lower ΣCO2. δ18O is affected by seasonal input of freshwater from atmospheric precipitation, evaporation, and groundwater. Late summer and fall rains lower the δ18O of estuarine water, whereas evaporative conditions in the dry season elevate δ18O to values that can be more positive upstream than those from the Gulf of Mexico (estuarine inversion). Evaporation produces water in the Gulf of Mexico that is >1‰ more positive than the global sea surface average most of the year. The very negative δ18O values in Blackwater River and Henderson Creek likely reflect atmospheric and groundwater contribution. Mg:Ca and Sr:Ca ratios of Gulf water from all three estuaries are similar to global averages at low latitudes. Freshwater end members among estuaries are different in that Blackwater River has higher ratios, suggesting a groundwater contribution. Dolomitic rocks in the subsurface likely provide a source of Mg ions.  相似文献   
Pressure-induced changes of Raman band parameters of four natural, gem-quality zircon samples with different degrees of self-irradiation damage, and synthetic ZrSiO4 without radiation damage, have been studied under hydrostatic compression in a diamond anvil cell up to ~10 GPa. Radiation-damaged zircon shows similar up-shifts of internal SiO4 stretching modes at elevated pressures as non-damaged ZrSiO4. Only minor changes of band-widths were observed in all cases. This makes it possible to estimate the degree of radiation damage from the width of the ν3(SiO4) band of zircon inclusions in situ, almost independent from potential “fossilized pressures” or compressive strain acting on the inclusions. An application is the non-destructive analysis of gemstones such as corundum or spinel: broadened Raman bands are a reliable indicator of self-irradiation damage in zircon inclusions, whose presence allows one to exclude artificial color enhancement by high-temperature treatment of the specimen.  相似文献   
The very young open star cluster NGC 2362 was investigated by the strip method on charts of two photographs taken with the 1-m Schmidt telescope of the European Southern Observatory. Up to the limiting magnitudeM v * =5 . m 8 the cluster contains 100 stars and can be described by the Gaussian density law (6). Further results are: Mass = 246 , central mass density 0 = 43.1 = 246 pc-3 , radiusR2.6 pc, mean velocity of the stars = 0.64 km s–1.

Mitteilungen Serie A.  相似文献   
The open star cluster NGC 6067 was investigated by the strip method on charts of photographs with different exposure times taken with the 1-m Schmidt telescope of the European Southern Observatory. Because of the large distance (1820 pc) of the cluster its luminosity function is known up to date only betweenM v =–4.5 andM v =+1.5. In this paper it is continued toM v =4.4 and further extrapolated by means of 2 variants. The cluster contains 419 respectively 476 stars with total masses of 1453 resp. 1483. On account of its radius of 5.9 pc the cluster is a rather extended object, which can be described by the generalized density law of Schuster withn=4.42 and the central star density 8.9 stars pc–3. The mean velocity of the stars amounts to 1.03 km s–1, the massbrightness relation is 0.031 in solar units.

Mitteilungen Serie A.  相似文献   
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