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A large number of parameters affect the inelastic response of an eccentric system. The centre of resistance no longer remains constant due to continuous loading and unloading of various elements of the system in and out of the inelastic region. The objective of this study is to develop the concept of strength eccentricity for asymmetrical structures excited well into the inelastic region in the event of a severe earthquake. A single mass monosymmetric three-element system is selected. The torsional flexibility parameter is varied so as to obtain nine eccentric configurations covering the entire spectrum of such systems. These models were subjected to S00E component of the El Centro earthquake of 1940 which is considered to be a very severe earthquake. The concept of effective strength eccentricity is introduced which is defined as strength eccentricity at the point of intersection of ductility ratio curves of REE and FEE. It is proposed to provide additional strength in the elements of a torsionally unbalanced system independent of the design eccentricity. Empirical equations are proposed to account for design eccentricity and additional strength as well as distribution of the design strength. The proposed formulation is compared with the torsional provisions of UBC 1991, NBCC 1990 and NZC 1992. It is concluded that additional ductility demand on the REE and FEE designed based on the proposed formulation is almost nil as compared to that given by the three codes. The NZC and UBC require maximum ductility on the REE. The increase in overall strength of the system is least for the proposed formulation as compared to that given by the three codes. NBCC consistently requires the maximum total strength ratio.  相似文献   
—?The role of sea-surface temperature (SST) and Coriolis parameter in the evolution and intensification of tropical cyclones has been examined using the ten-level axi-symmetric primitive equation model described in the companion paper (Bhaskar Rao and Ashok, 1999). Two experiments have been conducted using the ten-level model to assess the role of Coriolis parameter “f” in tropical cyclone intensity and the size of the storm generated. Six experiments have been performed to assess the importance of Sea-Surface Temperature (SST) in tropical cyclogenesis and intensification. The initial thermodynamic field and the initial vortex are the same as that used to simulate the Bay of Bengal tropical cyclone discussed in the companion paper. Further sensitivity experiments indicated a strong dependency of the model on SSTs. The model initial vortex could not intensify with an SST of 299?K but could with an SST of 300?K. The increase of SST from 300?K to 300.5?K shows rapid intensification with a minimum central surface pressure of 910?hPa and a maximum tangential wind of 80?m/s. Further increase of SST only shows a marginal increase in intensity and a larger radius of maximum wind. Sensitivity experiments to assess the role of the Coriolis parameter suggest that tropical cyclones develop more intensity and are faster at relatively lower latitudes.  相似文献   
The duration of strong motion has a significant influence on the severity of ground shaking. In this work, a combination of average values of four geophysical properties of site (Standard Penetration Test (SPT) blow count, primary wave velocity, shear wave velocity, and density of soil) including hypocentral distance of less than 50 km and magnitudes more than 5.0 from Japanese ground motion records were used for development of neural network model, to estimate duration of strong ground motion. Since majority of strong motion databases provide only average shear wave velocity for site characterization, an attempt has also been made to train the neural network with magnitude, hypocentral distance and average shear wave velocity as three input variables. Results obtained from this study show that the duration of strong motion is mostly dependent on average shear wave velocity rather than other geophysical properties of site.  相似文献   
A study was undertaken to evaluate the potential of RADARSAT SAR data (Standard-7 and Wide-2 beam positions) for delineating the geomophological units in Itanagar Capital Complex of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has been applied to Standard-7 and Wide-2 data with incidence angle 45° – 49° and 31 ° – 39° respectively. The resulting components yield imagery that highlights the Geomorphological units. The area of investigation has been classified into five geomophological units’ viz., High relief structural hills, low relief structural hills, low relief rugged hills, piedmont and intermontane valley. The surface roughness can be observed by studying the difference of the responses from different incidence angles. Wide-2 beam position was found to be more useful for identifying features in flat terrain, and Standard-7 beam position data for features of high relief.  相似文献   
The spectral characteristics of shallow water waves with significant wave height more than 2 m based on the data collected along the Indian coast is examined. It was found that the value of Joint North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP) parameters (α and γ) increases with significant wave height and mean wave period and decreases with spectral peak period. The estimated average value (0.0027 and 1.63) of the JONSWAP parameters, α and γ were less than the generally recommended values of 0.0081 and 3.3, respectively. By carrying out a multi-regression analysis, an empirical equation is arrived relating the JONSWAP parameters with significant wave height, peak wave period and mean wave period. It was found that the Scott spectra underestimate the maximum spectral energy of high waves. The study shows that the measured wave spectra can be represented by JONSWAP spectra with the JONSWAP parameters estimated based on the equation proposed in this paper.  相似文献   
This paper combines the climatological and societal perspectives for assessing future climatic extremes over Kangasabati River basin in India using an ensemble of four high resolution (25 km) regional climate model (RCM) simulations from 1970 to 2050. The relevant extreme indices and their thresholds are defined in consultation with stakeholders and are then compared using RCM simulations. To evaluate the performance of RCM in realistically representing atmospheric processes in the basin, model simulations driven with ERAInterim global re-analysis data from 1989 to 2008 are compared with observations. The models perform well in simulating seasonality, interannual variability and climatic extremes. Future climatic extremes are evaluated based on RCM simulations driven by GCMs, for present (1970–1999) and for the SRES A1B scenario for future (2021–2050) period. The analysis shows an intensification of majority of extremes as projected by future ensemble mean. The study suggests that there is a marked consistency in stakeholder observed changes in climate extremes and future predicted trends.  相似文献   
The mean concentration distributionwithin a plume released from a point source in the atmosphericboundary layer can be greatly influenced by the systematic turningof wind with height (i.e. vertical wind direction shear). Such aninfluence includes a deflection of the plume centroid, with anassociated shearing of the vertical plume cross-section, and anenhancement of dispersion, in the horizontal plane. Wind directionshear is normally not accounted for in coastal fumigation models,although dispersion observations with shear acting as acontrolling parameter are not uncommon. A three-dimensionalLagrangian stochastic model is used to investigate the influenceof uniform wind direction shear on the diffusion of a point-sourceplume within the horizontally homogeneous convective boundarylayer, with the source located at the top of the boundary layer.Parameterisations are developed for the plume deflection andenhanced dispersion due to shear within the framework of aprobability density function (PDF) approach, and compared with theLagrangian model results. These parameterisations are thenincorporated into two applied coastal fumigation models: a PDFmodel, and a commonly used model that assumes uniform andinstantaneous mixing in the vertical direction. The PDF modelrepresents the vertical mixing process more realistically. A moreefficient version of the PDF model, which assumes a well-mixedconcentration distribution in the vertical at large times, isapplied to simulate sulfur dioxide data from the Kwinana CoastalFumigation Study. A comparison between the model results and thedata show that the model performs much better when the wind-sheareffects are included.  相似文献   
Nonlinear time series analysis methods are used to investigate the dynamics of mechanical and convective turbulences in the atmospheric surface layer flow. Using dynamical invariant analysis (e.g. correlation dimension, Lyapunov exponent and mutual information) along with recurrence quantification analysis (e.g. recurrent rate, determinism, average diagonal length of recurrence plot, etc.) of the vertical wind component data, it is confirmed that a convective turbulence is a lower order manifold in its phase space exhibiting higher degree of organization than a mechanical turbulence. Applying a quasi-one-dimensional chaotic return map technique, the topological differences between the mechanical and convective turbulences are explored. These quasi-one-dimensional return maps are produced using the local maxima of the first principal component of the reconstructed turbulence data. A comparison of the probability distribution of the local maxima of a forced Lorenz model with the turbulence data indicates the possible existence of a stable fixed point for both type of turbulences. Furthermore, dynamically the mechanical turbulence is found to resemble an unforced Lorenz model whereas the convective turbulence resembles a forced Lorenz model.  相似文献   
A forced vibration procedure is presented to estimate fundamental and higher frequencies of vibrations and associated mode shapes of gravity structures. The gravity structures considered are retaining walls and gravity dams. The validity of the proposed procedure is tested on three test problems of varying complexity for which the natural vibration frequencies and mode shapes either have known analytical solutions or have been determined via numerical means/field tests by others. Also included are the results of natural vibration frequencies and associated mode shapes for a spillway control structure located near the abutment end of an embankment dam obtained using the proposed procedure. For all problems considered, fundamental frequency and mode shape results using the proposed procedure are compared with the results obtained using an alternative procedure in which static deflections due to the structure's own weight are used as the starting point for free vibrations by setting the gravity vector to zero. All results compare well. The merits of the proposed procedure are discussed. Published in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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