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We present optical luminosity functions(LFs) of galaxies in the~(0.1) g,~(0.1) r,~(0.1) i bands, calculated using data in~40 deg~2 sky area of the LAMOST Complete Spectroscopic Survey of Pointing Area(LaCoSSPAr) in the Southern Galactic Cap. Redshifts for galaxies brighter than r = 18.1 were obtained mainly with LAMOST. In each band, LFs derived using both parametric and non-parametric maximum likelihood methods agree well with each other. In the0.1 r band, our fitting parameters of the Schechter function are φ_*=(1.65 ± 0.36) × 10~(-2) h~3 Mpc~(-3), M_*=-20.69 ± 0.06 mag and α =-1.12 ± 0.08,which agree with previous studies. Separate LFs are also derived for emission line galaxies and absorption line galaxies. The LFs of absorption line galaxies show a dip at~(0.1) r ~18.5 and can be fitted well by a double-Gaussian function, suggesting a bimodality in passive galaxies.  相似文献   
中高纬度大气低频模态研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大气低频模态是导致中高纬地区季节及气候变化的主要因素,加强低频模态动力机制的认识对于提高短期气候预测水平具有十分重要的科研意义和应用价值。由于中高纬大气低频环流本身的复杂性,关于其动力机制的研究仍然是大气动力学中重点难点问题。本文简单回顾了激发维持低频模态的前两种机制,即:外源强迫、气流的纬向非均匀性对大气低频模态的影响。从观测事实和模式结果出发,着重介绍了瞬变波与基本气流相互作用激发维持低频模态的第三种机制,且详细阐述了线性假设条件下,瞬变波与基本气流相互作用的动力机制。本文最后针对瞬变波与基本气流相互作用研究中一些尚未解决的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
以民勤荒漠绿洲过渡带为研究区,通过样方调查,研究了荒漠区、荒漠绿洲过渡区到绿洲内不同梯度生境中灌丛沙堆的形态特征及分布格局。结果表明:(1)3种生境中灌丛沙堆的形态呈极显著性差异(p<0.01);绿洲区灌丛沙堆的平均高度、底面积、纵横断面积和体积均最大,其次为荒漠区,过渡区最小。(2)过渡带3种生境灌丛沙堆的长、短轴之间均呈二次函数关系,但相关程度不同,过渡区相关性最高,相关系数达0.78;绿洲区相关性最低,相关系数为0.57;高度与底面积、体积与高度间均呈幂函数关系,相关系数均在0.59以上;(3)过渡区灌丛沙堆分布密度较大,呈聚集分布,而荒漠区及绿洲区沙堆分布密度较小,均呈随机分布。  相似文献   
刘焕才  许芃  李曼 《地理科学》2021,41(3):544-552
基于1961—2018年降水观测资料,应用经验正交函数分解(EOF)、大气诊断等方法对山西夏季不同等级降水时空演变特征及其影响要素进行分析。结果表明:① 山西夏季降水量主要由大雨贡献(51.9%),但在降水频次上以小雨为主。山西大雨与小雨事件存在显著差异。小雨多年平均雨量由南至北递增,而大雨却由南至北递减。此外,EOF表明全区一致型均是不同等级降水中的主空间模态,但在小雨和大雨中高载荷区存在明显差异。② ENSO在影响山西降水特别是大雨中占据主导,而NAO在小雨中作用更为突出。对大气环流异常结构的诊断分析表明,冷(暖)ENSO位相时,源于热带西太平洋并经由南海北上的季风水汽输送增强(减弱),同时在ENSO和中高纬度大气活动联动调控下,在东亚地区建立的异常反气旋(气旋)可通过其西支南(北)风气流引导(抑制)季风水汽向山西进一步纵深推进,两者共同调配使得山西大雨事件增多(减少);NAO主要通过一条沿西欧?东欧?乌拉尔山?蒙古高原的高纬度路径对降水施加影响,NAO正(负)位相时,在蒙古高原甚至山西建立的深厚异常(反)气旋通过其南支西(东)风一方面阻挡低纬度季风水汽进入山西,另一方面增强(减弱)山西有限的内陆水汽供应,从而引起山西小雨事件的增多(减少)。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThepresenceofmagneticanomaliesoveroilandgasfieldshasbeenknownforseveraldecades,butitisonlyinrecentyearsthatthephenomenonhasbeencriticallyinvestigated .Themag neticcharacteristicsofsoilandsedimentarecloselyrelatedtosomegeochemicalprocesses,s…  相似文献   
With the accelerating progress of industrialization, urbanization and population growth in recent decades, community resilience, the ability of communities to function effectively and recover successfully in the aftermath of disasters and shocks, has received great attentions. A number of studies had been conducted focusing on community resilience. This article applied community resilience framework to the coastal areas of China, which are the most densely populated and economically developed areas in China with the most frequent marine disasters. City-level social and economic data were used to construct a community resilience index (CRI). Using factor analysis and the global principal component analysis method, 55 city-level indexes were reduced into 15 factors that explain 73.99% of the variance. Getis–Ord G* Statistics were used to depict the high-value clusters and low-value clusters of the CRI. Clearly identified spatial and temporal variations of the CRI showed that both the overall level and regional differences of the CRI increased from 2003 to 2013; the overall spatial agglomeration characteristic of community resilience was not significant. Our findings also highlighted the key elements to improving community resilience: a robust and developed economic system; excellent education programs and training to improve consciousness on disaster prevention and mitigation; adequate investment on critical infrastructure, especially transportation and communication; proper environmental policies to protect ecosystems and water rouses; and extra attention and disaster risk budgets for vulnerable populations.  相似文献   
利用2012年4月9日—5月9日策勒沙漠和绿洲内部测点的输沙及气象资料,分析了沙漠与绿洲内部沙尘传输的差异性,并从风动力环境上揭示了成因。结果表明:(1)观测期间,通过沙漠测点100 cm(宽)×200 cm(高)断面的沙尘总量为117.5 kg,通过绿洲内部棉田相同断面的沙尘总量为15.1 kg,比沙漠测点减少了87.1%;(2)过渡带和防护林带对风速的消减作用明显,观测期间,沙漠测点起沙风的持续时间为97.4 h,棉田测点仅为18.9 h;(3)观测期间,沙漠测点的总输沙势为114.2 VU,合成输沙势为72.8 VU,合成输沙方向为65.5°;棉田测点的总输沙势为16.1 VU,合成输沙势为15.1 VU,合成输沙方向为104.5°。荒漠过渡带和绿洲防护林通过降低绿洲内部的风速,改变动力环境,削弱沙尘在绿洲区的传输。  相似文献   
Downscaling of South America present climate driven by 4-member HadCM3 runs   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
The objective of this work is to evaluate climate simulations over South America using the regional Eta Model driven by four members of an ensemble of the UK Met Office Hadley Centre HadCM3 global model. The Eta Model has been modified with the purpose of performing long-term decadal integrations and has shown to reproduce “present climate”—the period 1961–1990—reasonably well when forced by HadCM3. The global model lateral conditions with a resolution of 2.5° latitude?×?3.75° longitude were provided at a frequency of 6?h. Each member of the global model ensemble has a different climate sensitivity, and the four members were selected to span the range of uncertainty encompassed by the ensemble. The Eta Model nested in the HadCM3 global model was configured with 40-km horizontal resolution and 38 layers in the vertical. No large-scale internal nudging was applied. Results are shown for austral summer and winter at present climate defined as 1961–90. The upper and low-level circulation patterns produced by the Eta-CPTEC/HadCM3 experiment set-up show good agreement with reanalysis data and the mean precipitation and temperature with CRU observation data. The spread in the downscaled mean precipitation and temperature is small when compared against model errors. On the other hand, the benefits in using an ensemble is clear in the improved representation of the seasonal cycle by the ensemble mean over any one realization. El Ni?o and La Ni?a years were identified in the HadCM3 member runs based on the NOAA Climate Prediction Center criterion of sea surface temperature anomalies in the Ni?o 3.4 area. The frequency of the El Ni?o and La Ni?a events in the studied period is underestimated by HadCM3. The precipitation and temperature anomalies typical of these events are reproduced by most of the Eta-CPTEC/HadCM3 ensemble, although small displacements of the positions of the anomalies occur. This experiment configuration is the first step on the implementation of Eta-CPTEC/HadCM3 upcoming experiments on climate change studies that are discussed in a companion paper.  相似文献   
数值预报系统检验结果对预报产品的释用和系统的改进有着重要的作用。基于MET(Model Evaluation Tools)检验工具对乌鲁木齐区域高分辨率数值预报系统V2.0 (Rapid-refresh Multi-scale Analysis and Prediction System—Central Asia V2.0,简称RMAPS-CA V2.0)在2021年各季节中的预报性能进行客观检验评估,主要检验了2m温度、10m风速、高空位势高度等要素,并与RMAPS-CA V1.0同期预报性能进行对比分析。(1)2m温度预报偏差在冬季和春季整体为负偏差,在夏季和秋季整体为正偏差;各个季节的平均预报偏差均在2℃以内,预报性能秋季最优,冬季最差。各个季节10m风速预报整体为正偏差且差异不大,平均误差在0.5-1.0 m/s之间,预报性能秋季最优,春季最差。(2)高空位势高度预报偏差在冬季整体为负偏差,在其余季节整体为正偏差,预报性能冬季最优,春季最差。高空风场预报偏差在冬季和春季400hPa以下为正偏差,400hPa以上为负偏差;夏季和秋季整体为负偏差,预报性能春季最优、夏季最差。高空温度场预报偏差在冬季整体为负偏差,其余季节整体为正偏差,预报性能春季最优、夏季最差。(3)降水晴雨预报效果较好,但除夏季外以空报为主;随降水阈值增大、TS评分减小,多以漏报为主,降水评分在冬季最高、夏季最低。从降水个例检验看,24h累计降水为大量和中量的国家站点预报性能有所提升,逐6h累计降水TS评分略有提升。(4)RMAPS-CA V2.0系统各要素预报偏差的变化特征与RMAPS-CA V1.0相似,预报能力整体上要优于RMAPS-CA V1.0。  相似文献   
基于LIDAR数据的建筑物轮廓提取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨洋  张永生  马一薇  胥亚 《测绘科学》2010,35(3):203-205
建筑物轮廓的准确提取是建筑物三维重建中最重要的一步。本文在研究已有建筑物轮廓提取方法的基础上,针对LIDAR离散的点云数据,提出了一种自动快速提取建筑物轮廓信息的方法。首先通过点云数据生成城市的数字表面模型(DSM)和数字地面模型(DTM)相减计算得出规则化的数字表面模型(nDSM),进而将地面点和非地面点进行分类;其次,考虑到地物的几何特性,提出一种8邻域搜索的方法对非地面点点云进行分割,得到建筑物表面点云;最后运用基于梯度图的边界跟踪的方法来获取建筑物的轮廓信息。实验表明:该方法能有效地提取建筑物轮廓。  相似文献   
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