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2011年2月~2012年1月对广东流沙湾近岸和离岸育珠海区6个航次11个指标进行了调查。结果表明,近岸和离岸育珠海区水温、透明度、盐度和pH周年变化范围相似,水温呈现明显季节性变化,透明度、盐度和pH周年比较稳定,揭示目前流沙湾近岸和离岸育珠海区水流交换较好。近岸和离岸育珠海区叶绿素a和浮游植物细胞密度具有类似的周年变化规律,夏秋季高于冬春季。在4~7月份和9~10月份,近岸海区叶绿素a和浮游植物细胞密度呈现显著递增趋势,而10月份之后,显著递减。2~4月份,以及12月份至次年1月份,叶绿素a值和浮游植物细胞密度均较低。5~11月份,离岸海区叶绿素a和浮游植物细胞密度均显著低于近岸海区。近岸和离岸育珠海区COD含量周年变化范围分别为0.2~0.7 mg/L和0.1~0.8 mg/L,均达到国家一类水质标准。近岸海区和离岸海区无机氮(inorganic nitrogen,IN)含量周年变化范围分别为1.9~8.0μmol/L和3.4~8.7μmol/L,均达到国家第二类水质标准。两个海区IN含量的周年变化趋势与叶绿素a值和浮游植物细胞密度的周年变化趋势相反,冬春季高于夏秋季。无机磷(inorganic phosphorus,IP)在流沙湾近岸和离岸海区含量具有相似的周年变化趋势,其季节性变化与无机氮恰好相反,表现为夏、秋季含量高于冬、春季。6~8月份,近岸海区IP超出国家二类水质标准分别达44.67%、96.33%和210%,离岸海区在相同的月份超出国家二类标准分别达75.67%、86%和230.67%。揭示在夏、秋季节应合理控制贝类养殖密度和流沙湾周边环境的污染。  相似文献   
山东省枣庄市是北方岩溶塌陷的主要发育区之一,该区岩溶塌陷主要分布在十里泉水源地及丁庄一东王庄水源地地下水降落漏斗中心范围内,在发生时间上具有明显的阶段性。第1阶段岩溶塌陷主要原因为抽排地下水引起的“真空吸蚀作用”及“失托加荷作用”;第2阶段塌陷主要原因是降雨入渗诱发产生的渗压效应。渗压效应是由于降水(或地表积水)入渗补给岩溶地下水时,对覆盖层岩土体产生的综合效应,包括静水增荷效应、垂直渗透效应,吸水软化效应以及负压封闭效应。从形成的力学机制上分析,该区第2阶段岩溶塌陷属于降雨入渗-静水增荷-吸水软化型,致塌的力学机制为渗压效应致塌力学机制。  相似文献   
木吉村斑岩铜矿位于华北克拉通太行山北段。对含矿闪长玢岩精细SHRIMP U_Pb定年和Hf同位素地球化学研究表明:闪长玢岩结晶于142.0±1.5 Ma,闪长玢岩锆石εHf(t)值为-21.2~-17.9,相应的tDMC为2.3~2.5Ga,与杂岩体内辉长闪长岩具有相似的Hf同位素特征:εHf(t)值为-19.6~-15.3。利用辉钼矿Re_Os同位素测年技术,对木吉村斑岩铜矿床中5件斑岩型矿石中辉钼矿进行定年,获得木吉村斑岩铜矿高精度成矿年龄。斑岩矿石中辉钼矿Re_Os模式年龄为144.5~145.5 Ma,加权平均值为144.8±1.4 Ma,5件样品辉钼矿等时线年龄为145.3±2.2 Ma,该年龄与加权平均年龄一致,可代表木吉村斑岩铜矿床的成矿时代。壳幔物质的相互作用对于木吉村成岩、成矿过程发挥着决定性控制作用。与华北克拉通内部其他地区相同,晚侏罗-早白垩世北太行地区处于软流圈上涌的岩石圈伸展构造背景。  相似文献   
基于Oracle Spatial技术开发MapX应用程序   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
详细分析了基于Oracle Spatial空间数据库技术开发MapX应用程序的方法。对Oracle空间表的设计、创建、空间表的图形可视化,以及利用MapX控件地理信息功能编辑空间数据的方法进行了较深入的探讨。  相似文献   
The 40km-long, NEE trending Reshui-Taostuo River Fault was found in the southern Dulan-Chaka highland by recent field investigation, which is a strike-slip fault with some normal component. DEM data was generated by small unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)on key geomorphic units with resolution<0.05m. Based on the interpretation and field investigation, we get two conclusions:1)It is the first time to define the Reshui-Taostuo River Fault, and the fault is 40km long with a 6km-long surface rupture; 2)There are left-handed dislocations in the gullies and terraces cut by the fault. On the high-resolution DEM image obtained by UAV, the offsets are(9.3±0.5) m, (17.9±1.5) m, and(36.8±2) m, measured by topographic profile recovery of gullies. The recovery measurements of two terraces present that the horizontal offset of T1/T0 is(18.2±1.5) m and the T2/T1 is (35.8±2) m, which is consistent with the offsets from gullies. According to the historical earthquake records, a M5 3/4 earthquake on April 10, 1938 and a MS5.0 earthquake on March 21, 1952 occurred at the eastern end of the surface rupture, which may be related to the activity of the fault. By checking the county records of Dulan and other relevant data, we find that there are no literature records about the two earthquakes, which is possibly due to the far distance to the epicenter at that time, the scarcity of population in Dulan, or that the earthquake occurred too long ago that led to losing its records. The southernmost ends of the Eastern Kunlun Fault and the Elashan Fault converge to form a wedge-shaped extruded fault block toward the northwest. The Dulan Basin, located at the end of the wedge-shaped fault block, is affected by regional NE and SW principal compressive stress and the shear stress of the two boundary faults. The Dulan Basin experienced a complex deformation process of compression accompanying with extension. In the process of extrusion, the specific form of extension is the strike-slip faults at each side of the wedge, and there is indeed a north-east and south-west compression between the two controlling wedge-shaped fault block boundary faults, the Eastern Kunlun and Elashan Faults. The inferred mechanism of triangular wedge extrusion deformation in this area is quite different from the pure rigid extrusion model. Therefore, Dulan Basin is a wedge-shaped block sandwiched between the two large-scale strike-slip faults. Due to the compression of the northeast and southwest directions of the region, the peripheral faults of the Dulan Basin form a series of southeast converging plume thrust faults on the northeast edge of the basin near the Elashan Fault, which are parallel to the Elashan Fault in morphology and may converge with the Elashan Fault in subsurface. The southern marginal fault of the Dulan Basin(Reshui-Taostuo River Fault)near the Eastern Kunlun fault zone is jointly affected by the left-lateral strike-slip Eastern Kunlun Fault and the right-lateral strike-slip Elashan Fault, presenting a left-lateral strike-slip characteristic. Meanwhile, the wedge-shaped fault block extrudes to the northwest, causing local extension at the southeast end, and the fault shows the extensional deformation. These faults absorb or transform the shear stress in the northeastern margin of the Tibet Plateau. Therefore, our discovery of the Dulan Reshui-Taostuo River Fault provides important constraints for better understanding of the internal deformation mode and mechanism of the fault block in the northeastern Tibetan plateau. The strike of Reshui-Taostuo River Fault is different from the southern marginal fault of the Qaidam Basin. The Qaidam south marginal burial fault is the boundary fault between the Qaidam Basin and the East Kunlun structural belt, with a total length of ~500km. The geophysical data show that Qaidam south marginal burial fault forms at the boundary between the positive gravity anomaly of the southern East Kunlun structural belt and the negative gravity anomaly gradient zone of the northern Qaidam Basin, showing as a thrust fault towards the basin. The western segment of the fault was active at late Pleistocene, and the eastern segment near Dulan County was active at early-middle Pleistocene. The Reshui-Taostuo River Fault is characterized by sinistral strike-slip with a normal component. The field evidence indicates that the latest active period of this fault was Holocene, with a total length of only 40km. Neither remote sensing image interpretation nor field investigation indicate the fault extends further westward and intersects with the Qaidam south marginal burial fault. Moreover, it shows that its strike is relatively consistent with the East Kunlun fault zone in spatial distribution and has a certain angle with the burial fault in the southern margin of Qaidam Basin. Therefore, there is no structural connection between the Reshui-Taostuo River Fault and the Qaidam south marginal burial fault.  相似文献   
锚杆荷载-位移曲线的指数函数模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应志民  张洁  尚岳全 《岩土力学》2005,26(8):1331-1334
利用现场抗拔试验测取锚杆荷载与锚杆位移的关系曲线(P-S曲线),确定锚杆的极限荷载标准值,必须进行破坏性试验。结合锚杆抗拔试验数据,开展锚杆P-S曲线的数学模型研究,探讨了双曲线模型和指数模型模拟锚杆P-S曲线的效果。结果表明,指数模型能较好地模拟锚杆P-S曲线,其对极限承载力的预测也符合实际。  相似文献   
基于氢氧同位素的华北平原降水入渗过程   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
华北平原地下水浅埋区水循环主要以垂直方向上的入渗、蒸发和蒸腾的方式存在,同位素可以作为一种有效"示踪剂"揭示降水入渗补给地下水的过程。选择华北平原中、东部地下水浅埋区的衡水和沧州为典型实验点,研究不同降水特征、土壤质地和植被条件下入渗过程的差异性。结果表明,土壤非均质条件下(沧州),降水入渗补给过程中伴随着蒸发、植被蒸腾作用以及与土壤前期水分的强烈混合作用,活塞流入渗的同时土壤100 cm深度可能还存在大孔隙优先流;土壤均质条件下(衡水),降水向下均匀入渗,入渗速度较快,土壤水运动以新水基本代替老水的活塞流为主要形式,并经过强烈的蒸发浓缩作用补给地下水。  相似文献   
厦门海域现代沉积环境与重金属环境地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过厦门海域表层沉积物重金属含量分析、粒度分析及对测试结果进行的聚类分析,我们对厦门海域现代沉积环境和重金属环境地球化学特征进行了探讨。结果表明,研究海域各海区间,同一海区不同站位间沉积环境存在较大差异。重金属在各站位含量主要取决于其相应的富集组分多少,仅在个别站位受具体元素的物源影响较大。研究发现,Zn、Cu、Pb、As、Cr在细砾和粗砂中的含量可以反映其在该地区的环境背景值大小。   相似文献   
地球轨道变化驱动冰期旋回的理论是气候演变研究在20世纪的最大突破。然而以65°N太阳辐射量为准的传统轨道理论,忽视了低纬区和碳循环的作用。本项目以“西太平洋暖池”为重点,通过地质资料和气候数值模拟的结合,揭示了“西太平洋暖池”和东亚季风发育的阶段性,发现了暖池海区冰消期表层水升温超前于北半球冰盖的融化。在南沙海区发现了碳同位素有40~50万年长周期,经过全球对比和对意大利上新世地层的实测与分析,证明这是世界大洋碳储库对于地球运行轨道偏心率长周期的响应,并推测是通过浮游植物群改变有机碳在海洋碳沉积中的比例所致。研究表明热带驱动和碳循环在气候演变中重要性,其正确认识是预测气候长期演变趋势的前提。是“深海973”项目总结报道之后的续篇,对上述成果作专题讨论。  相似文献   
伟晶岩型锂矿是重要的新兴产业资源,具有重要的战略价值,是我国亟需紧缺的关键矿产.然而,成矿年代学制约了该类型锂矿的成矿作用和成矿机理研究.四川甲基卡稀有金属矿床是我国最大的锂矿床,以134号伟晶岩脉为典型代表.134号伟晶岩脉主要由锂辉石、钽铌铁矿、锆石、曲晶石、绿柱石、锡石、微斜长石、正长石、石英、白云母等组成.本文...  相似文献   
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