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Onthespatialcharacteristicoftheshort┐termandimminentanomaliesofundergroundwaterbehaviorsbeforestrongearthquakeXUE-BINDU(杜学彬)...  相似文献   
高精度扫描是数字摄影测量生产工作流程的一个重要部分。评定性能优良扫描仪的一个重要的条件是:在一定要求下连续高速的进行高光学分辨率的胶卷扫描。目前徕卡公司在试图改善图像的质量和扫描平台控制的同时,将在DSW彩色扫描仪上提供这种快速的扫描功能。徕卡公司为了这些新的性能,已经进行了许多针对性的革新,这些新的革新技术构成了一个新的型号DSW700。  相似文献   
The geochemical characteristics of melt inclusions and their host olivines provide important information on the processes that create magmas and the nature of their mantle and crustal source regions. We report chemical compositions of melt inclusions, their host olivines and bulk rocks of Xindian basalts in Chifeng area, North China Craton. Compositions of both bulk rocks and melt inclusions are tholeiitic. Based on petrographic observations and compositional variation of melt inclusions, the crystallizing sequence of Xindian basalts is as follows: olivine (at MgO > ~5.5 wt%), plagioclase (beginning at MgO = ~5.5 wt%), clinopyroxene and ilmenite (at MgO < 5.0 wt%). High Ni contents and Fe/Mn ratios, and low Ca and Mn contents in olivine phenocrysts, combining with low CaO contents of relatively high MgO melt inclusions (MgO > 6 wt%), indicate that Xindian basalts are possibly derived from a pyroxenite source rather than a peridotite source. In the CS-MS-A diagram, all the high MgO melt inclusions (MgO > 6.0 wt%) project in the field between garnet + clinopyroxene + liquid and garnet + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + liquid near 3.0 GPa, further suggesting that residual minerals are mainly garnet and clinopyroxene, with possible presence of orthopyroxene, but without olivine. Modeling calculations using MELTS show that the water content of Xindian basalts is 0.3–0.7 wt% at MgO = 8.13 wt%. Using 20–25 % of partial melting estimated by moderately incompatible element ratios, the water content in the source of Xindian basalts is inferred to be ≥450 ppm, much higher than 6–85 ppm in dry lithospheric mantle. The melting depth is inferred to be ~3.0 GPa, much deeper than that of tholeiitic lavas (<2.0 GPa), assuming a peridotite source with a normal mantle potential temperature. Such melting depth is virtually equal to the thickness of lithosphere beneath Chifeng area (~100 km), suggesting that Xindian basalts are derived from the asthenospheric mantle, if the lithospheric lid effect model is assumed.  相似文献   
Shallow landslides induced by heavy rainfall events represent one of the most disastrous hazards in mountainous regions because of their high frequency and rapid mobility. Recent advancements in the availability and accessibility of remote sensing data, including topography, land cover and precipitation products, allow landslide hazard assessment to be considered at larger spatial scales. A theoretical framework for a landslide forecasting system was prototyped in this study using several remotely sensed and surface parameters. The applied physical model SLope-Infiltration-Distributed Equilibrium (SLIDE) takes into account some simplified hypotheses on water infiltration and defines a direct relation between factor of safety and the rainfall depth on an infinite slope. This prototype model is applied to a case study in Honduras during Hurricane Mitch in 1998. Two study areas were selected where a high density of shallow landslides occurred, covering approximately 1,200 km2. The results were quantitatively evaluated using landslide inventory data compiled by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) following Hurricane Mitch’s landfall. The agreement between the SLIDE modeling results and landslide observations demonstrates good predictive skill and suggests that this framework could serve as a potential tool for the future early landslide warning systems. Results show that within the two study areas, the values of rates of successful estimation of slope failure locations reached as high as 78 and 75%, while the error indices were 35 and 49%. Despite positive model performance, the SLIDE model is limited by several assumptions including using general parameter calibration rather than in situ tests and neglecting geologic information. Advantages and limitations of this physically based model are discussed with respect to future applications of landslide assessment and prediction over large scales.  相似文献   
分析嘉山地震台自2007年运行以来的大地电场观测资料,并对数据的变化特征进行研究,总结分析部分干扰引起的电场变化的曲线特征,给出不同影响因素导致的曲线异常变化情况,为大地电场干扰排除提供依据.  相似文献   
An unusual series of C22–C27 monounsaturated sterenes and C24–C30 tetracyclic terpanes (17,21-secohopanes) were detected in relatively high concentrations in an immature evaporitic marl sediment of the Jinxian Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, North China. The site of unsaturation in these novel sterenes is assigned tentatively to the D ring on the basis of mass spectral interpretation, which also distinguishes them from reported unsaturated sterenes. Other hydrocarbon biomarker or stable isotope characteristics are indicative of microbial (e.g. methyl hopanes), phytoplankton or higher plant (depleted δ13C values of isoprenoids and hopanes) inputs and an anoxic carbonate depositional environment (hexacyclic hopanes; tetracyclic terpanes). The hydrocarbon composition showed no obvious biodegradation and the relatively high concentration of unsaturated terpenoids (e.g. gammacerene) and low values of other established maturity parameters (Ts/Tm = 0.23; Ro = 0.44%; Tmax = 417 °C), are consistent with sediments of low maturity. The novel, low molecular weight sterenes and the tetracyclic terpanes may be early diagenetic products of microbial sources in a carbonate environment.  相似文献   
麦兹火山-沉积盆地内铅锌矿呈似层状、透镜状,矿石构造以条纹条带状、块状、斑杂状为主,矿物成分相对简单,矿体直接容矿围岩为火山-沉积岩.矿床δ34S值为-20.6‰~-10‰;矿床石英流体包裹体水的δD值为-89.1‰~-49.48‰,δ18OSMOW值为4.7‰~1.2‰.矿化层中方解石的δ13C值介于-6.7‰~-14.3‰之间,δ18O值在10.3‰~12.9‰之间.矿床属火山-沉积岩容矿的块状硫化物矿床,介于典型的火山岩容矿的块状硫化物型矿床(VHMS)和典型沉积岩容矿的硫化物矿床(SEDEX型)之间的过渡类型(一种新类型块状硫化物矿床).  相似文献   
Landslides generate enormous volumes of sediment in mountainous watersheds; however, quantifying the downstream transport of landslide‐derived sediment remains a challenge. Landslide erosion and sediment delivery to the Shihmen Reservoir watershed in Taiwan was estimated using empirical landslide frequency–area and volume–area relationships, empirical landslide runout models, and the Hydrological Simulation Program‐ FORTRAN (HSPF). Landslide erosion rates ranged from 0.4 mm yr‐1 to 2.2 mm yr‐1 during the period 1986–2003, but increased to 7.9 mm yr‐1 following Typhoon Aere in 2004. The percentage of landslide sediment delivered to streams decreased from 78% during the period 1986–1997 to 55% in 2004. Although the delivery ratio was lower, the volume of landslide sediment delivered to streams was 2.81 × 106 Mg yr‐1 in 1986–1997 and 8.60 × 106 Mg yr‐1 in 2004. Model simulations indicate that only a small proportion of the landslide material was delivered downstream. An average of 13% of the landslide material delivered to rivers was moved downstream during the period 1986–1997. In 2004, the period including Typhoon Aere, the annual fluvial sediment yield accounted for approximately 23% of the landslide material delivered to streams. In general, the transfer of sediment in the fluvial system in the Shihmen Reservoir watershed is dominantly transport limited. The imbalance between sediment supply and transport capacity has resulted in a considerable quantity of landslide material remaining in the upper‐stream regions of the watershed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
根据对蒋家沟泥石流源地的崩塌、滑坡、散流坡,在旱季与雨季不同时段,降雨入渗后的土壤含水状况观测,以及泉水季节性变化,详细分析了泥石流源地崩塌、滑坡、散流坡土体的应力应变特性对降雨的响应过程差异.在雨季滑坡临空面和滑坡体内的土体含水量分别为6.67%、4.8%,滑坡活动主要是通过前缘剪出口崩塌方式补给下方沟床.崩塌体由于土体结构极为松散,在雨季该土体含水量通常高达8.85%~16%,使其土体的抗剪强度(C、φ)处于极限应力状态,一旦遇到降雨浸润和冲刷,迅速触变液化,转化为高浓度泥石流的侵蚀产沙过程.  相似文献   
罗利川  梁杏  周宏  谢凯  陈标典 《中国岩溶》2018,37(3):450-461
结合1∶5万水文地质调查,对香溪河岩溶流域溶洞特征进行了探究,统计其溶洞的规模、形态、发育地层、发育方向及分布高程,结果表明:该区洞穴规模中等,受岩性的控制,溶洞的发育表现出对碳酸盐岩岩组类型的选择性,其中寒武-奥陶系地层溶洞发育程度最高;溶洞的发育方向多为北北东和北北西向,与区域构造线一致,同时受本区构造运动间歇性抬升的影响,溶洞集中发育于4个高程区;从溶洞发育的构造部位来看,溶洞主要分布在宽缓向斜的东南翼及向斜核部,平面分布表现出分带性;该区溶洞多发育至早期就停止进一步发育,其规模、类型、分布特征等与鄂西南地区溶洞均存在差异。   相似文献   
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