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Water is an important weathering factor on rock discontinuities and in rock mass mechanical behaviour because of its chemical features such as temperature, pH or salinity which make it a “good” candidate to rock degradation. Furthermore the increase of rainfall frequency or intensity highlights some problems on the rock slope stability analysis. This study aims to evaluate the effect of water flow on the rock slope stability and it is performed at two space scales: in situ scale and laboratory (micro scale and macro scale). It shows how water induces degradation at multi-scale (surface roughness and matrix) and thus may decrease the stability of the discontinuous rock mass. It has two main components: the effect of water-solid chemical mechanisms and the analysis of the mechanical response of the discontinuity modified by the water alteration.  相似文献   
The structure of sediments in the Scotia Sea is used as a basis for reconstructing the geological history of its bottom in the Late Quaternary. The Scan Basin is one of the main elements of the topography of the southern Scotia Sea. Its formation played a considerable role in the fragmentation of the continent, which included the Bruce and Discovery banks. The main parameters of the sediment layer in the Scan Basin have been reconstructed by the present time, but its top part has not been studied. In this work, we analyze the first data obtained on the R/V Gesperidas with the use of a TOPAS PS 18/40 high-resolution seismic profilograph in 2012. Three layers in the subsurface sediments on the bottom of the Scan Basin were specified for the first time. The mean periods of their deposition in the Late Quaternary were determined as 115000 years for the first, 76000 years for the second, and 59 000 years for the third layer from the surface of the bottom. The duration of the total accumulation period of the three layers is about 250000 years.  相似文献   
The proposed Taiwan Strait Tunnel will raise numerous challenges for environmental professionals. The environmental issues must be incorporated in the preliminary study, planning, design, and construction of the works and be addressed consistently throughout all phases of the project. In this article, the environmental issues that will be encountered in the construction stage are discussed, including environmental impact assessment, environmental monitoring, and specific environmental issues during construction such as spoil handling, air quality and noise control, drainage, and health and safety. The experience and practice of handling environmental issues during the construction English Channel Tunnel are reviewed throughout the discussion.  相似文献   
The first map of the acoustic basement and the new map of chrons C1-C5E for the region of the East Scotia mid-ocean ridge have been made. The analysis of the maps and the calculations have indicated that the sea-floor spreading at the ridge’s flanks started in its southeast in the interval of chrons C5Er-6An (18.52–20.17 Ma BP). The maximal spreading rate (5.3 cm/year) was in the interval of chrons C5Bn-C5Br (14.78–15.97 Ma BP). Then, the spreading rate was slow and increased again from 3–6 Ma BP until the present. The spreading in the last 1–2 Ma was accompanied by the propagating of the axes southwards in the E1, E2, and E4 segments and northwards in the E8 and E9 segments.  相似文献   
The Atlantic ribbed mussel, Geukensia demissa, is found in salt marshes along the North American Atlantic Coast. As a first step to study the possibility of future cultivation and harvest of ribbed mussels for nutrient removal from eutrophic urban environments, the feeding behavior of ribbed mussels in situ was studied from July to October 2011. Two locations approximately 80 km apart were used as study sites: Milford Harbor (Connecticut; 41°12′42.46″N, 73°3′7.75″W) and Hunts Point (Bronx, New York; 40°48′5.99″N, 73°52′17.76″W). Total particulate matter was higher at Hunts Point than at Milford Harbor, but the organic content was higher at Milford than at Hunts Point. The relatively low quantity of organic content in Hunts Point seston resulted in a much higher production of pseudofeces by mussels. Mussel clearance and absorption rates were higher at Milford Harbor than at Hunts Point. Nevertheless, mussels at both sites had the same absorption efficiency, suggesting that mussels are able to adapt to conditions at both locations. Ribbed mussels decreased clearance rate when the seston quantity was high at both sites. At Hunts Point, ribbed mussels increased the gut transit time of ingested particles when the amount of inorganic particulates in the water increased. This study does not quantify nutrient removal capacity of G. demissa; however, the environmental tolerance demonstrated here, and current lack of commercial harvest, suggests that this species may be a good candidate for nutrient bioextraction in highly impacted urban environments.  相似文献   
Projections of a drier, warmer climate in the U.S. Southwest would complicate management of the Colorado River system—yet these projections, often based on coarse resolution global climate models, are quite uncertain. We present an approach to understanding future Colorado River discharge based on land surface characterizations that map the Colorado River basin’s hydrologic sensitivities (e.g., changes in streamflow magnitude) to annual and seasonal temperature and precipitation changes. The approach uses a process-based macroscale land surface model (LSM; in this case, the Variable Infiltration Capacity hydrologic model, although methods are applicable to any LSM) to develop sensitivity maps (equivalent to a simple empirical model), and uses these maps to evaluate long-term annual streamflow responses to future precipitation and temperature change. We show that global climate model projections combined with estimates of hydrologic sensitivities, estimated for different seasons and at different change increments, can provide a basis for approximating cumulative distribution functions of streamflow changes similar to more common, computationally intensive full-simulation approaches that force the hydrologic model with downscaled future climate scenarios. For purposes of assessing risk, we argue that the sensitivity-based approach produces viable first-order estimates that can be easily applied to newly released climate information to assess underlying drivers of change and bound, at least approximately, the range of future streamflow uncertainties for water resource planners.  相似文献   
Cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning observations for the warm seasons (May-September) of 1989 and 1990 were analyzed for the Great Lakes region in order to assess the diurnal variations in the lightning characteristics. Several parameters, including flash rate, the spatial extent of lightning activity, first stroke peak current, and the percentage of positive flashes, varied markedly over the course of the day. In contrast, other parameters, such as the frequency of lightning periods and the multiplicity of both negative and positive CG flashes, displayed little diurnal variation. A large degree of intraseasonal (i.e., month-to-month) variation was observed in the diurnal patterns for several of the lightning parameters.  相似文献   
Posidonia oceanica is an endemic seagrass from the Mediterranean Sea. It is an indicator of water quality and of the ecological state of coastal ecosystems. The aim of this paper is to test acoustic telemetry for monitoring the position of P. oceanica meadow limits with varied types. After evaluating the accuracy of the system, we present results from a spatiotemporal survey of P. oceanica meadows on nine sites located on the French coast. The method has been demonstrated to be highly efficient for high precision underwater mapping regardless of meadow type, with 1 cm accuracy for a distance of 40 m between the base and the pointer. A temporal survey led at Cerbere-Banyuls shows a weak global progression of 4 m2 (progression of 26 m2 - regression of 22 m2) between 2006 and 2010. Finally, we discuss the cost and efficiency of this method, and wether it should be generalized for further studies.  相似文献   
As is common in suture zones, widespread high‐pressure rocks in the Caribbean region reached eclogite facies conditions close to ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphism. Besides eclogite lenses, abundant metapelitic rocks in the Chuacús complex (Guatemala Suture Zone) also preserve evidence for high‐pressure metamorphism. A comprehensive petrological and geochronological study was undertaken to constrain the tectonometamorphic evolution of eclogite and associated metapelite from this area in central Guatemala. The integration of field and petrological data allows the reconstruction of a previously unknown segment of the prograde P–T path and shows that these contrasting rock types share a common high‐pressure evolution. An early stage of high‐pressure/low‐temperature metamorphism at 18–20 kbar and 530–580°C is indicated by garnet core compositions as well as the nature and composition of mineral inclusions in garnet, including kyanite–jadeite–paragonite in an eclogite, and chloritoid–paragonite–rutile in a pelitic schist. Peak high‐pressure conditions are constrained at 23–25 kbar and 620–690°C by combining mineral assemblages, isopleth thermobarometry and Zr‐in‐rutile thermometry. A garnet/whole‐rock Lu‐Hf date of 101.8 ± 3.1 Ma in the kyanite‐bearing eclogite indicates the timing of final garnet growth at eclogite facies conditions, while a Lu‐Hf date of 95.5 ± 2.1 Ma in the pelitic schist reflects the average age of garnet growth spanning from an early eclogite facies evolution to a final amphibolite facies stage. Concordant U‐Pb LA‐ICP‐MS zircon data from the pelitic schist, in contrast, yield a mean age of 74.0 ± 0.5 Ma, which is equivalent to a U‐Pb monazite lower‐intercept age of 73.6 ± 2.0 Ma in the same sample, and comparable within errors with a less precise U‐Pb lower‐intercept age of 80 ± 13 Ma obtained in post‐eclogitic titanite from the kyanite‐bearing eclogite. These U‐Pb metamorphic ages are interpreted as dating an amphibolite facies overprint. Protolith U‐Pb zircon ages of 167.1 ± 4.2 Ma and 424.6 ± 5.0 Ma from two eclogite samples reveal that mafic precursors in the Chuacús complex originated in multiple tectonotemporal settings from the Silurian to Jurassic. The integration of petrological and geochronological data suggests that subduction of the continental margin of the North American plate (Chuacús complex) beneath the Greater Antilles arc occurred during an Albian‐Cenomanian pre‐collisional stage, and that a subsequent Campanian collisional stage is probably responsible of the amphibolite facies overprint and late syncollisional exhumation.  相似文献   
There is increasing concern that avoiding climate change impacts will require proactive adaptation, particularly for infrastructure systems with long lifespans. However, one challenge in adaptation is the uncertainty surrounding climate change projections generated by general circulation models (GCMs). This uncertainty has been addressed in different ways. For example, some researchers use ensembles of GCMs to generate probabilistic climate change projections, but these projections can be highly sensitive to assumptions about model independence and weighting schemes. Because of these issues, others argue that robustness-based approaches to climate adaptation are more appropriate, since they do not rely on a precise probabilistic representation of uncertainty. In this research, we present a new approach for characterizing climate change risks that leverages robust decision frameworks and probabilistic GCM ensembles. The scenario discovery process is used to search across a multi-dimensional space and identify climate scenarios most associated with system failure, and a Bayesian statistical model informed by GCM projections is then developed to estimate the probability of those scenarios. This provides an important advancement in that it can incorporate decision-relevant climate variables beyond mean temperature and precipitation and account for uncertainty in probabilistic estimates in a straightforward way. We also suggest several advancements building on prior approaches to Bayesian modeling of climate change projections to make them more broadly applicable. We demonstrate the methodology using proposed water resources infrastructure in Lake Tana, Ethiopia, where GCM disagreement on changes in future rainfall presents a major challenge for infrastructure planning.  相似文献   
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