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Previous population estimates of the 0+ plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in the Firth of Forth, east central Scotland, did not take account of the Forth estuary west of the Forth bridges. Previous work found plaice in the estuary grew as fast as, or faster than, the outer firth plaice. It was hypothesised that salinity may affect growth rates of early 0+ plaice. This hypothesis was tested in a laboratory experiment, by exposing juvenile plaice to three different, but naturally — experienced by the juveniles, salinities; 25, 30 and 35. Plaice fed a minimum ration did not grow in length. Mean weight decreased at all three salinities, however, the lowest weight loss was found at the lowest salinity (25) and the highest weight loss was found at the highest salinity (35). The minimum feeding ration was halted and plaice were then fed ad libitum. Consumption rates were not significantly different during the ad libitum feeding, while significant differences in mean weight change were found between the highest and lowest salinities.  相似文献   
Analysis of ultraviolet (UV) observations with the FAUST shuttle-borne telescope toward the Antennae and NGC 6752 celestial regions resulted in the detection of 46 and 221 candidate sources respectively, for a signal-to-noise ratio of 8. We discuss the source detection process and the identification of UV sources with optical counterparts. Using correlations with existing catalogues, we present reliable identifications for approximately 60 per cent of the sources. We find that most identified objects are B, A and F stars. The remaining identified objects are galaxies, a white dwarf in a binary system, and two K-type stars. Nearly all of the remaining unidentified objects have assigned optical counterparts but, lacking additional information, we give these only as best estimates. With help from new diagnostic diagrams, we suggest that these unclassified objects are main-sequence (or giant) stars within the local spiral arm or halo; or other hot evolved objects within the local spiral arm. We discuss the nature of the objects found and compare our results with those predicted from spectral and Galactic models.  相似文献   
We elaborate a variational method used recently in the proof of Saari's conjecture.Research supported in part by NSF grant MCS 78-00395.  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with the production and reproduction of different institutional geographies of the New Age movement. Instead of taking institutional geographies to be given and fixed co-ordinates in the social field, the paper seeks to understand how they are relational outcomes and effects that require constant upkeep. After characterising the New Age movement, in terms of its central cosmology and visions of transformation, the paper takes an actor-network theory (ANT) approach to the understanding of institutional geographies. Through analysing how New Age knowledges and practices travel through time and space, and utilising ANT’s concept of ‘centres of translation’, institutional geographies are taken to be active space-times that are both enrolled into New Age teachers and practitioners programs of action, and space-times that actively enrol teachers and practitioners. It is argued that the intertwining of different engineered actor-networks in and through these space-times maintains the New Age movement itself and thus examining institutional geographies can tell of the movement’s shape or topology. A controversy over the work of David Icke is explored to reveal how institutional geographies are sites for regulation of what counts as New Age knowledge. Finally, this paper seeks, partially at least, to assess in terms of the ANT approach taken, the visions of transformation propounded by the New Age movement.  相似文献   
小波理论是研究多分辨率信号处理的理论,目前被公认为有前途的新理论。金字塔结构的影像处理、影像理解,现代GIS处理多比例尺的要求以及地形、场论中的逼近均需有关这一理论的支持。本文利用小波变换分解原始影像以实现影像的小波表示,并发展为任意方向的小波变换、逆变换,利用它检测航片中建筑物及其阴影的公共边缘。这种表示方式可为某些影像特征或识别目标提供较为经济的分辨率,该表示方式使影像中具有一定层次的结构更易于发现和利用。实验结果证明了此方法是有效的。  相似文献   
We examine the unsteady response of a neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) of depth h and friction velocity u * when a uniform surface heat flux is applied abruptly or decreased rapidly over a time scale t<inf>θ</inf> less than about h /(10u *). Standard Monin–Obukhov (MO) relationships are used for the perturbed eddy viscosity profile in terms of the changes to the heat flux and mean shear. Analytical solutions for changes in temperature, mean wind and shear stress profile are obtained for the surface layer, when there are small changes in h /|LMO| over the time scale tMO~|L MO|/(10u*) (where L MO and t MO are the length and time scales, respectively). They show that a maximum in the wind speed profile occurs at the top of the thermal boundary layer for weak surface cooling, i.e. a wind jet, whereas there is a flattening of the profile and no marked maximum for weak surface heating. The modelled profiles are approximately the same as those obtained from the U.K. Met Office Unified Model when operating as a mesoscale model at 12-km horizontal resolution. The theoretical model is modified when strong surface heating is suddenly applied, resulting in a large change in h /|L MO| (>>1), over the time scale t MO. The eddy structure is predicted to change significantly and the addition of convective turbulence increases the shear turbulence at the ground. A low-level wind jet can form, with convective turbulence adding to the mean momentum of the flow. This was verified by our laboratory experiment and direct numerical simulations. Additionally, it is shown that the effects of Coriolis acceleration diminish (rather than as suggested in the literature, amplify) the formation of the wind jets in the situations considered here. Hence, only when the surface heat flux changes over time scales greater than 1/f (where f is the Coriolis parameter) does the ABL adjust monotonically between its equilibrium states. These results are also applicable to the ABL passing over spatially varying surface heat fluxes.  相似文献   
The stability field of the end-member scapolite meionite was determined in piston-cylinder apparatus. Meionite has very high thermal stability at high pressures, exceeding 1500° C at 20 kbar. Below 6 kbar and 1270 ° C scapolite breakdown is subsolidus, to an-orthite + gehlenite + wollastonite + CO2, with a slope of 20 bars/degree. An extrapolation of existing thermodynamic data for CO2 permits calculation of ΔG F o =-2384.5 kcal/mol for meionite at 1270 ° C, very close to the value for 3 anorthite + calcite. Above 1270 ° C, scapolite begins to melt to An+Geh+Liq+CO2, and as pressure increases the melting curve steepens, the Geh and An being progressively replaced by Liq+corundum with Al in 6-coordination. At pressures >25kbar dp/dt becomes negative, corundum is the only crystalline product, and CO2 bubbles disappear from the quenched glass, indicating a solubility of CO2 under these conditions of about 5 wt. percent in the liquid. The subsolidus breakdown of meionite at high pressures to grossularite + kyanite + quartz + calcite nearly coincides with the upper pressure limits of anorthite. Thus scapolite is essentially limited to crustal rocks. In view of its great thermal stability, meionite can play a role as a primary mineral in deep-seated basic or intermediate magmatic processes. It is also likely that CO2 coming from the earth's interior will be captured by reaction with plagioclase and clinopyroxene. Scapolite has been noted in basic granulite inclusions from basaltic pipes in three continents. It seems probable that scapolite acts as a major storage site for CO2 in the deep crust.  相似文献   
Karst aquifers in semi-arid regions are particularly threatened by surface contamination, especially during winter seasons when extremely variable rainfall of high intensities prevails. An additional challenge is posed when managed recharge of storm water is applied, since karst aquifers display a high spatial variability of hydraulic properties. In these cases, adapted protection concepts are required to address the interaction of surface water and groundwater. In this study a combined protection approach for the surface catchment of the managed aquifer recharge site at the Wala reservoir in Jordan and the downstream Hidan wellfield, which are both subject to frequent bacteriological contamination, is developed. The variability of groundwater quality was evaluated by correlating contamination events to rainfall, and to recharge from the reservoir. Both trigger increased wadi flow downstream of the reservoir by surface runoff generation and groundwater seepage, respectively. A tracer test verified the major pathway of the surface flow into the underground by infiltrating from pools along Wadi Wala. An intrinsic karst vulnerability and risk map was adapted to the regional characteristics and developed to account for the catchment separation by the Wala Dam and the interaction of surface water and groundwater. Implementation of the proposed protection zones for the wellfield and the reservoir is highly recommended, since the results suggest an extreme contamination risk resulting from livestock farming, arable agriculture and human occupation along the wadi. The applied methods can be transferred to other managed aquifer recharge sites in similar karstic environments of semi-arid regions.  相似文献   
There is general consensus that the majority of gold deposits in the important group hosted by volcanic or intrusive host rocks within Archaean granitoid-greenstone terrains have an epigenetic origin. However, there is controversy surrounding those stratabound deposits hosted by Fe-rich sedimentary rocks, such as banded iron formation (BIF), for which epigenetic, syngenetic and remobilized syngenetic (lateral secretion) origins have all been proposed.In Western Australia, such controversial gold deposits in Fe-rich sedimentary units have similar ore mineralogies, ore-element ratios and, in places, alteration assemblages and, on the craton scale, show very similar structural controls to the other deposits: equivalent relationships are recorded for similar deposits in other cratons. All Western Australian deposits occur along kilometre-scale shear or fault zones linked to trans-craton, obliqueto strike-slip shear zones that were a focus for: i) carbonation with a mantle-like isotopic signature, and ii) emplacement of high-level A- and I-type granitoids, felsic porphyries and/or calc-alkaline lamprophyres. The scale of the mineralizing systems and the broad contemporaneity of mineralization, as indicated by radiogenic isotope studies, is much larger than that envisaged in conceptual secretion models which involve volumetrically small, locally-enriched source rocks. Instead, Archaean gold mineralization in Western Australia, at least, is probably the result of high fluid-flux during deformation, hightemperature metamorphism and magmatism which may be related to tectonism at convergent plate margins, as in modern examples. There is strong evidence for similar tectonic and mineralizing processes from the Canadian Shield.
Zusammenfassung Goldlagerstätten in vulkanischen oder intrusiven Gesteinskörpern innerhalb von Granitoid-Grünstein Regionen archaischen Alters gelten im allgemeinen als epigenetisch. Unklarheit besteht dagegen bei Lagerstätten, die an eisenreiche Sedimentgesteine wie gebänderte Roteisensteine (banded iron formation (BIF) gebunden sind und für die epigenetische, syngenetische sowie remobilisierte syngenetische (laterale Sekretion) Entstehungstheorien diskutiert werden.In West-Australien gibt es diese kontroversen Goldvorkommen in eisenreichen Sedimentgesteinen. Sie haben ähnliche Lagerstättenmineralogien, Elementverteilungen und z. T. auch ähnliche Umwandlungsprodukte wie die zuerst genannten, eindeutig epigenetischen Goldvorkommen, außerdem erkennt man vergleichbare strukturelle Kontrollen der Lagerstätte und Ähnlichkeiten, wenn sie mit Vorkommen in anderen Kratonen verglichen werden. Alle westaustralischen Lagerstätten befinden sich in trans-kratonischen Scher- und Störungszonen mit kilometergroßen Versatzbeträgen. An diesen Störungszonen fand Inkohlung mit einer den Mantel ähnlichen Isotopensignatur und der Aufstieg von A- und I-Typ Granitoiden, felsischen Porphyren und/oder kalk-alkalischen Lamprophyren statt. Das Größenverhältnis des mineralisierenden Systems und die weitreichende, zeitgleiche Mineralisation, auf die Untersuchungen an radiogenen Isotopen hindeuten, ist viel größer als sie durch Sekretions-Modelle, die auf kleinen Volumina und nur lokal angereichertem Gold im Gestein basieren, prognostiziert werden können.In der Zeit des Archaikums resultiert die Goldanreicherung in West-Australien wahrscheinlich aus einem enormen Lösungsdurchfluß während der Deformation, aus Hoch-Temperatur-Metamorphose und Magmatismus, was in möglichem Zusammenhang mit tektonischen Vorgängen an konvergierenden Plattenrändern, ähnlich modernen Beispielen, steht. Es gibt zahlreiche Hinweise auf entsprechende tektonische und mineralogische Prozesse des Kanadischen Schildes.

Résumé Il existe un consensus général quant à l'origine épigénétique des dépôts d'or contenus dans les ensemble volcaniques ou intrusifs des formations de granitoïdes — greenstones d'âge archéen. Par contre, une controverse subsiste à propos des dépôts stratiformes contenus dans les roches sédimentaires riches en Fe, telle que la «banded iron formation» (BIF), pour lesquels ont été proposées des origines épigénétique, syngénétique et syngénétique de remobilisation (sécrétion latérale).Il existe en Australie occidentale de tels dépôts d'or situés au sein d'unités sédimentaires riches en Fe. Ces dépots présentent, par rapport aux dépôts épigénétiques du premier type, un certain nombre de similitudes: leur minéralogie, les rapports entre leurs éléments, en certains endroits leurs produits d'altération et, à l'échelle du craton, leurs relations avec la structure. Des similitudes analogues peuvent être relevées à propos de gisements de même type situés dans d'autres cratons. Tous les gisements ouest-autraliens sont localisés le long de zones de failles ou de cisaillement d'échelle kilométrique liées à des shear zones transcratoniques à rejet oblique ou horizontal. Ces zones sont marquées par: 1) une carbonisation avec signature isotopique mantélique; 2) la mise en place de granitoïdes peu profonds de type A et I, de porphyres felsitiques et/ou de lamprophyres calco-alcalins. L'échelle du système minéralisant et la simultanéité des minéralisations révélée par la géochronologie isotopique sont bien supérieures à ce qu'impliqueraient les modèles par sécrétion, qui mettent en jeu des sources de faible volume à enrichissement local.En conclusion, les minéralisations de l'Australie de l'ouest ont probablement pour origine l'action d'un flux important de fluide minéralisant au cours de la déformation, du métamorphisme de haute température et du magmatisme, phénomènes que l'on peut mettre en relation avec une convergence de plaques par analogie avec des exemples récents. Il existe de nombreux indices d'une tectonique et d'une minéralisation analogues dans le bouclier canadien.

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